Democrats On Cruz Campaign : ‘Sent Shivers Down’ Our Spine

always amusing when one of the nastiest people on the board complains about the left being nasty.

cruz wasn't born here.

chew on that, steffie baby.

but I love the rightwingnut clown car.... please nominate him.

So? The best retort you can make is to point out something that has been repeated on this board thousands of times, and is currently headline news on Yahoo?
Nice going, "counselor."
BTW, how is the Democrat Party going to deal with the defecton of Jewish voters and donors in the wake of Obama throwing Israel under the train and working with its enemies?
Not all American Jews care about Israel and most of the Jewish population lives in states that are safe for the Democrats. It might make things a bit tricky for them in Florida but that's about it.
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.

Nobody's screaming bomb bomb bomb Iran... it's just the voices in your peabrain telling you that. Grow up.

Man they are scary. voices in their head screaming bomb Iran. sheesh what a tool
So? The best retort you can make is to point out something that has been repeated on this board thousands of times, and is currently headline news on Yahoo?
Nice going, "counselor."
BTW, how is the Democrat Party going to deal with the defecton of Jewish voters and donors in the wake of Obama throwing Israel under the train and working with its enemies?
Not all American Jews care about Israel and most of the Jewish population lives in states that are safe for the Democrats. It might make things a bit tricky for them in Florida but that's about it.
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.

Nobody's screaming bomb bomb bomb Iran... it's just the voices in your peabrain telling you that. Grow up.

Man they are scary. voices in their head screaming bomb Iran. sheesh what a tool
There are at least two Republicans in Congress who have stated their wish to bomb Iran.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.
They're terrified of Hispanics.

They hate most minorities actually... the soft bigotry of low expectations is part and parcel of the left these days.

HA! If the illegal immigrants were flooding in from Canada instead of Mexico you would have no problem with that. You would think some of them with French accents is so cool. You'd love it that they call their dollar a loonie and would gladly exchange their money. You would love their white skin and ooh-ah their "a tout a l'heure" greeting. Hypocrites.

This site needs to change it's URL to
I am willing to bet this sends more tickles to their funny bones than shivers down their spines. Cruz will appeal to the Santorum/Huckabee faction of the GOP but I don't believe he can win over more moderate members of the party. Time will tell...

Perhaps, but it's still funny watching the left's heads spin and explode, they are so predictable

I don't really think many heads are exploding over Cruz's announcement. His social conservatism will be his undoing in my opinion.

Either way I am excited, the more the merrier, the candidates on both sides are preparing give us countless hours of laughs. lol
clown car.png
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

They won't be a bobble head like Obambam. whoa
Not all American Jews care about Israel and most of the Jewish population lives in states that are safe for the Democrats. It might make things a bit tricky for them in Florida but that's about it.
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.

Nobody's screaming bomb bomb bomb Iran... it's just the voices in your peabrain telling you that. Grow up.

Man they are scary. voices in their head screaming bomb Iran. sheesh what a tool
There are at least two Republicans in Congress who have stated their wish to bomb Iran.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So let's recap. In 2008, the Rabid Right claimed that Senator Barack Obama lacked executive experience. They said a one term junior Senator did not have the qualifications to hold the office of President. They were suspicious of his legitimacy by birth and they continue that campaign to this very day.

What makes Ted Cruz so different?

The reality that democrats will suddenly discover that they thought experience was important all along. It's really fun to watch, and predictable as sunlight on the Sahara.
It isn't the lack of experience from Cruz that makes him a bad candidate, it is the batshit crazy speak that comes from his mouth.
Batshit crazy speak?

Like what?

Abolish the IRS? That's batshit crazy?

Strengthen the border and pass immigration reform so people can legally come here to achieve the American Dream? That's batshit crazy?

A flat tax? That's batshit crazy?

Holding government employees accountable when they are negligent in their responsibilities? That's batshit crazy?

