Democrats Offer Blacks NOTHING


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
KKK Founded by Democrats
- Founded by Democrats in the 1860s, sought to overthrow Republican governorship during the Reconstruction era.

- The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and the Republicans who sympathized with them.

- Democratic party Members proudly included 2 ex-Grand Wizards of the KKK

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower's primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act.

- LBJ did so because he saw the KKK was a failed tool of the old Democratic party and devised a new plan deemed by many now as ā€˜Economic Slaveryā€™. LBJ said then, ā€œThese uppity negroes have something they have never had before ā€“ power behind their movement. We must give them something, but not enough to make a difference. ā€¦ Iā€™ll have these ni@@ers voting ā€˜Democratā€™ for the next 200 years.ā€™
LINK: Lyndon B. Johnson: Iā€™ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.ā€ Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.

LBJ sought to derail the progress blacks were suddenly making, progress that threatened the white political power base / scale in America. His plan was simple ā€“ give Democrats ā€˜freeā€™ benefits / hand-outs while conducting psychological warfare against them, convincing them that they were victims, that they were ā€˜owedā€™ the things being given to them, and eventually that the best they could hope for was the ā€˜scrapsā€™ given to them off of the Democratsā€™ ā€˜tableā€™ in the form of tax payer-funded benefitsā€¦.all in exchange for their newly won freedom, rights, and their votes at election time. It hasnā€™t been 200 years yet, but LBJā€™s plan has continued to work. Despite their plight not having improved hardly at all since Civil Rights passed, they remain loyal to the Democratic Party that ensures the empty, unfulfilled promises and ā€˜economically enslavingā€™ policies and hand-outs keep coming.

Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit; however, Detroit is now a ghost town. Cities like Baltimore remain destitute and virtual slums. Black unemployment is double that of whites, blacks remain poor and have few opportunities ā€“ by design. None of the hand-outs being given have made a difference, far less than a hand UP would do. Even Americaā€™s 1st black President has done nothing to help improve the status of blacks in America but HAS done more to set back racial relations in America decades as he executes Socialist Saul Alynskiā€™s plan of dividing the nation to make it easier to ;fundamentally changeā€™ it into a Socialist state. Barak Obama, by his own actions, has proved he is no more ā€˜blackā€™ and cares no more about those of his own race than is or does Hillary Clinton. Racial divide, ā€˜redistribution of wealth, creating Dependence instead of Dependence are all tricks and tools of the trade for Democrats, something blacks have not figured out after 50+ years of getting no where since they won civil rights and traded them away for ā€˜something, but not enough to matterā€™.

Now liberals have begun to abandon blacks as the top minority party in the US, promoting, aiding, abetting, and affecting the influx of millions of illegals ā€“ Latinos ā€“ into the US. Latinos are now beginning to overtake blacks as the top minority party as a result. THIS means Democrats do not need blacks AS MUCH and thus do not have to cater to them as much as in the past. There is a new top ā€˜favoredā€™ source of votes to which/whom to cater. Inner city / poor blacks are left without jobs, living in slums, impoverished, turning to gangs, killing each other, while millions are being spent to house, feed, care of, and give jobs to Illegals ā€“ Latinos. Illegals not only before Americans 1st but before needy black minoritiesā€¦who are becoming an after-thoughtā€¦even by one of their own, a / the 1st black President.

LINK: Hispanics surpass blacks to become largest minority in more than half metro areas in U.S.

Last year Obama praised the man who vowed to have ā€˜ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 yearsā€™ as ā€˜one of the best friends blacks have ever had. REALLY?! LBJ has done nothing to earn that praise, and neither has Obama.

'Black people have had it worst under America's first black president, despite all his promises.'

Politico and others have opined that despite breaking the color barrier and making it into the WH, Obama has done almost nothing to helps blacks in America.

Will blacks finally wake up, or will they help fulfill LBJ's prediction that he and his Democrats that followed will ensure they continue to vote 'Democrat' for 'the next 200 years'...without making any real progress?!
Blacks? You can't even bring yourself to call them people and you think black people are stupid.

Do you clowns have some kind of tickler file which reminds you on a monthly basis to point out the original KKK were Democrats, even though you get your balls kicked over the fence every time you do that?

