Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

obama has increased the chances of nuclear war. Then again, it's what he intended to do all along. He's also signaled Iran that Israel could expect no help from the US in the event of an Iranian attack. obama has done two things, tell Iran that they have license to attack Israel, and tell Israel that their first strike had better be nuclear because there will be no help and no second chance.

Good job obama.
When Israel has gone to war in the past, they've done best when fighting it out alone. After they win everything, however, which they generally do, if we are uninvolved things could get sticky for the people who are defeated.

Her neighbors keep pelting Israel with rocket fire, and Israel has long disciplined herself to do only equal firing back, not in a push for land, but in an attempt to show good faith in peace if it should come in the near future.

You need to get your facts right, is this some kind of joke?

Your brain tells you Israel never started anything it's all Arabs? Are you kidding me?

Why do Americans have that mentality that Arabs are the problem?
Brainwashed from tv of course most republicans are.

Maybe because there is no Arab muslim country that is stable, their society is screwed, The muslims kill each other, they kill Christains. All the Arab countries are pathedic. muslim society is a joke, babarisom, totalitarianism:cuckoo:
When Israel has gone to war in the past, they've done best when fighting it out alone. After they win everything, however, which they generally do, if we are uninvolved things could get sticky for the people who are defeated.

Her neighbors keep pelting Israel with rocket fire, and Israel has long disciplined herself to do only equal firing back, not in a push for land, but in an attempt to show good faith in peace if it should come in the near future.

You need to get your facts right, is this some kind of joke?

Your brain tells you Israel never started anything it's all Arabs? Are you kidding me?

Why do Americans have that mentality that Arabs are the problem?
Brainwashed from tv of course most republicans are.

Maybe because there is no Arab muslim country that is stable, their society is screwed, The muslims kill each other, they kill Christains. All the Arab countries are pathedic. muslim society is a joke, babarisom, totalitarianism:cuckoo:

Your a dumbass, there are plenty of stable Arab countries
Just another stop along the Dem Parties Road to Representing only the Extreme left of this Country.
Seems that Muslim power is growing in the United Nations. I was just wondering what's in this for Obama? Of course, I wasn't thinking in terms of diamond mine or something, I was thinking in political terms.

i hope they jihad your ass......If you are so worried about Israel donate all your money to them. Least that way you wont be on the internet.
Aw, isn't it cute. Plasmaballoon has chiggers in his britches, and his panties are all in a twist. :lmao:
In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

September 4, 2012 11:27 am Several pro-Israel sections of the 2008 Democratic Party platform have been removed from the 2012 platform—on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas. The new platform represents another shift by the Obama Democrats toward the Palestinian position on key issues in the peace process.
For Jerusalem, the new platform has been brought into line with the Obama administration’s policy of not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and supporting its division. Jerusalem is unmentioned in the 2012 document, whereas the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms declared “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel…It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.” The Obama administration’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem has been a point of significant controversy in recent months.
On the issue of Palestinian refugees, the new document has removed language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms specifying that Palestinian “refugees” should be settled in a future Palestinian state, not in Israel.
So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform

i hope you get crotch rot fucking hag
God is my ally. He takes care of those who love him. Complete care.
In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

September 4, 2012 11:27 am Several pro-Israel sections of the 2008 Democratic Party platform have been removed from the 2012 platform—on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas. The new platform represents another shift by the Obama Democrats toward the Palestinian position on key issues in the peace process.
For Jerusalem, the new platform has been brought into line with the Obama administration’s policy of not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and supporting its division. Jerusalem is unmentioned in the 2012 document, whereas the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms declared “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel…It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.” The Obama administration’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem has been a point of significant controversy in recent months.
On the issue of Palestinian refugees, the new document has removed language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms specifying that Palestinian “refugees” should be settled in a future Palestinian state, not in Israel.
So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform

Again, why is this our problem?

The international concensus is that Jerusalem should be shared, and the Palestinians should have their own state.
You need to get your facts right, is this some kind of joke?

Your brain tells you Israel never started anything it's all Arabs? Are you kidding me?

Why do Americans have that mentality that Arabs are the problem?
Brainwashed from tv of course most republicans are.

