Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

His stance on drastically reducing Foreign Aid is clear. It's not all about Israel. Although many have tried to push that lie, it's just not true. And yes, i do support his stance on Foreign Aid.

Why do you feel anyone on the left that feels that way is an anti-semite?

Because the Left doesn't feel that way. They single Israel out with their Antisemetic hate. They do not share Ron Paul's views on reducing Foreign Aid overall.
I can see your meds are wearing off. So, probably no point in trying to have a rational conversation with you. And i'm not blaming anyone in particular. There's more than enough blame to go around in the Middle East. I'm just speaking reality.

How will peace happen if Israel will not let palestinains control their borders?

Israel can make peace happen they are the power and the country.

Also this is already peace there. No fighting between anyone, but also a slow genocide of Gaza residents

Like i said, Peace can only be achieved when both sides truly realize they have to live together. And that means there will have to be compromise by both sides. It is what it is.
There's a got to be a way to get people to bury the hatchet in something than in each other. If only people could regard their past as something that is no longer here, start off with today being the first day...

Actually, peace will come when Israel and the other people in the Middle East start looking out for each other, and it should be from their experience of ideas. What they think up and agree to live with could work if they weren't busy scratching each other's eyes out first. :cuckoo:
His stance on drastically reducing Foreign Aid is clear. It's not all about Israel. Although many have tried to push that lie, it's just not true. And yes, i do support his stance on Foreign Aid.

Why do you feel anyone on the left that feels that way is an anti-semite?

Because the Left doesn't feel that way. They single Israel out with their Antisemetic hate. They do not share Ron Paul's views on reducing Foreign Aid overall.

I do, but you'd never know it in the insulated bubble your thoughts reside in.

I'm sure your next thought will be that I'm the only one that feels that way. :thup:
Do you think Israel is signaled out for the amount they receive on a yearly basis?

They're second in the amount of dollars per person only to Afghanistan, and third place isn't even half that amount.

Now I can understand heaping aid into Afghanistan since we've been waging war in it for the last 10 years...but I don't understand the weak attempt to rationalize your partisanship.
Why do you feel anyone on the left that feels that way is an anti-semite?

Because the Left doesn't feel that way. They single Israel out with their Antisemetic hate. They do not share Ron Paul's views on reducing Foreign Aid overall.

I do, but you'd never know it in the insulated bubble your thoughts reside in.

I'm sure your next thought will be that I'm the only one that feels that way. :thup:

No one on the Left i've come across, supports Ron Paul's views on reducing all Foreign Aid. I can only go on my own experiences. But if you support the Doctor's stance, Kudos to you. That hasn't been my experience with the Left on that subject though.
Do you think Israel is signaled out for the amount they receive on a yearly basis?

They're second in the amount of dollars per person only to Afghanistan, and third place isn't even half that amount.

Now I can understand heaping aid into Afghanistan since we've been waging war in it for the last 10 years...but I don't understand the weak attempt to rationalize your partisanship.

Again, you're missing the point. I'm beginning to think you're doing it intentionally though. You and your brethren single Israel out with hate & contempt. You want to cut funding to them only. And that is not the stance Ron Paul has.

But that being said, i still don't know what you're complaining about. Under Ron Paul's plan, Foreign Aid to Israel would be cut. I would think you Antisemites would be applauding that. However, under that plan all other nations would see their Foreign Aid cut or eliminated as well.
Do you think Israel is signaled out for the amount they receive on a yearly basis?

They're second in the amount of dollars per person only to Afghanistan, and third place isn't even half that amount.

Now I can understand heaping aid into Afghanistan since we've been waging war in it for the last 10 years...but I don't understand the weak attempt to rationalize your partisanship.

Again, you're missing the point. I'm beginning to think you're doing it intentionally though. You and your brethren single Israel out with hate & contempt. You want to cut funding to them only. And that is not the stance Ron Paul has.

But that being said, i still don't know what you're complaining about. Under Ron Paul's plan, Foreign Aid to Israel would be cut. I would think you Antisemites would be applauding that. However, under that plan all other nations would see their Foreign Aid cut or eliminated as well.
Democrats want to overspend more than we can pay out. The rest of us want a budget that gives Congress a limit to what it can spend.

We're not making very good progress at pulling in the belt. I know leaving Obama in to spend himself into oblivion and taking us with him is not the way I want to see the nation go.
Do you think Israel is signaled out for the amount they receive on a yearly basis?

They're second in the amount of dollars per person only to Afghanistan, and third place isn't even half that amount.

Now I can understand heaping aid into Afghanistan since we've been waging war in it for the last 10 years...but I don't understand the weak attempt to rationalize your partisanship.

Again, you're missing the point. I'm beginning to think you're doing it intentionally though. You and your brethren single Israel out with hate & contempt. You want to cut funding to them only. And that is not the stance Ron Paul has.

But that being said, i still don't know what you're complaining about. Under Ron Paul's plan, Foreign Aid to Israel would be cut. I would think you Antisemites would be applauding that. However, under that plan all other nations would see their Foreign Aid cut or eliminated as well.


Man sometimes you're quite a tool.

Why mention the poster-child of excessive foreign aid when trying to argue against excessive foreign aid? That's obviously a nonsensical approach to someone like yourself.
bob, being the spring chicken he is, is still channeling his boredom into positive energy. i applaud your efforts.
Good. We need to stay out of Israeli politics. It's why the Muslims threw shoes at President "you killed my uncle" Bush.

