Democrats now the Party of the Vaxxed Supremacists

he's a jim joneser, he must drink the koolaid to exist. WOW!!!!

Comply or die is his motto.
What's amazing to me after watching the truckers talk is really how a certain part of the population thinks they can control the other pieces of the population, like liberty walked out the door or something. I'm not sure, but definitely these tyrannists think their lives are more important than others. Wow, if that ain't racist, biggotted and xenophobic, Hello Mr. Hitler and Reich!!!! Holy fk. Not sure why they just don't fking admit it at this point, their actions definitely already have.

Oh and my question is still active today, Demofks, why if you are vaxxed, are you afraid of unvaxxed? Why can't you answer such a simple question? shit, two years now, and crickets.

The entire left has been advocating that it should not be a choice to get vaccinated. Are you running from that narrative now?
D’oh :eusa_doh:How dumb.
You have a choice not to be a “victim”, dope. By either getting a shot or by choosing to accept whatever inconveniences arise from not being vaxxed.
Jews had no choice whatsoever.
They are also “Vaxcists”:

Definition of vaxcism​

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts vaccination status above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorialleader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible vaccination of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of corporate vaxcism and brutality— J. W. Aldridge

Fascism is also right wing and full of lies big ones, and the ridiculous scumbag GOP with its brainwash is now martial law away from being fascist. And you're probably in favor of that, brainwashed functional traitor to America. Get vaccinated and stop listening to garbage propaganda, change the channel and rejoin America for God's sake, ignoramus.
Fascism is also right wing and full of lies big ones, and the ridiculous scumbag GOP with its brainwash is now martial law away from being fascist. And you're probably in favor of that, brainwashed functional traitor to America. Get vaccinated and stop listening to garbage propaganda, change the channel and rejoin America for God's sake, ignoramus.
Fascism is also right wing and full of lies big ones, and the ridiculous scumbag GOP with its brainwash is now martial law away from being fascist. And you're probably in favor of that, brainwashed functional traitor to America. Get vaccinated and stop listening to garbage propaganda, change the channel and rejoin America for God's sake, ignoramus.
not sure why you are afraid to admit who you are. It's obvious you sell your idealisms in here, but not proud enough to take credit. Instead you project them like you are allergic to what you're selling. That makes you odd.
I’m vaccinated you idiot, I am not for forcing others to vaccinate. However both can spread Covid, that is why we all wear masks. :rolleyes:

I love when leftists automatically assume you’re unvaccinated if you don’t agree with their government mandates. It’s the perfect example of the clueless,angry,emotion driven left.
I mean, the definition fits them perfectly, doesn’t it?

vaxxed supremacist

  1. a person who believes that vaccinated people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "an avowed vaxxed supremacist"
  1. supporting the belief that vaxxed people constitute a superior class and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other status groups, in particular unvaccinated or people who won’t share their medical records.
    "they were members of a vaxxed supremacist group"
I just love these fucking snowflakey fake self-reflection posts from beaten magaturds. :auiqs.jpg:
Psssssssssttt. You have a problem with anyone who disagrees wirh your group think on all issues.
I have an issue with magaturds disagreeing with things because they are conditioned to do so by their political propaganda. Because, MAH LIBBER-TIES!!!!! It's a insurrection of Karens.

I'm someone that will tell you, in person, to fuck all the way off with that nonsense.
I will never have the poison jab.

They will have to make me do it forcefully.... drag me across the floor, put a knife to my throat ....

I will not comply.

I will never fly on an airplane overseas again, that's fine.

I still will not comply.

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