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Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump, Ohio party leaders say

...yet you can't seem to learn anything.
White House, House, Senate, Supes, States.

Zealots don't learn, because that would require admitting mistakes.

The Democratic Party is in desperate need of a Reformation. The zealots have to be marginalized somehow.
It's a real shame you don't understand how our government works yet. You don't realize that the President is not king and calls all the shots. It's a group effort to make the country work. In many cases, one can't work without the cooperation of the other such as we've seen during the eight years of DumBama.

Obama did just fine... most people were better off in 2016 than they were in 2009. Except for the racists, of course. It kind of sucked for them.

Demorats are self-proclaimed enemies of business and corporations. Republicans are pro-business and corporations. That's why when we have a Republican Congress, business gets more influenced to expand or invest in their operations. Democrats run around telling their sheep how they are going to take money away from evil rich people and corporations.

But businesses do better when Democrats are in charge, that's the thing. Democrats just have this funny idea that when your company does well, you should actually share the wealth with the people who did the actual work.

Payroll costs depend on the industry. The percentages range from 10% to 40%. Our minimum wage in the past has been nickels and dimes, hardly enough to have any major impact. But a huge increase in minimum wage would display the actual harm of it.

Guy, if the mimimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be $15.00 an hour now. It worked fine then, it would work fine now. If you weren't such a Battered Wife Republican, you'd get this... the Big Businessman isn't your friend.

I don't understand. Are you trying to tell me that heaven isn't mentioned in the old testament, or that you don't think heaven is where good people go when they die? Your answer will help me prove you wrong as I repeatedly do.

No, guy, you just prove yourself to be a stupid tool

Heaven is not mentioned in the OT as a place where people go when they die. It is a place where God lives. The Jews believed in Sheol, which was kind of like the Greek Hades, a place where spirits just ended up... but even that was a later invention of the second temple period, not what people believed in the first temple period.

But there is no God, No Jesus, no Heaven, no Hell... It's all just bullshit designed to keep stupid people like you in line and not wanting your fair share. It's why God lives in a nicer house than you do, and he doesn't even exist.

Then maybe you should look into that. And maybe that's why you'd never have a business in your life.

Actually, I do own a business. But never mind. One that is actually involved in helping people find jobs.

Yes, insurance rates increase with age. Why? Because the likelihood of needing more medical care increases with age. You don't have to take my word for it. If you know the owner of your company, or have a HR department, just ask them. Ask them the difference in rates between insuring a 20 year old and a 50 year old.

1) those expenses are tax deductable.
2) Again, older workers, you get experience you don't get with younger workers. More than makes up the mimimal effect a few older workers have on a health plan.
3) Aren't you making a pretty good argument for universal health care here?

The reality, though is that you are a racist loser with anger management problems. It's amazing anyone hires you.

In fact I'm aware of customers of ours that purge their older workers to replace them with younger ones primarily for that reason. Large companies in particular can save tens of thousands of dollars every year by that practice.

Sounds like you work in an industry full of low-lifes. The cost of training a new employee is a lot higher than the cost of a little more insurance.

It was a lot of people. But to lay the blame on Bush alone is pure ignorance to the situation. People getting into investments because of home ownership booming was much later. But it started way before Bush. And it started to put minorities in their own homes.

The point was, Bush sat their and watched it fester for 8 years and did nothing. Everyone was talking about a housing bubble long before it popped. But because it created the illusion that Bush had a good economy, he let it slide.
But businesses do better when Democrats are in charge, that's the thing. Democrats just have this funny idea that when your company does well, you should actually share the wealth with the people who did the actual work.

There are some companies that offer that benefit, it's called profit sharing. If you really believe you should share in your companies profit, make sure you get employment with such a company.

Outside of that, it's nobody's business what a company makes in profit. You are paid to do X amount of work for X amount of money. How much the company makes is irrelevant. If you don't have profit sharing with your company and you do want to share in their success, then buy their stock. Some companies will even sell it to you at a discount if you work for them.

