Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?

Why wouldn't you want to feed children?

Why would I want to feed other peoples children?


Its the only way they will learn

Unless poor people suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor
3 meals a day?

Pay for it out of your pocket

There is no Obama-stash

Please sir.....May I have some more?


Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?

Why wouldn't you want to feed children?

Why would I want to feed other peoples children?


Its the only way they will learn

Unless poor people suffer enough, they will not want to stop being poor

Are they learning though?
Schools should not provide ANY food for kids. The kids should get breakfast at home and the parents should give them a sack lunch to take to school. White parents are fine with that but minority parents don't want the hassle and expense of feeding their own kids.

Federal Government Looking to Feed Public School Students 3 Meals Per Day Year Round

sep 4 2015Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said on Tuesday that his agency is looking for “creative ways” to give public school students access to more meals, including a way to provide them breakfast, lunch and dinner year round.

“We have focused on efforts to try to figure out ways in which we can expand in those time periods when youngsters may not have access to school meals,” Vilsack said in remarks at the liberal Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. That includes giving students access to meals “across the school day, across the school year and across the calendar year,” he said

Like George Carlin said about Conservatives: "If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked".

who cares what some "celebrity" said?

You mean like when Oxyboy Limbaugh said they should learn to 'dumpster dive'? Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of dittoheads on this very thread.

This morning NPR reported that as the Obama administration imposed improved public school nutritional standards have been imposed, the purchase / consumption of such meals has reduced.


What's the purpose of U.S. government school lunches? To provide optimal nutrition to the People? Or to profit the government, at the cost of morbid obesity and childhood diabetes?

Your call.

MORE right wing crap. Shocking

Lawmakers Seek Delay On Healthy Lunch Rules For Schools

How hard can it be for school cafeterias to swap white bread for whole-grain tortillas, cut sodium, and nudge kids to put more fruit and vegetables on their trays?

Tougher than you might imagine, according to some schools.

...Despite the challenges, 90 percent of schools are meeting the nutrition standards established in 2012, USDA says.

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a group focused on ending childhood obesity, points to several success stories at schools around the country — like the eight new veggie-based soups on offer at Dover High School in Delaware.

"As we soon close out the school year, we should be celebrating — not rolling back — the great progress that schools have made toward implementing the USDA's school nutrition standards," Howell Wechsler of the alliance says in a statement.

Lawmakers Seek Delay On Healthy Lunch Rules For Schools
Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?

Why wouldn't you want to feed children?

Then YOU go ahead and feed them. Take your money and go to some ghetto and feed a bunch of starving kids because their parents spend their welfare check on drugs and lotto.

I belong to the greatest society on earth and also the wealthiest

We can afford to feed our children
Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?

As long as Dims keep programs like this going, there is no reason for people to do the responsible thing.

The Dimocrat party, the party of enablers.

Yeah, like set up tax rates that bring in enough revenues to run Gov't, versus GOP policy of gutting it and putting it on the CC? Carter/Clinton had US at 20% of GDP, Ronnie took US to 17% AND Dubya less than 15% RESPONSIBLE? LOL

Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?

Why wouldn't you want to feed children?

Then YOU go ahead and feed them. Take your money and go to some ghetto and feed a bunch of starving kids because their parents spend their welfare check on drugs and lotto.

I belong to the greatest society on earth and also the wealthiest

We can afford to feed our children

Why do you want to train parents to be failures ? How about doing the responsible thing and let parents know we expect them to be responsible for the basics ? Instead of training people to be strong and responsible, you want to go in the opposite direction. You people are all the same.
Why have children if you can't feed them? Why should I have to pay for the kids you have and can't feed?
People have children all the time and are not able to care for them to your standards. Its a natural phenomenon. As a citizen of a capitalistic society you have to pay taxes to take care of those unable to meet your standards.
Then move to your own personal island where you can make all the rules. In my country you will pay your taxes or go to prison.
Bizarre post, but suffice it to say if you ever had to feed your own children you might feel different, that is of course if you knew who they were and they knew you.
Then move to your own personal island where you can make all the rules. In my country you will pay your taxes or go to prison.
Bizarre post, but suffice it to say if you ever had to feed your own children you might feel different, that is of course if you knew who they were and they knew you.
Its not bizarre. Evidently you can barely feed your own children and have nothing left over for charity. Your issue is the result of a poor life filled with bad choices.

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