Democrats overplayed their Hate.

If I could interject a little more "Airplane!" Zen wisdom to this thread: regardless of your politics, you must remember that when you pull into an airport the White Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only, there is simply NO stopping in the Red Zone. Don't anyone tell me which zone is for loading and which zone is for not stopping! I don't want to hear any of that red zone/white zone shit again, damn it!
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Let me ask you. To have this take you must think that Dr Ford is

1- insane . Imagined the whole attack
2- insane and a political hack! Cause who would make up a story and commit perjury in front of the senate and fbi .

So which is it?

Orrrrr Maybe she’s telling the truth ?
/———/ not insane but a political hack who was sold a bill of goods by Feinstein

This is the theory ?

What’s in it for Dr Ford? How do you explain her bringing this up to her shrink years ago? What is the motive to commit felonies against some very powerful people ?
She's a libstained leftist traitor - just like you. Dumber than two rocks.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.
Not to rain on anyone's parade here; just reminds me of a well known story of one of Bill Parcell's 'teachable moments'. Parcell had the players watch portions of an unfamiliar football game stopping at various random points (like the lead up to Nov. election) & having the players predict the winner. The opinions changed with abandon for the most part. Point being, that even the best metrics can be wildly off, ya just don't know until the clock runs out. My gut is telling me that the OP's assertion might well be correct with this Kavanough travesty buoying the GOP... here's hoping :)
Republicans in power have no idea what is going on and polls are no less full of shit than MSNBC.

Kavanaugh and Democrat insanity in the Senate has energized Republican voters beyond what I thought was possible.

Read my comment when Kavanaugh was confirmed and understand that Kavanaugh’s testimony has completely won me over. That has happened for a lot of people all over the political spectrum.
Several hours and nobody noticed my reference to the movie Airplane! in my previous post? Tsk, tsk. Surely you people can't be serious (but don't call me Shirley). I haven't felt this awful since I watched that old Ronald Reagan movie. It looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

I speak jive.
Several hours and nobody noticed my reference to the movie Airplane! in my previous post? Tsk, tsk. Surely you people can't be serious (but don't call me Shirley). I haven't felt this awful since I watched that old Ronald Reagan movie. It looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

I speak jive.

"Dat honk muh-fu no be mussing muh ole lehdy mon." English subtitles: "That white gentleman should stay away from my wife."
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Just saw a report tonight that republican voter interest is UP by 20 points since this Kavanaugh debacle!
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.
If the dems do NOT take Congress in Nov I am going to be laughing my ass off for days.
Polls don't mean shit.

Anyone basing anything off the results of a poll is a damned fool.

In 2016 all polls showed Hitlery as the POTUS.

Nuff said.
Actually the polls showed Hillary 46 percent and Trump 41 percent what no one took into account was who would get the 10 percent undecided vote.

Some major polls had Clinton up by 14 points 2 weeks to a month or so out, and in several state races as well.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.

He crushed her where it counted. Clinton knew the rules. In fact, he crushed the Bush dynasty well. Even Obama supporting her was not enough.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.
There are no respected polls. Just like you have no respectable media outlets.

Democrats are bringing everything they have and this year that won’t be enough.

We are going to beat you down when you think you have the upper hand and stomp a mudhole into you after you are demoralized. No mercy for you soulless demons.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.
If the dems do NOT take Congress in Nov I am going to be laughing my ass off for days.
They won’t.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.

Sad Snowflake response.
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.

Your post reads like a note from a young Bolshevik in Russia in 1917. History does not absolutely repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Fuck you Socialist cocksucker..
Good article. Just one man's opinion---but one who was right in Nov. 2016. And who reminds us that the Polls are put out by the same Propagandists who bring us the FAKE NEWS--the Pravda Subsidiary of the Democratic Party---now out of the closet as the Socialist Party.

Mid-Term Prediction: HUGE RED WAVE to Hit America After Disgusting Kavanaugh Attacks ...(And We Were Right in 2016 Too!)

"The Mainstream Media (MSM) has been harping for months that there is going to be a “blue wave” this year because this is the pattern after a President and his Party win a national election and the House. However, this is not the total truth.

According to one report, Republicans do much better than Democrats in the midterm elections in this scenario going back to WWII –"

On average, Democrat presidents lose 35.2 seats in the House. Republican presidents only lose 11.2 seats in the House in their first midterm on average. Again, this is every president since WWII, so this is a very extensive analysis.

Also note--us Deplorables are really, really pissed---REALLY pissed, at how Trump's nomination for the Supreme Court has been treated. This ain't Cuba.

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. A Dem candidate that almost everyone despised...and he still could not beat her in votes.

You Trumpbots are the are mostly old, 'white', racist, misogynistic, uneducated hicks who live in the sticks and who watch Fox News on dinosaur TV.
The rest of us (Dem or independents) laugh at your 1950's mentalities and ideals.
You are the past. You will mostly be dead in a decade or two...and will be forgotten.

The Dems and Indy's did not take the Trump threat seriously in 2016. They take it VERY seriously now. Dems are registering at a record pace for midterms...far above record pace.
And there are far more of them then there are of you.
The economy is booming (in theory - not in practise) and still Trump is nowhere near 50% at the respected polls.

Your dinosaur ways will soon end. Your power will be reduced in a couple of months. And when Trump is thrown out in will die for good.


Have a wonderful day.

Today's Democratic Party:

Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. Your dinosaur ways will soon end.

PickPocket as usual padding the walls of his isolation cell in his mother's attic just to keep his sanity during the lean Trump years. Saying Trump lost the popular vote is like saying Hillary failed to get the NRA nomination-- -- -- neither one amounts to a hill of beans in winning the office! Yes, our ways will end soon, any day now, that is why all us "dinosaurs" threw your worthless asses out in historic losses starting in 2010, again in 2014 and now in 2016. If you guys don't take back YUGE gains this fall in Congress it will be considered another big loss.

If you think the Great Red Curtain is about to fall next week, dude, think again. Conservatism is on the rise! The nation has seen the naked, raw, smelly ass of the Left and rejected it-------- the only way you win any elections at all or the popular vote is with millions of illegal votes--- --- that too is coming to an end.


Blah, blah, blah. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. Your dinosaur ways will soon end.

PickPocket as usual padding the walls of his isolation cell in his mother's attic just to keep his sanity during the lean Trump years. Saying Trump lost the popular vote is like saying Hillary failed to get the NRA nomination-- -- -- neither one amounts to a hill of beans in winning the office! Yes, our ways will end soon, any day now, that is why all us "dinosaurs" threw your worthless asses out in historic losses starting in 2010, again in 2014 and now in 2016. If you guys don't take back YUGE gains this fall in Congress it will be considered another big loss.

If you think the Great Red Curtain is about to fall next week, dude, think again. Conservatism is on the rise! The nation has seen the naked, raw, smelly ass of the Left and rejected it-------- the only way you win any elections at all or the popular vote is with millions of illegal votes--- --- that too is coming to an end.

View attachment 220223

”Conservatism is on the rise! The nation has seen the naked, raw, smelly ass of the Left and rejected it”

And by that, you mean Hillary getting more votes than Trump.

And that “sea of red,” is actually mostly dirt.

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