Democrats revel over 116th Congress for not looking American.

The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.
The big problem with the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that they also hate each other.

There is so much irony in your post, so I just had to comment on your post.
You are quite the hater, that it's sadly funny that you comment on other's alleged hate.
I've read your posts, you are a hater.
Also, I was wondering why you hate Ronald Reagan, as depicted with your avatar?
Is it because he said this about immigration policy?
"“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.” Ronald Reagan
And we all know how you feel about illegal/legal immigration and immigrants in general.

Speaking of this the same Chucky?
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.
What is the definition of not looking American, considering the true democratic led House represents all law abiding Americans of all races, genders, religions and cultures. America is not a hermit crab in the sea that consists of rightwing nut bigots, fools and worthless miscreants.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.
The big problem with the Democratic Party's coalition of hate is that they also hate each other.

There is so much irony in your post, so I just had to comment on your post.
You are quite the hater, that it's sadly funny that you comment on other's alleged hate.
I've read your posts, you are a hater.
Also, I was wondering why you hate Ronald Reagan, as depicted with your avatar?
Is it because he said this about immigration policy?
"“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.” Ronald Reagan
And we all know how you feel about illegal/legal immigration and immigrants in general.

No, the real irony is that the Democrats are bigots who complain about hate. That’s the point.

stop watching CNN
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

And boy, are you afraid of it.

“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

And boy, are you afraid of it.

“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”
And boy, are you afraid of it.

“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”


Lotsa white people there...

But they have a lot in common with those who are not white; they're all smarter than you. And they are not a frightened child like you are.
“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”

View attachment 238357

Lotsa white people there...

But they have a lot in common with those who are not white; they're all smarter than you. And they are not a frightened child like you are.
PS: Happy Blue Year
And boy, are you afraid of it.

“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”

Look how awesome it is that minorities are better represented in our law making bodies than they have been, instead of just old straight white guys.
“Afraid” is definitely the wrong adjective....Disappointed is far more accurate.

Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”

Look how awesome it is that minorities are better represented in our law making bodies than they have been, instead of just old straight white guys.

Haha...yeah those damn straight white guys, who the fuck do they think they are...they act like they built the greatest nation in the world or something. “We can do it better...FUCK, look how awesome we’ve done in Mexifornia.”
The entire point of Democrat power is population replacement. That is why democrats protect non white killers.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

Does that frighten you, snowflake?

Haha...”snowflake” that’s creative original content right there...Look, we already did this tough guy. Frightened is the wrong adjective.

Yeah it's more like you're "scared shitless"

You should be scared shitless...Have you looked around the about this shithole Mexifornia?
You Brown people ALWAYS fuck shit’s what you do. You weren’t built to lead...sorry. There’s lots of statistics out there...but you hate facts huh?
Women, brown people, and black people!!

They're coming to take your country away from you!!!11!!!

Ooooohhhhhhh scarrrrryyyyyy.
Okay...what do you think is going to happen with the Democrats in Congress that don't "look like" Americans (according to your worthless opinion).

Personally I kind of like what’s happening....the whole “Hahaha White People, we’re taking your country from you” thing is’s biting the Mexicratic Party in the ass big time....they’re demanding that Whites become racist again. It’s as if they don’t know that America is still 70% Caucasian. Please keep it up...please.

Typical right wing mistake. All Caucasians, or even most don't agree with your hateful crap any more than all, or even most gun owners agreeing with the gun nuts. You are trying to claim support that you just don't have.

Haha...most people simply don’t have the nuts to speak how they feel...your PC programming has worked, it has them scared shitless...but you’re not looking / listening when they’re voting...Like I said...keep the bullshit going please.... “look everyone, look how awesome it is that we’ve got rid of all those White people.”

Look how awesome it is that minorities are better represented in our law making bodies than they have been, instead of just old straight white guys.

Haha...yeah those damn straight white guys, who the fuck do they think they are...they act like they built the greatest nation in the world or something. “We can do it better...FUCK, look how awesome we’ve done in Mexifornia.”

Some of them think they are superior to all other Americans and deserve to be pandered to at the expense of Americans that don't look like them. They are wrong.

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