Democrats rigging their primary again?

I still think Bloomberg is gonna move up in the polls........because they need his money and his media network to slander Trump for the next year.
Bloomberg News vowed to not do any stories on him or his rivals.

Nope, no evidence of media collusion here folks.
He's 10x the man your cowardly pos trump is You stick with trump all your repub friends resemble him

He's a rich old fart who pines for totalitarianism.
The role of rigging elections belongs to the Republican party, and they do a great job, so why should we change?
Mooch is living the life. He/she got the YUUUUUGE spread in Martha's Vineyard, travel anywhere, buy anything why do something hard like run for President? I don't see it.
We know one thing: You and Gramps are haters! Let freedom ring Democrats. Don't forget to make a generous donation to Biden's campaign. Remember Dems - the hour is dire and these animals are near.
Yep, they obviously don't want Groper Joe or FAUXCAHONTAS to win the primary. Or socialist Bernie or Mayor Buttplug or Kamel-Toe Harris to win. Bring in Big Mike Obama, she/he/it? will save the day!
She/he/it? What the hell is Melania Trump. What kind of ape is she? with those big broad shoulders? A man! She doesn't have any womanly features like Wendy Williams.

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