If you cut lawns for a living, and were charging a guy $50.00 a cut, but then find out he is worth millions, is he obligated to give you $200.00 a cut? No, it's none of your business what he makes. You agreed to cut his lawn for $50.00 a cut. So why should an employee who agreed to do X work for X amount of money get more for doing the same job just because his employer is making more?

Guy, if the mimimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be $15.00 an hour now. It worked fine then, it would work fine now. If you weren't such a Battered Wife Republican, you'd get this... the Big Businessman isn't your friend.

It worked fine then? Then why did our manufacturing jobs move overseas?

"Then" we didn't have automation as we do today. It's here now and growing all the time. Machines replacing humans because machines cost less than labor. Yet you leftists think that increasing the cost of labor will make things better?

As we seen in the big union days, you can't increase wages for one group of people. When you do increase wages for one group of people, then it creates a domino effect. If you make minimum wage $15.00 an hour, then the people that were making $15.00 an hour will want $25.00 an hour. The people that were making $25.00 an hour will want $35.00 an hour and so on.

Labor costs drove many of our jobs overseas, and a domino effect would chase the last of them out. Then who's ahead?

No, guy, you just prove yourself to be a stupid tool

Heaven is not mentioned in the OT as a place where people go when they die. It is a place where God lives. The Jews believed in Sheol, which was kind of like the Greek Hades, a place where spirits just ended up... but even that was a later invention of the second temple period, not what people believed in the first temple period.

But there is no God, No Jesus, no Heaven, no Hell... It's all just bullshit designed to keep stupid people like you in line and not wanting your fair share. It's why God lives in a nicer house than you do, and he doesn't even exist.

Where did Old Testament believers/saints go when they died?

Actually, I do own a business. But never mind. One that is actually involved in helping people find jobs.

One where you don't hire people for labor.

1) those expenses are tax deductable.
2) Again, older workers, you get experience you don't get with younger workers. More than makes up the mimimal effect a few older workers have on a health plan.
3) Aren't you making a pretty good argument for universal health care here?

What I'm making an argument for is older people having a great disadvantage to younger people looking for a job. It's one of the reasons the Age Discrimination Act was created in 1975. True, older people have more experience, but with most jobs, production output is greater with younger workers on top of the healthcare savings.

Younger people can move faster, lift more wight more frequently, and take less sick time from work. I've seen good workers lose their jobs when computers became the new business norm. Some of them couldn't catch on to technology and were too intrenched in their old ways of doing things. They had to be let go because younger people came in with the basic understanding of computers, and what they didn't know, they could easily be taught.

Sounds like you work in an industry full of low-lifes. The cost of training a new employee is a lot higher than the cost of a little more insurance.

Depends on the job. But most companies see the advantage of getting rid of older people and replacing them with younger workers. New company employees usually start at a much lower pay than senior workers. They demand less and their health insurance is less.

The point was, Bush sat their and watched it fester for 8 years and did nothing. Everyone was talking about a housing bubble long before it popped. But because it created the illusion that Bush had a good economy, he let it slide.

Which is one of the reasons you should watch those videos. There they show you what Bush and the Republicans tried to do to prevent it.
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There are some companies that offer that benefit, it's called profit sharing. If you really believe you should share in your companies profit, make sure you get employment with such a company.

Again, already do. I'm not a loser like you, I get profit sharing and health coverage...

It worked fine then? Then why did our manufacturing jobs move overseas?

They didn't. This is a myth you stupid people believe. Only 13% of the manufacturing jobs lost were lost to outsourcing. Trump has convinced dumb racists like you that brown people fucked you when it was rich people.

And you stupid White Trash shits keep believing it.

"Then" we didn't have automation as we do today. It's here now and growing all the time. Machines replacing humans because machines cost less than labor. Yet you leftists think that increasing the cost of labor will make things better?

