Democrats overplayed their Hate.

And by that, you mean Hillary getting more votes than Trump.

For one thing, we all know that take away the illegal vote and she probably wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote! But it is still no matter if all your votes are around LA, Chicago and NYC! The Founders designed a system so that THE WHOLE COUNTRY was fairly represented, expressly designed to prevent local regions from monopolizing the country. Trump scored heavily in nearly EVERY state. Hillary scored heavy in only the preeminently blue states. You don't get to be president when you can only take 40% of the states next to Trump's 60%. That is a 20% difference. Electorally, Trump crushed her, and THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS.

Everything else you say is only so many whinny baby tears. Maybe had Hillary actually campaigned in all 50 states instead of flying over half of them thinking them disposable, she might have won. That is, if she could keep from coughing, hacking, choking and falling over.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

Can you believe this fucking jackass retard brain-dead moron who stands there casting exasperated aspersions at others lamenting how it is NOT ABOUT WINNING THE ELECTION, even as his party LOSES election after election, then in the same breath says its NOT about how you run campaigns, its not about the Electoral College (which decides the elections), and its not about what matters.

One might as well argue football with an orangutan. Well Faun, then you guys are RIGHT ON TARGET because GUESS WHAT? You've lost nearly every major election in the past TEN YEARS! Ever since Obama was put in office.

As to the rise of conservatism, there is no doubt about it. I won't post any links because I want Leftard readers here who actually think their form of extreme mental meltdown prevalent in their inner city circle of jerkoff friends to be caught with their pants down around their ankles this fall again, balls swinging in the air with another: "Well, I didn't see that one coming." Faun here is so monolithic in his smug, neanderthal thinking that he thinks that there is a DIRECT correlation between political leaning and number of democrat or republican voters cast with no other factors influencing the vote!

Fact is that the Left have waved their pimply, adolescent, smelly ass out there so far naked in public both while Obama was in office and especially now since Trump took office, that they've forced many once certain democrats into reconsidering the party they once believed in! All one needs to do is look at a country by country breakdown of the nation to see that we are a nation of conservative, traditional values and the Leftist Loonibirds are mainly in a few clutches along either coast, increasingly isolated by their own naive, idealistic intolerance of others.

View attachment 220367

Ranting dumbfuck, need I remind you what you idiotically claimed? You claim conservatism is on the rise. Which you moronically think is true because Hillary got more votes than trump. <smh>
Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. Your dinosaur ways will soon end.

PickPocket as usual padding the walls of his isolation cell in his mother's attic just to keep his sanity during the lean Trump years. Saying Trump lost the popular vote is like saying Hillary failed to get the NRA nomination-- -- -- neither one amounts to a hill of beans in winning the office! Yes, our ways will end soon, any day now, that is why all us "dinosaurs" threw your worthless asses out in historic losses starting in 2010, again in 2014 and now in 2016. If you guys don't take back YUGE gains this fall in Congress it will be considered another big loss.

If you think the Great Red Curtain is about to fall next week, dude, think again. Conservatism is on the rise! The nation has seen the naked, raw, smelly ass of the Left and rejected it-------- the only way you win any elections at all or the popular vote is with millions of illegal votes--- --- that too is coming to an end.

View attachment 220223

”Conservatism is on the rise! The nation has seen the naked, raw, smelly ass of the Left and rejected it”

And by that, you mean Hillary getting more votes than Trump.

And that “sea of red,” is actually mostly dirt.

You really nave nothing better than that old canard?
No, I have Gallup too...

Let's not forget, Gallup was one of the polls that gave Hillary a clear win in 2016. You should try to use less biased sources.

What happens in November is simply a matter of who gets out and votes, and who doesn't.
Both sides are does it come down to who has the most available voters as well as whether or not they are motivated to get out and vote?

It seems that the Left will become more energized at the last minute if Kavanaugh IS confirmed. (resulting in definitely more Democrat seats in Congress)
And it seems the Right will become more "energized" if Kavanaugh IS NOT confirmed. (resulting in little change or a few more republican seats in Congress)

Has all the Democrat theatrics during the hearings turned people against Democrats? Probably not to a significant degree.
There is a massive amount of "Trump Anger" out there, but is it just among the minority of rabid radical Leftists and just a lot of media hype?

Polls are known to be unreliable. A lot of what we hear is the left controlled media propaganda machine so it has to be taken as such.

