Democrats...Weiner on the Rise..

Because that was not the subject of the thread. Read the OP.

He did try to blame others, which was wrong. But how did The people who released a picture of his penis get said picture? Did the girl give it to them?

the rise of Weiner is the subject of the thread.

When one posts a picture using any of the internet venues, it is posted as public property. One does not need to hack to get it....and I am sure if one had hacked, they would have been found out by now.

Furthermore, his claim was not that his political opponents hacked and stole the picture.

His claim was that his political opponents created the picture and then hacked into his account so it could be planted in his account implying it was he who took and posted the picture.

I see your angle Luissa. Make the discussion about the actual texting and photos and then compare it to "other men who have done the same".....I see it here in NY everyday on the local news. No mention of how he tried to pin it on other people and make his opponents look like criminals. Just talk of how "Sanford was no different"

But the truth is, this was different.

He screwed up, got caught and then found a way to capitalize on it politically.

That is a very dangerous characteristic in a person who is seeking the highest position in one of the worlds largest cities.
The leftists must excuse the outrageous behavior of their chosen pols by saying "everyone does it." Then they must make bizarre comparisons to support that. So Wiener texted pics of his dick to young girls. That becomes exactly the same as Larry Craig, no longer in office, doing something not quite kosher in the men's room of an airport. Or exactly the same as Mark Sanford cheating on his wife with another woman. Never mind those things are hardly similar in any way shape or form. They must be the same, because to admit otherwise is to admit Democrats have a big moral problem.
And even if it is exactly the same, so what? Does that make it OK? If Democrats don't demand accountability from their own representatives, what does that say about them? Republicans usually do demand accountability, which is why they tend to resign in scandals like that. Democrats just figure out how to blame someone else and ask forgiveness.

I'd vote for You...:thup:

Well stated post Rabbi..
Actually, the Roman Empire was doing pretty Awesome under Caligula.

It wasn't until they adopted Christianity as the State religion everything went to Pot.

The Dark Ages- The First Faith-Based Iniative.


Surviving sources present a number of stories about Caligula that illustrate cruelty and insanity.

The contemporary sources, Philo of Alexandria and Seneca the Younger, describe an insane emperor who was self-absorbed, angry, killed on a whim, and who indulged in too much spending and sex. He is accused of sleeping with other men's wives and bragging about it, killing for mere amusement, deliberately wasting money on his bridge, causing starvation, and wanting a statue of himself erected in the Temple of Jerusalem for his worship. Once, at some games at which he was presiding, he ordered his guards to throw an entire section of the crowd into the arena during intermission to be eaten by animals because there were no criminals to be prosecuted and he was bored.

While repeating the earlier stories, the later sources of Suetonius and Cassius Dio provide additional tales of insanity. They accuse Caligula of incest with his sisters, Agrippina the Younger, Drusilla, and Livilla, and say he prostituted them to other men. They state he sent troops on illogical military exercises, turned the palace into a brothel, and, most famously, planned or promised to make his horse, Incitatus, a consul, and actually appointed him a priest.

Yeah, he was a great guy.......:cuckoo:

Sounds like a Democratic Senator.

Indeed......or a republican Senator...
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Because that was not the subject of the thread. Read the OP.

He did try to blame others, which was wrong. But how did The people who released a picture of his penis get said picture? Did the girl give it to them?

the rise of Weiner is the subject of the thread.

When one posts a picture using any of the internet venues, it is posted as public property. One does not need to hack to get it....and I am sure if one had hacked, they would have been found out by now.

Furthermore, his claim was not that his political opponents hacked and stole the picture.

His claim was that his political opponents created the picture and then hacked into his account so it could be planted in his account implying it was he who took and posted the picture.

I see your angle Luissa. Make the discussion about the actual texting and photos and then compare it to "other men who have done the same".....I see it here in NY everyday on the local news. No mention of how he tried to pin it on other people and make his opponents look like criminals. Just talk of how "Sanford was no different"

But the truth is, this was different.

He screwed up, got caught and then found a way to capitalize on it politically.

That is a very dangerous characteristic in a person who is seeking the highest position in one of the worlds largest cities.
The leftists must excuse the outrageous behavior of their chosen pols by saying "everyone does it." Then they must make bizarre comparisons to support that. So Wiener texted pics of his dick to young girls. That becomes exactly the same as Larry Craig, no longer in office, doing something not quite kosher in the men's room of an airport. Or exactly the same as Mark Sanford cheating on his wife with another woman. Never mind those things are hardly similar in any way shape or form. They must be the same, because to admit otherwise is to admit Democrats have a big moral problem.
And even if it is exactly the same, so what? Does that make it OK? If Democrats don't demand accountability from their own representatives, what does that say about them? Republicans usually do demand accountability, which is why they tend to resign in scandals like that. Democrats just figure out how to blame someone else and ask forgiveness.

