Don't worry about climate until you see stuff like in this photo

So since the Dust Bowl happened, humans can't affect climate?

Denier "logic", as always, is hilariously stupid. Their conclusions never follow in any way from their premises.

Already addressed it at Post 20

The 1930's was the hottest driest decade in American history.

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I'm thinking that climate change itself is pretty subtle, but spawns some pretty extreme weather events. Like the devastating effects of a small amount of arsenic on the body.
Climate is not a thing. It is a group of things. Weather is a thing. Climate swings very slowly. Climate is so slow it is measured by 30 year periods. Weather is short term. So notice in the USA previous droughts have vanished and now we have immense snow accumulations. This is climate working.

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  4. Learn About Weather And Climate Change
  5. 3. Climate
  6. 3.1 Factors Affecting Climate
There are many different factors that affect climate around the world. It is the varying influence of these factors that lead to different parts of the Earth experiencing differing climates. The most important natural factors are:
It is now widely accepted that human activity is also affecting climate, and that the impact is not the same everywhere. For example, changes appear to be happening faster near the poles than in many other places. In this tutorial we will look at some of these factors in more detail.

Climate is not a thing. It is a group of things. Weather is a thing. Climate swings very slowly. Climate is so slow it is measured by 30 year periods. Weather is short term. So notice in the USA previous droughts have vanished and now we have immense snow accumulations. This is climate working.

  1. Home
  2. What We Do
  3. Education & Outreach
  4. Learn About Weather And Climate Change
  5. 3. Climate
  6. 3.1 Factors Affecting Climate
There are many different factors that affect climate around the world. It is the varying influence of these factors that lead to different parts of the Earth experiencing differing climates. The most important natural factors are:
It is now widely accepted that human activity is also affecting climate, and that the impact is not the same everywhere. For example, changes appear to be happening faster near the poles than in many other places. In this tutorial we will look at some of these factors in more detail.

We need to live in harmony with earth's climate and weather, which means also protecting ourselves from it.
So since the Dust Bowl happened, humans can't affect climate?

Denier "logic", as always, is hilariously stupid. Their conclusions never follow in any way from their premises.
Turn that around and show that the Dust Bowl era of the 1930s has gotten far worse today and the USA suffers massive dust storms. Show that the record heat that happened in Death Valley in the early 1900s has got far worse. Be sure to check the actual records and show them here.
We need to live in harmony with earth's climate and weather, which means also protecting ourselves from it.
What factor can you protect yourself from? Can you change mountains? Can you show the changes you make worked? Can you change the oceans? What changes can you make to lakes? Water evaporates from the Ocean and lakes and Rivers. Show changes to Rivers in the past that changed climate. Man invented umbrellas to carry and created structures with roofs to protect humans. Walls shield us from wind.
I'm thinking that climate change itself is pretty subtle, but spawns some pretty extreme weather events. Like the devastating effects of a small amount of arsenic on the body.
If that were true you would be able to show cause and effect. You can't. The climate engine is immensely powerful, but also incredibly slow acting, and small variables will have no real effect over the period of centuries.
You figured that out yourself Skippy?
Didn’t just affect the farms, it impacted the whole country

Now, consider how grasslands affect the environment
Want to talk about swamplands next?

What they now call protected wetlands
Do they park Tanks at wetlands to ensure the wetlands are protected or install cannons?
I'm thinking that climate change itself is pretty subtle, but spawns some pretty extreme weather events. Like the devastating effects of a small amount of arsenic on the body.
That is why science has defined weather. And tell us Climate lasts at least 30 years. That such changes as you mention are weather. And Weather varies. Controlling factors over weather are Mountains, Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, minute changes in Earth Rotation factors, but notice that humans are not in those equations.
Already addressed it at Post 20
No, you didn't. As is the case every time, you just babbled something unrelated to the issue, claimed it proved your case, and then ignored your idiot argument getting torn apart. It's all you've ever done here.

The 1930's was the hottest driest decade in American history.
And that proves humans can't affect climate ... how?

This is where you deflect and run. What else can you do?

All the deniers here are pushing an idiot argument.

"A climate extreme -- one that was partially caused by humans -- happened in the past."

