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Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump, Ohio party leaders say

The DNC's brie and chardonnay set spend lots of money on convincing their core base white working class proles are the cause of all their misery; their Party base drops by 90% if they dare start backtracking on their lies at this point. Without the appeals to the violent racism and bigotry endemic in their base they disappear as a Party now. Their base is actually stupid and uneducated enough to believe some blue collar proles have any political power to oppress anybody, a ludicrous premise only loons and the Butt Stupid could buy. 'Globalists' around the world despise uppity proles and hate nationalism and patriotism; that stuff interferes with pocket stuffing labor racketeering and off-shore money laundering.

does your doctor know you are off your medication.

You do have one thing right. You rubes in Jesusland don't have the power to oppress anyone, except yourselves.

It's how you've gone from this...


to this...

The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.
Make up your minds, more than a few of your fellow loons screech it was the uneducated whites who voted him in.

They're flaming idiots and just mindlessly repeat whatever crap they're told to; it's not like they ever actually read what they post or ever actually look into any of it. Their agenda has nothing to with anything but sociopathic mindlessness and revenge for imaginary 'crimes'. That's what they keep telling their base they're for.

Post #241 by Joe here is a typical example; racist, classist, and stupid.
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Again, we have to fix this country. America has the capability of rendering the whole planet uninhabitable, and will if we let you inbred rednecks run amok.

Frankly, I would love to send all you inbred Red-state Jesus assholes to another planet and let you create your "utopia'. YOu'd probably all be dead in a century without Blue State folks to sponge off of.

"you mean that White People Welfare has to be paid for by someone? I thought that was just Negro Welfare!!"

Actually I created a topic on a similar subject during winter. Most libs (including you) didn't want to participate.

I asked people if they would support separating the country? Divide the country right down the middle, liberals live on one side and Republicans on the other. Republicans chimed in talking about how great our side would be and gave explanations as to why. But every liberal was outraged at my idea; they very thought that separating the country would be a good thing. But none ever said why their side would be better except a few smart ass remarks.

I would support doing it too. Imagine how great life would be with no liberals around. Our side would attract all the businesses with lower taxes and regulations, our jails would be nearly empty. No bureaucracies unconstitutionally making laws against the people. My property value would double, then we could layoff half of our police and fire personnel. Guns galore that would keep crime way down, because let's face it, the reason we need guns now is because of Democrats.

Are you retarded? Do you not understand why big insurance went along with ACA, and they are the ones keeping the GOP from repealling it now?

Yes, because the Commies made a law that stated everybody had to have insurance. Looked good on paper anyway. If you sold apples for a living, and some joker made a law everybody must buy apples, you would support it too! The problem is that it was a failure. Not everybody bought insurance, only the ones that were going to need it. Younger healthy people just paid the penalty. What they ended up with was bunch of sick people and not making a profit. So they got out of it. In fact, the federal government robbed hard working Americans over a billion dollars a year in kept income tax refunds. In fact, there are less people today with private heath insurance than in 2008. Most of the people on Commie Care went to taxpayer paid programs like Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP's and so on.

You see, the fastest way to collapse private insurance would be to get rid of company/union group plans and get rid of government subsidies. If people had to individually negotiate for health insurance, the system would collapse in a week.

Sure it would, but that's not going to happen in our lifetime.

Nonsense. We are already getting lower quality personnel in corporate medicine... at higher costs.

Government can control costs. That's something the insurance companies can't do. It's why those Europeans you like to pretend don't exist because they've done figured this out pay 8% of their GDP on health care while we spend 17%.

Sure, government can control costs. Just ask Hillary how that worked out:

Hillary's Vaccine Shortage

Same thing Republicans are... getting re-elected. Hence why Trump Care died a third time this week.

The thing is, when you let the insurance, pharamcuetical and medical companies bribe politicians on both sides, you'll get exactly what we have now... slapping patch after patch on the current system without any meaningful reform.

And dumbasses like you will sit there on your bottom feeding job and complain that the black welfare mom is getting better treatment than you are.

You mean I shouldn't complain about it? After all, the Democrat theme is to reward failure and penalize success.

Point is, Trump has both houses of congress and the white house,and he STILL can't get shit done.

