Democrats: The Anti-Liberty Party

Reality is defined by actions, not words.

When you grow up....

a. you'll recognize the truth of that statement.
b. you'll be on your way to becoming a conservative.

I'll never be a conservative, in the modern sense of the word. I care about others a bit too much.
But at any rate, I'll take this random, off-topic 'lesson' on an old, familiar phrase as you admitting you have nothing more to say on the actual subject at hand. Thanks for the chat.

Let's review.....

I proved you wrong on just about every one of your posts.....

So...."I'll never be a conservative, in the modern sense of the word. I care about others a bit too much."

Doesn't seem a good idea to put stock in this proclamation, either.
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Let's review.....

I proved you wrong on just about every one of your posts.....

So...."I'll never be a conservative, in the modern sense of the word. I care about others a bit too much."

Doesn't seem a good idea to put stock in proclamation, either.

The only claim you proved wrong was "No Democrat has ever been a racist, ever."
You're right, you proved that claim wrong in practically every post. With a passion, might I add.

Now, if only that had been my claim :wink_2:

(The great thing about forums is that everything is in writing for all to see. Literate people will know who really held their own in our little discourse.)

Most Liberal and Conservatives in this country are pro-liberty. These are facts, which are not altered by your partisanship. The governments(Federal, State, and Local) which are run by both Democrats and Republicans, are not as pro-liberty as most of the people are. Some of the policies endorsed by both parties are down right fascist even.

First off, you are not a "liberal," nor anywhere close. You are a leftist with goals of a highly centralized economy and state. Leftist will talk about "rights," they offer abortion. But real rights are an impediment to the centrally planned and managed state the left imposes. Obama can say "if you like your doctor," but when implementing a fascist health system like the ACA, he cannot deliver - because liberty and choice impede the management by the central authority.

We've been over this dozens of times, you leftists are authoritarian by necessity, the state must have coercive power to impose the central planning you promote. Liberty is a barrier to the goals of the American left. You claim to support rights by substituting privilege granted to favored special interests for rights. There is no inherent right to kill your offspring, but there is an inherent right to express your views. Silencing protests of abortion thus is not support of rights, but an attack on civil rights.

You of the anti-liberty left are the clear and present danger to civil liberty.
Most Liberal and Conservatives in this country are pro-liberty. These are facts, which are not altered by your partisanship. The governments(Federal, State, and Local) which are run by both Democrats and Republicans, are not as pro-liberty as most of the people are. Some of the policies endorsed by both parties are down right fascist even.

First off, you are not a "liberal," nor anywhere close. You are a leftist with goals of a highly centralized economy and state. Leftist will talk about "rights," they offer abortion. But real rights are an impediment to the centrally planned and managed state the left imposes. Obama can say "if you like your doctor," but when implementing a fascist health system like the ACA, he cannot deliver - because liberty and choice impede the management by the central authority.

We've been over this dozens of times, you leftists are authoritarian by necessity, the state must have coercive power to impose the central planning you promote. Liberty is a barrier to the goals of the American left. You claim to support rights by substituting privilege granted to favored special interests for rights. There is no inherent right to kill your offspring, butthere is an inherent right to express your views. Silencing protests of abortion thus is not support of rights, but an attack on civil rights.

You of the anti-liberty left are the clear and present danger to civil liberty.

First, you didn't become unhinged2008 for nuthin.

Second, well there is no second because you made it all up.

Good day Madam,

The word "property" was replaced with the term "pursuit of happiness". If the founding fathers wanted to insert your opinion, theory, concept or idea that is needed to build on the rest of theory, they would have kept the quote the way the slave owner Locke wrote it and would not have replaced it with "pursuit of happiness".

So, the founding fathers were silent on property rights? Mason, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, et al. - Federalist and Libertarian (anti-Federalist) alike opposed the notion that the right to property was the foundation of civil rights and responsibilities?