Again, if they can replace you with a machine, they'll do it no matter what the pay is.

Here's how you make things better.

1) Make the fucking rich pay their fair share.
2) Use that money to soak up all the unemployed at good pay rate.

When the rich are having to compete with the government for talent, they will pay a fair wage for it.

Again- the Europeans have already figured this out.

What I'm making an argument for is older people having a great disadvantage to younger people looking for a job. It's one of the reasons the Age Discrimination Act was created in 1975.

What, you are arguing that a government law is a GOOD Thing. Don't you know mean old government laws are restricting 'Freedom'? By your logic, the best way to not get into torouble with the Age Discrmination Act is to not hire old people at all, since they have grounds to sue if you fire them for incompetence.

Here's the problem. When employers discriminate because of age, gender, race or sexual orientation, they do it because it's a power trip. Not because they actually have good reasons.

Depends on the job.

That's true.. A useless slug like you can be easily replaced.... but keep blaming the darkies, bud. It's what you do best.

Which is one of the reasons you should watch those videos. There they show you what Bush and the Republicans tried to do to prevent it.

Bush did no such fucking thing, and if he really wanted to, he had both houses of congress and all the agencies.

The reality was, Bush saw home ownership peaking on his watch as an accomplishment. He saw all those McMansions blighting the landscape and thought it was a good thing.

Until the whole thing collapsed. Then it was that fag Barney Frank doing something.
They didn't. This is a myth you stupid people believe. Only 13% of the manufacturing jobs lost were lost to outsourcing. Trump has convinced dumb racists like you that brown people fucked you when it was rich people.

And you stupid White Trash shits keep believing it.

As overseas outsourcing has expanded, U.S. manufacturing has suffered the brunt of the blow. According to a report on outsourcing by Working America, “Manufacturing employment collapsed from a high of 19.5 million workers in June 1979 to 11.5 workers in December 2009, a drop of 8 million workers over 30 years. Between August 2000 and February 2004, manufacturing jobs were lost for a stunning 43 consecutive months—the longest such stretch since the Great Depression.” Manufacturing plants have also declined sharply in the last decade, shrinking by more than 51,000 plants, or 12.5 percent, between 1998 and 2008. These stable, middle-class jobs have been the driving force of the U.S. economy for decades and theses losses have done considerable damage to communities across the country.

Labor costs are the main driver of corporations sending jobs overseas, but foreign countries’ costs are increasing compared to the United States. According to a 2012 survey from Duke’s Fuqua School of business, nearly three-quarters of respondents indicated labor cost savings as one of the three most important drivers leading to overseas outsourcing.

5 Facts About Overseas Outsourcing

Again, if they can replace you with a machine, they'll do it no matter what the pay is.

Here's how you make things better.

1) Make the fucking rich pay their fair share.
2) Use that money to soak up all the unemployed at good pay rate.

When the rich are having to compete with the government for talent, they will pay a fair wage for it.

Again- the Europeans have already figured this out.

Really now? Is that why their unemployment is currently 8.2%? And that's a drop from 11% in 2013.

You really think that's why we have a federal government, to pay workers not to work so it will increase wages?

The rich in the US pay nearly 70% of al collected income taxes. If that's not their fair share, what is?

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

By your logic, the best way to not get into torouble with the Age Discrmination Act is to not hire old people at all, since they have grounds to sue if you fire them for incompetence.

There, now you are starting to catch on.

That's true.. A useless slug like you can be easily replaced.... but keep blaming the darkies, bud. It's what you do best.

When did I blame the drakies for being replaced? We all can be replaced including you.

Bush did no such fucking thing, and if he really wanted to, he had both houses of congress and all the agencies.

The reality was, Bush saw home ownership peaking on his watch as an accomplishment. He saw all those McMansions blighting the landscape and thought it was a good thing.

Until the whole thing collapsed. Then it was that fag Barney Frank doing something.

When DumBama had both houses, he could have instituted socialized healthcare, why didn't he? He could have this country on single-payer, why didn't he?

