Democrats Promote Sin


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Now Obama says it is illegal to discriminate against gays. By signing this Executive Order he is really saying America is all about Sin and is against Christian ethics. He is definitely from the evil party of left wing Democrats who will say anything and do immoral things to get votes. Maybe his children will turn out to be gay and that will be the end of his genetic existence on this planet.
Organized religion is very frequently sinful. Certainly more so than the gay community. I bet there isn't one person on death row right now who isn't praising Jesus.
Now Obama says it is illegal to discriminate against gays. By signing this Executive Order he is really saying America is all about Sin and is against Christian ethics. He is definitely from the evil party of left wing Democrats who will say anything and do immoral things to get votes. Maybe his children will turn out to be gay and that will be the end of his genetic existence on this planet.

So what is sin? Is it hatred toward anyone with whom you disagree? I see a great deal of that in these parts. If God does not exist, is being gay still a sin? Since our government should not be promoting any certain religion over another or over nothing at all, should that government make laws about behavior that is only considered sinful by religion?
Now Obama says it is illegal to discriminate against gays. By signing this Executive Order he is really saying America is all about Sin and is against Christian ethics. He is definitely from the evil party of left wing Democrats who will say anything and do immoral things to get votes. Maybe his children will turn out to be gay and that will be the end of his genetic existence on this planet.

democrats promote religious zealots not imposing their views on the rest of us.

you know, like the first amendment says.

now worry about your own morality.
Homosexuality is a sin. Since both sin and grace are personal it is not appropriate to judge the sin of another. Only for yourself. Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a sin has a personal obligation to reject such behavior as normal positive acts.
Homosexuality is a sin. Since both sin and grace are personal it is not appropriate to judge the sin of another. Only for yourself. Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a sin has a personal obligation to reject such behavior as normal positive acts.

no one cares about your definition of sin. and using religion to try to justify hate is irrelevant to an individuals constitutional rights.

now do I need to repeat that for you more slowly?
Now Obama says it is illegal to discriminate against gays. By signing this Executive Order he is really saying America is all about Sin and is against Christian ethics. He is definitely from the evil party of left wing Democrats who will say anything and do immoral things to get votes. Maybe his children will turn out to be gay and that will be the end of his genetic existence on this planet.

The Christians and I do not get along on a lot of issues, yet I do not feel the need for them to tow the line of my ideology, too bad the Christians are not on the same page...
Homosexuality is a sin. Since both sin and grace are personal it is not appropriate to judge the sin of another. Only for yourself. Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a sin has a personal obligation to reject such behavior as normal positive acts.

no one cares about your definition of sin. and using religion to try to justify hate is irrelevant to an individuals constitutional rights.

now do I need to repeat that for you more slowly?

I didn't define sin. You needed to see it so you made it up.

If YOU believe that homosexuality is not a sin, go ahead, define it any way you want to. You cannot define it for someone else and that is what you are doing. What liberals really want to do is define sin and tell Christians that no matter what they believe, homosexuality is not at all sinful.
I guess sloth, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony & pride get a pass..........lust of course has no sexual orientation.:eusa_whistle:
Stupid OP and even stupider responses. "Sin" is not a proper governmental concern, but public health is. Those who opposed shutting down gay bath houses are responsible for thousands (if not millions) of unnecessary deaths. Perhaps that guilt is assuaged by their increasingly strident support for "gay" issues?
Homosexuality is a sin. Since both sin and grace are personal it is not appropriate to judge the sin of another. Only for yourself. Anyone who believes that homosexuality is a sin has a personal obligation to reject such behavior as normal positive acts.

If you believe it is a sin, then don't do it. I don't believe anyone is forcing you to.
'Sin' is a religious belief, not fact. There is no such thing as sin, as how humans act is determined by electrical impulses in the brain, biology and environmental factors. To suggest that a supreme being or 'evil' being determines our actions by creating us and our environment would imply (if it is the case that there is a god) that there is no true 'free will' and that we can no more be 'guilty' than a programmed robot.
In the Afterlife (brief language)
(The Agent of Change Project)
March 20, 2010
Written by Anne E. Clements
MP3 play whole song, hi-fi (broadband)
MP3 short clip, hi-fi play (broadband)
Anne E. Clements and Lily Streeter, vocals

In the Afterlife
Man on the TV says I'm going to Hell -
I'll be in good company....

I will sit at Satan's table in the afterlife
I will sit at Satan's table in the afterlife
I'll eat greasy burgers with processed cheese food
and monosodium glutamate -
I won't worry about cholesterol in the afterlife

I will fuck like a bunny in springtime in the afterlife
I will fuck like a bunny in springtime in the afterlife
I'll spend blissful hours in positions that are
Anatomically impossible
I will mingle bodily fluids in the afterlife

I will do all the drugs I want to in the afterlife
I will do all the drugs I want to in the afterlife
I'll explore the farthest reaches of the
Pharmacological alphabet
I'll be doped and drunk and drivin' through the afterlife

I will play loud rock 'n' roll music in the afterlife
I will play loud rock 'n' roll music in the afterlife
I will blow out all the speakers in the
Devil's concert hall -
I will finally master bar chords in the afterlife.

I'll see all my friends and relatives in the afterlife
I'll see all my friends and relatives in the afterlife
And waiting to take my hand
And guide me through those fiery gates -
I will see that TV preacher in the afterlife!
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'Sin' is a religious belief, not fact. There is no such thing as sin, as how humans act is determined by electrical impulses in the brain, biology and environmental factors. To suggest that a supreme being or 'evil' being determines our actions by creating us and our environment would imply (if it is the case that there is a god) that there is no true 'free will' and that we can no more be 'guilty' than a programmed robot.

Why then beauty, why then love, compassion, altruism? And of course, circuits must be designed, where be the designer?
'Sin' is a religious belief, not fact. There is no such thing as sin, as how humans act is determined by electrical impulses in the brain, biology and environmental factors. To suggest that a supreme being or 'evil' being determines our actions by creating us and our environment would imply (if it is the case that there is a god) that there is no true 'free will' and that we can no more be 'guilty' than a programmed robot.

Why then beauty, why then love, compassion, altruism? And of course, circuits must be designed, where be the designer?
there is no evidence of an intelligent designer...
'Sin' is a religious belief, not fact. There is no such thing as sin, as how humans act is determined by electrical impulses in the brain, biology and environmental factors. To suggest that a supreme being or 'evil' being determines our actions by creating us and our environment would imply (if it is the case that there is a god) that there is no true 'free will' and that we can no more be 'guilty' than a programmed robot.

Why then beauty, why then love, compassion, altruism? And of course, circuits must be designed, where be the designer?
there is no evidence of an intelligent designer...

Yet I see the proof, all around me, every second, every instant. Res Ipsa loquitur.....

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