Would you like to revise your answer?
Not at all. You can read whatever you imagine into my post. All I did was point out that the foundation of PC's OP began with the misrepresentation of the quote that forms the foundation of her thesis. The founders were well aware of Locke's writings. They decided to change his concept to one of their own. Dance around all you want. Create meanings in your mind if you like. The founders chose to change property to pursuit of happiness.
Let's review.....

I proved you wrong on just about every one of your posts.....

So...."I'll never be a conservative, in the modern sense of the word. I care about others a bit too much."

Doesn't seem a good idea to put stock in proclamation, either.

The only claim you proved wrong was "No Democrat has ever been a racist, ever."
You're right, you proved that claim wrong in practically every post. With a passion, might I add.

Now, if only that had been my claim :wink_2:

(The great thing about forums is that everything is in writing for all to see. Literate people will know who really held their own in our little discourse.)

You mis-labeled the source of that post.

Can't you get anything right???
First, you didn't become unhinged2008 for nuthin.

Second, well there is no second because you made it all up.

Good day Madam,


I accept your surrender.

I mean, what can you say, really?

Typically this is when you pickup the downed ball, screaming "fumble!!!", as you sprint 80 yards to the endzone where you then spike the ball and break into your little touchdown dance. While everyone just stands there shaking their head thinking "Oh there goes Unhinged2008 again".
Not at all. You can read whatever you imagine into my post. All I did was point out that the foundation of PC's OP began with the misrepresentation of the quote that forms the foundation of her thesis. The founders were well aware of Locke's writings. They decided to change his concept to one of their own. Dance around all you want. Create meanings in your mind if you like. The founders chose to change property to pursuit of happiness.

Yet you have misconstrued this as if it were some sort of repudiation of property rights.

"The true foundation of republican government is the equal right
of every citizen in his person and property and in their
management." --Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816.

"A right to property is founded in our natural wants, in the means
with which we are endowed to satisfy these wants, and the right to
what we acquire by those means without violating the similar
rights of other sensible beings." --Thomas Jefferson to Pierre
Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816.

"The rights of the people to the exercise and fruits of their own
industry can never be protected against the selfishness of rulers
not subject to their control at short periods." --Thomas Jefferson
to Isaac H. Tiffany, 1816.

"Our wish is that...[there be] maintained that state of property,
equal or unequal, which results to every man from his own industry
or that of his fathers." --Thomas Jefferson: 2nd Inaugural
Address, 1805.

The rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which Government was instituted.
James Madison

Read more at James Madison QuotesPage 2 - BrainyQuote
Typically this is when you pickup the downed ball, screaming "fumble!!!", as you sprint 80 yards to the endzone where you then spike the ball and break into your little touchdown dance. While everyone just stands there shaking their head thinking "Oh there goes Unhinged2008 again".

I was more startled at how I carried the ball into the end zone only to have you hysterically shriek "that isn't a home run."

You seem frightfully confused by reality.
You mis-labeled the source of that post.

Can't you get anything right???

You got me! I made a mistake with the quote function.

When it comes to quoting the opinions of others, there is NO denying it: you are the master :laugh:
Oh, shut up. If this were true we would have been able to gag idiots like you six years ago.

democrats are engaged in a war against civil liberties. You have attempted to silence people repeatedly. When a movie was made that exposed Hillary Clinton as a crook, you attempted to jail people for speaking against the party and party rulers. The SCOTUS upheld the 1st Amendment, and you totalitarians STILL shriek about not being able to silence the opposition. In fact, in October of 2014, every democrat in the Senate voted to repeal the 1st Amendment.

{With House Republicans focused on legislation to boost job creation, the Senate is spending its time on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would repeal the First Amendment with respect to political speech. Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said before the debate even officially began: “I expect a fully partisan vote,” and he was right. So what exactly are all the Senate Democrats for and Republicans against? }

Democrats Voted to Repeal First Amendment American Commitment

Leftists are obsessed with silencing opposition messages. You sought to silence the ability of Hobby Lobby to hold religious views not assigned by the party - but again the SCOTUS smacked you down in your assault on the 1st Amendment.

