Democrats quick to cry racism but not so quick to address why people are “racists”...Why?

In such a short post you've still been able to bring up a number of key issues.

The political correctness that the democratic party exercised for years finally came back to roost. To pitch everything as racism or offensive is why so many people voted for a man who addressed diversity in the most brass and negative way. Some may argue that it was necessary to elect him in order to shift the country back towards the middle.

I agree that the word racism has lost it's value because it has been misused, overused and abused. I think we are seeing first hand what racism really looks like in the past 6 or so years (within my life). The election of Trump was a necessary evil in order to right the country.

There are far more things wrong with our youth than being democrat. They are lazy and unmotivated but it's because they have nothing to fight for. The countries that inspire their youth generally promote patriotism through unity. Our country is promoting division which will be our country's downfall. Kids have heard the message "every man for himself". They don't ask how they can help the country, they ask how they can help themselves.

I agree and your post aligns with the premise of this thread.
The strategy of the Left has always been the same simple bullshit...Garner support for whacked-out shit by taking control of our youth by way of PC programming.
Take Mac1958 for example....he’s on this new kick and hell bent on pushing the new programming that if one is vocal with their condemnation of illegal wetbacks they are essentially “scared, paranoid and hateful”. Think about that; and make no mistake about it...he intends to program you believe that Americans have no right to sovereignty, that Mexico has a right to this land and that should you openly condemn such a thing you are a “paranoid, hateful racist”.
Think people!

I think both parties have their sins and their evils. As far as other posters here, I don't like to engage in personal criticisms. I wouldn't want it done to me. Every once in awhile I break this rule but for the most part I try to avoid it.

We have to start focusing on the policies and not the parties if we are going to find agreement between each other. I lean both ways depending on the issue. We may agree on this issue but not on others. I hope you'll give me the benefit of the doubt when you run across a post of mine you vehemently disagree with.
when you can't get past the parties, then what? they control the conversations and always have. It's why there's trump.

Forums like this one can help with that conversation but sadly its used more towards expanding the divide than talking about policies. I'm not sure where this false allegiance to party and party leaders has come from. They certainly do nothing for the majority of citizens. shrug
Anyone give an answer for why they are racist yet??
People aren’t born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned.

There remain a small minority of people who believe that some races are superior to others. While most people in Australia today accept the diversity of our society, some also believe racial groups should not mix. A belief in racial superiority or purity can lead to racial hatred.

However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose a threat, whether to the safety of the community, or to the national identity.

Ignorance can play a part in feeding people’s racial attitudes, as can a need to belong to one’s own group. Racism isn’t always malicious. Sometimes the harm of racism can be done innocently, because someone may not know better.

Source. (replace Australia with any country)
“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?

“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?
Why are you asking Democrats why Republicans are racist? Why not just ask Republicans?
Anyone give an answer for why they are racist yet??
People aren’t born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned.

There remain a small minority of people who believe that some races are superior to others. While most people in Australia today accept the diversity of our society, some also believe racial groups should not mix. A belief in racial superiority or purity can lead to racial hatred.

However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose a threat, whether to the safety of the community, or to the national identity.

Ignorance can play a part in feeding people’s racial attitudes, as can a need to belong to one’s own group. Racism isn’t always malicious. Sometimes the harm of racism can be done innocently, because someone may not know better.

Source. (replace Australia with any country)
that says absolutely ......Nothing.
“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?
Why are you a racist?

You people don’t even know what a racist is anymore. Define racism for us.
Hey! It's your rodeo. You're racist. Why?

Because I believe Americans have a right to sovereignty, because I don’t love and respect federal criminals...I guess
“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?
Why are you a racist?

You people don’t even know what a racist is anymore. Define racism for us.
Hey! It's your rodeo. You're racist. Why?

Because I believe Americans have a right to sovereignty, because I don’t love and respect federal criminals...I guess
What does that have to do with your bitter, retarding racism?
Anyone give an answer for why they are racist yet??
People aren’t born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned.

There remain a small minority of people who believe that some races are superior to others. While most people in Australia today accept the diversity of our society, some also believe racial groups should not mix. A belief in racial superiority or purity can lead to racial hatred.

However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose a threat, whether to the safety of the community, or to the national identity.

Ignorance can play a part in feeding people’s racial attitudes, as can a need to belong to one’s own group. Racism isn’t always malicious. Sometimes the harm of racism can be done innocently, because someone may not know better.

Source. (replace Australia with any country)

“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?


Racism is born from stereotypes...Stereotypes are born from behavioral traits...TA-DA!
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.
Anyone give an answer for why they are racist yet??
People aren’t born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned.

There remain a small minority of people who believe that some races are superior to others. While most people in Australia today accept the diversity of our society, some also believe racial groups should not mix. A belief in racial superiority or purity can lead to racial hatred.

However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose a threat, whether to the safety of the community, or to the national identity.

Ignorance can play a part in feeding people’s racial attitudes, as can a need to belong to one’s own group. Racism isn’t always malicious. Sometimes the harm of racism can be done innocently, because someone may not know better.

Source. (replace Australia with any country)

“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?


Racism is born from stereotypes...Stereotypes are born from behavioral traits...TA-DA!
You had to be taught to be an intolerant, ignorant racist. Blame your poor upbringing.
“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
Racism is the practice of applying negative “generalities” to every individual within that racial demographic and judging them based on those generalities.

Racists attribute every negative to race - crime rates, poverty, high abortion rates. I’m reality, when blacks have equal opportunities and equal access to education, the high crime rate, rates of poverty and abortion go away.
Anyone give an answer for why they are racist yet??
People aren’t born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned.

There remain a small minority of people who believe that some races are superior to others. While most people in Australia today accept the diversity of our society, some also believe racial groups should not mix. A belief in racial superiority or purity can lead to racial hatred.

However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. People may worry that some groups pose a threat, whether to the safety of the community, or to the national identity.

Ignorance can play a part in feeding people’s racial attitudes, as can a need to belong to one’s own group. Racism isn’t always malicious. Sometimes the harm of racism can be done innocently, because someone may not know better.

Source. (replace Australia with any country)

“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?


Racism is born from stereotypes...Stereotypes are born from behavioral traits...TA-DA!

And Racism and stereotypes are learned early in the home.
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
The fact that the Regressive Left completely overplays the race card, doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist at all. The posts of yours that I quoted are beautiful examples.

The two things can exist at the same time. I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.
“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?

Is this another one of your lame ass "they made me a racist" threads?
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
The fact that the Regressive Left completely overplays the race card, doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist at all. The posts of yours that I quoted are beautiful examples.

The two things can exist at the same time. I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.
My posts are fact based, they derive from statistics and real data. It’s super fucking weird that you people can ignore facts simply because you’re paranoid.

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