Democrats Smear of Cheerios and Quaker Oats


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
It's nothing but a smear. Whenever a company tells the democrats No, Get Lost, Done with You... they get the liberal wrap-up smear. Cheerios no longer wanted those liberal's faces on their products. Today the Cheerio boxes say, "Mom, Dad, Grandpa, or Grandma" with pictures of no one.

Cheerios is essentially telling the democrats their sex is awful and makes them puke, and they want nothing more to do with them. Well, democrats feel some kind of way about that, so they turn to their smear tactics.

Democrats: “We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it,” Pelosi said at a press conference last year. “And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.”

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Another thing that the Crazy Democrat Cult does is "fact check" themselves.
They will say that the issue was "debunked" or "fact checked" but fact checking yourself is highly illegitimate.
The Democrat Party relies upon dumb people.

It's nothing but a smear. Whenever a company tells the democrats No, Get Lost, Done with You... they get the liberal wrap-up smear. Cheerios no longer wanted those liberal's faces on their products. Today the Cheerio boxes say, "Mom, Dad, Grandpa, or Grandma" with pictures of no one.

Cheerios is essentially telling the democrats their sex is awful and makes them puke, and they want nothing more to do with them. Well, democrats feel some kind of way about that, so they turn to their smear tactics.

Democrats: “We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it,” Pelosi said at a press conference last year. “And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.”

When Trump locks up the democrat Party leadership, he should let them eat only Cheerios and water
Another thing that the Crazy Democrat Cult does is "fact check" themselves.
They will say that the issue was "debunked" or "fact checked" but fact checking yourself is highly illegitimate.
The Democrat Party relies upon dumb people.
Are we talking facts-facts or alternate-facts here? :cool-45:
Consumers have no right to know if a pesticide is in their food? Why not let people know there are pesticides in their cereal?
If there's even a trace of that toxic crap then it should be broadcasted. Then let people decide. What happens to the corporation after that is inconsequential. Or is it $ over peoples health?
Consumers have no right to know if a pesticide is in their food? Why not let people know there are pesticides in their cereal?
If there's even a trace of that toxic crap then it should be broadcasted. Then let people decide. What happens to the corporation after that is inconsequential. Or is it $ over peoples health?
Strange how oats and bran are only good, healthy, and safe to eat "IF" a democrat says so. The liberal decides this for you.
It's nothing but a smear. Whenever a company tells the democrats No, Get Lost, Done with You... they get the liberal wrap-up smear. Cheerios no longer wanted those liberal's faces on their products. Today the Cheerio boxes say, "Mom, Dad, Grandpa, or Grandma" with pictures of no one.

Cheerios is essentially telling the democrats their sex is awful and makes them puke, and they want nothing more to do with them. Well, democrats feel some kind of way about that, so they turn to their smear tactics.

Democrats: “We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it,” Pelosi said at a press conference last year. “And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.”

Democrats use pesticides to grow oats?

Not sure what sex has to do with this?

This is one of the most confused crazy conspiracy theories I've heard in a while.

Maybe you need to refine it a bit and try again?


My bad, just read the rest of the replies and realized you guys are just stroking yourselves again.

Carry on.
'safe and effective"

"it came from a bat in the Wuhan market and not the Wuhan Coronavirus Research Institute"

"I'm not involved in my sons influence peddling business, hell, I never even met anyone named Hunter Biden"
Your point? Where it came from isn’t as important as how Trump screwed up the response. I can’t believe that a businessman of his supposed stature said supply-chains were something nobody ever heard of before!
Consumers have no right to know if a pesticide is in their food? Why not let people know there are pesticides in their cereal?
If there's even a trace of that toxic crap then it should be broadcasted. Then let people decide. What happens to the corporation after that is inconsequential. Or is it $ over peoples health?
They have a right to know as long as it is fair and across the board. Your going to find foreign items, chemicals and insect parts in most food products so one company shoudn't be singled out as if it is only their product.
This goes back even to when Obama was in office. He set out to smear those businesses who both did not contribute to his campaign and were not supporting him period.

He did a smear job to Texas' Blue Bell Ice Cream Company saying it was full of lysteria. It was a lie but when fed to the media that lie become true while still being a lie. It nearly shut that company down until years later a billionaire from Dallas put up the money to rescue it. They go so far as to pay a low wage employee a fee to put something in the ice cream to get the ball rolling.

Target Stores (all of them) was the other company Obama set out to smear. This was a real dirty smear because it took place in December during Christmas. It ended up costing Target billions in revenue.

Obama was the president when all of this took place in 2013-2015 when those "conservative" companies were smeared.

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They have a right to know as long as it is fair and across the board. Your going to find foreign items, chemicals and insect parts in most food products so one company shoudn't be singled out as if it is only their product.
I agree. Politics has no business in food safety. That being said one should avoid the middle of the grocery store. That stuff is full of stuff and who knows if half of those chemicals have ever been tested and if they have how good were those studies? Remember when some people believed roundup doesn't have any negative effects?

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