Republicans will blow up that part of the world yet.
Do you think Israel is signaled out for the amount they receive on a yearly basis?

They're second in the amount of dollars per person only to Afghanistan, and third place isn't even half that amount.

Now I can understand heaping aid into Afghanistan since we've been waging war in it for the last 10 years...but I don't understand the weak attempt to rationalize your partisanship.

Again, you're missing the point. I'm beginning to think you're doing it intentionally though. You and your brethren single Israel out with hate & contempt. You want to cut funding to them only. And that is not the stance Ron Paul has.

But that being said, i still don't know what you're complaining about. Under Ron Paul's plan, Foreign Aid to Israel would be cut. I would think you Antisemites would be applauding that. However, under that plan all other nations would see their Foreign Aid cut or eliminated as well.


Man sometimes you're quite a tool.

Why mention the poster-child of excessive foreign aid when trying to argue against excessive foreign aid? That's obviously a nonsensical approach to someone like yourself.

I know many have a weird irrational hate for Jews, but i don't get it. It's just not healthy. You want to talk about cutting or eliminating Foreign Aid for all nations, i'm in. But you want to talk about only cutting aid to Israel, count me out. I just can't be a part of irrational hate & bigotry. That's just how i feel.
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obama has increased the chances of nuclear war. Then again, it's what he intended to do all along. He's also signaled Iran that Israel could expect no help from the US in the event of an Iranian attack. obama has done two things, tell Iran that they have license to attack Israel, and tell Israel that their first strike had better be nuclear because there will be no help and no second chance.

Good job obama.
When Israel has gone to war in the past, they've done best when fighting it out alone. After they win everything, however, which they generally do, if we are uninvolved things could get sticky for the people who are defeated.

Her neighbors keep pelting Israel with rocket fire, and Israel has long disciplined herself to do only equal firing back, not in a push for land, but in an attempt to show good faith in peace if it should come in the near future.

You need to get your facts right, is this some kind of joke?

Your brain tells you Israel never started anything it's all Arabs? Are you kidding me?

Why do Americans have that mentality that Arabs are the problem?
Brainwashed from tv of course most republicans are.
Israel is a good citizen. They don't initiate scraps, but they finish them to their advantage when challenged.

The reason the moral of the story never sinks in is due to the arrogance of Israel's enemies, and the moral of the story is: Don't mess with people whose dumbest person may be smarter than than your smartest person.

In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

September 4, 2012 11:27 am Several pro-Israel sections of the 2008 Democratic Party platform have been removed from the 2012 platform—on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas. The new platform represents another shift by the Obama Democrats toward the Palestinian position on key issues in the peace process.
For Jerusalem, the new platform has been brought into line with the Obama administration’s policy of not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and supporting its division. Jerusalem is unmentioned in the 2012 document, whereas the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms declared “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel…It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.” The Obama administration’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem has been a point of significant controversy in recent months.
On the issue of Palestinian refugees, the new document has removed language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms specifying that Palestinian “refugees” should be settled in a future Palestinian state, not in Israel.
So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform
You may have seen this video before, but maybe not. If you have seen it, see it again because it is very important now before the elections. The reason being that every American who voted for Obama should abandon him, the same way that he abandoned Israel and many other promises he made to all Americans. Beside Israel he also abandoned a number of traditional US allies. By that he also endangers the security of the US. My strong recommendation is to go and see OBAMA 2016. You will learn why he poses a danger to the US if reelected.

I have just spent a half hour watching this YouTube Video. It was worthwhile, and I urge you to do the same. Just to remind yourself who Obama is and what his promises are like. They are only promises to get votes and be reelected.

This Video clearly shows and explain why the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is anti-Israel and is not by any stretch of the imagination a friend of Israel. It is as worse or may be even worse than the anti-Semitic Carter Presidency was. And he is just as inept as Carter was, if not worse.

Mitt Romney may not be the most exciting or Hollywood type figure, but he is far better equipped to be President and solve the dire economic condition that exists than Mr. Obama who does not have a clue and beside, he is a better friend of Israel than Obama will ever be.

Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel - YouTube

[ame=]Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks, Mr. Roudy.
In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

September 4, 2012 11:27 am Several pro-Israel sections of the 2008 Democratic Party platform have been removed from the 2012 platform—on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas. The new platform represents another shift by the Obama Democrats toward the Palestinian position on key issues in the peace process.
For Jerusalem, the new platform has been brought into line with the Obama administration’s policy of not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and supporting its division. Jerusalem is unmentioned in the 2012 document, whereas the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms declared “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel…It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.” The Obama administration’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem has been a point of significant controversy in recent months.
On the issue of Palestinian refugees, the new document has removed language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms specifying that Palestinian “refugees” should be settled in a future Palestinian state, not in Israel.
So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform

i hope you get crotch rot fucking hag
In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform

Just another stop along the Dem Parties Road to Representing only the Extreme left of this Country.
Seems that Muslim power is growing in the United Nations. I was just wondering what's in this for Obama? Of course, I wasn't thinking in terms of diamond mine or something, I was thinking in political terms.

i hope they jihad your ass......If you are so worried about Israel donate all your money to them. Least that way you wont be on the internet.
Don't worry that new big welfare package via the US taxpayer, is not going to dissapear from the nation of Israel.

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