Democrats revel over 116th Congress for not looking American.

LefTard Logic:
“I prefer to live among other White people.” = BAD
“I prefer to live among fewer White people.” = GOOD

I simply don't care. There's plenty of white folks I wouldn't want to live near. Yourself included.

I think you do care...if you didn’t care you wouldn’t have felt compelled to post in this thread. Don’t be shy bud...tell us about your White Guilt.

I carry no guilt. I also don't look down on others or believe my race to be superior to others. IOW, not a loser.

Go back to loading ammo. You'll need it.
McRocket, quit lying. The "independent party" is reserved for democrats who lose their democrat primaries and use fraudulent means to obtain office, Joe Lieberman, Bernie Sanders, those kind of folks do that...that they are Jewish is irreverent so pulling the yamica down lower and lower is an ad hominem...and anti-semantic! LOL You racist bigot! When did you first find yourself hating Whitey McRocket?

LOL. Another Trumpbot who simply cannot accept that not everyone is a Lib or a Con. So juvenile and simplistic. The world is not black and white...much as you seem to see it that way.

Anyway....another apparent, ignorant troll who does not even know what even common words they use, actually mean.

School is in...


intransitive verb

1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive'

Definition of LIE

Since lying requires an intent to deceive, the only way you could know I was lying was if I admitted it. And since I do not admit it (because I did not lie about being independent), then you have zero basis to make your statement.

So, your highlighted statement has been proven to be totally baseless.


You either deliberately made a false statement yourself or you have no idea what the word 'lie' actually means.

I am guessing the latter.

Man, you are so easy to prove wrong/made to look really are.

Well, we are done here.

Have a wonderful day.


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