You see, all you have is the rhetoric the DNC asks you to regurgitate on their behalf......and you are doing a fine job at it son. A fine job indeed.
Abolishing the IRS is batshit crazy, yes. Who collects tax revenue if the IRS doesn't exist? Reform the IRS? Sure. Abolish it? Batshit crazy.

I have no issues with immigration reform or holding government employees accountable. I never said Cruz was crazy for saying those things.
Abolishing the IRS and charging everyone a flat tax based on w-2 income is by no means "batshit crazy". It is a logical solution and one that has been a serious consideration on both sides of the aisle.

You claim it to be batshit crazy ONLY because it was said by Cruz.

You want to know what is batshit crazy?

Clinton thinking that you can only have one email on a handheld device at any given time.
The democrats in the hearings believing that the lost IRS emails are deemed lost forever when ones computer crashes.....and not even thinking about the fact that every email is saved on a server.
The thought that insuring 40 million people with government subsidies would prove to be deficit neutral and actually LOWER every Americans premium by 2500.

Shall I continue?

ISIS is a JV team....batshit crazy
Yenim is a success story....batshit crazy
Putin hit the reset button with the US....batshit crazy
Benghazi was the result of some video...batshit crazy

But find the idea of going to a flat tax and abolishing the IRS as batshit crazy.

Cant make this shit up.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Classic, USMB right wing post.
Reading comprehension: 0
Concept comprehension: 0
Factual comprehension: -10

Oh, almost forgot: Grammar: 0
"So you frown on those who think differently than you?"
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too


I suppose. no matter it's the

You admit to being a racist?
yeah...sure....that's what she said.

Question asshole....

Is it any worse to call a man names based on his color than to call a person names based on his faith?

I ask because you called those students at Liberty University names based on their faith.

What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Classic, USMB right wing post.
Reading comprehension: 0
Concept comprehension: 0
Factual comprehension: -10
that was quite impressive...a response for the bathroom wall.

Here you go Bro....

First you said this...

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

Then you said this...

Not a redneck college auditorium

So you slandered a man based on his weight and then referred to the student body of Liberty University as rednecks.

Fuck off hypoicrite. You are out of your league, child.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Classic, USMB right wing post.
Reading comprehension: 0
Concept comprehension: 0
Factual comprehension: -10

Oh, almost forgot: Grammar: 0
"So you frown on those who think differently than you?"

Yeah, just being a Dummycrap raises your I.Q. 30 points.

It also makes you impervious to accusations of racism.
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Scared? Not quite... Laughing my ass off at the fool.

Or Bewildered is more like it.

What bewilders me is that a half-full auditorium of young people supposedly getting a "college" education, and not a one of them stands and screams out: You're such a hack, Cruz.

Full-blown "christian" schooling dumbs people down. Takes away all critical thinking ability. Want proof? Watch Cruz's announcement.

Cruz is the most pathetic and hackiest of the Teabrain lames that we'll being seeing in the months to come.

I guess the GOP wants to blow their crazy stupid wad early.
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too


I suppose. no matter it's the

You admit to being a racist?
yeah...sure....that's what she said.

Question asshole....

Is it any worse to call a man names based on his color than to call a person names based on his faith?

I ask because you called those students at Liberty University names based on their faith.


Bahahhahaaaa....idiot. I state the facts. You decide.
Why Liberty?
The largest Christian University in the world with over 230 online programs
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Scared? Not quite... Laughing my ass off at the fool.

Or Bewildered is more like it.

What bewilders me is that a half-full auditorium of young people supposedly getting a "college" education, and not a one of them stands and screams out: You're such a hack, Cruz.

Full-blown "christian" schooling dumbs people down. Takes away all critical thinking ability. Want proof? Watch Cruz's announcement.

Cruz is the most pathetic and hackiest of the Teabrain lames that we'll being seeing in the months to come.

I guess the GOP wants to blow their crazy stupid wad early.

Apparently a lot of them were Rand Paul supporters and had a tepid response to Cruz. So, still brainwashed but at least they attended his "tea party".

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