One thing democrats are EXPERTS at doing is excusing bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. Great post!!
Sounds like Senator Vitter... Oh, wait. Vitter's a Republican.

Maybe like Mark Sanford....Ooops. Nope. He's a Republican, too.

How about Mark Foley? Damn.

Did any of them claim that SOMEONE ELSE committed a felony in an effort to cover their own tracks?

Actually, tapping into someone else's PM's is a felony. Breitbart probably broke the law.

Of course, Breitbart's own record of felonious behavior probably made him a good scapegoat.
A sex pervert and an ugly dyke. That's what New Yorkers get to choose from. Serves them right.

As that one woman said she won't vote for the dyke. That's what voting has comedown to. Corrupt politicians for a corrupt people.
I'd vote for Weiner. He fought for good policy and wasn't bought by special interests. He made a mistake and sent a private photo to the public. I don't care about ANY of these sexual scandals, unless they're illegal, it's their private business.

I thought it was hilarious when Mitterand's SECOND family showed up at his funeral. When you use a politician's personal life as a criterium, you just get the best liar. SEE: Pubs and silly ignorant Pub dupes. Vote POLICY.
I'd vote for Weiner. He fought for good policy and wasn't bought by special interests. He made a mistake and sent a private photo to the public. I don't care about ANY of these sexual scandals, unless they're illegal, it's their private business.

I thought it was hilarious when Mitterand's SECOND family showed up at his funeral. When you use a politician's personal life as a criterium, you just get the best liar. SEE: Pubs and silly ignorant Pub dupes. Vote POLICY.'d vote for Mao Tse-tung if he was alive and a Democrat.
I wonder at times why Democrats would be willing to forgive and forget Weiner's 422 indiscretions on-line. Could it be many Democrats identify with his behavior because they have similar on-line experiences.

I also wonder why Weiner can't get a real job and needs to live off the public dole.

He's a brilliant and talented man, and very passionate. Something the Dem party and politics in general needs more of.

Sadly he does little for me as mayor of NY. :(
Russia Hell.. he doesn't even know where New York City is....the liberal media and Democrats should have fun with this....yah right


Anthony Weiner threw his hat into the NYC mayoral race yesterday with a slick family-pimping campaign video and a flashy new website. So far his comeback has been very carefully stage-managed, but you had to know he'd pull a boner at some point. And today it's being widely observed that the top banner graphic on Weiner's website features an image of the Pittsburgh's skyline, not New York City. At this point you might ask yourself how the hell they screwed that up... and then remember that this is Anthony Weiner we're talking about.

Anthony Weiner's Campaign Website Features Photo Of Pittsburgh Skyline: Gothamist
I wonder at times why Democrats would be willing to forgive and forget Weiner's 422 indiscretions on-line. Could it be many Democrats identify with his behavior because they have similar on-line experiences.

I also wonder why Weiner can't get a real job and needs to live off the public dole.

He's a brilliant and talented man, and very passionate. Something the Dem party and politics in general needs more of.

Sadly he does little for me as mayor of NY. :(

People said Adolph Hitler was brilliant and talented too. We see how that turned out.
I wonder at times why Democrats would be willing to forgive and forget Weiner's 422 indiscretions on-line. Could it be many Democrats identify with his behavior because they have similar on-line experiences.

I also wonder why Weiner can't get a real job and needs to live off the public dole.

He's a brilliant and talented man, and very passionate. Something the Dem party and politics in general needs more of.

Sadly he does little for me as mayor of NY. :(

People said Adolph Hitler was brilliant and talented too. We see how that turned out.

You are comparing this to Hitler?
While I don't support him at all, I did miss him not being in the news. This thread title is a good example of why. haha
Weiny not cured...


Anthony Weiner stepped down from Congress two years ago with a promise to “heal from the damage” of his sexual Twitter scandal. But sex therapy and addiction experts say the program he enrolled in shortly after his resignation wouldn’t have done much to address the root causes behind his behavior.

Shortly after announcing his comeback bid for mayor of New York City, Weiner told reporters he spent three days in July 2011 at the Gabbard Center, a psychiatric evaluation center in Houston, Texas. The program “wasn’t an addiction thing,” Weiner told the Daily News last month. “I mean, it was just a place to get away and to meet people … who might be able to help.”

Weiner added that his stay at Gabbard was central to his start as a “new man.”

But the center only provides evaluations, not treatment — and with a patient like Weiner, sex therapists said, there is a big difference. Weiner’s case — an extended period of communication, involving illicit texts and tweets, with multiple strangers — would require not just a three-day evaluation, but an extended treatment program, they told BuzzFeed.

“No one gets treatment in three days,” said Robert Weiss, a sexual addiction therapist with more than 20 years of experience treating high-profile clients. “Three days is an evaluation, but an evaluation isn’t treatment.”

Sex Therapy Experts: Anthony Weiner Not Cured

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