Not with Democrats in the way they can't. But we are changing that. Hopefully voters next election will see how the Democrats are stopping us from moving forward, and elect another Republican in the White House to continue the purge of commie leftist activist judges who bastardize the US Constitution for their political advantage. Replace those judges with conservatives, and elect more conservatives to the US Senate.

Obama got shit done. He reformed health care, reformed the banking system, got us out of the great recession and ended the Iraq War

Yes, he ended the Iraq war. He gave the country to the terrorists. Now we are back there fighting again trying to get back some of what we had before that mistake. Even DumBama's own military leaders told him not to leave Iraq, but as far as DumBama was concerned, getting reelected was more important than keeping all our gains that cost us so many military deaths.

No, DumBama didn't do anything to get us out of the recession. He is the most anti-business President we've had in my entire life. Nobody was worse.
Actually I created a topic on a similar subject during winter. Most libs (including you) didn't want to participate.

I asked people if they would support separating the country? Divide the country right down the middle, liberals live on one side and Republicans on the other. Republicans chimed in talking about how great our side would be and gave explanations as to why. But every liberal was outraged at my idea; they very thought that separating the country would be a good thing. But none ever said why their side would be better except a few smart ass remarks.

You mean they made a bunch of point that you don't understand?

Obviously, you couldn't separate the country because the blue folk states live in the cities and the red state folks live out in Jesusland where they need a government subsidized everything to have a good quality of life.

You think that they'd be stringing up electrical wires to Jesus Land if they weren't getting a government subsidy to do so?

here's a map I keep showing you. Which states are paying more in than they get out,and which states are getting more back from the Federal government than they pay in...


I would support doing it too. Imagine how great life would be with no liberals around. Our side would attract all the businesses with lower taxes and regulations, our jails would be nearly empty. No bureaucracies unconstitutionally making laws against the people. My property value would double, then we could layoff half of our police and fire personnel. Guns galore that would keep crime way down, because let's face it, the reason we need guns now is because of Democrats.

No, guy, you need a gun because your pecker is really tiny and black people scare you.

The reality is that most of these big corporations might want to use the labor of the JesusLand states where they can pay you non-union wages and dump shit in your water supply, but they prefer to LIVE in a blue state with amenities and clean water.

Sure, government can control costs. Just ask Hillary how that worked out:

So Hillary was responsible for a vaccine shortage that happened under Bush? Really?

Yes, because the Commies made a law that stated everybody had to have insurance. Looked good on paper anyway. If you sold apples for a living, and some joker made a law everybody must buy apples, you would support it too! The problem is that it was a failure. Not everybody bought insurance, only the ones that were going to need it. Younger healthy people just paid the penalty. What they ended up with was bunch of sick people and not making a profit. So they got out of it. In fact, the federal government robbed hard working Americans over a billion dollars a year in kept income tax refunds. In fact, there are less people today with private heath insurance than in 2008. Most of the people on Commie Care went to taxpayer paid programs like Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP's and so on.

again, dummy, the "Private" insurance plans that vanished were the scams... and no great loss.

ObamaCare worked just fine, which is why the Republicans are balking at repealing it. They never thought they would be in a position where they'd be able to repeal it, and now after talking smack for 8 years, they are walking away with their tails between their legs.

You mean I shouldn't complain about it? After all, the Democrat theme is to reward failure and penalize success.

Guy, you work for a company that won't give you health insurance in a ruined city and you complain you can't get a better job because you are "too old". I'm not seeing a lot of "Success" that they are penalizing you for.

Not with Democrats in the way they can't. But we are changing that. Hopefully voters next election will see how the Democrats are stopping us from moving forward, and elect another Republican in the White House to continue the purge of commie leftist activist judges who bastardize the US Constitution for their political advantage. Replace those judges with conservatives, and elect more conservatives to the US Senate.

Guy, I hate to keep breaking this to you, but you aren't going to increase your margin in Congress with a president with a 30% approval rating and a Congress with a 19% approval rating. Next election, you lose the house and most of the governorships and the ONLY reason you won't lose the Senate is because you only have 9 seats up.

Oh, yesterday- .7% GDP Growth. The Trump Recession might be coming a lot sooner than we thought.
Yes, he ended the Iraq war. He gave the country to the terrorists. Now we are back there fighting again trying to get back some of what we had before that mistake. Even DumBama's own military leaders told him not to leave Iraq, but as far as DumBama was concerned, getting reelected was more important than keeping all our gains that cost us so many military deaths.