Even with both houses, that's not a guarantee of anything. In many cases you need a 60 vote count in the Senate. And even if you had that for your party, there are always one or two defectors.

Trump is even backing down on the border wall now because the Democrats stopped it. Democrats don't mind the drugs, the criminals, and the leachers coming in as long as it means more Democrat votes and more government handouts. That means more Democrat voters in the future.
The working class voted Democrat. It was richer white suburbinites who voted for Trump in droves.

"Economic uncertainty?". Horseshit. It was the racism, stupid. But we're not allowed to talk about that, as conservative PC speech codes forbid it.

You are so right! Tell all your friends.

Exactly! The Democrat Party leadership should absolutely stick with 'libeling' half the country as racists, homophobes, misogynists, xenophobes and one of the most endearing, fascists. Loudly and often - it's such a winning strategy.

Been a registered Democrat for a very long time - the first Democrat presidential candidate I voted for was Jimmy Carter, the last Democrat presidential candidate I voted for was Jimmy Carter.

The leadership of that party silenced all the moderate voices - they pride themselves on big-tent diversity, but it houses a diversity only skin deep. Diversity of thought - the only diversity that matters - must be checked at the door.

The nonsense they spout about the evils of the wealthy is a ruse, a diversion, a sleight of hand...with a wink and a nod to their wealthy supporters.

That said - I strongly encourage the Dems to hold their present course - it's been a good thing for the American people.

Great points! When are they going to learn that they cannot FORCE everyone to feel the way they feel about issues? They seem to think a "winning strategy" is name calling. They set a terrible precedence, and to have a presidential candidate refer to American people as "deplorables" because they are voting for the other guy? Pathetic. That was a TERRIBLE strategic move. I wonder if that was planned or spontaneous?
Between August 2000 and February 2004, manufacturing jobs were lost for a stunning 43 consecutive months—the longest such stretch since the Great Depression.”

And who was in Charge most of those months? Oh, yeah THIS GUY


Really now? Is that why their unemployment is currently 8.2%? And that's a drop from 11% in 2013.

Germany's unemployment rate is 3.9%, the UK is at 4.6%

The way you get to your silly numbers is throwing in the PIIGS.

EU: unemployment rate 2017 by country | Statista

You really think that's why we have a federal government, to pay workers not to work so it will increase wages?

It think we've proven Keynesian economics work just fine and Supply Side doesn't. The rich are too fucking greedy.

When DumBama had both houses, he could have instituted socialized healthcare, why didn't he? He could have this country on single-payer, why didn't he?

1) Too many Democrats in the pocket of big insurance
2) The guy really wanted to get Republicans to sign on to his proposal.
3) Americans aren't ready to go there, yet.

Trump is even backing down on the border wall now because the Democrats stopped it. Democrats don't mind the drugs, the criminals, and the leachers coming in as long as it means more Democrat votes and more government handouts. That means more Democrat voters in the future.

Trump is backing down from the Wall because even Republicans know it's a stupid idea. That was just to get you dumb racists to vote for him, he was never going to do it and WE ALL TOLD YOU FOR A YEAR he was never going to do it.
And who was in Charge most of those months? Oh, yeah THIS GUY

"This guy" had no control whether companies would pick up and leave.

Germany's unemployment rate is 3.9%, the UK is at 4.6%

The way you get to your silly numbers is throwing in the PIIGS.

EU: unemployment rate 2017 by country | Statista

Don't you even read the links you post???

It think we've proven Keynesian economics work just fine and Supply Side doesn't. The rich are too fucking greedy.

Supply side gave us one of the greatest economies in our lifetime.

1) Too many Democrats in the pocket of big insurance
2) The guy really wanted to get Republicans to sign on to his proposal.
3) Americans aren't ready to go there, yet.

So thanks for backing up my point: DumBama couldn't get what he wanted with both houses on his side.