You tards always have to mention the racists and Klan used to be Democrats long ago. You have to go WAY back, as if it proves something about modern day Democrats. It just doesn't get more retarded than this. As if those old time Dems would support affirmative action, amnesty for illegals, a weak national defense, and gay rights.

The part you invariably fail to mention is that they were bible-thumping Christian conservatives. White supremacists were right wing Democrats then, and are right wing Republicans today. They hated big government, taxes, and commies. They were very vociferous about states rights and gun rights, and loved Jesus and America, too. You betcha.


We're Republicans now.
Do you clowns have some kind of tickler file which reminds you on a monthly basis to point out the original KKK were Democrats, even though you get your balls kicked over the fence every time you do that?

You tards always have to mention the racists and Klan used to be Democrats long ago. You have to go WAY back, as if it proves something about modern day Democrats. It just doesn't get more retarded than this. As if those old time Dems would support affirmative action, amnesty for illegals, a weak national defense, and gay rights.

The part you invariably fail to mention is that they were bible-thumping Christian conservatives. White supremacists were right wing Democrats then, and are right wing Republicans today. They hated big government, taxes, and commies. They were very vociferous about states rights and gun rights, and loved Jesus and America, too. You betcha.


We're Republicans now.

When that guy ran in the Republica primaries he got less than one percent of the vote.

With numbers that low, you really have to wonder about how many of those were errors in voting.
Blacks? You can't even bring yourself to call them people and you think black people are stupid.

People call caucasians white all the time, blacks call them crackers. So what is your point again? And one poster calls them cave dwellers or some other stupid thing. You must think whites are stupid.

G, attempting to claim the founders of the KKK suddenly became Republicans proves your ignorance. Byrd and Duke were not that long ago. Obama and present-day Liberals continue to carry out LBJ's plan of 'economic slavery'. As I pointed out, Obama praised and claimed the man who declared he would have 'ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years' was one of the best friends blacks ever had JUST LAST YEAR. Obama, the 1st black President in US History, has done nothing to help blacks. After 7 years and while the man touts his 'economic success' and 'great unemployment rate' the plight and status of blacks remains unchanged at best and is in decline at the worst, as evident of the fact that the unemployment rate for blacks is approx. TWICE that of whites.

I would say 'nice try' but that wouldn't be true...
Blacks? You can't even bring yourself to call them people and you think black people are stupid.

People call caucasians white all the time, blacks call them crackers. So what is your point again? And one poster calls them cave dwellers or some other stupid thing. You must think whites are stupid.

I guess calling white people 'whites' and Mexicans 'Latino' without adding the word 'people' at the end means I am a racist and owe everyone an apology? Stupid Liberals and their attempts to be 'politically correct'... :p
G, attempting to claim the founders of the KKK suddenly became Republicans proves your ignorance.

It wasn't sudden, and I never said it was. It was over a long period.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

So, you see. The Republicans realized they needed to keep stoking fear of negroes in order to attract the negrophobes who traditionally went to the Democrats. Then future generations of inculcated bigots would just automatically be attracted to the Republican Party.

It worked.

Worked like a charm. And now they are a metastasized cancer in our Party.
The South used to be a Democratic stronghold, and now it is a Republican stronghold. Funny how the tards can see that, but can't see the same old rednecks that used to be Democrats are Republicans now in the same area!
KKK Founded by Democrats
- Founded by Democrats in the 1860s, sought to overthrow Republican governorship during the Reconstruction era.

- The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and the Republicans who sympathized with them.

- Democratic party Members proudly included 2 ex-Grand Wizards of the KKK

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower's primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act.

- LBJ did so because he saw the KKK was a failed tool of the old Democratic party and devised a new plan deemed by many now as ā€˜Economic Slaveryā€™. LBJ said then, ā€œThese uppity negroes have something they have never had before ā€“ power behind their movement. We must give them something, but not enough to make a difference. ā€¦ Iā€™ll have these ni@@ers voting ā€˜Democratā€™ for the next 200 years.ā€™
LINK: Lyndon B. Johnson: Iā€™ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.ā€ Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.

