Democrats on the road to another slap down by the Supreme Court

Define how to blend-in as an American.
That mere statement is an affront to what this country
was founded around.Or ...
E Pluribus Unum
All sounds rather William Fulbright {ish }.
The guy who was mentor to Bill Clinton and a big
Segregationist.His Fulbright scholarships only applied
to Foreign Exchange students.Some claim Obama was offered
a Fulbright scholarship to attend Occidental College.
" ,Government by the people is possibloe but not
" To Criticize one's country is to do it a service ....
Criticism,in short is more than a right; it is an act
of patriotism -- a higher form of patriotism" - J. Fulbright

The Nazi democrats are waging war against the United States Constitution, Seeking the end of the Republic and the establishment of a fascist, collectivist, totalitarian dictatorship.

This civil war we fight is between the Americans - those of us who support and uphold the Constitution, the principles of individual liberty and representative republicanism (small r) against the resurgent Nazis who are the democrats. The Nazi democrats do not "criticize" America, they make war against us.

democrats are the enemy of America, and the enemy of all Americans.
I expect an all fraud effort by dems to win seats in the Senate for exactly that issue.
I expect an interesting Fall season on this.

Democrats have lost significant funding. The Roe v Wade decision will play heavily in voting decisions but so will back pocket politics. And currently most "undecideds " back pockets are feeling the pinch of double digit inflation, which causes huge amounts of uncertainty.
I expect an interesting Fall season on this.

Democrats have lost significant funding.

The few things I've seen has shown the Democrats raising more money than the Republicans.

The Roe v Wade decision will play heavily in voting decisions but so will back pocket politics. And currently most "undecideds " back pockets are feeling the pinch of double digit inflation, which causes huge amounts of uncertainty.

People have short memories (unfortunately). Gas may be under $3.00 again come November in a good part of the country.
The few things I've seen has shown the Democrats raising more money than the Republicans.

People have short memories (unfortunately). Gas may be under $3.00 again come November in a good part of the country.
They raised and spent a load of money last election and narrowly held the house.
They raised and spent a load of money last election and narrowly held the house.

They did a horrible job last time. I don't expect them to do better this time either but unfortunately most will vote for (D) or (R) and in the end doing a terrible job isn't at the top of people's concerns.
They did a horrible job last time. I don't expect them to do better this time either but unfortunately most will vote for (D) or (R) and in the end doing a terrible job isn't at the top of people's concerns.
No kidding....
The Wisconsin Judicial system is a prime example of that. It's a 5 time national embarrassment winner but nobody has seen fit to fix anything. If anything they are getting worse.
That's a very large "if". Is it possible? Sure but it would depend on finding a few politicians who were willing to end their career over one bill. When that day comes, Americans will have a choice to make. The reality is that there aren't enough armed thugs available to confiscate weapons. The real effect of the law would be to create a criminal class and use the threat of sporadic searches to punish and disarm some while threatening others. I think it would quickly lead to a situation where cops would become fair game when they came knocking or kicking doors. This is the final red line. Every other freedom is lost as soon as 2A becomes optional at the whim of DC.
Maybe. Or maybe the sheeple will just buckle under as they did when government said everyone has to wear the stupid masks and stop all work and school. Instant obedience, just as if we're Chinese.

There's a lot of talk about civil war, but it never happens however much black crime and leftist atrocities occur.
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You’re a liar.

There’s no political will in Washington for a ‘new’ AWB.

That’s why the right’s demagoguery, rhetoric, and lies about a ‘ban’ are dishonest, ridiculous, and idiotic.

And this thread is likewise idiotic – the proposed measure will not pass and will not come before the Court.
So many people opine strong statements about the future.

I think the word "will" is always a lie.

Because we can't know the future.

Who predicted 9/11, or that the USSC would repeal Roe v. Wade? No one.

We can't know what is sure to happen until after it happens: then our judgement is 100%
They did a horrible job last time. I don't expect them to do better this time either but unfortunately most will vote for (D) or (R) and in the end doing a terrible job isn't at the top of people's concerns.
Many D's went GOP or Indie since the last election, plus alot of D's will vote for the R's on pocketbook issues that won't go away anytime soon. They'll probably get worse.
I don't think RvW will sway that many. The ones that the D's used all those years in almost every election will vote the same way.

I worry about election hanky panky in the D Senate races.....ending the filibuster is about the same level as was getting Trump out of office by any means necessary
No kidding....
The Wisconsin Judicial system is a prime example of that. It's a 5 time national embarrassment winner but nobody has seen fit to fix anything. If anything they are getting worse.
I saw several recent changes the last couple weeks that should limit fraud.
Still, it sets a precedent. That may be what they are trying to achieve now.
How many precedents already sit on desks that never become law?
I expect an all fraud effort by dems to win seats in the Senate for exactly that issue.
So you " expect " ? Not " wish " or " anticipate " or " become sickened "
at the thought { effort }.
Nice of you to clarify.
Um ... You dint take up the Clarinet in high school per chance.?
So you " expect " ? Not " wish " or " anticipate " or " become sickened "
at the thought { effort }.
Nice of you to clarify.
Um ... You dint take up the Clarinet in high school per chance.?
After the last election, my comment doesn't surprise you?
After the last election, my comment doesn't surprise you?
The Left is on a mission.To discombobulate what once was.
The same mission that Joseph Stalin followed by tearing down
Society in order to rebuild.As with Hitler and Mao.
So there is no making sense with that mindset.Just explaining
it's end product as best one can.By using Truth.
The left Does not Value truth.
" We are in favor of the state withering away and at the same
time we stand for dictatorship of the proletariat .... Is it
' contradictory " Yes,it is ' contradictory '. But this
contradiction is a living thing,and completely reflects
Marxist dialectic. "
- Joseph Stalin -
{ Problems of Leninism } 1940
Still, it sets a precedent. That may be what they are trying to achieve now.

The House dems are playing to their political base, they know their bill doesn't have a hope in hell of getting through the Senate but they're trying to get themselves re-elected. That bill dies next January when a new HoR takes over, they don't carry over.
The Demcorats won't pass this because they know it will fast-track to the USSC.
And they know the USSC will strike it.
In doing so, it will also strike every state-level ban on 'assault weapons'.

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