Maybe because there is no Arab muslim country that is stable, their society is screwed, The muslims kill each other, they kill Christains. All the Arab countries are pathedic. muslim society is a joke, babarisom, totalitarianism:cuckoo:

Your a dumbass, there are plenty of stable Arab countries

Where? muslim societies are a failed society...If not for oil, the couple of halfway functioning monarchy’s would be as screwed up as the rest
Where? muslim societies are a failed society...If not for oil, the couple of halfway functioning monarchy’s would be as screwed up as the rest

As opposed to the Zionist Entity, which gets 4 billion in welfare from the US every year.

The only stable functioning democracy in the region and the only real ally we have there...Give me the Sinai back and they can have the 4 billion
Where? muslim societies are a failed society...If not for oil, the couple of halfway functioning monarchy’s would be as screwed up as the rest

As opposed to the Zionist Entity, which gets 4 billion in welfare from the US every year.

The only stable functioning democracy in the region and the only real ally we have there...Give me the Sinai back and they can have the 4 billion

You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid.

When everyone there gets to vote, then it's a democracy, not before.

and you think that it's a "ally". Allies don't spy on you. Allies don't attack your ships, and allies don't instigate wars...
As opposed to the Zionist Entity, which gets 4 billion in welfare from the US every year.

The only stable functioning democracy in the region and the only real ally we have there...Give me the Sinai back and they can have the 4 billion

You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid.

When everyone there gets to vote, then it's a democracy, not before.

and you think that it's a "ally". Allies don't spy on you. Allies don't attack your ships, and allies don't instigate wars...

:cuckoo: Coming from the nutjob who wants all Jews in Israel annihilated I was wondering when you were going to get to this thread hater...The Arabs need to get their own house in order before they worry about the Jews
Not even reading this thread through.

Thread title:

"Democrats omit Israel from platform for first time"


The Middle East. President Obama and the Democratic Party maintain an unshakable commitment to
Israel’s security. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States not simply because we share
strategic interests, but also because we share common values. For this reason, despite budgetary
constraints, the President has worked with Congress to increase security assistance to Israel every single
year since taking office, providing nearly $10 billion in the past three years. The administration has also
worked to ensure Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. And we have deepened defense
cooperation – including funding the Iron Dome system – to help Israel address its most pressing threats,
including the growing danger posed by rockets and missiles emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon,
Syria, and Iran. The President’s consistent support for Israel’s right to defend itself and his steadfast
opposition to any attempt to delegitimize Israel on the world stage are further evidence of our enduring
commitment to Israel’s security.
It is precisely because of this commitment that President Obama and the Democratic Party seek peace
between Israelis and Palestinians. A just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for
two peoples, would contribute to regional stability and help sustain Israel’s identity as a Jewish and
democratic state. At the same time, the President has made clear that there will be no lasting peace
unless Israel’s security concerns are met. President Obama will continue to press Arab states to reach
out to Israel. We will continue to support Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, which have been
pillars of peace and stability in the region for many years. And even as the President and the Democratic
Party continue to encourage all parties to be resolute in the pursuit of peace, we will insist that any
Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing
Elsewhere in the region, President Obama is committed to maintaining robust security cooperation with
Gulf Cooperation Council states and our other partners aimed at deterring aggression, checking Iran’s
destabilizing activities, ensuring the free flow of commerce essential to the global economy, and
building a regional security architecture to counter terrorism, proliferation, ballistic missiles, piracy, and
other common threats.
The only stable functioning democracy in the region and the only real ally we have there...Give me the Sinai back and they can have the 4 billion

You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid.

When everyone there gets to vote, then it's a democracy, not before.

and you think that it's a "ally". Allies don't spy on you. Allies don't attack your ships, and allies don't instigate wars...

:cuckoo: Coming from the nutjob who wants all Jews in Israel annihilated I was wondering when you were going to get to this thread hater...The Arabs need to get their own house in order before they worry about the Jews

Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.
You don't get to call yourself a "Democracy" when you practice Apartheid.

When everyone there gets to vote, then it's a democracy, not before.

and you think that it's a "ally". Allies don't spy on you. Allies don't attack your ships, and allies don't instigate wars...

:cuckoo: Coming from the nutjob who wants all Jews in Israel annihilated I was wondering when you were going to get to this thread hater...The Arabs need to get their own house in order before they worry about the Jews

Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

You want Israel "driven into the sea" that’s annihilation nutjob...Dismissed
Not even reading this thread through.

