Democrats On Cruz Campaign : ‘Sent Shivers Down’ Our Spine

What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Classic, USMB right wing post.
Reading comprehension: 0
Concept comprehension: 0
Factual comprehension: -10

Oh, almost forgot: Grammar: 0
"So you frown on those who think differently than you?"

Yeah, just being a Dummycrap raises your I.Q. 30 points.

It also makes you impervious to accusations of racism.

I state facts and you just whine. Your posts are like pixelated vacuums. Nothing to them except a sucking sound.
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too


I suppose. no matter it's the

You admit to being a racist?
yeah...sure....that's what she said.

Question asshole....

Is it any worse to call a man names based on his color than to call a person names based on his faith?

I ask because you called those students at Liberty University names based on their faith.


Bahahhahaaaa....idiot. I state the facts. You decide.
Why Liberty?
The largest Christian University in the world with over 230 online programs
I suggest you learn to read, child.

I did not say you were wrong by saying it is a Christian University, child.

You referred to it as a "redneck" college auditorium which is slandering the student body based on their faith.

Likewise, you called its founder a "fat fuck" which is slandering him based on his weight.

And the "bahahahahaha"?

That's an example as to why I call you child, child.
Imagine a candidate that believes so much in what he's saying that he doesn't need el Teleprompter.

I hope after having three months to work on it he didn't need a teleprompter.

The downside is he gave his speech to a bunch of ultra-Christian students at an evangelical college started by a paranoid fat fuck called Jerry Falwell.

If the man had balls, he would have held his coming out party in a public place. Obama gave his campaign announcement on the steps of the old capitol building in Springfield, Illinois. Not a redneck college auditorium in Hooterville, VA. Do you understand the difference?
So you frown on those that think differently than you?

Then go fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit hypocrite.

Classic, USMB right wing post.
Reading comprehension: 0
Concept comprehension: 0
Factual comprehension: -10

Oh, almost forgot: Grammar: 0
"So you frown on those who think differently than you?"

Yeah, just being a Dummycrap raises your I.Q. 30 points.

It also makes you impervious to accusations of racism.

I state facts and you just whine. Your posts are like pixelated vacuums. Nothing to them except a sucking sound.
another childish response....commonplace when someone does not have anything to respond with.

Go for it, child.
Can you imagine they are shitting bricks over someone suggesting getting rid of the IRS. boy oh boy. how sad can they get

I'm all for that and then moving on to the EPA, BLM, NEA, etc etc
Democrats On Cruz Campaign : ‘Sent Shivers Down’ Our Spine

No doubt, the truth is the worst enemy of the left

Safe to assume that the shiver they feel would be similar to what a vampire experiences when they see a crucifix
Democrats On Cruz Campaign : ‘Sent Shivers Down’ Our Spine

No doubt, the truth is the worst enemy of the left

Safe to assume that the shiver they feel would be similar to what a vampire experiences when they see a crucifix
The shiver has something to do with real conviction rather than some empty-suit reading words he knows nothing about.
Reading about freedom, liberty, and love for country.
Cruz doesn't need a teleprompter to think of those things.
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too


I suppose. no matter it's the

You admit to being a racist?
yeah...sure....that's what she said.

Question asshole....

Is it any worse to call a man names based on his color than to call a person names based on his faith?

I ask because you called those students at Liberty University names based on their faith.


Bahahhahaaaa....idiot. I state the facts. You decide.
Why Liberty?
The largest Christian University in the world with over 230 online programs
No PeePee is certainly the biggest idiot on this site who has not made it to my Ignore list. Yet.
Democrats get shivers down their spines from Cruz and tingles up their legs from Obama. Democrats are really women in menopause.
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too

always amusing when one of the nastiest people on the board complains about the left being nasty.

cruz wasn't born here.

chew on that, steffie baby.

but I love the rightwingnut clown car.... please nominate him.

