Democrats' railings about Barr and spying will end badly for them


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats' railings about Barr and spying will end badly for them
April 11, 2019 ~ By Patricia McCarthy
"There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle​

At the hearing of the Oversight Committee on Tuesday, Attorney General William Barr was grilled about the Mueller report: When will it be released? Will they see an unredacted version? Has he (Barr) discussed it with the president? etc. The questions were redundant, mostly stupid. All of those asked by the Democrats were accusatory. Since Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced there would be no charges of collusion against the president or anyone in or of his campaign, the Democrats have lost any semblance of sanity they may have had before Trump won the 2016 election. Since that day, the moment they were 100% certain that Hillary would become president, they have descended into a hell of their own making. They spend their days furiously angry, ready and willing to do anything to take Trump down and out. Since then (and before that day) they -- "they" includes the mainstream media -- have been determined to destroy the man..... Can these people, these Democrats on the Oversight committee and those media narcissists who melted down after Barr uttered those few words on Wednesday be as truly uniformed as they seem to be? Judging by their questions for AG Barr, and the media's talking heads' subsequent panic for the rest of the day, they are actually shocked there is gambling in Casablanca!
The facts are in. It was all a grand scam to deprive voters of their duly-elected President who these self-appointed tyrants could not abide. And the dems cannot accept the facts. They've been exposed. The truth is coming out, in dribs and drabs that will soon be a tsunami. The dems in Congress have embarrassed themselves over and over again; the Kavanaugh spectacle was a disgrace. Schiff, Swalwell, Nadler, Lieu, Pelosi, etc. They are all disgraceful, pretentious snobs who lack any intellectual prowess. That any of them can act as though there is no evidence of what is the most serious, egregious political scandal in American history is a very sad commentary. They have succumbed to Arthur Conan Doyles's observation that "there is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." Our leftists have allowed themselves to be deceived by a mountain of obvious facts. The nation has suffered tremendously for their crimes and history will judge them harshly.

I couldn't have been more pleased with AG Barr's performance. When Sheehan confronted him with actually using the word 'Spying', he paused briefly realizing how explosive it would be, and proceeded with the proper answer. Voters who can't grasp what's happening are lost already, no need to sugar-coat the truth. He kept his cool and did not proceed to tell Sheehan how STUPID she is! Gotta hand it to the man!
Me, I'd have cut loose with a tirade over SPYING...Guess that's why I'm a pilot and not a "lawyuh!" In aviation, we cannot afford to suffer FOOLS. In the AG business, dealing with Democrat twits in Congress is routine!
Its nice to get good news.

Oh its not nice for the Dems since they were all oh so sure the Mueller report would bury Trump.


Gee. It really does suck to be them.
Pelosi seems to be acting like she thinks she may get an all expenses paid vacation indeterminate length.

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