There is a wild card few dare to mention and I won't either because it will only be ridiculed...but the 2016 election cycle may have had some nefarious deviation that probably won't be anywhere near the factor it was in 2016.....boosting Republicans.

But I don't think anyone is able to make accurate predictions about the results of the upcoming mid-terms at this time. Too many variables.
We'll all just have to wait & see what happens.
Let's not forget, Gallup was one of the polls that gave Hillary a clear win in 2016. You should try to use less biased sources.

What happens in November is simply a matter of who gets out and votes, and who doesn't.
Both sides are does it come down to who has the most available voters as well as whether or not they are motivated to get out and vote?

It seems that the Left will become more energized at the last minute if Kavanaugh IS confirmed. (resulting in definitely more Democrat seats in Congress)
And it seems the Right will become more "energized" if Kavanaugh IS NOT confirmed. (resulting in little change or a few more republican seats in Congress)

Has all the Democrat theatrics during the hearings turned people against Democrats? Probably not to a significant degree.
There is a massive amount of "Trump Anger" out there, but is it just among the minority of rabid radical Leftists and just a lot of media hype?

Polls are known to be unreliable. A lot of what we hear is the left controlled media propaganda machine so it has to be taken as such.

There is a wild card few dare to mention and I won't either because it will only be ridiculed...but the 2016 election cycle may have had some nefarious deviation that probably won't be anywhere near the factor it was in 2016.....boosting Republicans.

But I don't think anyone is able to make accurate predictions about the results of the upcoming mid-terms at this time. Too many variables.
We'll all just have to wait & see what happens.
”Let's not forget, Gallup was one of the polls that gave Hillary a clear win in 2016. You should try to use less biased sources.”


This is gonna be fun..... g’head, post a link to Gallup predicting a clear win for Hillary in the 2016 election......
For one thing, we all know that take away the illegal vote and she probably wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote! But it is still no matter if all your votes are around LA, Chicago and NYC! The Founders designed a system so that THE WHOLE COUNTRY was fairly represented, expressly designed to prevent local regions from monopolizing the country. Trump scored heavily in nearly EVERY state. Hillary scored heavy in only the preeminently blue states. You don't get to be president when you can only take 40% of the states next to Trump's 60%. That is a 20% difference. Electorally, Trump crushed her, and THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS.

Everything else you say is only so many whinny baby tears. Maybe had Hillary actually campaigned in all 50 states instead of flying over half of them thinking them disposable, she might have won. That is, if she could keep from coughing, hacking, choking and falling over.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
For one thing, we all know that take away the illegal vote and she probably wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote! But it is still no matter if all your votes are around LA, Chicago and NYC! The Founders designed a system so that THE WHOLE COUNTRY was fairly represented, expressly designed to prevent local regions from monopolizing the country. Trump scored heavily in nearly EVERY state. Hillary scored heavy in only the preeminently blue states. You don't get to be president when you can only take 40% of the states next to Trump's 60%. That is a 20% difference. Electorally, Trump crushed her, and THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS.

Everything else you say is only so many whinny baby tears. Maybe had Hillary actually campaigned in all 50 states instead of flying over half of them thinking them disposable, she might have won. That is, if she could keep from coughing, hacking, choking and falling over.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
I’m debating this with a dumbfuck. What’s wrong with pointing out what you are? Want more proof you’re a dumbfuck? Here, watch this....

I show you a Gallup poll indicating it’s actually Liberalism on the rise, not conservatism, as you idiotically claim. Your infantile response...?
Charts and polls prove nothing.
Really? Polls prove nothing, huh?

Then why were you promoting a poll here...?

Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators
... and hysterically, not just any poll, but a Gallup poll, which is what I posted. And despite your ridiculously hollow dismissal of a Gallup poll, how do you really feel about Gallup?
Gallup isn't cherry picking, it is the creme de la creme of polls.
So now, everyone here gets to see you hypocritically only like polls when you like their results. When you don’t, you foolishly think you can dismiss them as proof of nothing.


