Democrats quick to cry racism but not so quick to address why people are “racists”...Why?

“RACISM” has always been the keyword that allows their PC programming to take root which empowers them to control the narrative and keep decent folks from being too honest.
So why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?

I’d bet that if this one word lost its value and cowards stopped being so afraid to be the very least, the Democrat Party would lose control of our youth. So I ask, why do decent people allow the Democrat Party to control them with this one word...why do you empower them with your cowardice?

Is this another one of your lame ass "they made me a racist" threads?

Nah, it’s more of a “they made me develop stereotypes” threads...but you nutless wonders will call anyone who acts on stereotypes a racist.
Racism is the practice of applying negative “generalities” to every individual within that racial demographic and judging them based on those generalities.

Racists attribute every negative to race - crime rates, poverty, high abortion rates. I’m reality, when blacks have equal opportunities and equal access to education, the high crime rate, rates of poverty and abortion go away. link us to crime statistics, poverty rates and abortion statistics in say Mexifornia where the red carpet is rolled out for all things filth and prove that shit...,
(this is where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
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Quote - why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?
That is racism the general behavior of people and their ethnicity.

People should be judged individually and not judged on what others do. It is simple to form opinions based on the actions of a few and then lump everyone into that same category. It does make life simple and you do not have to think about things that makes your brain hurt.

Yet everyone wants to be judged on their own merit and others who won't do that because my brain hurts thinking about you as an individual.

Yeah it does take a lot of work and brain power to move beyond stereotypes but it really is simple

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

if someone comes after you with a baseball bat then grab a bat

otherwise if they extend their hand then extend yours

Intellectual people may over analyze (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say) to much and less intellectuals will just go with the flow (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say).

It boils down to how do you feel about people in general.
Quote - why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?
That is racism the general behavior of people and their ethnicity.

People should be judged individually and not judged on what others do. It is simple to form opinions based on the actions of a few and then lump everyone into that same category. It does make life simple and you do not have to think about things that makes your brain hurt.

Yet everyone wants to be judged on their own merit and others who won't do that because my brain hurts thinking about you as an individual.

Yeah it does take a lot of work and brain power to move beyond stereotypes but it really is simple

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

if someone comes after you with a baseball bat then grab a bat

otherwise if they extend their hand then extend yours

Intellectual people may over analyze (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say) to much and less intellectuals will just go with the flow (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say).

It boils down to how do you feel about people in general.

That all sounds awfully looks real good on practice, not so much.
The nutless try to stay ignorant by keeping it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" feel good story.....always allowing the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent. It’s what fools do.
We’re supposed to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. We’re supposed to consider odds, plausibility, propensities and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're scared and commanded by PC would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Black folks. Your might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw at 2am....right?
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.
Well since name flinging is a thing, thanks racist
Racism is the practice of applying negative “generalities” to every individual within that racial demographic and judging them based on those generalities.

You mean like calling elderly males racist old white guys?

Racists attribute every negative to race - crime rates, poverty, high abortion rates. I’m reality, when blacks have equal opportunities and equal access to education, the high crime rate, rates of poverty and abortion go away.

Yeah Obama did that. He was the most racist President we have had. You might ask yourself why Democrats are blocking charter schools where a poor black can get a good university prep education for their children and, for the same price as a public school......FREE!!!

Apparently Democrats can't afford to have highly educated blacks because they will cease to be victims and the NEA vote will evaporate. Stupid people have unwanted children, can't get a good job, and the more stupid the better for the Democrats.
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Quote - why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?
That is racism the general behavior of people and their ethnicity.

People should be judged individually and not judged on what others do. It is simple to form opinions based on the actions of a few and then lump everyone into that same category. It does make life simple and you do not have to think about things that makes your brain hurt.

Yet everyone wants to be judged on their own merit and others who won't do that because my brain hurts thinking about you as an individual.

Yeah it does take a lot of work and brain power to move beyond stereotypes but it really is simple

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

if someone comes after you with a baseball bat then grab a bat

otherwise if they extend their hand then extend yours

Intellectual people may over analyze (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say) to much and less intellectuals will just go with the flow (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say).

It boils down to how do you feel about people in general.

That all sounds awfully looks real good on practice, not so much.
The nutless try to stay ignorant by keeping it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" feel good story.....always allowing the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent. It’s what fools do.
We’re supposed to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. We’re supposed to consider odds, plausibility, propensities and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're scared and commanded by PC would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Black folks. Your might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw at 2am....right?
Quote - why do seemingly intelligent people refuse to be honest with long can they pretend that stereotypes aren’t developed for good reasons and based on the general behaviors of people and their ethnicity?
That is racism the general behavior of people and their ethnicity.

People should be judged individually and not judged on what others do. It is simple to form opinions based on the actions of a few and then lump everyone into that same category. It does make life simple and you do not have to think about things that makes your brain hurt.

Yet everyone wants to be judged on their own merit and others who won't do that because my brain hurts thinking about you as an individual.

Yeah it does take a lot of work and brain power to move beyond stereotypes but it really is simple

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

if someone comes after you with a baseball bat then grab a bat

otherwise if they extend their hand then extend yours

Intellectual people may over analyze (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say) to much and less intellectuals will just go with the flow (upbringing, past experiences, what other people say).

It boils down to how do you feel about people in general.

That all sounds awfully looks real good on practice, not so much.
The nutless try to stay ignorant by keeping it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" feel good story.....always allowing the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent. It’s what fools do.
We’re supposed to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. We’re supposed to consider odds, plausibility, propensities and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're scared and commanded by PC would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Black folks. Your might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw at 2am....right?
Well there is nothing noble in what you say.
It is obvious like I said in which intelligence people over analysis the situation

I would not wish anything bad to happen to anyone children but life is funny that way.