No, DumBama didn't do anything to get us out of the recession. He is the most anti-business President we've had in my entire life. Nobody was worse.

How can we give it back to the "terrorists' when the terrorists never had it to start with. Saddam had the country under control. yes, he was a thug, but the trains ran on time.

Then Bush invaded, plunged the country into chaos and poured a trillion dollars into the place for no good effect...

and this by you guys was something Obama should have kept doing even though the people clearly said "No" by electing him over John McWhacky.

You see, if we had a universal draft and they sent the middle class white kids to fight these wars, we'd probably have less wars.
Yes, he ended the Iraq war. He gave the country to the terrorists. Now we are back there fighting again trying to get back some of what we had before that mistake. Even DumBama's own military leaders told him not to leave Iraq, but as far as DumBama was concerned, getting reelected was more important than keeping all our gains that cost us so many military deaths.

No, DumBama didn't do anything to get us out of the recession. He is the most anti-business President we've had in my entire life. Nobody was worse.

How can we give it back to the "terrorists' when the terrorists never had it to start with. Saddam had the country under control. yes, he was a thug, but the trains ran on time.

Then Bush invaded, plunged the country into chaos and poured a trillion dollars into the place for no good effect...

and this by you guys was something Obama should have kept doing even though the people clearly said "No" by electing him over John McWhacky.

You see, if we had a universal draft and they sent the middle class white kids to fight these wars, we'd probably have less wars.

We may have less wars, but we would have many more deaths.

Many people are not geared for the military. A draft is as stupid as forcing people to play football or forcing them to participate in a bike race. One of the reasons our military is so great is because these people had military in their blood. They joined to fight for this country. You can't turn a lawyer into a successful plumber.

Sending people to fight who have no fight in them is like executing them blindfolded. The battlefields of war is no place for the high school chess champion.

How did we give it back to the terrorists? It's the terrorists that went into battle after Saddam was toppled. They wanted all that Iraq oil for themselves.
You mean they made a bunch of point that you don't understand?

Obviously, you couldn't separate the country because the blue folk states live in the cities and the red state folks live out in Jesusland where they need a government subsidized everything to have a good quality of life.

You think that they'd be stringing up electrical wires to Jesus Land if they weren't getting a government subsidy to do so?

here's a map I keep showing you. Which states are paying more in than they get out,and which states are getting more back from the Federal government than they pay in...

So what does that prove? Many states that are red (including mine) have cities that always have Democrats in them. A red state does not mean everybody or most people are Republican anymore than a blue state means everybody or most people are Democrats. People use federal government aid less than the state itself.

Our state is a swing state, but currently red. But our cities like Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton all have Democrats sucking on the federal government tit.

Yes, we do have some Republicans out in the country (you know the country, where food is grown???) but many Republicans live in middle-class and upper-class suburbs of the cities. So don't worry about our side of the country, we will not only do fine, but ten times better than the Democrat side. The only real problem we would have is erecting a Trump wall to keep Democrats out once your gunless society is full of criminals and drug addicts like our Democrat run cities. No jobs means more than 3/4 of your side would be on welfare.

No, guy, you need a gun because your pecker is really tiny and black people scare you.

The reality is that most of these big corporations might want to use the labor of the JesusLand states where they can pay you non-union wages and dump shit in your water supply, but they prefer to LIVE in a blue state with amenities and clean water.

Really? Then why are businesses flocking to red right-to-work states? When people make less money with no government help, they tend to start helping themselves. It's called tough love, and it works every time it's tried.

So Hillary was responsible for a vaccine shortage that happened under Bush? Really?

No, she did that back in the early 90's when her husband was President. The article I posted required membership, so here is the New York Post explaining it:


again, dummy, the "Private" insurance plans that vanished were the scams... and no great loss.

ObamaCare worked just fine, which is why the Republicans are balking at repealing it. They never thought they would be in a position where they'd be able to repeal it, and now after talking smack for 8 years, they are walking away with their tails between their legs.

Nobody is walking away just yet. After all, it's only been 100 days. Commie Care took years before it actually started.

Guy, you work for a company that won't give you health insurance in a ruined city and you complain you can't get a better job because you are "too old". I'm not seeing a lot of "Success" that they are penalizing you for.

Age is one reason, government is the larger reason. If not for government, I could get ten jobs tomorrow. But because of my health issues, they won't allow me to accept over 98% of the jobs out there.