As far as putting me on ignore, you say that as if I care. G’head, put me on ignore. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop pointing out what an imbecile you are — it only means you can’t defend yourself. :badgrin:
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Only in California which wont EVER win you an election.
So? What does that have to do with the moronic claim that conservatism is on the rise; and that America is rejecting Liberalism?
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
I show you a Gallup poll

Yep. And when they say Trump is winning or rising in popularity, you scoff at the news. Such a predictable jackass you are. You only tout them when they tell you what you want to hear. And 2016 showed how reliable they really are. But that's OK. I enjoy the fact that you're such a raging dingle-berry that can't be told anything because you think you already KNOW everything and are always right. THE ONLY "FACTS" THAT COUNT ARE THE ACTUAL, INDISPUTABLE EVENTS:

2010: Democrats lose in historic landslide after 2 years of Obama's "transparency."
2012: Obama only beats Romney by invoking his weaponized IRS attack dogs suppressing many Romney-support organizations.
2014: Democrats lose the rest of Congress in major embarrassment.
2016: "Sure bet" career politician Hillary Clinton gets SCHOOLED on how to really win.
2018: We don't have long to wait to see.
Meantime, Trump takes your last vestige of control, the Supreme Court, and like a rag doll, shakes, rattles and rolls the democratic stuffings in it out the fucking door.

Sucks to be you.

trump cigar.jpg
For one thing, we all know that take away the illegal vote and she probably wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote! But it is still no matter if all your votes are around LA, Chicago and NYC! The Founders designed a system so that THE WHOLE COUNTRY was fairly represented, expressly designed to prevent local regions from monopolizing the country. Trump scored heavily in nearly EVERY state. Hillary scored heavy in only the preeminently blue states. You don't get to be president when you can only take 40% of the states next to Trump's 60%. That is a 20% difference. Electorally, Trump crushed her, and THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS.

Everything else you say is only so many whinny baby tears. Maybe had Hillary actually campaigned in all 50 states instead of flying over half of them thinking them disposable, she might have won. That is, if she could keep from coughing, hacking, choking and falling over.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Same old lame Snowflake rhetoric
This is gonna be fun..... g’head, post a link to Gallup predicting a clear win for Hillary in the 2016 election......


Today in Presidential Election Polls: November 1, 2016

Outlier of the day
: A new Gallup survey released on Tuesday found that 32 percent of respondents think that Trump possesses the personality and leadership qualities necessary for someone to be president, compared to 51 percent for Clinton. “Voters rate Trump worse than any other presidential candidate in Gallup's records on having the personality and leadership qualities a president should have,” said Gallup. The organization first polled on this question in the 2000 presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush, who both got significantly better numbers—59 percent and 57 percent, respectively—than Trump.

Need the rights (or open your eyes and go look).
Don't ask others to perpetually spoon feed your lazy, biased arse

CircleJerk typical empty leftists but...but...but....rebuttal in 5.....4....3....2....
Last edited:
This is gonna be fun..... g’head, post a link to Gallup predicting a clear win for Hillary in the 2016 election......
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
I’m debating this with a dumbfuck. What’s wrong with pointing out what you are? Want more proof you’re a dumbfuck? Here, watch this....

I show you a Gallup poll indicating it’s actually Liberalism on the rise, not conservatism, as you idiotically claim. Your infantile response...?
Charts and polls prove nothing.
Really? Polls prove nothing, huh?

Then why were you promoting a poll here...?
Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators
... and hysterically, not just any poll, but a Gallup poll, which is what I posted. And despite your ridiculously hollow dismissal of a Gallup poll, how do you really feel about Gallup?
Gallup isn't cherry picking, it is the creme de la creme of polls.
So now, everyone here gets to see you hypocritically only like polls when you like their results. When you don’t, you foolishly think you can dismiss them as proof of nothing.


As far as putting me on ignore, you say that as if I care. G’head, put me on ignore. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop pointing out what an imbecile you are — it only means you can’t defend yourself. :badgrin:

Looks like someone got up on the Triggered side of the bed this morning. :itsok:
This is gonna be fun..... g’head, post a link to Gallup predicting a clear win for Hillary in the 2016 election......
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump? If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Let's get a few things straight:
  1. Look Jackass, if you can't debate in a civil tone then go F yourself and don't talk to me. I've had you on ignore before and I can do it again.
  2. Conservatism IS on the rise. No doubt about it. I already told you Hillary's getting more votes (a couple million at best and in question) proves nothing and has nothing to do with more and more people leaving liberal ideologies! These are two independent quantities at work. For all you know had Trump and Hillary run together many years back, she might have gotten SIX million more votes!
  3. If liberalism seems on the rise to you in your city environment, it is only because liberals run schools and grab kids at an early age and teach them to be liberals. So there may indeed be more young liberals right now. But as they grow up, more and more are seeing the flaws in liberalism and switching to conservative thinking. I know a lot of people in California and every one of them thinks California is F'ed up, they want to leave or wish they could leave and feel that liberalism is the cause.
  4. Liberals groom young people to be good democrats which is why the main target of the DNC right now is young college women. But young people eventually grow up.
  5. Charts and polls prove nothing. 2016 proved that. I can find a chart or poll which will conclude the Moon is made of green cheese. The fact that you still pull these idiotic charts out of your ass just shows you've not learned a thing.
I’m debating this with a dumbfuck. What’s wrong with pointing out what you are? Want more proof you’re a dumbfuck? Here, watch this....

