Democrats overplayed their Hate.

I don't know about a 'Red Wave', i think Democrats will make some gains. The Opposition usually does. But the Democrats really have stooped to terrible all-time lows in trying to keep Trump's SC pick out. I think most Americans see that.

The People might make them pay a bit at the Ballot Box. It's just plain awful what they've done to Kavanaugh and his family. It's unacceptable and unforgivable. If Karma is a real thing, Democrats have a whole lotta bad Karma coming their way.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
I show you a Gallup poll

Yep. And when they say Trump is winning or rising in popularity, you scoff at the news. Such a predictable jackass you are. You only tout them when they tell you what you want to hear. And 2016 showed how reliable they really are. But that's OK. I enjoy the fact that you're such a raging dingle-berry that can't be told anything because you think you already KNOW everything and are always right. THE ONLY "FACTS" THAT COUNT ARE THE ACTUAL, INDISPUTABLE EVENTS:

2010: Democrats lose in historic landslide after 2 years of Obama's "transparency."
2012: Obama only beats Romney by invoking his weaponized IRS attack dogs suppressing many Romney-support organizations.
2014: Democrats lose the rest of Congress in major embarrassment.
2016: "Sure bet" career politician Hillary Clinton gets SCHOOLED on how to really win.
2018: We don't have long to wait to see.
Meantime, Trump takes your last vestige of control, the Supreme Court, and like a rag doll, shakes, rattles and rolls the democratic stuffings in it out the fucking door.

Sucks to be you.

View attachment 220457

You poor thing. Now you’re lying to prop up your hysteria. Quote me ever dismissing a Gallup poll.....

.... or you expose yourself as the liar you are.

Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Same old lame Snowflake rhetoric
Such hollow bluster, how embarrassing. Your concession is accepted.
This is gonna be fun..... g’head, post a link to Gallup predicting a clear win for Hillary in the 2016 election......


Today in Presidential Election Polls: November 1, 2016

Outlier of the day
: A new Gallup survey released on Tuesday found that 32 percent of respondents think that Trump possesses the personality and leadership qualities necessary for someone to be president, compared to 51 percent for Clinton. “Voters rate Trump worse than any other presidential candidate in Gallup's records on having the personality and leadership qualities a president should have,” said Gallup. The organization first polled on this question in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush, who both got significantly better numbers—59 percent and 57 percent, respectively—than Trump.

Need the rights (or open your eyes and go look).
Don't ask others to perpetually spoon feed your lazy, biased arse

CircleJerk typical empty leftists but...but...but....rebuttal in 5.....4....3....2....
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Did you really think more evidence was needed that you rightards are brain-dead??

Moron... you said ”Gallup” predicted a Hillary win. I challenged you to post a link to a ”Gallup” poll showing Hillary would win the election; and showing you’re not nuts.

So why did you respond with a link to ABC/Washington Post and FiveThirtyEight election polls?

I don't know about a 'Red Wave', i think Democrats will make some gains. The Opposition usually does. But the Democrats really have stooped to terrible all-time lows in trying to keep Trump's SC pick out. I think most Americans see that.

The People might make them pay a bit at the Ballot Box. It's just plain awful what they've done to Kavanaugh and his family. It's unacceptable and unforgivable. If Karma is a real thing, Democrats have a whole lotta bad Karma coming their way.
The WH caused the investigation by the FBI to be nothing but a sham and every women except some brain dead know that
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.


For president, the Democrat got more votes than the Republican.

In the Senate, Democrats gained seats, Republicans lost seats.

In the House, Democrats gained seats, Republicans lost seats.

Since the 2016 election, Democrats have flipped over 40 seats from red to blue, Republicans flipped just a couple.

And of course, there’s Gallup polling...

One has to be flat out insane to fool themselves into believing that conservatism is on the rise.

Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Same old lame Snowflake rhetoric
Such hollow bluster, how embarrassing. Your concession is accepted.

Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
So? What does that have to do with the moronic claim that conservatism is on the rise; and that America is rejecting Liberalism?
It proves that OUTSIDE California there are more conservatives then Liberals or at least that Independents voted conservative. For the slow with out California Trump had over 1 million more votes then Clinton.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
So? What does that have to do with the moronic claim that conservatism is on the rise; and that America is rejecting Liberalism?
It proves that OUTSIDE California there are more conservatives then Liberals or at least that Independents voted conservative. For the slow with out California Trump had over 1 million more votes then Clinton.
Blacks hate republicans Spanish speaking folks have no use for you ,the young despise you and now to top it off you pissed off all women Congrats That's a 4 bagger Think your pos old white guys can beat that? I don't think so You've infected the SC Gone on the days when Scalia had no votes against him ,, the moral evangelicals have lost all moral authority
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Same old lame Snowflake rhetoric
Such hollow bluster, how embarrassing. Your concession is accepted.

Whose opinion do you value?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Same old lame Snowflake rhetoric
Such hollow bluster, how embarrassing. Your concession is accepted.


I see others do your thinking for you.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
So? What does that have to do with the moronic claim that conservatism is on the rise; and that America is rejecting Liberalism?
It proves that OUTSIDE California there are more conservatives then Liberals or at least that Independents voted conservative. For the slow with out California Trump had over 1 million more votes then Clinton.
Too bad for you California is a state in the nation.
Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
So? What does that have to do with the moronic claim that conservatism is on the rise; and that America is rejecting Liberalism?
It proves that OUTSIDE California there are more conservatives then Liberals or at least that Independents voted conservative. For the slow with out California Trump had over 1 million more votes then Clinton.
Too bad for you California is a state in the nation.
Only one of 50 and my point stands. Just because a vast majority of idiots live in one State does not invalidate the fact that NATIONWIDE conservatives are growing.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Left is screwed, internal polls show plus 3 for the GOP. Just vote, and they are buried!