LBJ sought to derail the progress blacks were suddenly making, progress that threatened the white political power base / scale in America. His plan was simple ā€“ give Democrats ā€˜freeā€™ benefits / hand-outs while conducting psychological warfare against them, convincing them that they were victims, that they were ā€˜owedā€™ the things being given to them, and eventually that the best they could hope for was the ā€˜scrapsā€™ given to them off of the Democratsā€™ ā€˜tableā€™ in the form of tax payer-funded benefitsā€¦.all in exchange for their newly won freedom, rights, and their votes at election time. It hasnā€™t been 200 years yet, but LBJā€™s plan has continued to work. Despite their plight not having improved hardly at all since Civil Rights passed, they remain loyal to the Democratic Party that ensures the empty, unfulfilled promises and ā€˜economically enslavingā€™ policies and hand-outs keep coming.

Obama promised he would not abandon Detroit; however, Detroit is now a ghost town. Cities like Baltimore remain destitute and virtual slums. Black unemployment is double that of whites, blacks remain poor and have few opportunities ā€“ by design. None of the hand-outs being given have made a difference, far less than a hand UP would do. Even Americaā€™s 1st black President has done nothing to help improve the status of blacks in America but HAS done more to set back racial relations in America decades as he executes Socialist Saul Alynskiā€™s plan of dividing the nation to make it easier to ;fundamentally changeā€™ it into a Socialist state. Barak Obama, by his own actions, has proved he is no more ā€˜blackā€™ and cares no more about those of his own race than is or does Hillary Clinton. Racial divide, ā€˜redistribution of wealth, creating Dependence instead of Dependence are all tricks and tools of the trade for Democrats, something blacks have not figured out after 50+ years of getting no where since they won civil rights and traded them away for ā€˜something, but not enough to matterā€™.

Now liberals have begun to abandon blacks as the top minority party in the US, promoting, aiding, abetting, and affecting the influx of millions of illegals ā€“ Latinos ā€“ into the US. Latinos are now beginning to overtake blacks as the top minority party as a result. THIS means Democrats do not need blacks AS MUCH and thus do not have to cater to them as much as in the past. There is a new top ā€˜favoredā€™ source of votes to which/whom to cater. Inner city / poor blacks are left without jobs, living in slums, impoverished, turning to gangs, killing each other, while millions are being spent to house, feed, care of, and give jobs to Illegals ā€“ Latinos. Illegals not only before Americans 1st but before needy black minoritiesā€¦who are becoming an after-thoughtā€¦even by one of their own, a / the 1st black President.

LINK: Hispanics surpass blacks to become largest minority in more than half metro areas in U.S.

Last year Obama praised the man who vowed to have ā€˜ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 yearsā€™ as ā€˜one of the best friends blacks have ever had. REALLY?! LBJ has done nothing to earn that praise, and neither has Obama.

'Black people have had it worst under America's first black president, despite all his promises.'
LINK: Barack Obama has done zero for black people

Politico and others have opined that despite breaking the color barrier and making it into the WH, Obama has done almost nothing to helps blacks in America.

Will blacks finally wake up, or will they help fulfill LBJ's prediction that he and his Democrats that followed will ensure they continue to vote 'Democrat' for 'the next 200 years'...without making any real progress?!
They are used very well by the progressive career politician...
The Democratic party used to be split between conservatives and liberals. This was highlighted in the 1940 Democratic primary race between FDR (New York liberal) and his Vice President John Garner (Texas conservative).

Garner got so sick of FDR's big government, big spending ways, he decided to run against FDR in 1940.

The conservative streak in the Democratic South was still around on November 22, 1963 when JFK visited Dallas. He was there to court the conservatives in his party for his re-election bid in 1964. That's why he had Governor Connally in the car with him. Connally was the leading Democratic conservative in Texas.

The tards like to point out it was the Republicans who carried the day for the Civil Rights Act. They conveniently forget it was Democrat LBJ who championed that legislation.
G, as shown by LBJ's own words, the Liberal plan he devised called for Democrats to give blacks 'something, but nothing that actually made a difference'. They have perfected that and continue to do that today. They have expanded their program/plan to include Latinos/Illegals, 'refugees', and to the EX-Middle Class they are destroying.

Face it, as history has proved and Liberals continue to demonstrate, The Democratic party has engaged in an LBJ/Saul Alynski-fueled campaign to use and abuse minorities/blacks, to keep them impoverished and dependent on the government handouts they provide, all in exchange for their voters.

