Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

In removing Pro-Israel Language from their Democratic Party Platform, here's the rub:

September 4, 2012 11:27 am Several pro-Israel sections of the 2008 Democratic Party platform have been removed from the 2012 platform—on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas. The new platform represents another shift by the Obama Democrats toward the Palestinian position on key issues in the peace process.
For Jerusalem, the new platform has been brought into line with the Obama administration’s policy of not recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and supporting its division. Jerusalem is unmentioned in the 2012 document, whereas the 2008 and 2004 Democratic Party platforms declared “Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel…It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths.” The Obama administration’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem has been a point of significant controversy in recent months.
On the issue of Palestinian refugees, the new document has removed language from the 2004 and 2008 platforms specifying that Palestinian “refugees” should be settled in a future Palestinian state, not in Israel.
So is Obama indeed a Manchurian President, raised in Islam and now seeking to steep a Major US Party in Sharia? Or was this just another Party blunder? Link: Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform
You may have seen this video before, but maybe not. If you have seen it, see it again because it is very important now before the elections. The reason being that every American who voted for Obama should abandon him, the same way that he abandoned Israel and many other promises he made to all Americans. Beside Israel he also abandoned a number of traditional US allies. By that he also endangers the security of the US. My strong recommendation is to go and see OBAMA 2016. You will learn why he poses a danger to the US if reelected.

I have just spent a half hour watching this YouTube Video. It was worthwhile, and I urge you to do the same. Just to remind yourself who Obama is and what his promises are like. They are only promises to get votes and be reelected.

This Video clearly shows and explain why the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is anti-Israel and is not by any stretch of the imagination a friend of Israel. It is as worse or may be even worse than the anti-Semitic Carter Presidency was. And he is just as inept as Carter was, if not worse.

Mitt Romney may not be the most exciting or Hollywood type figure, but he is far better equipped to be President and solve the dire economic condition that exists than Mr. Obama who does not have a clue and beside, he is a better friend of Israel than Obama will ever be.

[ame=]Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel - YouTube[/ame]
I think the media has done their best well-poisoning ever by keeping this information to themselves. It's called error by omission. It hurts America.
Please point out where I said I wanted "all the Jews annihilated".

Fact is, most Jews outside Israel don't care about Israel. Israel is weird Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler at your Bat-Mitzvah because you invited your Goyim friends.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing meeee......"

Israel's target audience now are Christian Funditards who need Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

You've never actually met a Jew, have you?

You get your idea of what JOOOZZZ are from the local Imam, doncha Comrade?

There’s Room for Only One God in This Platform

by Daniel Greenfield
Sep 5th, 2012

The 2012 Republican Party platform mentions “God” twelve times. The 2012 Democratic Party platform does not mention “God” at all, but does mention Obama, 141 times. The Republican platform mentions Mitt Romney only once, in the Preamble.

The Republican platform reaffirms “that our rights come from God, are protected by government, and that the only just government is one that truly governs with the consent of the governed.”

The Democratic platform mentions rights almost always in relation to collective bargaining for unions, Indian rights, cultural rights or gay rights. Under “Rights and Freedoms”, the only general right not specific to a single group that is mentioned, is the Right to Bear Arms and the Democratic Party calls for curtailing the Second Amendment with “reasonable legislation.” The only mention of universal rights is abroad. All rights, it is implied come from the administration of Barack Obama.


There’s Room for Only One God in This Platform | FrontPage Magazine

Wtf does that article have to do with anything? Man this guy above is a fuckin dumbasss that needs to be banned
You want Israel "driven into the sea" that’s annihilation nutjob...Dismissed

That's Israel, not the Jews.. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and are kind of embarrased by it. Especially when they do shit like run over peace activists will bulldozers.

And inevitably, they will be driven into the sea. Of course, most of them will resettle in Europe and the US.
Joe, stop lying to justify your fantasies. Most Jews are not ashamed of Israel, in fact they are extremely proud of Israel and what it stands for. Especially when compared to the shitholes of hatred, terror, and oppression that happen to be its Muslim neighbors.

That's all these cowards can come up with, put the words terror, hatred and oppression in one sentence and walla! Fucking filthy idiots who use that to justify their hate.

More lies all neighbors are allies with Israel and at peace so you can shit.

And you motherfuckers does it only matter if Israel is safe? You realize the middle east is mostly Arab countries you filthy scums think that middle east policy revolves around Israel. All that matters is if Israel is good?
One of Obamination's mentors is a PLO terrorist/supporter, so this is par for the course.

Just give him 4 more years and he might have the UN invade Israel to "set them straight."
One of Obamination's mentors is a PLO terrorist/supporter, so this is par for the course.

Just give him 4 more years and he might have the UN invade Israel to "set them straight."

You mean Wright?

It's funny, the Jews were one of the stronger advocates of civil rights, yet modern blacks hate Jews. Black liberation theology holds that Jews are overlords conspiring to rule the world.
No one of his professors at Columbia mentioned in 2016 that is a PLO supporter.

He had another mentor professor that was a Latin American socialist and was kicked out of his native country for being too he returned to Harvard.

One of Obamination's mentors is a PLO terrorist/supporter, so this is par for the course.

Just give him 4 more years and he might have the UN invade Israel to "set them straight."

You mean Wright?

It's funny, the Jews were one of the stronger advocates of civil rights, yet modern blacks hate Jews. Black liberation theology holds that Jews are overlords conspiring to rule the world.
Actually dumbfuck, they are adding it back in along with God.

They got caught with their pants down, showing their ass to the world being anti-Christian/Jew idiots then caught flack for it.

Americans now see you for what you are....

Democrats Omits Israel From Platform For First Time

Why in the hell should "Israel" and/or "Jerusalem" be referenced in the Democratic platform? I applaud them for evolving.
Yes no need to worry everyone. The Democrats have decided Jerusalem is the capital of Isreal. I repeat your use of Jerusalem has been approved.
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Jews aren't special; they're just people - like the Palestinians.

According to these so called Americans Israel needs to be praised in everything we do in America, and they should receive aid before our people and that we should protects Israeli soldiers before protecting American soldiers.

They are unbelievable scum

American soldier > Israeli soldier

The lives of our soldiers are more important
Hey Nazi, nobody ever said Israel is more important than the USA.

Most people in the military support Israel, Nazi.

Jews aren't special; they're just people - like the Palestinians.

According to these so called Americans Israel needs to be praised in everything we do in America, and they should receive aid before our people and that we should protects Israeli soldiers before protecting American soldiers.

They are unbelievable scum

American soldier > Israeli soldier

The lives of our soldiers are more important

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