Democrats want parole hearings for criminals who serve 15 years, regardless of the crime they committed.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Libs have a history of being soft on crime

Mass used to have a policy that let violent felons out on weekend pass

one of the many examples of that lib stupidity was a man who told two shrinks if he ever got out the first thing he would do is kill his ex-wife

they let him go anyway

by the time the cops called his ex-wife to warn her she was already dead
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

I say let them out..Let them explore the new world, that the Progs are setting for their slaves, and when some murderer ends up at the door of MDK or other dumbass prog and murders them, the rest of US can smile, saying "We Told You So". Elections have consequences , vote for a prog, you could end up dead...
Libs have a history of being soft on crime

Mass used to have a policy that let violent felons out on weekend pass

one of the many examples of that lib stupidity was a man who told two shrinks if he ever got out the first thing he would do is kill his ex-wife

they let him go anyway

by the time the cops called his ex-wife to warn her she was already dead
William Bonin was a sex offender pedophile. He was in Atascadero as a mentally disordered sex offender. He told his doctors that the reason he was locked up was because boys testified against him. Next time he would kill them. He knew what he was doing was wrong. Now he was no longer disordered. He knew the difference between right and wrong. He was released. He was the Freeway Killer that murdered more that 30 boys.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.
I think most of this soft on crime shit happens because there's a lot of empathy for people that are locked up over drug crimes. Legalize drugs and I bet you'll see a lot less leniency on crime from the left.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Good luck to you up there in New York. They are your prisoners and by in large part, part your problem, as is your legislature and Governor.
NY where bail reform is working so well. You can rob a bank and be out on the street the next morning LOL. The Democrat Socialists don't even want jails.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Good luck to you up there in New York. They are your prisoners and by in large part, part your problem, as is your legislature and Governor.

it starts here, it ends up elsewhere.
NY where bail reform is working so well. You can rob a bank and be out on the street the next morning LOL. The Democrat Socialists don't even want jails.

This gem is from the Bronx, known to be the most criminal friendly borough.

Charged with murder, stabbing? In NYC, you’re free to go

The latest outrage took place in The Bronx, where 16-year-old Jordon Benjamin allegedly stabbed Amya Hicks in mid-December. Arrested a few days later, he was charged with felony assault and assorted lesser charges. Amya Hicks needed surgery and spent several days in the hospital. Benjamin was less inconvenienced: He only spent a few hours in a holding cell before being released on his recognizance, without having to post bail.

It’s bad enough that an alleged knife-wielding thug who slashes neighborhood women got to gallivant out of jail. But the story becomes downright enraging when we learn that Benjamin was already facing manslaughter charges — and the same judge let him out twice.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Good luck to you up there in New York. They are your prisoners and by in large part, part your problem, as is your legislature and Governor.

it starts here, it ends up elsewhere.
I don't expect many will migrate to Tennessee as a whole and even less chance one will show up in Jackson, looking to continue at the age of 55 or older after 15 years in prison to follow life of crime and inflict damage on Madison county residents. They are your problem and it is your legislature. Get a sign and go picket.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?

No. It says "evaluate". And "possible". It doesn't say "eligible for release". Or "will be released".
Need the details. This is why you don't pay attention to alt-right media.
This is why we have gun crime levels that we have.....the policies of the democrat party that release violent monsters back into society.

This policy only grants the right to a parole hearing, but it grants that right to any criminal...even the ones who have raped, tortured and murdered innocent Americans......

Maybe some fo but not most. Life with out parole is life with out parole and should stay that way.
Nowhere in the link to the legislation do I see the parameters of what will constitute parole nor what the hysterics in the DW rag are claiming. The whole "regardless of crime" is nowhere to be found in the legislation link. Looks like just looking at parole for inmates over 55. I don't see them releasing violent offenders. Have to wait until we see the final revision.

It says "all inmates over 55 who have served at least 15 years.

This bill permits the Board of Parole to evaluate all inmates over the
age of 55 who have served at least 15 years in prison for possible
parole release. It does not mandate release, but allows the Board to
make a public safety assessment to see whether an elderly inmate is safe
to be released to parole supervision even if he or she has not completed
his or her minimum sentence and to have the discretion to grant such

Link to the bill's page on the Senate website.

NY State Senate Bill S2144

Care to change your statement, cucktard?

No. It says "evaluate". And "possible". It doesn't say "eligible for release". Or "will be released".
Need the details. This is why you don't pay attention to alt-right media.

it says all inmates, which implies regardless of the crime. They will be considered, and in a lefty State like NY who knows what type of SJW losers would be on the parole board.

You are moving the goalposts on your statement you cowardly fuck. Par for the course for you.

"all inmates" includes violent offenders, cuck.

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