Trump is backing down from the Wall because even Republicans know it's a stupid idea. That was just to get you dumb racists to vote for him, he was never going to do it and WE ALL TOLD YOU FOR A YEAR he was never going to do it.

Well you have 3 years and 9 months before never actually gets here. Here you are blaming Republicans when it's your very own Chuck Schumer who threatened to shut down the government if the one billion dollars Trump asked for was in the bill. And of course the extension of the Democrat party (main stream media) would lie about it saying the shut down was the Republicans fault. That's why Trump backed down.

Mind you I'm not surprised you try to say it's Trump. It's what I expect from a liberal.
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"This guy" had no control whether companies would pick up and leave.

Yes, Bush wasn't responsible for ANYTHING that happened during his presidency. Not the terror attacks, not the wars, not the disasters, not the recessions... Nope, he was a victim of circumstance.

Don't you even read the links you post???

Yes, I do, and unlike you I understand "context".

Supply side gave us one of the greatest economies in our lifetime.

NO it didn't. The 80's SUCKED for working people.

So thanks for backing up my point: DumBama couldn't get what he wanted with both houses on his side.

He did get what he wanted- a health care reform Republicans can't get rid of.

Well you have 3 years and 9 months before never actually gets here.

Trump isn't going to last one term.

Here you are blaming Republicans when it's your very own Chuck Schumer who threatened to shut down the government if the one billion dollars Trump asked for was in the bill. And of course the extension of the Democrat party (main stream media) would lie about it saying the shut down was the Republicans fault. That's why Trump backed down.

But Trump said the Mexicans were going to pay for the wall. Come on, guy, Chuck is going to be blamed because Republicans wouldn't go along with paying for Trump's wall after the Mexicans said no?
Yes, Bush wasn't responsible for ANYTHING that happened during his presidency. Not the terror attacks, not the wars, not the disasters, not the recessions... Nope, he was a victim of circumstance.

Well then, I guess you would have no problem explaining what Bush had to do with companies leaving the US. While you're at it, explain why they continued to leave under Obama.

Yes, I do, and unlike you I understand "context".

Oh, you understood it? Well I guess you were trying to help me prove my point. Thanks a lot.

NO it didn't. The 80's SUCKED for working people.

Utter bull. It wasn't until Reagan when the economy picked up enough for me to get a decent job.

He did get what he wanted- a health care reform Republicans can't get rid of.

I thought all you Democrats wanted single payer!!!

But Trump said the Mexicans were going to pay for the wall. Come on, guy, Chuck is going to be blamed because Republicans wouldn't go along with paying for Trump's wall after the Mexicans said no?

The Republicans did go along with it, it was Schumer that said he would shut down the government.

The dinner was supposed to be a Democratic strategy session for an upcoming county election. But the mood grew darker as conversation turned toward the future of their party.

One by one, members of the Mahoning County Democratic Party poured out their frustrations: Just months after the presidential election, they felt folks like them were being forgotten - again. The party's comeback strategy was being steered by protesters, consultants and elitists from New York and California who have no idea what voters in middle America care about.

But worst of all, they said, the party hadn't learned from what they saw as the biggest message from November's election: Democrats have fallen completely out of touch with America's blue-collar voters.

"It doesn't matter how much we scream and holler about jobs and the economy at the local level. Our national leaders still don't get it," said David Betras, the county's party chair. "While Trump is talking about trade and jobs, they're still obsessing about which bathrooms people should be allowed to go into."

Others around the restaurant table nodded.

Since the election, Democrats have been swallowed up in an unending cycle of outrage and issues that have little to do with the nation's working class, they said, such as women's marches, fighting Trump's refugee ban and advocating for transgender bathroom rights.

..."Every time Trump so much as sneezes, we as a party are setting our hair on fire and running around like it's the end of the world," Betras said as the dinner wound down. "Most people around here don't care. They are living paycheck to paycheck, just trying to hold on. After everything that's happened, if we as a party still aren't speaking to them, then we are never getting them back."
Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump...