Thread title:

"Democrats omit Israel from platform for first time"


The Middle East. President Obama and the Democratic Party maintain an unshakable commitment to
Israel’s security. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States not simply because we share
strategic interests, but also because we share common values. For this reason, despite budgetary
constraints, the President has worked with Congress to increase security assistance to Israel every single
year since taking office, providing nearly $10 billion in the past three years. The administration has also
worked to ensure Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. And we have deepened defense
cooperation – including funding the Iron Dome system – to help Israel address its most pressing threats,
including the growing danger posed by rockets and missiles emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon,
Syria, and Iran. The President’s consistent support for Israel’s right to defend itself and his steadfast
opposition to any attempt to delegitimize Israel on the world stage are further evidence of our enduring
commitment to Israel’s security.
It is precisely because of this commitment that President Obama and the Democratic Party seek peace
between Israelis and Palestinians. A just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for
two peoples, would contribute to regional stability and help sustain Israel’s identity as a Jewish and
democratic state. At the same time, the President has made clear that there will be no lasting peace
unless Israel’s security concerns are met. President Obama will continue to press Arab states to reach
out to Israel. We will continue to support Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, which have been
pillars of peace and stability in the region for many years. And even as the President and the Democratic
Party continue to encourage all parties to be resolute in the pursuit of peace, we will insist that any
Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing
Elsewhere in the region, President Obama is committed to maintaining robust security cooperation with
Gulf Cooperation Council states and our other partners aimed at deterring aggression, checking Iran’s
destabilizing activities, ensuring the free flow of commerce essential to the global economy, and
building a regional security architecture to counter terrorism, proliferation, ballistic missiles, piracy, and
other common threats.

Yep.... The Dems are committed to the Israel they want..Too bad
Last edited:
:cuckoo: Coming from the nutjob who wants all Jews in Israel annihilated I was wondering when you were going to get to this thread hater...The Arabs need to get their own house in order before they worry about the Jews

Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

You want Israel "driven into the sea" that’s annihilation nutjob...Dismissed

That's Israel, not the Jews.. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and are kind of embarrased by it. Especially when they do shit like run over peace activists will bulldozers.

And inevitably, they will be driven into the sea. Of course, most of them will resettle in Europe and the US.
Not even reading this thread through.

Thread title:

"Democrats omit Israel from platform for first time"


The Middle East. President Obama and the Democratic Party maintain an unshakable commitment to
Israel’s security. A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States not simply because we share
strategic interests, but also because we share common values. For this reason, despite budgetary
constraints, the President has worked with Congress to increase security assistance to Israel every single
year since taking office, providing nearly $10 billion in the past three years. The administration has also
worked to ensure Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region. And we have deepened defense
cooperation – including funding the Iron Dome system – to help Israel address its most pressing threats,
including the growing danger posed by rockets and missiles emanating from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon,
Syria, and Iran. The President’s consistent support for Israel’s right to defend itself and his steadfast
opposition to any attempt to delegitimize Israel on the world stage are further evidence of our enduring
commitment to Israel’s security.
It is precisely because of this commitment that President Obama and the Democratic Party seek peace
between Israelis and Palestinians. A just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian accord, producing two states for
two peoples, would contribute to regional stability and help sustain Israel’s identity as a Jewish and
democratic state. At the same time, the President has made clear that there will be no lasting peace
unless Israel’s security concerns are met. President Obama will continue to press Arab states to reach
out to Israel. We will continue to support Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, which have been
pillars of peace and stability in the region for many years. And even as the President and the Democratic
Party continue to encourage all parties to be resolute in the pursuit of peace, we will insist that any
Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing
Elsewhere in the region, President Obama is committed to maintaining robust security cooperation with
Gulf Cooperation Council states and our other partners aimed at deterring aggression, checking Iran’s
destabilizing activities, ensuring the free flow of commerce essential to the global economy, and
building a regional security architecture to counter terrorism, proliferation, ballistic missiles, piracy, and
other common threats.

Yep.... The Dems are committed to the Israel they want..Too bad

Bush wanted the 2 state solution as well.
Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

You want Israel "driven into the sea" that’s annihilation nutjob...Dismissed

That's Israel, not the Jews.. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and are kind of embarrased by it. Especially when they do shit like run over peace activists will bulldozers.

And inevitably, they will be driven into the sea. Of course, most of them will resettle in Europe and the US.
Joe, stop lying to justify your fantasies. Most Jews are not ashamed of Israel, in fact they are extremely proud of Israel and what it stands for. Especially when compared to the shitholes of hatred, terror, and oppression that happen to be its Muslim neighbors.

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