Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

please stop, your naivete is embarrassing, and i am being kind here.
That's an ad hominem with no teeth, madam. :eusa_snooty: By all means you can speak in objective terms here. Oh, you don't know any. I see.

bla bla.

i am not here to educate brainwashed drones.

i am pointing and laughing.
Missed your target. Drones are people with a prepared speech. I speak from my life's memories. True memories are not perfect. I'm amenable to correction.

It's your willingness to make haughty snubbery your hallmark that I find amusing, because with no facts to improve the conversation you are picking apart, it's you who appears to draw the short straw from Kohlberg's moral theory.
Then it's time for Israel to recognize Palestinian sovereignty. Same with republicans

Sure, why not? They both have to accept the fact they have to live with each other. When or if they do that, they can then move towards a real peace. Continued irrational fear & hate isn't going to achieve peace.

Israel will NOT recognize Palestinian sovereignty under Netanyahu, Netanyahu clearly said during his speech in front of the Congress that Israel will not let Palestinians control their borders and neither well he end settlements

Yes, there has to be acceptance of reality by both sides. Until that happens, there will only be War. Too many in the Arab World have counted on the fantasy of Israel being destroyed. And that's just not gonna happen. It's time for them to finally deal with that fact.
That's an ad hominem with no teeth, madam. :eusa_snooty: By all means you can speak in objective terms here. Oh, you don't know any. I see.

bla bla.

i am not here to educate brainwashed drones.

i am pointing and laughing.
Missed your target. Drones are people with a prepared speech. I speak from my life's memories. True memories are not perfect. I'm amenable to correction.

It's your willingness to make haughty snubbery your hallmark that I find amusing, because with no facts to improve the conversation you are picking apart, it's you who appears to draw the short straw from Kohlberg's moral theory.

hoity toity fucking hoit.

i enjoy reading bullshit on this board, that is why i am here.

you deliver.
Good. This is America Not Israel and we should not worry with their problems...there is WAY TO MUCH influence on American policy by the israeli lobby.
Ya think? Freeing Arabs in Afghanistan and Iraq, $3 trillion. Support for Israel, $3 billion. That's 1/1,000th as much. Into fuzzy math, are we?

That's 3 billion a YEAR it adds up. I never asked to go into Afghanistan or Iraq to "free" arabs that didn't even want us there. Israel is a threat to peace in the ME plain and simple.
Well yeah fuck yeah Obama that's what Benjamin Netanyahu gets for fucking with our President and lying to him over and over again, we give aid not to just Israelis benefit but to the world so that means Israel's should return the favor and end settlement construction but what does thenisraeli goverment tell Obama? They tell him to fuck off

And change your username it baffles me how an "crusader"supporter somehow supports Israel? You know your crusaders massacred Jews? And they wanted a Christian state you are opposite of an crusader

Yes, I have a passing familiarity with the Crusades.

Check a map, but for a little nation the size of Rhode Island, it's a Muslim world stretching all the way from west Africa to Eastern Asia.

I don't understand why you just can't let them live in peace.

Yeah, i've never understood the hysterical hate & fear over such a tiny nation completley surrounded and vastly outnumbered. It's so perplexing. I can only guess that the large Muslim Nations surrounding them thought they would have already destroyed that tiny little nation by now. It could be that they're incredibly frustrated. It's bizarre.

What an ignorant comment, this poor poor little country managed to kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Land that does not belong to them, but was jacked, thanks to the Balfour declaration and the world wanting to put Jews in Palestine.

This little poor country so tiny but can destroy any country around it and threatens its neighbors every day, violates their sovereignty every day
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA November 30, 2011
“I try not to pat myself too much on the back, but this administration has done more for the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration,”

Sure you have Obushdidit, sure you have. ;)
bla bla.

i am not here to educate brainwashed drones.

i am pointing and laughing.
Missed your target. Drones are people with a prepared speech. I speak from my life's memories. True memories are not perfect. I'm amenable to correction.

It's your willingness to make haughty snubbery your hallmark that I find amusing, because with no facts to improve the conversation you are picking apart, it's you who appears to draw the short straw from Kohlberg's moral theory.

hoity toity fucking hoit.

i enjoy reading bullshit on this board, that is why i am here.

you deliver.
^^^4th example of clinging to lowest level I Kohlberg moral development theory^^^ </snicker>
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Sure, why not? They both have to accept the fact they have to live with each other. When or if they do that, they can then move towards a real peace. Continued irrational fear & hate isn't going to achieve peace.

Israel will NOT recognize Palestinian sovereignty under Netanyahu, Netanyahu clearly said during his speech in front of the Congress that Israel will not let Palestinians control their borders and neither well he end settlements

Yes, there has to be acceptance of reality by both sides. Until that happens, there will only be War. Too many in the Arab World have counted on the fantasy of Israel being destroyed. And that's just not gonna happen. It's time for them to finally deal with that fact.

Why are you blaming arabs then you cocksucker? All Arab states are at peace with Israel they never interfere with Israel or meddle in their affairs dumbass, are you going back to the late 60's?

The blame is in Israel for occupying Palestinian borders, they want a demographically Jewish state and will occupy any land and borders to make sure it stays Jewish
i met an arab guy from dubai, he was filthy rich.

why do arabs have problems, if they are so rich?

and fight like arabs?
That's 3 billion a YEAR it adds up. I never asked to go into Afghanistan or Iraq to "free" arabs that didn't even want us there. Israel is a threat to peace in the ME plain and simple.