In no way supports the claim

"Humans can't affect climate."

It's not a difficult concept. Why do all the deniers have such trouble grasping it? An average fourth grader possesses better logic skills than almost every denier.
No, you didn't. As is the case every time, you just babbled something unrelated to the issue, claimed it proved your case, and then ignored your idiot argument getting torn apart. It's all you've ever done here.

And that proves humans can't affect climate ... how?

This is where you deflect and run. What else can you do?

All the deniers here are pushing an idiot argument.

"A climate extreme -- one that was partially caused by humans -- happened in the past."

In no way supports the claim

"Humans can't affect climate."

It's not a difficult concept. Why do all the deniers have such trouble grasping it? An average fourth grader possesses better logic skills than almost every denier.

You stated at post 39,

So since the Dust Bowl happened, humans can't affect climate?

I then showed you the NCEI website that is where the database for Drought index resides in showing that the 1930's was the driest decade which is before the magic 1950 barrier where CO2 was supposed to become the climate driver kicks in caused by mankind......., meanwhile it was a valid explanation on WHY the dust storms were incredible.

Never once stated humans don't have effect it is your lie you made up because you are typically low on facts and evidence which is why you scream a lot without preceding substance.

Then in your stupidity contradict yourself,

I wrote,

The 1930's was the hottest driest decade in American history.

Your reply..... ha ha ha.... ha ha.....,

And that proves humans can't affect climate ... how?

This was right after you wrote,

No, you didn't. As is the case every time, you just babbled something unrelated to the issue, claimed it proved your case, and then ignored your idiot argument getting torn apart.

You first said it was unrelated to the isue then you spin hard 180 and say it was the opposite.

You have anything else to be stupid about child.....
Last edited:
Dust Bowl was a major example of man’s impact on the climate

So would a nuclear war.

That does not change the facts...

Co2 does nothing
Earth not warming
Oceans not rising
Canes not increasing
Antarctic ice growing
You stated at post 39,

I then showed you the NCEI website that is where the database for Drought index resides in showing that the 1930's was the driest decade which is before the magic 1950 barrier where CO2 was supposed to become the climate driver kicks in caused by mankind......., meanwhile it was a valid explanation on WHY the dust storms were incredible.

Never once stated humans don't have effect it is your lie you made up because you are typically low on facts and evidence which is why you scream a lot without preceding substance.

Then in your stupidity contradict yourself,

I wrote,

Your reply..... ha ha ha.... ha ha.....,

This was right after you wrote,

You first said it was unrelated to the isue then you spin hard 180 and say it was the opposite.

You have anything else to be stupid about child.....
Even if the prairies grasses died during that drought the incredible root systems would have held the soil in place.
What factor can you protect yourself from? Can you change mountains? Can you show the changes you make worked? Can you change the oceans? What changes can you make to lakes? Water evaporates from the Ocean and lakes and Rivers. Show changes to Rivers in the past that changed climate. Man invented umbrellas to carry and created structures with roofs to protect humans. Walls shield us from wind.
We can protect ourselves by designing better buildings and infrastructure. We are too lazy, cheap, and short-sighted.
Why would poor land use not be part of man's impact on the planet?
If only you would be arguing against urbanization and deforestation instead of a relatively weak GHG in trace amounts then you would be on to something.

Unfortunately no one is interested in halting land development, so man will continue to alter the planet's albedo which is a much bigger threat than trace amounts of a relatively weak GHG.
If only you would be arguing against urbanization and deforestation instead of a relatively weak GHG in trace amounts then you would be on to something.

Unfortunately no one is interested in halting land development, so man will continue to alter the planet's albedo which is a much bigger threat than trace amounts of a relatively weak GHG.
I have argued about over development and deforestation. Deforestation is listed by the IPCC as one of the causes of increasing CO2 and albedo. But it is a much smaller factor than is the warming from CO2. No one is deforesting the oceans or the poles.
I have argued about over development and deforestation. Deforestation is listed by the IPCC as one of the causes of increasing CO2 and albedo. But it is a much smaller factor than is the warming from CO2. No one is deforesting the oceans or the poles.
Nonsense. It's the biggest problem there is and you have turned a blind eye towards it.

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