Democrats secret weapon?

DKSuddeth said:
teresa kerry heinz

somebody just shoot me please. :firing: :tank: :fifty:

DK the media are 'true believers' which is why they will be confused at the outcome!

On the other hand, just read an SE post about the administration putting a guy with suspected terrorist ties in D of Homeland Security, so WE have our true believers too!

Look at the source...Ted Kennedy...That guy is not only treasonous...a half-murderer...he's ugly. and drunk. and fat.

I don't believe the term "secret weapon"means what you all think.

She has UN ties, and lots of money.

She doesn't have to do anything to get Kerry elected, she can be as effective as sorros.
-=d=- said:
Look at the source...Ted Kennedy...That guy is not only treasonous...a half-murderer...he's ugly. and drunk. and fat.



I'm ugly.

To bad I didn't know better or I would swear she is whe "whore" of Babylon. She switched parties ALMOST as fast as John Kerry received three purple hearts. Can you say "opportunist"? Her and Ariana outta get along good together as two gold-digging c***s.

edited by DKSuddeth - Please refrain from using the C word in your posts.
freeandfun1 said:
To bad I didn't know better or I would swear she is whe "whore" of Babylon. She switched parties ALMOST as fast as John Kerry received three purple hearts. Can you say "opportunist"? Her and Ariana outta get along good together as two gold-digging c***s.

Ariana :cuckoo: ...can you say nut case daaaling
Off subject (kinda). Ok, sorry about the "c" word.

I thought this was funny though. At this is the definition and example for the use of the word that they give:

c*nt ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knt) n. Vulgar Slang
The female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse with a woman.

Offensive. Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.

[Middle English cunte.]

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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


n 1: a woman who is thoroughly disliked; "she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch" [syn: bitch] 2: obscene terms for female genitals [syn: puss, pussy, slit, snatch, twat]

Do you think a repbulican owns this site?

freeandfun1 said:
Off subject (kinda). Ok, sorry about the "c" word.

I thought this was funny though. At this is the definition and example for the use of the word that they give:

c*nt ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knt) n. Vulgar Slang
The female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse with a woman.

Offensive. Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.

[Middle English cunte.]

[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


n 1: a woman who is thoroughly disliked; "she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch" [syn: bitch] 2: obscene terms for female genitals [syn: puss, pussy, slit, snatch, twat]

Do you think a repbulican owns this site?


:shocked: LOL
I gotta admit the ketchup lady gives me the creeps. I keep thinking she outta be married to Arnold when she speaks.
Not sure why you sexists are berating this fine lady.

"I am very angry at the president and his economic policies," she has said. "It's not just, it's not fair, it's not American. The American people are not unfair."

Sounds to me like she has a keen grasp of the issues.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
dilloduck said:
I gotta admit the ketchup lady gives me the creeps. I keep thinking she outta be married to Arnold when she speaks.

She reminds me of Hillary - but much worse - she has more money that Hillary would ever dream of having.

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