Israel is a "threat" to the peace of the Middle East just as John Brown was a threat to the "peace" of the antebellum south.

You pro-slavery types amaze me.
Yes, I have a passing familiarity with the Crusades.

Check a map, but for a little nation the size of Rhode Island, it's a Muslim world stretching all the way from west Africa to Eastern Asia.

I don't understand why you just can't let them live in peace.

Yeah, i've never understood the hysterical hate & fear over such a tiny nation completley surrounded and vastly outnumbered. It's so perplexing. I can only guess that the large Muslim Nations surrounding them thought they would have already destroyed that tiny little nation by now. It could be that they're incredibly frustrated. It's bizarre.

What an ignorant comment, this poor poor little country managed to kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Land that does not belong to them, but was jacked, thanks to the Balfour declaration and the world wanting to put Jews in Palestine.

This little poor country so tiny but can destroy any country around it and threatens its neighbors every day, violates their sovereignty every day

Well see, that's the hysterical hate & fear i was talking about. They are just a tiny little nation completely surrounded and vastly outnumbered. It's time for the Arab World to get over it and just accept that they're here to stay. Israel will not be destroyed. That's just the way it is. Time to turn the page and have peace.
LMAO pro slavery? You mean how Israel keeps Palestinians in an apartheid state? Talk out of your ass some more. We had no enemies in the middle east until the zionist state was propped up.
Window Into Palestine: How much money did America give Israel since 1948 ?
U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact


Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans

Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)

Interest Israel from Advanced Payments

Grand Total

Total Benefits per Israeli
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | U.S. Aid to Israel 1948-Present

Washington,DC spends more on a racist state and its citizens than it does its own citizens.
Yeah, i've never understood the hysterical hate & fear over such a tiny nation completley surrounded and vastly outnumbered. It's so perplexing. I can only guess that the large Muslim Nations surrounding them thought they would have already destroyed that tiny little nation by now. It could be that they're incredibly frustrated. It's bizarre.

What an ignorant comment, this poor poor little country managed to kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Land that does not belong to them, but was jacked, thanks to the Balfour declaration and the world wanting to put Jews in Palestine.

This little poor country so tiny but can destroy any country around it and threatens its neighbors every day, violates their sovereignty every day

Well see, that's the hysterical hate & fear i was talking about. They are just a tiny little nation completely surrounded and vastly outnumbered. It's time for the Arab World to get over it and just accept that they're here to stay. Israel will not be destoyed. That's just the way it is. Time to turn the page and have peace.

Your a fucking dumbass, go look at my response again I will repeat to you Arab countries don't meddle or interfere with Israeli affairs. They are all at peace with Israel and they do business together.
The Palestinian lands should be sterilized. It's people are so inculcated with hatred that they cannot survive anywhere. It should be a systematic slaughter leaving no man, woman or child alive. It's no different that wiping out a nest of termites. Well, maybe infants too young to have been infected can be saved.
Why are you blaming arabs then you cocksucker? All Arab states are at peace with Israel they never interfere with Israel or meddle in their affairs dumbass, are you going back to the late 60's?

The blame is in Israel for occupying Palestinian borders, they want a demographically Jewish state and will occupy any land and borders to make sure it stays Jewish

If only the Jews would DIE, so that an uninterrupted Muslim Theocracy was present, all would be good, Allahu Akbar...

We need people like you to make it clear to Obama that he should come out of the closet and declare that "Jews need to die, because their presence offends Allah."

It's a winner and should be the central plank of the DNC platform!

Todays democrats, antisemitic and damned proud of it!
Shocking how many Uncle Tom American Jews there are in this country. They still keep lining up to enthusiastically vote against their own best interests. The Democratic Party is now dominated by hateful Anti-Semetic Left Wingers. I just don't get why so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. Another one of life's mysteries i guess.

you are such a dork.

because he didn't refer to Jews as hymies?
The Palestinian lands should be sterilized. It's people are so inculcated with hatred that they cannot survive anywhere. It should be a systematic slaughter leaving no man, woman or child alive. It's no different that wiping out a nest of termites. Well, maybe infants too young to have been infected can be saved.

You guys see this Israeli cocksucker? I thought Israelis wanted peace, right? That's what fox news keep saying

Smart people understand what she said there is exact to what nazis wanted for Jews
Israel will NOT recognize Palestinian sovereignty under Netanyahu, Netanyahu clearly said during his speech in front of the Congress that Israel will not let Palestinians control their borders and neither well he end settlements

Yes, there has to be acceptance of reality by both sides. Until that happens, there will only be War. Too many in the Arab World have counted on the fantasy of Israel being destroyed. And that's just not gonna happen. It's time for them to finally deal with that fact.

Why are you blaming arabs then you cocksucker? All Arab states are at peace with Israel they never interfere with Israel or meddle in their affairs dumbass, are you going back to the late 60's?

The blame is in Israel for occupying Palestinian borders, they want a demographically Jewish state and will occupy any land and borders to make sure it stays Jewish

I can see your meds are wearing off. So, probably no point in trying to have a rational conversation with you. And i'm not blaming anyone in particular. There's more than enough blame to go around in the Middle East. I'm just speaking reality.
The Palestinian lands should be sterilized. It's people are so inculcated with hatred that they cannot survive anywhere. It should be a systematic slaughter leaving no man, woman or child alive. It's no different that wiping out a nest of termites. Well, maybe infants too young to have been infected can be saved.

Ah and we see the israel firster attitude come out in full force.Jillian is the leader of the israel firsters...katz is to stupid to lead.

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