Guy, I hate to keep breaking this to you, but you aren't going to increase your margin in Congress with a president with a 30% approval rating and a Congress with a 19% approval rating. Next election, you lose the house and most of the governorships and the ONLY reason you won't lose the Senate is because you only have 9 seats up.

Oh, yesterday- .7% GDP Growth. The Trump Recession might be coming a lot sooner than we thought.

Yeah, right. Yet we won the White House with a congressional approval rating of 18%. Polls don't mean anything.
The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.

"Economic uncertainty?". Horseshit. It was the racism, stupid. But we're not allowed to talk about that, as conservative PC speech codes forbid it.

I continue to hope you and other Democrats believe that. Keep up the good work.
The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.

"Economic uncertainty?". Horseshit. It was the racism, stupid. But we're not allowed to talk about that, as conservative PC speech codes forbid it.
It was racism that caused voters to turn out for a white guy over a white woman? Come on, Mamooth...that's just plain silly!

You're a perfect example of what the OP was referring to! Working class Democrats in the Mid West feel like their party has been hijacked by the "liberal elite" from the coasts and their concerns are being ignored. That's reality. You calling their angst "racism" is you wearing political blinders!
The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.

"Economic uncertainty?". Horseshit. It was the racism, stupid. But we're not allowed to talk about that, as conservative PC speech codes forbid it.
It was racism that caused voters to turn out for a white guy over a white woman? Come on, Mamooth...that's just plain silly!

You're a perfect example of what the OP was referring to! Working class Democrats in the Mid West feel like their party has been hijacked by the "liberal elite" from the coasts and their concerns are being ignored. That's reality. You calling their angst "racism" is you wearing political blinders!

It is all the left has got. It can't be for wanting a voice to be heard, it can't be because they are worried about their future and their future way of life. It has to be hate. That is what the left feeds on, hate, hate, hate.
We may have less wars, but we would have many more deaths.

Meh, not really. Frankly, leaving the war fighting to the poor people makes it too easy to have them.

Many people are not geared for the military. A draft is as stupid as forcing people to play football or forcing them to participate in a bike race. One of the reasons our military is so great is because these people had military in their blood. They joined to fight for this country. You can't turn a lawyer into a successful plumber.

Uh, guy, we haven't won a war outright since 1945, when we DRAFTED everyone. Every war we've fought has been kind of indecisive...

We do just fine fighting wars with draftees. But that requires the whole country to buy into the effort and for the leaders to not dick around and be indecisive. We are in Year Sixteen of a War on An Emotional State. This isn't progress.

How did we give it back to the terrorists? It's the terrorists that went into battle after Saddam was toppled. They wanted all that Iraq oil for themselves.

Actually, what the 'terrorists' wanted was us the fuck out of their country. It's not our country and it's not our oil. It's THEIR oil.

If we spent the money we've wasted trying to control the oil into trying to find something better than the cutting edge energy of the 1850's, we'd be a lot better off.

Now, more stupidity from Racist from Cleveland...

So what does that prove? Many states that are red (including mine) have cities that always have Democrats in them. A red state does not mean everybody or most people are Republican anymore than a blue state means everybody or most people are Democrats. People use federal government aid less than the state itself.

Please study the map. The biggest teet suckers are not Ohio (which breaks even at 1.01) but Alabama, MS, and WV- all red states.

the fact is, the BLUE states create the economic activity, and the red states suck at the teet...

No, she did that back in the early 90's when her husband was President.

Yet oddly, all the bad shit didn't happen until Bush was President. Now why was that?

Nobody is walking away just yet. After all, it's only been 100 days. Commie Care took years before it actually started.

Guy, you're done. I hate to keep explaining this to you, but the nuts in the Freedom Caucus won't go along with anything sensible, and the moderates won't pull health care from millions of people and lose their jobs. Come on, guy, if you guys had a better idea, you've had 7 years to develop it.

The thing is, the only "better idea" is single payer, which is what we should have did from the get go.
Age is one reason, government is the larger reason. If not for government, I could get ten jobs tomorrow. But because of my health issues, they won't allow me to accept over 98% of the jobs out there.

Oh, I thought it was because you were a useless uneducated slug with anger management problems.