You have to be flat out living in denial not to see this.
Social justice issues don't pay the bills. Rust Belt lost forever.
Well then, I guess you would have no problem explaining what Bush had to do with companies leaving the US. While you're at it, explain why they continued to leave under Obama.

You mean other than Bush sold us out with his awful free trade deals? Guy, please try to hold Bush accountable for SOMETHING, okay. You stole the presidency with him, enjoy what you wrought.

Oh, you understood it? Well I guess you were trying to help me prove my point. Thanks a lot.

Except you didn't prove your point. The only way you get to "The Europeans are doody-heads" is if you throw in broke-ass former eastern block countries and Greece.

Compared to the other G-7 Countries, our quality of life sucks.

Utter bull. It wasn't until Reagan when the economy picked up enough for me to get a decent job.

Given that you are such a bottom feeder, that's not much of an accomplishment.

I thought all you Democrats wanted single payer!!!

1) I'm not a democrat. I voted REpublican in every election from 1980 to 2008. It's only when the GOP lost its mind I started voting Democrat.

2) A lot of Democrats aren't keen on single payer. Others realize we are going to have to transition slowly, because when (not if) private insurance collapses, you'll need an infrastructure in place to replace it.

The Republicans did go along with it, it was Schumer that said he would shut down the government.

I find it so hilarious when you guys excuse Trump and all his broken promises.

Fact is, a wall was never going to get built and you guys were fools for believing it was.

The dinner was supposed to be a Democratic strategy session for an upcoming county election. But the mood grew darker as conversation turned toward the future of their party.

One by one, members of the Mahoning County Democratic Party poured out their frustrations: Just months after the presidential election, they felt folks like them were being forgotten - again. The party's comeback strategy was being steered by protesters, consultants and elitists from New York and California who have no idea what voters in middle America care about.

But worst of all, they said, the party hadn't learned from what they saw as the biggest message from November's election: Democrats have fallen completely out of touch with America's blue-collar voters.

"It doesn't matter how much we scream and holler about jobs and the economy at the local level. Our national leaders still don't get it," said David Betras, the county's party chair. "While Trump is talking about trade and jobs, they're still obsessing about which bathrooms people should be allowed to go into."

Others around the restaurant table nodded.

Since the election, Democrats have been swallowed up in an unending cycle of outrage and issues that have little to do with the nation's working class, they said, such as women's marches, fighting Trump's refugee ban and advocating for transgender bathroom rights.

..."Every time Trump so much as sneezes, we as a party are setting our hair on fire and running around like it's the end of the world," Betras said as the dinner wound down. "Most people around here don't care. They are living paycheck to paycheck, just trying to hold on. After everything that's happened, if we as a party still aren't speaking to them, then we are never getting them back."
Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump...

You have to be flat out living in denial not to see this.
Social justice issues don't pay the bills. Rust Belt lost forever.

You mean other than Bush sold us out with his awful free trade deals? Guy, please try to hold Bush accountable for SOMETHING, okay. You stole the presidency with him, enjoy what you wrought.

Compared to the other G-7 Countries, our quality of life sucks.

And yet you didn't move yet. How liberal of you.

1) I'm not a democrat. I voted REpublican in every election from 1980 to 2008. It's only when the GOP lost its mind I started voting Democrat.

Ahhhh, so you're another one of those people who votes Democrat but ashamed to say they are a Democrat. Bad news for ya, if you've been voting Democrat for almost ten years now, then yes, you are a Democrat.

2) A lot of Democrats aren't keen on single payer. Others realize we are going to have to transition slowly, because when (not if) private insurance collapses, you'll need an infrastructure in place to replace it.

So how do you figure insurance companies are going to collapse?

Insurance companies won't collapse because unlike government, they increase rates when costs go up.

Government on the other hand doesn't increase rates and cuts payments to medical personnel resulting in difficulties for government patients to find somebody to get help from, or lower quality medial personnel.

