Democrats revel over 116th Congress for not looking American.

The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

Does that frighten you, snowflake?

Haha...ā€snowflakeā€ thatā€™s creative original content right there...Look, we already did this tough guy. Frightened is the wrong adjective.

Yeah it's more like you're "scared shitless"

You should be scared shitless...Have you looked around the about this shithole Mexifornia?
You Brown people ALWAYS fuck shit up...itā€™s what you do. You werenā€™t built to lead...sorry. Thereā€™s lots of statistics out there...but you hate facts huh?

As I said, you're just a scared little boy. Thanks for confirming the obvious now. Perhaps mommy can change your diaper.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

Does that frighten you, snowflake?

Haha...ā€snowflakeā€ thatā€™s creative original content right there...Look, we already did this tough guy. Frightened is the wrong adjective.

Yeah it's more like you're "scared shitless"

You should be scared shitless...Have you looked around the about this shithole Mexifornia?
You Brown people ALWAYS fuck shit up...itā€™s what you do. You werenā€™t built to lead...sorry. Thereā€™s lots of statistics out there...but you hate facts huh?

As I said, you're just a scared little boy. Thanks for confirming the obvious now. Perhaps mommy can change your diaper.

Hahaha....The facts suck donā€™t they? You triggered yet?
What weā€™ve learned in this thread:
Itā€™s okay for folks to celebrate a ā€˜less whiteā€™ group but it is racist as fuck should someone be bummed out about a group with less whites.
More Twilight Zone level shit straight from LibTardia.
I have tremendous admiration for American Blacks like Alan Keyes and Thomas Sowell who love the West and appreciate the ups and downs of history as human evolution. I have zero respect for Somalian savages, Puerto Rican frauds, Pacific Islander retards, Jewish White haters, and other non-Whites who think they have a right to rule over American taxpaying citizens as some kind of punishment just because they put on red lipstick (democrats). This is one example of the destiny of a Black World. That said General "Been La Din" seems like he is interested in helping his filthy brethren stop shitting where the UN delivers them food, besides the corpses they find a delicacy. :p

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I have tremendous admiration for American Blacks like Alan Keyes and Thomas Sowell who love the West and appreciate the ups and downs of history as human evolution. I have zero respect for Somalian savages, Puerto Rican frauds, Pacific Islander retards, Jewish White haters, and other non-Whites who think they have a right to rule over American taxpaying citizens as some kind of punishment just because they put on red lipstick (democrats). This is one example of the destiny of a Black World. That said General "Been La Din" seems like he is interested in helping his filthy brethren stop shitting where the UN delivers them food, besides the corpses they find a delicacy. :p

Unbelievable...fascinating video.
What weā€™ve learned in this thread:
Itā€™s okay for folks to celebrate a ā€˜less whiteā€™ group but it is racist as fuck should someone be bummed out about a group with less whites.
More Twilight Zone level shit straight from LibTardia.
What the rest of us learned; you're scared as hell of not being a majority race in the nation. Good.
What weā€™ve learned in this thread:
Itā€™s okay for folks to celebrate a ā€˜less whiteā€™ group but it is racist as fuck should someone be bummed out about a group with less whites.
More Twilight Zone level shit straight from LibTardia.

I think you are finally catching on, but you don't seem to understand why that is true. Hint --- It's not really all about color. It's about entrenched power with the exclusion of others.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.
How do Americans look?
What weā€™ve learned in this thread:
Itā€™s okay for folks to celebrate a ā€˜less whiteā€™ group but it is racist as fuck should someone be bummed out about a group with less whites.
More Twilight Zone level shit straight from LibTardia.

That's it BrokeLoser...keep pulling that KKK hat down lower and lower.

What a racist loser you really are.


Once again, you cannot blame all this on Liberals...I am neither Lib nor Con. Never voted for a Dem or a Rep in my entire life.

Nope, I guarantee you there are TONS of independents and even lots of Republicans who feel as I do...that you are a raging racist. Xenophobia at it's most graphic. you pathetic.
McRocket, quit lying. The "independent party" is reserved for democrats who lose their democrat primaries and use fraudulent means to obtain office, Joe Lieberman, Bernie Sanders, those kind of folks do that...that they are Jewish is irreverent so pulling the yamica down lower and lower is an ad hominem...and anti-semantic! LOL You racist bigot! When did you first find yourself hating Whitey McRocket?
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.

It's not the looks that matter, but the political belief systems and the social nonsense. It's always Opposite Day among Democrats.

They'd better buckle up. When the backlash hits, it will hit hard.
The New Democrat side of Congress looks more like members at a United Nations assembly...and boy are they proud of it.


You have just won the 'Most Racist OP for January' award.

I don't even have to see the future surely are the hands down winner.

It is a little early, he will top this one soon.
LefTard Logic:
ā€œI prefer to live among other White people.ā€ = BAD
ā€œI prefer to live among fewer White people.ā€ = GOOD
LefTard Logic:
ā€œI prefer to live among other White people.ā€ = BAD
ā€œI prefer to live among fewer White people.ā€ = GOOD

I simply don't care. There's plenty of white folks I wouldn't want to live near. Yourself included.
LefTard Logic:
ā€œI prefer to live among other White people.ā€ = BAD
ā€œI prefer to live among fewer White people.ā€ = GOOD

I simply don't care. There's plenty of white folks I wouldn't want to live near. Yourself included.

I think you do care...if you didnā€™t care you wouldnā€™t have felt compelled to post in this thread. Donā€™t be shy bud...tell us about your White Guilt.

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