Democrats - See the bigger picture

It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


Even if you don't have a party that you support, you may have some conservative beliefs and perhaps some liberal beliefs.

Say you strongly believe in the right to own and carry firearms, you're in that basket of deplorables.

Or you strongly dislike the idea that weirdos in dresses will be in your daughters bathroom and shower at school, you're in the basket of deplorables.

Or maybe you are against forced gay marriage on the states, you're in that basket of deplorables.

So her comment offended a lot more than just Republican voters, because even some liberals have conservative views of things.

If you disagree with Democrats on just about any issue, you're in that basket of deplorables. you people ever need a safe space or what? You politically correct ninnies haven't recovered from being called deplorable months ago.

I'm pretty sure that that gaffe hurt Clinton more than most believe. It didn't spell her demise...but you easily offended pansies will be whining about that one for a long time.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


Even if you don't have a party that you support, you may have some conservative beliefs and perhaps some liberal beliefs.

Say you strongly believe in the right to own and carry firearms, you're in that basket of deplorables.

Or you strongly dislike the idea that weirdos in dresses will be in your daughters bathroom and shower at school, you're in the basket of deplorables.

Or maybe you are against forced gay marriage on the states, you're in that basket of deplorables.

So her comment offended a lot more than just Republican voters, because even some liberals have conservative views of things.

If you disagree with Democrats on just about any issue, you're in that basket of deplorables. you people ever need a safe space or what? You politically correct ninnies haven't recovered from being called deplorable months ago.

I'm pretty sure that that gaffe hurt Clinton more than most believe. It didn't spell her demise...but you easily offended pansies will be whining about that one for a long time.

Just pointing out the obvious is all. Yes, when you offend millions of people during an election, it's not likely they will forget the insult in a few days. Hell, you guys are still complaining about the Gore race and what Reagan did. How long into Bush's term did we hear "Mission Accomplished?"
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

Trump has the advantage of Russian pumping out Fake News and damaging emails. I want to see what the various investigations come up with on Russian meddling..
Please hold your breath while waiting.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Jim your delusional as always. What you call freedom of the press, most of us are calling media liars. But, I don't think you've cried "the russians are coming", enough. Maybe a few million more posts about that and we'll get it.
Last edited:
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


Even if you don't have a party that you support, you may have some conservative beliefs and perhaps some liberal beliefs.

Say you strongly believe in the right to own and carry firearms, you're in that basket of deplorables.

Or you strongly dislike the idea that weirdos in dresses will be in your daughters bathroom and shower at school, you're in the basket of deplorables.

Or maybe you are against forced gay marriage on the states, you're in that basket of deplorables.

So her comment offended a lot more than just Republican voters, because even some liberals have conservative views of things.

If you disagree with Democrats on just about any issue, you're in that basket of deplorables. you people ever need a safe space or what? You politically correct ninnies haven't recovered from being called deplorable months ago.

I'm pretty sure that that gaffe hurt Clinton more than most believe. It didn't spell her demise...but you easily offended pansies will be whining about that one for a long time.

Just pointing out the obvious is all. Yes, when you offend millions of people during an election, it's not likely they will forget the insult in a few days. Hell, you guys are still complaining about the Gore race and what Reagan did. How long into Bush's term did we hear "Mission Accomplished?"

Yeah. Trump never offended anyone. Offended people never forget.

Your examples don't compute.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

So you are suggesting that you would rather Trump fail to ensure a future Democratic president, than to see him succeed?

Partisan politics has gone too far. China salutes you.
Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


Even if you don't have a party that you support, you may have some conservative beliefs and perhaps some liberal beliefs.

Say you strongly believe in the right to own and carry firearms, you're in that basket of deplorables.

Or you strongly dislike the idea that weirdos in dresses will be in your daughters bathroom and shower at school, you're in the basket of deplorables.

Or maybe you are against forced gay marriage on the states, you're in that basket of deplorables.

So her comment offended a lot more than just Republican voters, because even some liberals have conservative views of things.

If you disagree with Democrats on just about any issue, you're in that basket of deplorables. you people ever need a safe space or what? You politically correct ninnies haven't recovered from being called deplorable months ago.

I'm pretty sure that that gaffe hurt Clinton more than most believe. It didn't spell her demise...but you easily offended pansies will be whining about that one for a long time.

Just pointing out the obvious is all. Yes, when you offend millions of people during an election, it's not likely they will forget the insult in a few days. Hell, you guys are still complaining about the Gore race and what Reagan did. How long into Bush's term did we hear "Mission Accomplished?"

