Democrats try to ram through Puerto Rican Statehood bill before Jan 3rd

The last vote in regards to statehood in PR, pro-statehood won approx 55% to 47+%, but the election was invalid because the DOJ did not recognize / authorize the vote and because the turnout was so extremely low.

The country remains extremely divided on the issue with no clear-cut winner.

I have no problem with Puerto Rico having a referendum on statehood, independence or maintaining the status quo. Note: maintaining the status quo is not an option in the latest PR statehood bill that the House passed. BUT - that referendum should not result in a binding commitment on the US Gov't to make them a state if they decide to become one, the final decision for that should rest with the Congress and the President. If they want to be independent then so be it, they should become their own country and their own gov't. If they decide to keep things the way they are then that's fine too. But if they want to become the 51st state, then Congress needs to decide that, not them.
Read your Constitution.
I posted the damn link! You even quoted it! God damn, you are dumber than a box of doorknobs!

You apparently cannot read about 3rd grade level.

I love watching you get triggered, reduced to a quivering, blubbering, cursing mass with that vein in your forehead throbbing like its going to explode at any second.


Then you also must not have any problem with ending our democracy, because this is just one of several steps by the commies to turn our country into a single-party country forever.

Ok, end the democracy. I mean, if you're going to throw out leftist fearmongering statements like that, then I'll just counter with some basic facts.
We're not supposed to be a democracy anyways. We're supposed to be a Republic. Fact is, now a days, we're neither.
Fact: Since the lobbyist own so many of our elected officials, they're the only ones being represented.
Puerto Ricans in big cities are going to lean left, like most everyone else in big cities.

We're still going to have Republican majorities, then democrat majorities, then republican majorities. It's by design.
Ok, end the democracy. I mean, if you're going to throw out leftist fearmongering statements like that, then I'll just counter with some basic facts.
We're not supposed to be a democracy anyways. We're supposed to be a Republic. Fact is, now a days, we're neither.
Fact: Since the lobbyist own so many of our elected officials, they're the only ones being represented.
Puerto Ricans in big cities are going to lean left, like most everyone else in big cities.

We're still going to have Republican majorities, then democrat majorities, then republican majorities. It's by design.

Not on the national scale of leadership we won't. It will be all Democrat. Between this and amnesty (if they can pull it off) the Republic (democracy) will be over.
Will Puerto Rico be the next US state? Independence bill goes to US House vote today - as Dem representatives 'look forward to making history'

A bill to vote on Puerto Rico's status within the United States is headed to the house for a vote after being approved by a House committee on Wednesday.

The Puerto Rico Status Act will determine whether the island becomes a state, and independent nation, or a sovereignty associated with the US

Puerto Ricans could move a step closer to a referendum on whether the island should become a U.S. state when the House of Representatives votes Thursday on a bill outlining the process.

A House committee approved the Puerto Rico Status Act on Wednesday, paving the way for the full House vote. The bill was cosponsored by Representative Nydia Velazquez, a Democrat from New York.
The bill was also lead by Rep. Steny Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland.

If the bill passes the House, it will need 60 votes in the closely divided Senate and Democratic President Joe Biden's signature to become law.

Puerto Rican independence bill goes to US House

No problem, we will just divide a red state up into four states.....Six new GOP Senators. ;)
For Puerto Ricans who support self-determination, it is truly mind-blowing that some Democrats have the audacity to offer statehood as a solution on the question of Puerto Rico’s political status. At a time when Congress cannot come to grips with its responsibility to decolonize Puerto Rico — let alone guarantee a process of negotiation — support for statehood becomes suspicious at best, seeming way too much like political opportunism. The disconnect between the Puerto Rican reality and pro-statehood declarations is dismaying.

It's the oldest colony in the world. Puerto Rico has held referendums on desiring statehood for decades. It's bigger than that. The citizens of Puerto Rico deserve a right to self determination.
Then cut them loose. Let them be their own country and stop being a drain on Americans.
Well is either statehood or independence at this point. The people of Puerto Rico aren't going to tolerate having to pay federal taxes but get no representation anymore. And they're not going to tolerate Congress having the authority to overrule any of their laws at any point.

Especially when they have a much higher population than quite a few States.

The very fact that republicans openly admit that the sole reason That they don't want Puerto Rico to be a state is because of the fact that they tend to vote Democrat more than Republican says a lot.
he people of Puerto Rico aren't going to tolerate having to pay federal taxes but get no representation anymore.

They pay no federal income tax.

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