Anti-liberty leftists are dedicated to ending civil rights, as we see with the forum leftists every day here.


You wrote -

"democrats are engaged in a war against civil liberties."

I'm really glad to see that you're so in favor of "civil liberties". Glad that you disagree with Political Chic and PredFan.

Good for you because that means you are NOT in favor of government control of speech, property and ...

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans


You wrote -

"democrats are engaged in a war against civil liberties."

I'm really glad to see that you're so in favor of "civil liberties". Glad that you disagree with Political Chic and PredFan.

Good for you because that means you are NOT in favor of government control of speech, property and ...

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans


Sharia law is not a "civil liberty," assclown. Nor is abortion, nor is the redefinition of marriage to bribe a politically active special interest.

Like all leftists, you don't grasp what civil liberty is, and instead seek special privilege for preferred special interests.

Speaking ones mind on a political issue is a right, getting an Obama phone is not.

Your filthy party attempted to silence dissent, the SCOTUS responded in Citizens United that you could not suppress political speech. How many of you totalitarians continue to whine about not being able to silence the opposition to this day?

You wrote -

"democrats are engaged in a war against civil liberties."

I'm really glad to see that you're so in favor of "civil liberties". Glad that you disagree with Political Chic and PredFan.

Good for you because that means you are NOT in favor of government control of speech, property and ...

Marriage equality
Sharia law to control the populace
Forcing people to give up their property for a pipeline that does not benefit the US
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Believing one criminal rancher should be able to steal millions from Americans


Sharia law is not a "civil liberty," assclown. Nor is abortion, nor is the redefinition of marriage to bribe a politically active special interest.

Like all leftists, you don't grasp what civil liberty is, and instead seek special privilege for preferred special interests.

Speaking ones mind on a political issue is a right, getting an Obama phone is not.

Your filthy party attempted to silence dissent, the SCOTUS responded in Citizens United that you could not suppress political speech. How many of you totalitarians continue to whine about not being able to silence the opposition to this day?

Okay, so now you say you are in favor of government controlling some, if not all, from that list.

Yes, I already knew that. You rabid RWs are always in favor of big government and lots and lots of laws to control the most basic and personal rights of Americans.

Lucky for the rest of us, you won't get what you want.

Typically this is when you pickup the downed ball, screaming "fumble!!!", as you sprint 80 yards to the endzone where you then spike the ball and break into your little touchdown dance. While everyone just stands there shaking their head thinking "Oh there goes Unhinged2008 again".

I was more startled at how I carried the ball into the end zone only to have you hysterically shriek "that isn't a home run."

You seem frightfully confused by reality.

Inside your head I'm sure that sounded a lot better than it did once it reached the page.
Okay, so now you say you are in favor of government controlling some, if not all, from that list.

Yes, I already knew that. You rabid RWs are always in favor of big government and lots and lots of laws to control the most basic and personal rights of Americans.

Lucky for the rest of us, you won't get what you want.


I realize that you post memes from the hate sites and have no capacity to grasp what any of the idiocy you posts mean, still this is astoundingly stupid.


"Civil liberties" concern basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed -- either explicitly identified in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, or interpreted through the years by courts and lawmakers. Civil liberties include:

  • Freedom of speech
  • The right to privacy
  • The right to be free from unreasonable searches of your home
  • The right to a fair court trial
  • The right to marry
  • The right to vote

Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties - FindLaw
Where are property rights and private properties being taken away? Heck there is a ton of land for sale, problem is nobody has any money to buy it.
Inside your head I'm sure that sounded a lot better than it did once it reached the page.

Your failure to comprehend does not alter the meaning.

The other day the question came up, during the bright 5th column days of the 80's, did you fly down to Nicaragua to kill Indians for Danny Ortega? You know, to show how wonderful Communism is by a little genocide?

Just curious...

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