Democrats - See the bigger picture


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
On one hand, I understand and largely agree with your points.

But on the other, a failing President may be politically advantageous for the opposing party, but it's not good for the country.

I'd rather hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The question is how the Democrats prepare.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. That is a wider margin than at least 5 or 6 past presidents won the popular vote.

It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

Trump has the advantage of Russian pumping out Fake News and damaging emails. I want to see what the various investigations come up with on Russian meddling..
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Absolute agreement.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.
Being stupid, as those people are, ignorant and unable to think in broader world terms and with discernment is nothing to be proud of. It will be the downfall of America.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.
Being stupid, as those people are, ignorant and unable to think in broader world terms and with discernment is nothing to be proud of. It will be the downfall of America.
From an honest, decent liberal:
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.
Quite true.But they won't listen.
Not so far, anyway. I remain hopeful.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

What are you talking about? We will blame everything on DumBama just like you on the left did with Bush for the last eight years.

Slight lead? The Republicans have over 30 seats ahead of you in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

If you really want to know what the "big picture" is, look at the hundreds and hundreds of seats DumBama lost through the federal, state and even local governments. America is rejecting you and your ideas. We are not ready for Socialism/ Communism. But even if your dream magically comes true, we will fill the courts with as many conservative judges as we can. That was the primary goal in the first place.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
The fact is, she was right. Exactly right.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
The fact is, she was right. Exactly right.

Glad you feel that way. Remember, keep telling as many people as you can. The next election is just around the corner.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.

It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


Even if you don't have a party that you support, you may have some conservative beliefs and perhaps some liberal beliefs.

Say you strongly believe in the right to own and carry firearms, you're in that basket of deplorables.

Or you strongly dislike the idea that weirdos in dresses will be in your daughters bathroom and shower at school, you're in the basket of deplorables.

Or maybe you are against forced gay marriage on the states, you're in that basket of deplorables.

So her comment offended a lot more than just Republican voters, because even some liberals have conservative views of things.

If you disagree with Democrats on just about any issue, you're in that basket of deplorables.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. That is a wider margin than at least 5 or 6 past presidents won the popular vote.

It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

"Hildabeast won the popular vote" -- A meaningless statistic. Should the team who scores the most hits in 7 games win the World Series or should it be who wins the most games?
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yeah....well....liberals and progressives don't want Trump to fail when it comes to the promises he made regarding infrastructure. We won't ask our representatives to block his every move for purely political purposes. We will ask that they find a way to work with him to do something good while loyally opposing him when it comes to the bullshit promises he made to bigots and chicken shits.

What is irking people most is the idea that a certified know-nothing, monumentally dishonest, conspiracy theorist is going to be POTUS. It is an embarrassment.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

Trump has the advantage of Russian pumping out Fake News and damaging emails. I want to see what the various investigations come up with on Russian meddling..

Was Hildabeast and Obozo blaming Benghazi on a video - then replayed non stop on the Lame Stream media "FAKE NEWS?"

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