Democrats Supported Obama Killing Americans With Drones, But Take Issue With Trump Killing Terrorist


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Is it because, like Obama, Democrats are terrorist sympathizers, or is it simply because it is in their genetic make-up to be 'Hypocrites'?

Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.

But what did Democrats say when President Obama used his executive powers to strike (and kill) U.S. citizens in Yemen in 2011, including a
16-year-old boy?

They said Obama had met the legal standard.

These three senators were part of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. They went on to describe the killing of terror leader Anwar al-Awlaki:

'Mr. al-Aulaqi [sic] clearly made a conscious decision to join an organized fighting force that was (and is) engaged in planning and carrying out attacks against the United States,” the senators wrote. “By taking on a leadership role in this organization, involving himself in ongoing operational planning against the United States, and demonstrating the capacity and intent to carry out these operations, he made himself a legitimate target for military action... We do not believe al-Awlaki’s citizenship provides a basis for concluding that he is immune from a use of force abroad”'

Does the same rationale apply to Soleimani? Or has it suddenly changed?"

The words "See 'Democrat' " should be written beside the words 'Hypocrisy' and 'Hypocrite' in the dictionary.

KASSAM: Democrats Supported Obama Killing Americans With Drones, But Take Issue With Trump Killing Terrorists

We have been killing terrorists since 9-11, 2001

Taking out iran’s number one terrorist is a no brainer
If President Trump came out in favor of Oxygen, these people would hold their breath until they passed out.

Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.
There is a fundamental difference between killing someone affiliated with some group and killing someone affiliated with a sovereign nation. Both may be terrorists bent of doing us harm but only the later would be considered an act of war.
I remember Their Dear Leader, mullah barry, taking out a wedding party in Yemen, killing 20+ and there was a collective "Meh" from the marxist politburo. Not that the filthy Dims care about brown people but the "optics didn't look good".

Mullah Zero still holds the record for the number of countries bombed back to the Stone Age..... at 7.

Their hypocrisy is mind-numbing.
Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.
There is a fundamental difference between killing someone affiliated with some group and killing someone affiliated with a sovereign nation. Both may be terrorists bent of doing us harm but only the later would be considered an act of war.
WHO determines if it is an 'Act of War'?


The Democrats?

Again, Nancy Pelosi is PISSED because she got caught playing checkers while the President was playing chess. He set her up back in February 2019 by declaring the IRCG - the Iranian military - was a terrorist organization...and Democrats went along with it. The QUD force, part of the IRCG, is responsible for destabilizing nations throughout the Middle East and carry out terrorist activities / support terrorists. As the leader of the QUD Force / IRCG - an officially designated terrorist organization - Soleimani was added to the terrorist watch list as the leader of a terrorist organization....making him a legitimate terrorist target.

We do not disagree on the importance of Soleimani as a key, high-ranking member of the Iranian govt / military, but Iran is a terrorist nation, the single biggest exporter and supporter of terrorism in the Middle East. The US just shocked the hell out of Iran / the Shah, who never imagined President Trump would take out Soleimani. Trump just destabilized the entire Iranian terrorist network, destabilized the Iranian govt and gave Iran something to seriously consider, that they can no longer underestimate the US / Trump and think we will be their 'bit@h' who sits back and TAKES what they dish out anymore.

I have no doubt that they will seek to retaliate in a massive way, but the #1 and #2 guys who would be the ones to make the decision how to do that are DEAD.
And those Americans were terrorist supporters and should have been killed.
Because 'you say so'?! There is this amazing thing protected by the US Constitution, one that is there all the time that can not be pushed aside or ignored when it is convenient or simply because snowflakes don't believe in the Constitution - it's called DUE PROCESS.

That is only one of the Constitutional Violations Barry perpetrated.
Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.
There is a fundamental difference between killing someone affiliated with some group and killing someone affiliated with a sovereign nation. Both may be terrorists bent of doing us harm but only the later would be considered an act of war.

From a cause-effect-outcome scenario, war may be an outcome but that is not the issue. The issue is whether Trump did something wrong legally. He did not. Obama’s own Secretary of Defense was on NBC saying that Soleimani was a known threat and proper Military Target. But, hey, if you people want to put your hatred of Trump and appeasement of Iran above the US, go ahead and charge the President with war crimes. My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome.
Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.
There is a fundamental difference between killing someone affiliated with some group and killing someone affiliated with a sovereign nation. Both may be terrorists bent of doing us harm but only the later would be considered an act of war.
WHO determines if it is an 'Act of War'?


The Democrats?

Again, Nancy Pelosi is PISSED because she got caught playing checkers while the President was playing chess. He set her up back in February 2019 by declaring the IRCG - the Iranian military - was a terrorist organization...and Democrats went along with it. The QUD force, part of the IRCG, is responsible for destabilizing nations throughout the Middle East and carry out terrorist activities / support terrorists. As the leader of the QUD Force / IRCG - an officially designated terrorist organization - Soleimani was added to the terrorist watch list as the leader of a terrorist organization....making him a legitimate terrorist target.