Yeah. Trump never offended anyone. Offended people never forget.

Your examples don't compute.

For the most part, Trump offended individuals and not groups. Democrats tried to make it look like he was offending groups, but Americans were too smart to buy it. Hillary did just the opposite.
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


As one who has been a Democrat for most of my life my vote was affected by that remark.

Not only the vote, but also the fact that I will withhold any support for a Democrat.

I do have friends and family who are conservative and Republican.

To insult these individuals as deplorable and irredeemable, and from what I see here with the comments that they are ignorant, racist, bigots, etc. has affected my support.

Many here have doubled down on the insults.

When my family and friends are insulted, called names and referred to as uninformed, I take it as an insult to myself.

I could not support Hillary Clinton as President. There were better candidates. Her insults did not help.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

What are you talking about? We will blame everything on DumBama just like you on the left did with Bush for the last eight years.

Slight lead? The Republicans have over 30 seats ahead of you in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

If you really want to know what the "big picture" is, look at the hundreds and hundreds of seats DumBama lost through the federal, state and even local governments. America is rejecting you and your ideas. We are not ready for Socialism/ Communism. But even if your dream magically comes true, we will fill the courts with as many conservative judges as we can. That was the primary goal in the first place.

Boy, you people think your Fake News is still swaying people. You ten seats in the Senate is BIGLY LIE.

Republican wins U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana, giving GOP 52-48 edge in the chamber
Donnie is getting a little nervous. Even some GOP Senators are calling for a full investigation into Russia's meddling in the election. If Donnie and Putin were jointly responsible for those efforts, it will be found out. Then what? Are the GOP members of Congress going to defend Putin? Yea, they will stonewall any investigation after Obama leaves office. That is how Patriotic they are!
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

What are you talking about? We will blame everything on DumBama just like you on the left did with Bush for the last eight years.

Slight lead? The Republicans have over 30 seats ahead of you in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

If you really want to know what the "big picture" is, look at the hundreds and hundreds of seats DumBama lost through the federal, state and even local governments. America is rejecting you and your ideas. We are not ready for Socialism/ Communism. But even if your dream magically comes true, we will fill the courts with as many conservative judges as we can. That was the primary goal in the first place.

Boy, you people think your Fake News is still swaying people. You ten seats in the Senate is BIGLY LIE.

Republican wins U.S. Senate seat in Louisiana, giving GOP 52-48 edge in the chamber

My mistake, I was looking at the current Congress. The next Congress will have over 45 seats in Congress and 6 in the Senate including the independents.
Donnie is getting a little nervous. Even some GOP Senators are calling for a full investigation into Russia's meddling in the election. If Donnie and Putin were jointly responsible for those efforts, it will be found out. Then what? Are the GOP members of Congress going to defend Putin? Yea, they will stonewall any investigation after Obama leaves office. That is how Patriotic they are!

Putin laughing.jpeg

"He say, Russians did it. We were out fishing!"
It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.
And, ladies and gentlemen, a vivid example of why so many people were fed up and voted in Trump.

Even Democrats have admitted Hil-Liars most damaging comment was the Basket of Deplorables. That one comment alone probably cost her the election. Democrats don't understand that you can't insult Americans by the tens of millions and expect people to support them. It shows you just how out of touch the Democrat party is with Americans today.
Not being one who understands politics all that well, I don't know how individual remarks like that influence a vote.

But yeah, that wasn't brilliant.


As one who has been a Democrat for most of my life my vote was affected by that remark.

Not only the vote, but also the fact that I will withhold any support for a Democrat.

I do have friends and family who are conservative and Republican.

To insult these individuals as deplorable and irredeemable, and from what I see here with the comments that they are ignorant, racist, bigots, etc. has affected my support.

Many here have doubled down on the insults.

When my family and friends are insulted, called names and referred to as uninformed, I take it as an insult to myself.

I could not support Hillary Clinton as President. There were better candidates. Her insults did not help.
These are just not likeable people. They're nasty, bigoted, hateful, narcissistic, elitist, intolerant.

I can't say how much that actually affects the vote, but I do know that I'm not alone in my opinion.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

What are you talking about? We will blame everything on DumBama just like you on the left did with Bush for the last eight years.

Slight lead? The Republicans have over 30 seats ahead of you in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

If you really want to know what the "big picture" is, look at the hundreds and hundreds of seats DumBama lost through the federal, state and even local governments. America is rejecting you and your ideas. We are not ready for Socialism/ Communism. But even if your dream magically comes true, we will fill the courts with as many conservative judges as we can. That was the primary goal in the first place.