Guy, I help people find jobs every day... If they can do it, you can do it.
Yeah, right. Yet we won the White House with a congressional approval rating of 18%. Polls don't mean anything.

You didn't win the White House, you stole it. You also lost two senate seats and 8 house seats. But here's the thing. When most people don't know their congressman's name, but they do know what letter he has after his name...

And when you have a president with a 30% approval rating and a Congress with a 10% approval rating, and a looming recession, it's going to suck to be you.
The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.

"Economic uncertainty?". Horseshit. It was the racism, stupid. But we're not allowed to talk about that, as conservative PC speech codes forbid it.

I'm quite certain that the reason Trump won was the Rustbelt, and he won the Rustbelt by talking tough on outsourced jobs, which particularly hit the Rustbelt region hard.
The DNC's brie and chardonnay set spend lots of money on convincing their core base white working class proles are the cause of all their misery; their Party base drops by 90% if they dare start backtracking on their lies at this point. Without the appeals to the violent racism and bigotry endemic in their base they disappear as a Party now. Their base is actually stupid and uneducated enough to believe some blue collar proles have any political power to oppress anybody, a ludicrous premise only loons and the Butt Stupid could buy. 'Globalists' around the world despise uppity proles and hate nationalism and patriotism; that stuff interferes with pocket stuffing labor racketeering and off-shore money laundering.

does your doctor know you are off your medication.

You do have one thing right. You rubes in Jesusland don't have the power to oppress anyone, except yourselves.

It's how you've gone from this...


to this...


What's amazing, Joe is how you "liberals" have gone from peaceful protesters to being masked black togged thugs burning and looting but you think it's conservatives who have changed? Funny stuff, Dude...but par for the course for you!
Yeah, right. Yet we won the White House with a congressional approval rating of 18%. Polls don't mean anything.

You didn't win the White House, you stole it. You also lost two senate seats and 8 house seats. But here's the thing. When most people don't know their congressman's name, but they do know what letter he has after his name...

And when you have a president with a 30% approval rating and a Congress with a 10% approval rating, and a looming recession, it's going to suck to be you.

You ran an awful candidate, Joey! Admit it...Hillary Clinton sucked ass! Your party was exposed for the corrupt band of political insiders that they are...and the voters turned their backs on you.

The dinner was supposed to be a Democratic strategy session for an upcoming county election. But the mood grew darker as conversation turned toward the future of their party.

One by one, members of the Mahoning County Democratic Party poured out their frustrations: Just months after the presidential election, they felt folks like them were being forgotten - again. The party's comeback strategy was being steered by protesters, consultants and elitists from New York and California who have no idea what voters in middle America care about.

But worst of all, they said, the party hadn't learned from what they saw as the biggest message from November's election: Democrats have fallen completely out of touch with America's blue-collar voters.

"It doesn't matter how much we scream and holler about jobs and the economy at the local level. Our national leaders still don't get it," said David Betras, the county's party chair. "While Trump is talking about trade and jobs, they're still obsessing about which bathrooms people should be allowed to go into."

Others around the restaurant table nodded.

Since the election, Democrats have been swallowed up in an unending cycle of outrage and issues that have little to do with the nation's working class, they said, such as women's marches, fighting Trump's refugee ban and advocating for transgender bathroom rights.

..."Every time Trump so much as sneezes, we as a party are setting our hair on fire and running around like it's the end of the world," Betras said as the dinner wound down. "Most people around here don't care. They are living paycheck to paycheck, just trying to hold on. After everything that's happened, if we as a party still aren't speaking to them, then we are never getting them back."
Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump...

You have to be flat out living in denial not to see this.

THe dems don't WANT to address those blue collar concerns. They consider those concerns invalid.

They want to keep pandering to their bases, ie libs and minorities.

Demographic shift will give them what they want, and they can win and ignore the interests of the blue collar workers forever.

That's the plan. The sooner these fools wake up to it, the better.
They have made it perfectly clear they aren't liberals.

The name of the game is to maintain division between people. It's busy work for the masses. If you and I are slamming each other then we can't pay attention to what is going on. What's going on is that the Democrats are all about faux privatization of the public education system. They are all about privatizing the government. They are all about invasion of privacy. They are all about implementing the free market. They love corporations.

But, the vast majority cannot see it.

This is how RACISM was created.

It's class based and they have everybody fighting over scraps.