Of course unless you are trying to claim that the current unemployment rate for Blacks, which is twice that of whites, is not further proof of this?! Obama promised not to let Detroit go under and to help blacks...and he abandoned them just as surely as he and Hillary abandoned Stephens to die on 9/11/12.
It is true the Democratic Party offers nothing but bondage to the government for blacks. What the tards fail to see is that is true about all races, colors and creeds. The Democratic Party offers government bondage to EVERYONE. To make it sound like blacks are some sort of exception is to imply blacks are dumber than everyone else. And they sense that prejudice every time a right wing rube makes that argument.

Another thing the rubes on the right will never figure out is that blacks are never going to vote for a party which so clearly HATES them. And the GOP makes it very plain just how much they hate minorities every single day.
G, attempting to claim the founders of the KKK suddenly became Republicans proves your ignorance.

It wasn't sudden, and I never said it was. It was over a long period.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

So, you see. The Republicans realized they needed to keep stoking fear of negroes in order to attract the negrophobes who traditionally went to the Democrats. Then future generations of inculcated bigots would just automatically be attracted to the Republican Party.

It worked.

Worked like a charm. And now they are a metastasized cancer in our Party.

LOL..I bet they ignored the shit out of this post. Too much facts lol
Liberals continue to claim that Republicans are racists who hate blacks; yet, while THEY founded the KKK Republicans founded the NAACP. A Republican freed the slaves. Republicans were responsible for the passage of civil Rights.

In 1892 Democrat President Grover Cleveland was elected and the Democrats took control of Congress. Their first act was to repeal the Enforcement Act and the Civil Rights laws passed by Republicans. These laws were replaced with the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws ā€” which severely limited economic, educational, social, and political opportunities of blacks.

The Jim Crow laws werenā€™t challenged until 61 years later. In 1957, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to Congress to re-establish Civil Rights for Black people. At that time, Democrat Senator Lyndon Johnson, who was the Senate majority leader, would not allow the bill to pass in its original form.

LINK: Blacks who built the GOP - Black Politics on the Web

Democrats promise blacks everything but the only thing they have ever given them is poverty and despair. This is what they get for their votes.
My personal favorites are the two black women in the last 2 elections, one who said she voted for Obama because he promised to buy her gas for her car and the other who said she voted for him because he was going to buy her a new kitchen... :p

Do you clowns have some kind of tickler file which reminds you on a monthly basis to point out the original KKK were Democrats, even though you get your balls kicked over the fence every time you do that?

You tards always have to mention the racists and Klan used to be Democrats long ago. You have to go WAY back, as if it proves something about modern day Democrats. It just doesn't get more retarded than this. As if those old time Dems would support affirmative action, amnesty for illegals, a weak national defense, and gay rights.

The part you invariably fail to mention is that they were bible-thumping Christian conservatives. White supremacists were right wing Democrats then, and are right wing Republicans today. They hated big government, taxes, and commies. They were very vociferous about states rights and gun rights, and loved Jesus and America, too. You betcha.


We're Republicans now.

You liberals may not wave the confederate flag or wear pointed hoods, but you divide America races, through native Indian victims against whites, black victims against white cops, but never shaming the democrat party that started this civil race war in the first place. You libs race bait and shame white Republican races, then shame black conservatives as Uncle Toms or sellouts. You democrats are recycled bigots, wolves in sheep clothing, claiming to be patriots, but are democrat John Wilkes Booth's shooting Republicans in the back with your civil race war pistols. Libs exchanged burning the cross for burning the flag. You democrat confederates vote to keep blacks oppressed with welfare. Making blacks do all your dirty cotton picking work, so you will keep them voting democrat 200 years.

Black Americans that liberal democrats hold bigotry towards and discriminate against, like past Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan shamed black Republican supporters to vote Democrat but bigots today is shaming blacks such as:

Ben Carson

Herman Cain

Condoleezza Rice

Gen. Collin Powell

Justice Clarence Thomas

Black Conservatives

Black Tea Party Members

Wealthy African Americans in the 1%

Black NRA members

Black gun owners

Black Republicans

Uncle Toms

Black Banks

Blacks in Wall Street

Black Capitalist

Black Trump Supporters

Black Christians


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