I show you a Gallup poll indicating it’s actually Liberalism on the rise, not conservatism, as you idiotically claim. Your infantile response...?
Charts and polls prove nothing.
Really? Polls prove nothing, huh?

Then why were you promoting a poll here...?
Very funny, Frank The Fink, The Rinky-Dink, considering that Trump's approval is at an all time high, as high or higher than Obama's was over 5 of his 8 years! And that is WITH all of the Leftist attacks against him (which Obama never had to suffer) or all of the hate-filled MSM attacks against him day and night (which were all FOR Obama). Please do show me any people that voted for Trump that think it is time for him to go and be replaced? Trump's on a roll, only GAINING STEAM, and he is rolling right over you.

Trump's approval rating just reached its highest level yet in the gold standard of presidential indicators
... and hysterically, not just any poll, but a Gallup poll, which is what I posted. And despite your ridiculously hollow dismissal of a Gallup poll, how do you really feel about Gallup?
Gallup isn't cherry picking, it is the creme de la creme of polls.
So now, everyone here gets to see you hypocritically only like polls when you like their results. When you don’t, you foolishly think you can dismiss them as proof of nothing.


As far as putting me on ignore, you say that as if I care. G’head, put me on ignore. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop pointing out what an imbecile you are — it only means you can’t defend yourself. :badgrin:

Looks like someone got up on the Triggered side of the bed this morning. :itsok:
He is freaking out.

His blue wave dream is dying.
The only pertinent ? left is.....what kind of beer will Kavanaugh be celebrating with Saturday night? My money is on a nice pumpkin ale!! And you can bet your ass this guy will be waking up with a severe hangover! Good for him....and millions of Americans gonna have a wet head on Sunday s0ns!!:rock::booze::booze::booze::booze:
For one thing, we all know that take away the illegal vote and she probably wouldn't have even gotten the popular vote! But it is still no matter if all your votes are around LA, Chicago and NYC! The Founders designed a system so that THE WHOLE COUNTRY was fairly represented, expressly designed to prevent local regions from monopolizing the country. Trump scored heavily in nearly EVERY state. Hillary scored heavy in only the preeminently blue states. You don't get to be president when you can only take 40% of the states next to Trump's 60%. That is a 20% difference. Electorally, Trump crushed her, and THAT IS ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS.

Everything else you say is only so many whinny baby tears. Maybe had Hillary actually campaigned in all 50 states instead of flying over half of them thinking them disposable, she might have won. That is, if she could keep from coughing, hacking, choking and falling over.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.
Dumbfuck, you claimed conservatism is on the rise. That speaks to people, not states. And while states elect the president and the people do not, more people voted for Hillary than they did for Trump — which speaks to your idiocy of conservatism being on the rise, not to who won the election.

As far as illegal aliens voting, a few were found. About 3 million short of the ones you need to lucidly claim Trump won the popular vote. You should know that since trump tried to look for illegal voters and failed miserably.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.
Young people are converting faster than they used to, and there are a lot less of them.

We will win the mythical “popular vote” in 2020.
Again for the slow, IT DOES NOT MATTER if every person in California votes for one person it takes the electoral college to elect the President.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.
Young people are converting faster than they used to, and there are a lot less of them.

We will win the mythical “popular vote” in 2020.

This I cannot say one way or the other, but I will say I think a lot of the leaning-to-the-right has less to do with any sort of faction loyalty, and more with situations and people. I think there are a lot of people out there who aren't all that obsessed with politics in general, and thus aren't all that beholden to one side or the other. I further think that a lot of them were not especially impressed with Candidate Trump, and thus Hillary "got more votes", because they either voted for what looked like - to the casual, badly-informed observer - like a steadier candidate, or just gave the whole thing up as a bad job and stayed home.

But that was then. They may still not be thrilled or impressed with Trump as an individual, but there are people who are feeling more comfortable with his administration, personality aside. This is why we hear a lot of "He's an ass, but his policies are good".

