Democrats now the Party of the Vaxxed Supremacists

Those white supremists are still there today.
No, those ones are long dead. This is what you posted:
Why would blacks take notice of some white guy that flogged his ancestors?
The last supremacist who "flogged his ancestors" died with democrat icon Robert Byrd.

Does a tiny minority of whites believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of blacks believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of latinos believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of asians believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.

Not enough of any to make a difference, but sure is convenient to stir up a political divide-n-conquer narrative to hide the fact that the current administration is a dismal failure.
No, those ones are long dead. This is what you posted:

The last supremacist who "flogged his ancestors" died with democrat icon Robert Byrd.

Does a tiny minority of whites believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of blacks believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of latinos believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.
Does a tiny minority of asians believe they are superior due to their skin color? Sure.

Not enough of any to make a difference, but sure is convenient to stir up a political divide-n-conquer narrative to hide the fact that the current administration is a dismal failure.
The tradition of white supremists slaving blacks is in remission. It is still there if it were permitted. The republican movement has got oxygen from it for him decades.

Don't hide the racism which is rampant in the republicans. You literally hate democrats so why would you not care about a blackfella from the South.
You're mealy mouthed justifications mean fuck all to me. Yet now You want to blame biden for everything and it suddenly all appeared when he was voted in. How coincidental and you expect me to buy that shit. Piss off. Don't make me vomit.
The tradition of white supremists slaving blacks is in remission. It is still there if it were permitted. The republican movement has got oxygen from it for him decades.

Don't hide the racism which is rampant in the republicans. You literally hate democrats so why would you not care about a blackfella from the South.
You're mealy mouthed justifications mean fuck all to me. Yet now You want to blame biden for everything and it suddenly all appeared when he was voted in. How coincidental and you expect me to buy that shit. Piss off. Don't make me vomit.
Don't bother laughing bob which I know your not.
You're being childish again. Stick with your filthy bloody religion.
The tradition of white supremists slaving blacks is in remission. It is still there if it were permitted. The republican movement has got oxygen from it for him decades.

Don't hide the racism which is rampant in the republicans. You literally hate democrats so why would you not care about a blackfella from the South.
You're mealy mouthed justifications mean fuck all to me. Yet now You want to blame biden for everything and it suddenly all appeared when he was voted in. How coincidental and you expect me to buy that shit. Piss off. Don't make me vomit.
You’re a fucking idiot, kid.
Coming from a hate filled racist Republican like you, I should accompany your advice with salt.
You don't like being reminded of your racism but you'll get used to it if you stay here long enough.

Is that the best you've got, Colon?
Like I said, you're a fucking idiot.
Probably projecting your own racism as well.
Thank you for your advice. I'll pass it on as it's excess to my requirements.
But I know who's the idiot by your reply.
You might want to look up the definition of "advice" there, sport.
You're the type of useful idiot that thinks calling anyone a racist will win an argument.
It just exposes you as a weak minded fool, though.
You might want to look up the definition of "advice" there, sport.
You're the type of useful idiot that thinks calling anyone a racist will win an argument.
It just exposes you as a weak minded fool, though.
Thanks again for your ignorant advice. I'll call anyone what I like and you can do nothing about it idiot. I don't care what you think or if you think at all.
You can piss your pants with anger and it won't affect me. Call me what you want will result the same. Rant like a petulant child all you won't. You are nothing to me but a shit stain on my .passage through life.
Are you clear on that now.
VS is interesting idea. The moral superiority is one thing but then there is the unique angle of mandating it for all .
Thanks again for your ignorant advice. I'll call anyone what I like and you can do nothing about it idiot. I don't care what you think or if you think at all.
You can piss your pants with anger and it won't affect me. Call me what you want will result the same. Rant like a petulant child all you won't. You are nothing to me but a shit stain on my .passage through life.
Lol, a half-wit gets triggered^^^^
Try breathing into a paper bag for a minute, Colon.
Are you clear on that now.
Questions end in question marks, you illiterate imbecile.
Lol, a half-wit gets triggered^^^^
Try breathing into a paper bag for a minute, Colon.

Questions end in question marks, you illiterate imbecile.
I always know when your out of ammo. They attack grammar.
You've extended your range of knowledge by making childish references to my name. So Christian of you.
The real problem is I'm right and you know it.
Are you implying that I own “out of ammo” or are you an illiterate imbecile?
No. I said you have no defence and I'm right.
I don’t attack grammar, I point out stupidity and sub-par education, Colon.
Really? You have spelled my name incorrectly.
If your IQ was any power they'd have to water it everyday.
I never claimed to be Christian. You suck at this game, kid.
I don't care what you claim. My opinion is good enough for me and if you don't like it,suck eggs.

You're getting a little frustrated because you can't cut through. You've lost the debate through lack of intelligence. Its a DNA trait for republicans.
No. I said you have no defence and I'm right.

Really? You have spelled my name incorrectly.
If your IQ was any power they'd have to water it everyday.

I don't care what you claim. My opinion is good enough for me and if you don't like it,suck eggs.

You're getting a little frustrated because you can't cut through. You've lost the debate through lack of intelligence. Its a DNA trait for republicans.
You can’t even write coherent thoughts down, Colon. Maybe when you grow up, you’ll realize how stupid you sound when you say things like “If your IQ was any power they'd have to water it everyday”.
F’n retard.
That's correct and whilever fools refuse they will become the minority and should be kept away from society. The disease spreading vermin must be controlled like wild horses. They are nothing.
And how you going to do that Heir Hitler?

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