Insurance companies are smart. That's why many of them pulled out of Commie Care. They're not going to offer services and lose money. Only government does that and bad business people.

Many Democrats are not keen on single-payer? Seems to be the Democrat theme in USMB and other places. So if they are not keen on single-payer, what are they keen on?

I find it so hilarious when you guys excuse Trump and all his broken promises.

Fact is, a wall was never going to get built and you guys were fools for believing it was.

Are you celebrating tomorrow Joe? It's Trump's 100th day in the White House......100 days.

Of course we excuse Trump. Whatever he has tried to do, the obstructionist Democrats get in the way. If it's not the Democrats in the Senate, it's liberal activist judges that want to throw monkey wrenches in the works. Why should we be made at Trump when it's the Democrats that are stopping him from making America great again?
On trade and other issues like putting social issues before economic issues I'll agree...

The democratic party would of won if they did this.

The dinner was supposed to be a Democratic strategy session for an upcoming county election. But the mood grew darker as conversation turned toward the future of their party.

One by one, members of the Mahoning County Democratic Party poured out their frustrations: Just months after the presidential election, they felt folks like them were being forgotten - again. The party's comeback strategy was being steered by protesters, consultants and elitists from New York and California who have no idea what voters in middle America care about.

But worst of all, they said, the party hadn't learned from what they saw as the biggest message from November's election: Democrats have fallen completely out of touch with America's blue-collar voters.

"It doesn't matter how much we scream and holler about jobs and the economy at the local level. Our national leaders still don't get it," said David Betras, the county's party chair. "While Trump is talking about trade and jobs, they're still obsessing about which bathrooms people should be allowed to go into."

Others around the restaurant table nodded.

Since the election, Democrats have been swallowed up in an unending cycle of outrage and issues that have little to do with the nation's working class, they said, such as women's marches, fighting Trump's refugee ban and advocating for transgender bathroom rights.

..."Every time Trump so much as sneezes, we as a party are setting our hair on fire and running around like it's the end of the world," Betras said as the dinner wound down. "Most people around here don't care. They are living paycheck to paycheck, just trying to hold on. After everything that's happened, if we as a party still aren't speaking to them, then we are never getting them back."
Democrats still ignoring people who could have helped them defeat Trump...

You have to be flat out living in denial not to see this.
Social justice issues don't pay the bills. Rust Belt lost forever.

Yep. Laid off Roman Catholic, pro life, pro 2nd Amendment, family voted Democratic since FDR...do not care about gay marriage, Black Lives Matter terror group, or lesbians who want abortion.
Well then, I guess you would have no problem explaining what Bush had to do with companies leaving the US. While you're at it, explain why they continued to leave under Obama.

You mean other than Bush sold us out with his awful free trade deals? Guy, please try to hold Bush accountable for SOMETHING, okay. You stole the presidency with him, enjoy what you wrought.

Oh, you understood it? Well I guess you were trying to help me prove my point. Thanks a lot.

Except you didn't prove your point. The only way you get to "The Europeans are doody-heads" is if you throw in broke-ass former eastern block countries and Greece.

Compared to the other G-7 Countries, our quality of life sucks.

Utter bull. It wasn't until Reagan when the economy picked up enough for me to get a decent job.

Given that you are such a bottom feeder, that's not much of an accomplishment.

I thought all you Democrats wanted single payer!!!

1) I'm not a democrat. I voted REpublican in every election from 1980 to 2008. It's only when the GOP lost its mind I started voting Democrat.

2) A lot of Democrats aren't keen on single payer. Others realize we are going to have to transition slowly, because when (not if) private insurance collapses, you'll need an infrastructure in place to replace it.

The Republicans did go along with it, it was Schumer that said he would shut down the government.

I find it so hilarious when you guys excuse Trump and all his broken promises.