On the other hand, we have the Democrats acting like rabid hyenas. They can make excuses that amount to "the end justifies the means" until their faces turn blue, and their base will buy it, but those largely factionless people aren't seeing it that way. To them, one side looks crazy and unstable, and the other side looks like a nice, reliable continuation of normalcy. And don't think I'm not surprised and amused at the idea of Donald Trump representing steady and normal; just goes to show how scary the left has really been acting.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re fucking demented.

It’s not about what matters... it’s not about the electoral college... it’s not about winning the election...

it’s about your asinine comment that Conservatism is on the rise.

How’s that possible when Hillary got more votes than trump?

Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.
Young people are converting faster than they used to, and there are a lot less of them.

We will win the mythical “popular vote” in 2020.

This I cannot say one way or the other, but I will say I think a lot of the leaning-to-the-right has less to do with any sort of faction loyalty, and more with situations and people. I think there are a lot of people out there who aren't all that obsessed with politics in general, and thus aren't all that beholden to one side or the other. I further think that a lot of them were not especially impressed with Candidate Trump, and thus Hillary "got more votes", because they either voted for what looked like - to the casual, badly-informed observer - like a steadier candidate, or just gave the whole thing up as a bad job and stayed home.

But that was then. They may still not be thrilled or impressed with Trump as an individual, but there are people who are feeling more comfortable with his administration, personality aside. This is why we hear a lot of "He's an ass, but his policies are good".

On the other hand, we have the Democrats acting like rabid hyenas. They can make excuses that amount to "the end justifies the means" until their faces turn blue, and their base will buy it, but those largely factionless people aren't seeing it that way. To them, one side looks crazy and unstable, and the other side looks like a nice, reliable continuation of normalcy. And don't think I'm not surprised and amused at the idea of Donald Trump representing steady and normal; just goes to show how scary the left has really been acting.
It’s worse than that for the Democrats.

They are losing their factions too.

The reluctant Trump votes and secret Trump votes are now solid Trump votes and there are now new reluctant Trump votes and secret Trump votes. Trump is going to unite the country by destroying the viability of the Democrats state by state.

They can claim the walkaway movement doesn’t exist, but this is a genuine liberal:

....and they lost her.
Again with out California Trump had over a million more votes then Hillary. It does not matter that a super majority of people in California support the D's it matters what the other 49 States have. Plus how many illegals are there in California again?
So what if many Liberals live in California? Your idiotic claim is that conservatism is on the rise. How is that possible when Hillary got more votes than Trump?

If anything, ya moron, it’s actually Liberalism that’s on the rise...

Do you understand the phrase "on the rise"? By definition, that means that PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T CONSERVATIVE ARE BECOMING SO OVER TIME. Which means clinging to "But Hillary got more votes!" is irrelevant, and really making us laugh at your desperation.
Young people are converting faster than they used to, and there are a lot less of them.

We will win the mythical “popular vote” in 2020.

This I cannot say one way or the other, but I will say I think a lot of the leaning-to-the-right has less to do with any sort of faction loyalty, and more with situations and people. I think there are a lot of people out there who aren't all that obsessed with politics in general, and thus aren't all that beholden to one side or the other. I further think that a lot of them were not especially impressed with Candidate Trump, and thus Hillary "got more votes", because they either voted for what looked like - to the casual, badly-informed observer - like a steadier candidate, or just gave the whole thing up as a bad job and stayed home.

But that was then. They may still not be thrilled or impressed with Trump as an individual, but there are people who are feeling more comfortable with his administration, personality aside. This is why we hear a lot of "He's an ass, but his policies are good".

On the other hand, we have the Democrats acting like rabid hyenas. They can make excuses that amount to "the end justifies the means" until their faces turn blue, and their base will buy it, but those largely factionless people aren't seeing it that way. To them, one side looks crazy and unstable, and the other side looks like a nice, reliable continuation of normalcy. And don't think I'm not surprised and amused at the idea of Donald Trump representing steady and normal; just goes to show how scary the left has really been acting.
It’s worse than that for the Democrats.

They are losing their factions too.

The reluctant Trump votes and secret Trump votes are now solid Trump votes and there are now new reluctant Trump votes and secret Trump votes. Trump is going to unite the country by destroying the viability of the Democrats state by state.

They can claim the walkaway movement doesn’t exist, but this is a genuine liberal:

....and they lost her.

I don't know about "unite", but I think the Democrats are shooting their own balls off by looking so irrational to the everyday guy on the street that they make Trump look sane, mature, and like a continuation of secure routine by comparison.

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