So? The best retort you can make is to point out something that has been repeated on this board thousands of times, and is currently headline news on Yahoo?
Nice going, "counselor."
BTW, how is the Democrat Party going to deal with the defecton of Jewish voters and donors in the wake of Obama throwing Israel under the train and working with its enemies?
That's fine. Nasty is we expect from the DNC

I feel the same about Obama and Democrats. they MAKE my skin crawl and want to barf too

always amusing when one of the nastiest people on the board complains about the left being nasty.

cruz wasn't born here.

chew on that, steffie baby.

but I love the rightwingnut clown car.... please nominate him.

So? The best retort you can make is to point out something that has been repeated on this board thousands of times, and is currently headline news on Yahoo?
Nice going, "counselor."
BTW, how is the Democrat Party going to deal with the defecton of Jewish voters and donors in the wake of Obama throwing Israel under the train and working with its enemies?
Not all American Jews care about Israel and most of the Jewish population lives in states that are safe for the Democrats. It might make things a bit tricky for them in Florida but that's about it.
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.
LOL... you people were rejected in Israel..Deal with it sweetie:)
What the hell is a "factivist" campaign? It's not like a democrat would know a fact if a sack of them hit them upside their heads


LYNCHBURG, Virginia — In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it’s worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign—noting in an email to supporters that his announcement “sent shivers down” their spines.

“If you’re like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes,” the DNC said in what it calls a “Factivist” email to supporters early on Monday. “But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don’t do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality.”

It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.

Democrats On Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement Sent Shivers Down Our Spine - Breitbart

Democrats should be praying for Ted Cruz to be the candidate, even Hilary could beat him.
Not all American Jews care about Israel and most of the Jewish population lives in states that are safe for the Democrats. It might make things a bit tricky for them in Florida but that's about it.
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.

Nobody's screaming bomb bomb bomb Iran... it's just the voices in your peabrain telling you that. Grow up.
It's all the fake Jew/fake lawyer has. She cannot engage and make a cogent point. She simply throws snark and insults and misinformation.
You are of course the last person on earth to be judging the "jewishness" of other USMB members, based on your disgusting behavior throughout the forum. Your bile is a disgrace to all of the tenets that make Judaism a wonderful thing. It's bad enough having anti-semites here. You don't need to add to it. Now, back to the OP, which is Ted Cruz. Let him run. I RELISH a Cruz nomination. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Your clown buddies hate Israel and want dead Jews..Spare us the fake outrage:thup:
And the possibility of a Hillary presidency sends shivers down Democrats legs. So what's with all the shivering? Don't they BELIEVE capitalism is overheating the entire world? Have they lost all faith, leaving them only with hate to which to cling?
True but Jews represent a very important voting bloc and a huge contributor list. No pol wants to piss those people off, esp Democrats. Look at Schumer opposing Obama's moves on Israel. It isnt because he's Jewish.

not all jews (even in Israel) are neocon wackjobs screaming bomb bomb bomb iran.

Nobody's screaming bomb bomb bomb Iran... it's just the voices in your peabrain telling you that. Grow up.
It's all the fake Jew/fake lawyer has. She cannot engage and make a cogent point. She simply throws snark and insults and misinformation.
You are of course the last person on earth to be judging the "jewishness" of other USMB members, based on your disgusting behavior throughout the forum. Your bile is a disgrace to all of the tenets that make Judaism a wonderful thing. It's bad enough having anti-semites here. You don't need to add to it. Now, back to the OP, which is Ted Cruz. Let him run. I RELISH a Cruz nomination. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Your clown buddies hate Israel and want dead Jews..Spare us the fake outrage:thup:

your kkk loonies don't hate jews?

that's a new one on me.

neocon wackjobs don't care about israel. they care about armageddon. but you're oblivious.

and it's not like the neocon wackjobs have ever been correct.

but how dare you wing nuts make israel a partisan issue.

If you think DEMS are scared of Ted Cruz....


I will say this again: I would RELISH a Ted Cruz nomination.

Please, please, please: nominate Ted Cruz.


Two overt laughing severed heads?

Looks desperate to me...

Do a couple of bars of how stupid Cruz is. LOL! I love that one.

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