Democrats support race riots


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
It is a criminal syndicate at the very least, a collection of sociopath criminals and traitors that actively work to undermine everything that made the country powerful and prosperous.

The republicrat party is complicit though also, there is some opposition, but for the most part it's token opposition or if it actual efforts to combat the democrooks it gets knee capped by pieces of shit like Romney.

That's why I hope to God Trump wins in such a crushing manner that it terrifies the RINO bed wetters and they either get on board, or GTFO of the GOP so that it can be a much more useful vehicle for promoting Constitutional restraints on the federal government and criminal DNC. I didn't believe Trump was the guy to do it in 2016, but I'm a full blown zealot at this point.

Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
No, they don't. What have the republicans done, nothing about their right wing bigotry and divisive language.
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
No, they don't. What have the republicans done, nothing about their right wing bigotry and divisive language.

I blame the fake news sources for this ignorance.
Can anyone prove excuse to me AHEM "racism" is real in a court of law? And the hate crimes thing shouldn't be a legal standard because its rather subjective. lets see here, burning down Seattle and forcing businesses to shut down, REALLY?
Quit making false claims mary.
trump is the GREAT divider. He excels.
Don't blame others.
In the same sense Lincoln was a great divider, perhaps. Or as George Washington was in our country's infancy.

Your comment is extremely dishonest and inflammatory and must be put into context.
How is Trump a divider? Because he won't be bullied and railroaded by lying leftists?
Because he won't surrender our cities to violent Marxist mobs of psychopaths?

He divides American patriots from the scum trying to steal the nation away and ruin it.
I'll admit to that.

You are filthy scum. Go take a very long bath.
The media (INCLUDING FOX News) Squarely pin the violence on the Right.....
Dueling Portland clashes shut down streets, as police try to manage chaos

Foxnews said:
Extremist groups like the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that is openly chauvinistic, racist and xenophobic, and Antifa, an anti-fascist group were present for today's rallies.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler tweeted a warning to all of the day’s protesters telling them to "peacefully exercise their First Amendments Rights."

But violent skirmishes broke out around the city anyway as people attacked each other with pepper spray, paintball guns, bats, shields and projectiles. Streets were blocked, and police monitored the situation near the Multnomah County Justice Center.

One protester filming the day's events, caught a woman on camera who was punched to the ground by a member of the Proud Boys group.

Did you get that ?
He divides American patriots from the scum trying to steal the nation away and ruin it.
Fuck that. Since day sub-zero, trump had offended and divided, all for self gain.
To even pretend that trump is 'on your side' is laughable.
trump is a con man, a traitor, a draft dodger (FACT) that now loves the military.
How can you be so foolish? Because you have been brainwashed. Get some help.
Every 2 years.............the ass party plays the race card...........they don't leave home with out it............and gas light the fuck out of it.........then blame others when the shit hits the fan.
He divides American patriots from the scum trying to steal the nation away and ruin it.
Fuck that. Since day sub-zero, trump had offended and divided, all for self gain.
To even pretend that trump is 'on your side' is laughable.
trump is a con man, a traitor, a draft dodger (FACT) that now loves the military.
How can you be so foolish? Because you have been brainwashed. Get some help.
Trump has lost around a billion dollars since he volunteered to be president. Try again, cupcake.

If that doesn't mean he's devoted to the cause, I don't know what does.
Trump has lost around a billion dollars since he volunteered to be president. Try again, cupcake.

If that doesn't mean he's devoted to the cause, I don't know what does.

You have ZERO proof of that.
Trump is deep in debt to Foreign Banks, I got no proof of that.

Who do I believe, NOT you or trump.
Con man.
Follow the Money.
He has a history of fraud (there is documentation of his fraud), you think he stopped all at once?
Trump has lost around a billion dollars since he volunteered to be president. Try again, cupcake.

If that doesn't mean he's devoted to the cause, I don't know what does.

You have ZERO proof of that.
Trump is deep in debt to Foreign Banks, I got no proof of that.

Who do I believe, NOT you or trump.
Con man.
Follow the Money.
He has a history of fraud (there is documentation of his fraud), you think he stopped all at once?
"The US president’s fortune has fallen from an estimated $3.1bn (£2.5bn) on 1 March to $2.1bn on 18 March (at the height of stock market panic caused by the coronavirus pandemic) according to Forbes magazine’s annual billionaires list."

You were saying I didn't have any proof? Ooonnnnk!
You were saying I didn't have any proof? Ooonnnnk!
trump lies to Forbes, it is documented.
It is what he does. LIES.

LOL. from your source. LOL. Forbes.
I think you lie and slander Trump.
Also, the Democrats are fostering the riots.
It doesn't happen where they are not in charge..that's the 1st hint.
Excuse me? What have Republicans done that worse than that? Like What? Democrat politicians support social unrest and race riots. That isn't a subjective matter of opinion, the Democrats are driving social unrest. Lets defund or completely dismantle the Democratic party. Why not?
And you should be very VERY frightened! And Trump AND ONLY TRUMP can save you! Believe it and don’t doubt or question it! All else is fake news!

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