We do not disagree on the importance of Soleimani as a key, high-ranking member of the Iranian govt / military, but Iran is a terrorist nation, the single biggest exporter and supporter of terrorism in the Middle East. The US just shocked the hell out of Iran / the Shah, who never imagined President Trump would take out Soleimani. Trump just destabilized the entire Iranian terrorist network, destabilized the Iranian govt and gave Iran something to seriously consider, that they can no longer underestimate the US / Trump and think we will be their 'bit@h' who sits back and TAKES what they dish out anymore.

I have no doubt that they will seek to retaliate in a massive way, but the #1 and #2 guys who would be the ones to make the decision how to do that are DEAD.
Trump has acted boldly in the past and it has not always been a win. I hope he's done the right thing but I fear he has made things much, much worse.

Is it because, like Obama, Democrats are terrorist sympathizers, or is it simply because it is in their genetic make-up to be 'Hypocrites'?

Democrats have been wringing their hands over Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani’s death, with some calling it a “war crime” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking to restrict the president’s powers.

But what did Democrats say when President Obama used his executive powers to strike (and kill) U.S. citizens in Yemen in 2011, including a 16-year-old boy?

They said Obama had met the legal standard.

These three senators were part of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. They went on to describe the killing of terror leader Anwar al-Awlaki:

'Mr. al-Aulaqi [sic] clearly made a conscious decision to join an organized fighting force that was (and is) engaged in planning and carrying out attacks against the United States,” the senators wrote. “By taking on a leadership role in this organization, involving himself in ongoing operational planning against the United States, and demonstrating the capacity and intent to carry out these operations, he made himself a legitimate target for military action... We do not believe al-Awlaki’s citizenship provides a basis for concluding that he is immune from a use of force abroad”'

Does the same rationale apply to Soleimani? Or has it suddenly changed?"

The words "See 'Democrat' " should be written beside the words 'Hypocrisy' and 'Hypocrite' in the dictionary.

KASSAM: Democrats Supported Obama Killing Americans With Drones, But Take Issue With Trump Killing Terrorists

You would never think the leftards could become any bigger of a laughing stock and a joke .......yet here we are
Trump has acted boldly in the past and it has not always been a win. I hope he's done the right thing but I fear he has made things much, much worse.
What did appeasement get with North Korea? They developed nukes.

Does anyone REALLY think Obama's personal treaty was REALLY going to PREVENT Iran from getting nukes? REALLY? That fairytale might help you sleep better at night and may help ease your conscience / mind about voting 'anyone but Trump' in this next election, but it is a LIE.

NOT targeting and taking out Iran's / the Middle East's #1 terrorist leader, the head of the biggest official terrorist organization in the entire Middle East, the monster who is responsible for the murder / deaths of over 500-800 US troops and civilians and over 5k citizens throughout the Middle East, because Iran might get mad and target / attack the US / Americans, because they might 'NOW', 'SUDDENLY' decide to develop nukes is the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.

As usual, Democrats / snowflakes preferred to keep their head down their eyes closed, and think happy, unrealistic thoughts. This ain't 'Disney'. Obama and the Democrats aren't 'Uncle Remus'. There is no 'Laughing Place'. The world is a dangerous place, and there are people out there who want to kill you just because you BREATHE. Being 'nice' to them and appeasing them will NOT change their minds.

My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome.
I'm sure you're right but I doubt anyone will be happy with any of the likely outcomes.
be patient

You DO realize we know how the entire story goes already, right? It was foretold a long, long time ago, and you can read it right now, today.

Tings are going to get a lot worse in the last days, and not all of the 'Obama's, 'Trump's, 'Pelosi's, etc... is going to change all of that.
My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome.
I'm sure you're right but I doubt anyone will be happy with any of the likely outcomes.
be patient

You DO realize we know how the entire story goes already, right? It was foretold a long, long time ago, and you can read it right now, today.

Tings are going to get a lot worse in the last days, and not all of the 'Obama's, 'Trump's, 'Pelosi's, etc... is going to change all of that.

oh-----I forgot that the topic is the weather this winter
My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome.
I'm sure you're right but I doubt anyone will be happy with any of the likely outcomes.
be patient

You DO realize we know how the entire story goes already, right? It was foretold a long, long time ago, and you can read it right now, today.

Tings are going to get a lot worse in the last days, and not all of the 'Obama's, 'Trump's, 'Pelosi's, etc... is going to change all of that.

oh-----I forgot that the topic is the weather this winter
Is that an example of what snowflakes consider 'humor'?
My money is on you people not being happy with the outcome.
I'm sure you're right but I doubt anyone will be happy with any of the likely outcomes.
be patient

You DO realize we know how the entire story goes already, right? It was foretold a long, long time ago, and you can read it right now, today.

Tings are going to get a lot worse in the last days, and not all of the 'Obama's, 'Trump's, 'Pelosi's, etc... is going to change all of that.

oh-----I forgot that the topic is the weather this winter
Is that an example of what snowflakes consider 'humor'?

---it is the thoughts of a brilliant mind

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