Democrats Under Investigation for Criminal Activity....AGAIN!

I urge you to tell us why you are so bent out of shape, snowflake, about Trump; yet, you never expressed this much rabid hostility towards your 'messiah' who lied his ass off his entire 8 years in office.

Hillary Clinton, the career self-serving criminal bitch you wanted to be President - but who FAILED miserably, spent her entire political career lying her ass off - again, you never demonstrated concern over her / her lies.

Just because I don't nurture your rabid partisan hatred and hypocritical nature doesn't mean I am NOT concerned with Trump not being completely honest. That being said...

If you and other snowflakes weren't so record-setting, monumentally, gawd-awful f*ing partisanly HYPOCRITICAL about the subject we / I might take you more seriously. Since you ARE, and considering Obama and Hillary have set the bar for 'lying', I laugh at you.

Karam is a bitch.
What goes around comes around.
'Elections have consequences' - Barak Obama

Suck it up, snowflake.
Tell us these Obama- Clinton lies, Einstein. List them all
Obama was awarded lie of the year dumbass.
What was the lie of the year?
If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.

Would that we could go back to the days of THAT being an astounding lie.

It's a new era, where a new president lies so often, it's his language:

PolitiFact's 2016 Lie of the Year: Fake news
Yes, the Obama legacy was nothing but a lie. No go on, and let the adults talk.
No, it told who 19 states wanted. In your opinion, who gives a damn about the other 31, right? Sorry bud, it fortunately doesn't work that way.
There is nothing irrelevant sweetie about losing the popular vote.
Try reading the thread posted today about the Popular vote, 'sweetie', and how it explains that the continued snowflake whining argument about it is completely false and as irrelevant as the 'Popular Vote' itself.

The Popular Vote is not used to elect the President.

The Popular Vote earns you NOTHING. Not the Presidency. Not the vice Presidency. Not even a Participation Trophy.

Winning the Popular Vote AND having $6 - $8 gets you a Mocha Latte at Starbucks.

You just keep me informed how that 'Popular Vote' thing works out for you and Hillary, snowflake!

The popular vote tells us just who the American people wanted, and the answer wasn't Trump. Now if that vote is so unimportant why did Trump once again lie and pretend that it all came from illegal voters. Poor little Trumps can't accept the fact that the people didn't want him.
You don't seem to be too upset about Trumps daily lies- should that make you angry that your President is a pathetic liar
Sorry, I am completely numb to lies thanks to Barry and Hillary...besides, we are talking about CRIMES....more LIBERAL crimes.
You got balls to talk about any supposed lies of Obama or Hillary after Trump has lied to us every single day.
Fuck, you are one stupid motherfucker
You said it so much better than I could.
You don't seem to be too upset about Trumps daily lies- should that make you angry that your President is a pathetic liar
Sorry, I am completely numb to lies thanks to Barry and Hillary...besides, we are talking about CRIMES....more LIBERAL crimes.
You got balls to talk about any supposed lies of Obama or Hillary after Trump has lied to us every single day.
Fuck, you are one stupid motherfucker
Back to the topic ...

... Easy, are you still bitterly clinging to your Stalinist demands for Democrats to be jailed for being the victims of a crime?

Do you think it's safe to be so openly Stalinist this early? After all, we're reaming you out here for being such a treasonous commie shitbag. The rest of the nation would feel the same way, if they noticed what you were doing.

You really need to tone down your authoritarian attempts to end American democracy by jailing all of the opposition on faked charges. Most of America won't support that kind of classic Stalinism. Sure, your fellow Stalinists love it, but they're a small minority.

By the way, will any other Trump-thugs condemn Easy's Stalinism?

I didn't need to ask. Of course they won't. They might not say it out loud, but every Trump thug supports such tactics. They're all Stalinists, down to the core of their beings.
EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff

"Three brothers who managed office information technology for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission.

Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday..."


"Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism."

"The brothers are suspected of serious violations, including accessing members’ computer networks without their knowledge and stealing equipment from Congress."

Democrats giving access to these 3 included:
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fl
Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fl
Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Tx
Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La
Rep. Andre Carson, D-In
Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Ca
Rep, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Il

"The three men are “shared employees,” meaning they are hired by multiple offices, which split their salaries and use them as needed for IT services. It is up to each member to fire them."

So far, not all Democrats have fired the 3 brothers yet, and they are being investigated.

"Abid, Imran and Jamal have all shared a house in Lorton, Virginia, that is owned by Hina R. Alvi. Alvi is a female House IT employee who works for many of the same members as the three brothers, as well as the House Democratic Caucus."

Abid, Jamal, Hina...all work for Congress, all connected to the House...(this isn't causing concern for anyone else?)

"Signs of trouble have long been visible in public records. The Congressional Credit Union repossessed Abid’s car in 2009, and he declared bankruptcy in 2012, facing multiple lawsuits. Alvi has taken multiple second mortgages."

Ok, now this HAS to be setting off alarm bells! Such financial trouble / instability should be an immediate 'Red Flag' for anyone entrusted with access to such highly classified information. Such a situation is actually grounds for suspending security clearances and job termination.

Can you say (potential) 'ESPIONAGE'.

(It you're a partisan Liberal, probably NOT.)

EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff
Once again Liberals prove they absolutely SUCK at 'vetting' anyone and their record for security / national security / safeguarding classified information is absolutely abysmal!

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