I'm quite certain that racism was created by the Capitalist / Mercantilist elite who used Racism to justify Colonialism by dehumanizing the subjects of colonialism, to extract profits from their non-White subjects.

Now that Colonialism has ended, these same Capitalist elite have invented anti-Racism to justify Multiculturalism by humanizing the cheap labor non-Whites they bring in for profits.

However, given the third-World mentality living on long after Colonialism, it's definitely true that certain races are inferior.

Now that we have more evidence than ever of inherent racial inferiority among certain groups, now Western society like idiots bend over backwards for those of dubious heritages.
They didn't. This is a myth you stupid people believe. Only 13% of the manufacturing jobs lost were lost to outsourcing. Trump has convinced dumb racists like you that brown people fucked you when it was rich people.

And you stupid White Trash shits keep believing it.

As overseas outsourcing has expanded, U.S. manufacturing has suffered the brunt of the blow. According to a report on outsourcing by Working America, “Manufacturing employment collapsed from a high of 19.5 million workers in June 1979 to 11.5 workers in December 2009, a drop of 8 million workers over 30 years. Between August 2000 and February 2004, manufacturing jobs were lost for a stunning 43 consecutive months—the longest such stretch since the Great Depression.” Manufacturing plants have also declined sharply in the last decade, shrinking by more than 51,000 plants, or 12.5 percent, between 1998 and 2008. These stable, middle-class jobs have been the driving force of the U.S. economy for decades and theses losses have done considerable damage to communities across the country.

Labor costs are the main driver of corporations sending jobs overseas, but foreign countries’ costs are increasing compared to the United States. According to a 2012 survey from Duke’s Fuqua School of business, nearly three-quarters of respondents indicated labor cost savings as one of the three most important drivers leading to overseas outsourcing.

Real hourly wages have declined since the 1970's, and Union membership has also declined since the 1970's/

So, it seems that Capitalist myths of wages being too high, and Unions being too strong are not so.

These Capitalists just want to maximize their profits at all costs, they don't care about our nation.
They didn't. This is a myth you stupid people believe. Only 13% of the manufacturing jobs lost were lost to outsourcing. Trump has convinced dumb racists like you that brown people fucked you when it was rich people.

And you stupid White Trash shits keep believing it.

As overseas outsourcing has expanded, U.S. manufacturing has suffered the brunt of the blow. According to a report on outsourcing by Working America, “Manufacturing employment collapsed from a high of 19.5 million workers in June 1979 to 11.5 workers in December 2009, a drop of 8 million workers over 30 years. Between August 2000 and February 2004, manufacturing jobs were lost for a stunning 43 consecutive months—the longest such stretch since the Great Depression.” Manufacturing plants have also declined sharply in the last decade, shrinking by more than 51,000 plants, or 12.5 percent, between 1998 and 2008. These stable, middle-class jobs have been the driving force of the U.S. economy for decades and theses losses have done considerable damage to communities across the country.

Labor costs are the main driver of corporations sending jobs overseas, but foreign countries’ costs are increasing compared to the United States. According to a 2012 survey from Duke’s Fuqua School of business, nearly three-quarters of respondents indicated labor cost savings as one of the three most important drivers leading to overseas outsourcing.

Real hourly wages have declined since the 1970's, and Union membership has also declined since the 1970's/

So, it seems that Capitalist myths of wages being too high, and Unions being too strong are not so.

These Capitalists just want to maximize their profits at all costs, they don't care about our nation.

Which union are you a member of? Do you buy ONLY union products?
What's amazing, Joe is how you "liberals" have gone from peaceful protesters to being masked black togged thugs burning and looting but you think it's conservatives who have changed? Funny stuff, Dude...but par for the course for you!

Uh, guy, again, you are kind of too stupid to realize that you are a tool.

We had unions, we had a good middle class, we had rights and workplaces and prosperity... then the Koch Brothers told you that welfare mom wanted half your cookie while he stole all that from you.

You ran an awful candidate, Joey! Admit it...Hillary Clinton sucked ass! Your party was exposed for the corrupt band of political insiders that they are...and the voters turned their backs on you.

Actually, she won by 3 million votes. And frankly, we aren't electing a candidate, we are electing a leader. The problem is, we treated picking "Leader of the Free World" like picking "Winner of American Idol",and sadly, we are realizing we can't change the channel when it stops being interesting.

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