Did you see the phony-baloney piece on MSM? They are trying to convince you, that we won the senate, but the house is lost, lol.
Let me tell you reality----------------> The far left is SCREWED if you vote! As it gets closer, more far leftists are going to run, trust me.

Now, I think Trump could be a duffus, or maybe even a guffus, but no matter what he is...………….the Left is on the run, and thank you very much President Donald J Trunp!
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Let me ask you. To have this take you must think that Dr Ford is

1- insane . Imagined the whole attack
2- insane and a political hack! Cause who would make up a story and commit perjury in front of the senate and fbi .

So which is it?

Orrrrr Maybe she’s telling the truth ?

Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

You're going to lose the House and quite possibly the Senate.

Would you like to make a wager?

"A new Mason Dixon poll from North Dakota finds incumbent Democrat Heidi Heitkamp down 10 points following the disgusting attacks by the Democrat Party on Judge Brett Kavanaugh."

New Poll Shows Heitkamp Down 10 Points after Democrats' Sick Attacks on Kavanaugh - Will Surely Lose If She Votes No on Confirmation
For months now, the polls have predicted she's going to lose. She might as well vote to not confirm Kavanaugh, she has nothing to lose.

How ya feelin Timmy-The-Tool, Fauny-E-Baloney, and friend?

Now then, you are SCREWED come the midterms, admit it, lol, or lie like you always do, but we know the truth!

Guess what is going to happen-)

No, no, I do not want you to commit hari-kari-) I would rather punish you Leftists here...…….FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE-)

In closing, let me say-----------> CYA, wouldn't want to be-ya, and thank you for being so arrogant, you helped a lot!
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

You're going to lose the House and quite possibly the Senate.

Difficult to argue the declarative statement without any supporting reasons.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Let me ask you. To have this take you must think that Dr Ford is

1- insane . Imagined the whole attack
2- insane and a political hack! Cause who would make up a story and commit perjury in front of the senate and fbi .

So which is it?

Orrrrr Maybe she’s telling the truth ?

Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

You're going to lose the House and quite possibly the Senate.

Would you like to make a wager?

"A new Mason Dixon poll from North Dakota finds incumbent Democrat Heidi Heitkamp down 10 points following the disgusting attacks by the Democrat Party on Judge Brett Kavanaugh."

New Poll Shows Heitkamp Down 10 Points after Democrats' Sick Attacks on Kavanaugh - Will Surely Lose If She Votes No on Confirmation
For months now, the polls have predicted she's going to lose. She might as well vote to not confirm Kavanaugh, she has nothing to lose.

How ya feelin Timmy-The-Tool, Fauny-E-Baloney, and friend?

Now then, you are SCREWED come the midterms, admit it, lol, or lie like you always do, but we know the truth!

Guess what is going to happen-)

No, no, I do not want you to commit hari-kari-) I would rather punish you Leftists here...…….FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE-)

In closing, let me say-----------> CYA, wouldn't want to be-ya, and thank you for being so arrogant, you helped a lot!

Hey Whosure…..

I live across the creek in the Ville...…..

Keep SPANKING libtard ASS...….

They are all idiots....
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Let me ask you. To have this take you must think that Dr Ford is

1- insane . Imagined the whole attack
2- insane and a political hack! Cause who would make up a story and commit perjury in front of the senate and fbi .

So which is it?

Orrrrr Maybe she’s telling the truth ?

Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

You're going to lose the House and quite possibly the Senate.

Would you like to make a wager?

"A new Mason Dixon poll from North Dakota finds incumbent Democrat Heidi Heitkamp down 10 points following the disgusting attacks by the Democrat Party on Judge Brett Kavanaugh."

New Poll Shows Heitkamp Down 10 Points after Democrats' Sick Attacks on Kavanaugh - Will Surely Lose If She Votes No on Confirmation
For months now, the polls have predicted she's going to lose. She might as well vote to not confirm Kavanaugh, she has nothing to lose.

How ya feelin Timmy-The-Tool, Fauny-E-Baloney, and friend?

Now then, you are SCREWED come the midterms, admit it, lol, or lie like you always do, but we know the truth!

Guess what is going to happen-)

No, no, I do not want you to commit hari-kari-) I would rather punish you Leftists here...…….FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE-)

In closing, let me say-----------> CYA, wouldn't want to be-ya, and thank you for being so arrogant, you helped a lot!

Hey Whosure…..

I live across the creek in the Ville...…..

Keep SPANKING libtard ASS...….

They are all idiots....

They are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial! The far LEFTISTS have taken over the Democratic party, and it makes all of them look like fools.

All we gotta do is vote, and they are ---------> CYA. wouldn't want to be ya! That means it is on us!

I don't know about a 'Red Wave', i think Democrats will make some gains. The Opposition usually does. But the Democrats really have stooped to terrible all-time lows in trying to keep Trump's SC pick out. I think most Americans see that.

The People might make them pay a bit at the Ballot Box. It's just plain awful what they've done to Kavanaugh and his family. It's unacceptable and unforgivable. If Karma is a real thing, Democrats have a whole lotta bad Karma coming their way.
The WH caused the investigation by the FBI to be nothing but a sham and every women except some brain dead know that

Y'all Pussy Hatters did overplay your hate. Most Americans despise you now. What you did to Kavanaugh and his family was unforgivable. I think most Americans, even some Democrats, are pretty pissed off at y'all. Hopefully they'll express that at the Ballot Box in the future.

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