Democrats Pass Sweeping Gun Control

Joe reads half a book, then makes up an ending he likes,

NRA-ILA | Massachusetts: Anti-Gun Bill Passes House

H.4135 re-writes gun laws in the Commonwealth and imposes unprecedented gun-control. This is an ominous bill that includes the worst anti-gun legislation in the country, including:

  • Widespread bans on commonly owned firearms,
  • Eliminating due process through expanded “Red Flag” laws,
  • Implementing new “safe storage” mandates in and out of your home,
  • Instituting expanded gun registry
  • Placing an extreme financial burden on gun-owners to price them out of being able to exercise their Second Amendment rights,
  • And much more.

And here again the lefts push to ban law abiding citizens 2 nd Amendment rights at every turn
Gun owners response to all of these attacks on our Bill of Rights......Grumble and grab another beer.

You think AR15 bullets are big. LOL!
They don't work in Australia either.....gun crime is up in Australia, and they have had the same number of mass public shooting incidents as they did before they banned guns....their killers simply didn't reach 3 killed in each event, which is how they lie about their record...

According to your list, Australia has one of these incidents a year (and yes, I'm using the standard of any incident where more than one person is shot is a mass shooting because some of your cited incidents go down as low as 2 people shot.)

We have 2 mass shootings a day, and 19,000 gun homicides a year.
Nor would I want to. He's really not the problem I'm worried about.

I'm worried about the crazy guy who goes on a rampage in a school or parade or theater.
I’m worried about Fascist democrats who want to round up and reeducate people for supporting Trump
The state of Maine had the laws on the books. The Yellow Flag laws allow the police to petition a judge to remove guns after the nut is put under a psychiatric review.....he had been in the looney bin for two weeks where he told trained psychiatrists that he was hearing voices and wanted to commit a mass public shooting, and his military command informed the police....

At that point, your god, "government," failed again, and did not remove his guns...

On top of that....the local police are reporting he was already a prohibited person from owning a gun for previous law breaking...and they still fucking failed to pull his guns or put him on the list...

You dumb ass.
and non gun owners blame the gun, not the person holding it.

Well,I blame the gun industry for selling to people who shouldn't be holding a gun.

I’m worried about Fascist democrats who want to round up and reeducate people for supporting Trump
Actually, it would more like Cult deprogramming.
According to your list, Australia has one of these incidents a year (and yes, I'm using the standard of any incident where more than one person is shot is a mass shooting because some of your cited incidents go down as low as 2 people shot.)

We have 2 mass shootings a day, and 19,000 gun homicides a year.

Who's we? The CCP?
Exactly. Which is how I know your entire "gun control" position is utter bullshit. You've lost the debate, permanently.

Well, no, here's the thing.

Hunter shouldn't have checked "No" on the drug abuse question, but I suspect, like most addicts, he didn't think he had a problem.

But there's a simple enough solution: do what employers do. They don't ask you nicely if you are an addict; they make you piss in a bottle.

He wasn't really the problem, though. He wasn't going to go on a shooting spree.

Look, if we are going to have guns in private hands, we need to have standards, and we need to verify.

Which means real, meaningful background checks. Red Flag Laws. Drug and psych tests.

Of course, the gun industry doesn't want guns kept out of the wrong hands. Fear creates sales. People talking about changing the gun laws drives sales.
According to your list, Australia has one of these incidents a year (and yes, I'm using the standard of any incident where more than one person is shot is a mass shooting because some of your cited incidents go down as low as 2 people shot.)

We have 2 mass shootings a day, and 19,000 gun homicides a year.
You are confused Moon Bat.

There are more people living in greater New York than live in all of Australia.

On top of that Australia doesn't have our Negroes or Illegals, which commit the great majority of violent crimes. If we were to ship them some our Negroes then the crime would soar, regardless of any laws.

Australians are mostly White people with a few Asians and Aborigines thrown in. The same low crime demographics that we have here (minus the Aborigines) outside of the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.
According to your list, Australia has one of these incidents a year (and yes, I'm using the standard of any incident where more than one person is shot is a mass shooting because some of your cited incidents go down as low as 2 people shot.)

We have 2 mass shootings a day, and 19,000 gun homicides a year.

We don't have 2 mass public shootings a day....we have had 11 this year so far, 12 last year. This year, minorities and transgenders have done most of them...left wing democrats murdering people in public places.

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