Enjoy your petty insults and petty victory little elephant. It won't last.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

Trump has the advantage of Russian pumping out Fake News and damaging emails. I want to see what the various investigations come up with on Russian meddling..

Was Hildabeast and Obozo blaming Benghazi on a video - then replayed non stop on the Lame Stream media "FAKE NEWS?"

Name calling: Is that all you know how to do?
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:
Our candidate WON THE POPULAR VOTE by over 2.75 million votes. That is a wider margin than at least 5 or 6 past presidents won the popular vote.

It is the archaic Electoral College that skewed the results in favor of small town America and its uneducated, low information, religious gun nuts who completely lack critical thinking skills.

Has nothing to do with Mrs. Clinton being a weak candidate. Trump was just as weak, more so, and also very disliked.

"Hildabeast won the popular vote" -- A meaningless statistic. Should the team who scores the most hits in 7 games win the World Series or should it be who wins the most games?

The Yankees are probably the best team ever to have never won the Super Bowl.

Dems just can't live by the same rules as the rest of us.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Disdain for the press? You may want to look into Obama's relationship with the press. And anyone left of center complaining about free speech has got to be kidding.

As for the Russians, how in the world can any sane human being be so upset about the Russians as compared to Hillary's deep ties to the Saudis? I'll take the Russians over Wahabi central any day. And keep in mind there are no known ties between Trump and the Russians while Clinton's ties to the Saudis are legion.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Disdain for the press? You may want to look into Obama's relationship with the press. And anyone left of center complaining about free speech has got to be kidding.

As for the Russians, how in the world can any sane human being be so upset about the Russians as compared to Hillary's deep ties to the Saudis? I'll take the Russians over Wahabi central any day. And keep in mind there are no known ties between Trump and the Russians while Clinton's ties to the Saudis are legion.

Comrade Stump will have us involved in a major war, within two years. We will, most likely be fighting with Russia, against a country which Putin wants back in his fold.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Disdain for the press? You may want to look into Obama's relationship with the press. And anyone left of center complaining about free speech has got to be kidding.

As for the Russians, how in the world can any sane human being be so upset about the Russians as compared to Hillary's deep ties to the Saudis? I'll take the Russians over Wahabi central any day. And keep in mind there are no known ties between Trump and the Russians while Clinton's ties to the Saudis are legion.

Comrade Stump will have us involved in a major war, within two years. We will, most likely be fighting with Russia, against a country which Putin wants back in his fold.
So let me see if I have this right. Putin wanted Trump to be president because he can control Trump. And Trump is going to repay Putin's help by going to war with with Russia. Hmmm, something doesn't add up.

By the way what country does Putin want back in the fold, the US? I wasn't aware we were ever in the fold.
There is a lot of angry and hurt Democrats out there, who are not seeing the big picture. So consider:

1. You folks nominated an unpopular, politically damaged candidate, who received the nomination only by way of super delegates...and still managed to make a horse race of it.

2. Republican majorities in Congress are very thin. It will take very little to flip them.

3. Republicans won't be able to blame the Democrats for anything, now that they control Congress and the White-house, any slip up's will fall squarely on their shoulders.

4. With Donald Trump walking back nearly all of his campaign promises, his support will soon fade.

So relax Democrats. The world is not over because of 1 election. Let those little Trump supporters toss all the insults and ugly comments they want, they know the honeymoon will be short lived, and soon they'll have to deliver on all those promises...and they can't. Your day will soon come again. :bye1:

Yes, some of these lead to a bit of comfort, but the larger concern is Trump. He is the most dangerous man to ever occupy the White House. He has shown over and over his disdain for the press and free speech. And his admiration of the Dictator Putin and his denial of a CIA report that details Russia's meddling in the election needs to concern everyone, not only Democrats. This country is in Peril.
Disdain for the press? You may want to look into Obama's relationship with the press. And anyone left of center complaining about free speech has got to be kidding.

As for the Russians, how in the world can any sane human being be so upset about the Russians as compared to Hillary's deep ties to the Saudis? I'll take the Russians over Wahabi central any day. And keep in mind there are no known ties between Trump and the Russians while Clinton's ties to the Saudis are legion.

Comrade Stump will have us involved in a major war, within two years. We will, most likely be fighting with Russia, against a country which Putin wants back in his fold.

I guess after Obama leaves, who he owned, it's us he wants back?

Or his buddy Obama?

Maybe Putins into flexible dudes?

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