I would not drive through a crime infested neighborhood but the difference is I am not got to make it about race or teach my children such notions. Its more that crime is likely to happen in that neighborhood and if there are safer routes there is nothing wrong in doing so especially at night. I am not going to make it about race, See the difference. Its not noble it just being human.
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
The fact that the Regressive Left completely overplays the race card, doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist at all. The posts of yours that I quoted are beautiful examples.

The two things can exist at the same time. I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.
My posts are fact based, they derive from statistics and real data. It’s super fucking weird that you people can ignore facts simply because you’re paranoid.
Your posts and non-stop same-topic threads illustrate a miserable bigot wallowing in impotent rage and paranoia.

This is all your problem, not mine. This is about you, not them. Good luck.
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Most non-whites (especially blacks) are just inferior....especially if they are poor...because they are mostly sub-human......and for the most part, whites are superior....

So now that we got that out of the way.....what does the OP suggest we do about it??

Or does the belief that most blacks are subhuman filth and criminals enough to get his rocks off and make his sads go away??
I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.

The constant binary thought patterns are a dead giveaway. This clown knows life doesn't work that way, yet he persists with the stupidity. Pitiful, but not our problem.
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

They send us, at minimum, 400,000 of their filthiest subhuman cockroaches every year. These disgusting pukes ruin every single community they inhabit and good Americans are forced to pay them to fuck them over. Pretty cool huh?
So how do we get the filthy subhuman parents in the ghettos and barrios to teach their children morals and values?

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
The fact that the Regressive Left completely overplays the race card, doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist at all. The posts of yours that I quoted are beautiful examples.

The two things can exist at the same time. I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.
My posts are fact based, they derive from statistics and real data. It’s super fucking weird that you people can ignore facts simply because you’re paranoid.
Your posts and non-stop same-topic threads illustrate a miserable bigot wallowing in impotent rage and paranoia.

This is all your problem, not mine. This is about you, not them. Good luck.

You don’t know me or anything about know what I allow you to know while I’m in my cyberspace persona.
I made my mind up long ago; I have an axe to grind with regard to disgusting wetbacks like nobody else does...I hate wetbacks like Hitler hated Jews...only more so. (Please put that in lights)
If I’m going to spend my time fucking around with fools in cyberspace I’m going to grind the fuck out of that axe and exhaust all energy doing it. Sorry, not sorry if that hurts your brown feelings.

“Impotent rage”....impotent? Are you sure about that?
I think Donny T was elected for the same
Do you honestly think he could have won without his aggressive “FUCK WETBACKS” platform?
30 states and 2,623 counties loved that platform...that’s hardly “impotent” for you huh?
I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.

The constant binary thought patterns are a dead giveaway. This clown knows life doesn't work that way, yet he persists with the stupidity. Pitiful, but not our problem.
I have less and less patience for asymmetrical conversations here. If a person can't demonstrate that they have some kind of grasp of both ends of an issue, I lose interest quickly. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.

The constant binary thought patterns are a dead giveaway. This clown knows life doesn't work that way, yet he persists with the stupidity. Pitiful, but not our problem.
I have less and less patience for asymmetrical conversations here. If a person can't demonstrate that they have some kind of grasp of both ends of an issue, I lose interest quickly. :rolleyes:

Yeah. I find I'm posting less due to the constant repetition of hyperbole.
Well gosh, now I'm feeling all guilty 'n sad 'n stuff. Clearly the OP is the victim here.

The fact that he regularly says stuff like this doesn't mean he's a racist or a bigot:

Poor guy. Now I feel just TERRIBLE.

There you have it folks... Mac1958 and Tumblin Tumbleweed perfectly illustrating my point. Should one have the courage to point out the obvious truth and or firmly stand against wetbacks fucking over good, real Americans...the LefTarded will quickly label you a racist...a method used to control what others will think and say. Hahaha...Thanks Mac.
The fact that the Regressive Left completely overplays the race card, doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist at all. The posts of yours that I quoted are beautiful examples.

The two things can exist at the same time. I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.
My posts are fact based, they derive from statistics and real data. It’s super fucking weird that you people can ignore facts simply because you’re paranoid.
Your posts and non-stop same-topic threads illustrate a miserable bigot wallowing in impotent rage and paranoia.

This is all your problem, not mine. This is about you, not them. Good luck.

You don’t know me or anything about know what I allow you to know while I’m in my cyberspace persona.
I made my mind up long ago; I have an axe to grind with regard to disgusting wetbacks like nobody else does...I hate wetbacks like Hitler hated Jews...only more so. (Please put that in lights)
If I’m going to spend my time fucking around with fools in cyberspace I’m going to grind the fuck out of that axe and exhaust all energy doing it. Sorry, not sorry if that hurts your brown feelings.

“Impotent rage”....impotent? Are you sure about that?
I think Donny T was elected for the same
Do you honestly think he could have won without his aggressive “FUCK WETBACKS” platform?
30 states and 2,623 counties loved that platform...that’s hardly “impotent” for you huh?
Then I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

Yet you're clearly consumed by it.

Again, not my problem.
I'm guessing that fact is a bit too complicated for someone like you to grasp.

The constant binary thought patterns are a dead giveaway. This clown knows life doesn't work that way, yet he persists with the stupidity. Pitiful, but not our problem.
I have less and less patience for asymmetrical conversations here. If a person can't demonstrate that they have some kind of grasp of both ends of an issue, I lose interest quickly. :rolleyes:

Haha...”if one does not see things my way and take the position that wetbacks have a right to fuck over Americans, I tend to lose interest”.

Nope, that’s not a typical LefTard ideal at all.

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