Fact is, a wall was never going to get built and you guys were fools for believing it was.
That's when YOU started losing your mind. Barack Huessin Obama? Socialist community agitatator? Give me a break.
And yet you didn't move yet. How liberal of you.

Again, we have to fix this country. America has the capability of rendering the whole planet uninhabitable, and will if we let you inbred rednecks run amok.

Frankly, I would love to send all you inbred Red-state Jesus assholes to another planet and let you create your "utopia'. YOu'd probably all be dead in a century without Blue State folks to sponge off of.

"you mean that White People Welfare has to be paid for by someone? I thought that was just Negro Welfare!!"

So how do you figure insurance companies are going to collapse?

Insurance companies won't collapse because unlike government, they increase rates when costs go up.

Are you retarded? Do you not understand why big insurance went along with ACA, and they are the ones keeping the GOP from repealling it now?

If they increase rates to much, no one buys insurance unless they are sick. That's why they went along with ACA requiring everyone to buy. if they keep cheating their customers with 'pre-existing condition" and "elective" exclusions, no one buys insurance because it doesn't actually cover anything.

You see, the fastest way to collapse private insurance would be to get rid of company/union group plans and get rid of government subsidies. If people had to individually negotiate for health insurance, the system would collapse in a week.

Government on the other hand doesn't increase rates and cuts payments to medical personnel resulting in difficulties for government patients to find somebody to get help from, or lower quality medial personnel.

Nonsense. We are already getting lower quality personnel in corporate medicine... at higher costs.

Government can control costs. That's something the insurance companies can't do. It's why those Europeans you like to pretend don't exist because they've done figured this out pay 8% of their GDP on health care while we spend 17%.

Many Democrats are not keen on single-payer? Seems to be the Democrat theme in USMB and other places. So if they are not keen on single-payer, what are they keen on?

Same thing Republicans are... getting re-elected. Hence why Trump Care died a third time this week.

The thing is, when you let the insurance, pharamcuetical and medical companies bribe politicians on both sides, you'll get exactly what we have now... slapping patch after patch on the current system without any meaningful reform.

And dumbasses like you will sit there on your bottom feeding job and complain that the black welfare mom is getting better treatment than you are.

Are you celebrating tomorrow Joe? It's Trump's 100th day in the White House......100 days.

Of course we excuse Trump. Whatever he has tried to do, the obstructionist Democrats get in the way. If it's not the Democrats in the Senate, it's liberal activist judges that want to throw monkey wrenches in the works. Why should we be made at Trump when it's the Democrats that are stopping him from making America great again?

I'm celebrating the fact that he's such a boob that he's probably exposed the GOP for what it is... a fraud. A slick talker like Bush or Cruz would have done a lot more damage and looked a lot slicker doing it.

Point is, Trump has both houses of congress and the white house,and he STILL can't get shit done.

Obama got shit done. He reformed health care, reformed the banking system, got us out of the great recession and ended the Iraq War.

Bush got thing done even with Democrats in charge of the Senate for his first two years.

Clinton got things done.

Reagan got things done even with Democrats in charge of the house.

I could go all the way down the list, but the only President who had a worst "First 100 days' was William Henry Harrison

Because he died after 30!
The DNC's brie and chardonnay set spend lots of money on convincing their core base white working class proles are the cause of all their misery; their Party base drops by 90% if they dare start backtracking on their lies at this point. Without the appeals to the violent racism and bigotry endemic in their base they disappear as a Party now. Their base is actually stupid and uneducated enough to believe some blue collar proles have any political power to oppress anybody, a ludicrous premise only loons and the Butt Stupid could buy. 'Globalists' around the world despise uppity proles and hate nationalism and patriotism; that stuff interferes with pocket stuffing labor racketeering and off-shore money laundering.

It appears noquarterusa.net has bitten the dust. The site had an excellent essay on the neo-liberals' war on blue collar whites that nailed most of it down very well. Maybe it is in the Wayback Machine files, hopefully.

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