Democrats: What About Small Town USA?

Lame attempts to deflect from your rank bigotry won't work here, champ.
Like I care what you think. Rural America is an embarrassment and it is not bigoted to talk about their willful ignorance, half-assed educations, grinding poverty and stupid reactionary politics. Now go back to praising Jesus and fucking your farm animals.

Ingorance is bliss ain't it dumb fuck?
Like I care what you think. Rural America is an embarrassment and it is not bigoted to talk about their willful ignorance, half-assed educations, grinding poverty and stupid reactionary politics. Now go back to praising Jesus and fucking your farm animals.
Wow, are you one ugly little hobgoblin. Sad.
Why have Democrats become the party of inner city urban America and completely written off rural areas? Why do you weep for Detroit, but when small towns lose manufacturing and turn into ghost towns you nor your Democrat controlled media even care? I smell that race card again.
Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To: Dana Loesch: 9780399563881: Books
Wallow In Your Guilt, You Racist White Person!

Students at Duke want you to know – you white person, you – that you held the church door open for Dylann Roof when he walked in and slaughtered nine black worshipers.

In an opinion piece in the official student newspaper, the Chronicle, the authors want you to know that you are “complicit in a racist system” and they demand that you “confront it.”

They demand that you wallow in your guilt. “Sit in the discomfort,” they’ll proclaim … wallow in the guilt.

Being white does not mean that you owned slaves. It does not mean that you bought a house with the G.I. Bill. It does not mean that you benefitted from welfare. But, the minute you set foot on U.S. soil, it does mean that this American history is yours. It does mean that the legacy of these policies is yours. Your whiteness means that you can walk comfortably into a system that forces others to crawl. It means that you have the luxury of being seen as an individual in a society that sees others as a collective, a society that attributes another’s actions to their entire community. Yet, as an individual, you are no less accountable for the history and actions of your race. You cannot deny that our racialized society motivated the Charleston shooter when he presents himself with flags of institutional oppression.

He is not exempt.

You are not exempt.

Die all you white Middle Class people, just crawl in a corner and die. - Democratic Party.
Yeah the family farmer is an oddity these days. Most of our food is the product of large corporations that out-competed them almost to extinction.
You are an embarrassment to any thinking liberal.

Family Farms, not corporate farms, make over 95% of the food in this country, and without them, you would starve, jack ass.
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Lame attempts to deflect from your rank bigotry won't work here, champ.
Like I care what you think. Rural America is an embarrassment and it is not bigoted to talk about their willful ignorance, half-assed educations, grinding poverty and stupid reactionary politics. Now go back to praising Jesus and fucking your farm animals.
Your a Hillary speech writer aren't you?
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods
Lame attempts to deflect from your rank bigotry won't work here, champ.
Like I care what you think. Rural America is an embarrassment and it is not bigoted to talk about their willful ignorance, half-assed educations, grinding poverty and stupid reactionary politics. Now go back to praising Jesus and fucking your farm animals.
^^^ from the party that demands tolerance ^^^
Lame attempts to deflect from your rank bigotry won't work here, champ.
Like I care what you think. Rural America is an embarrassment and it is not bigoted to talk about their willful ignorance, half-assed educations, grinding poverty and stupid reactionary politics. Now go back to praising Jesus and fucking your farm animals.
^^^ from the party that demands tolerance ^^^
I am not like any of you, I speak only for myself and then only from experience. When you strip away the glorification of rural life what you have are some of the most intellectually, culturally and economically impoverished people in America. I find nothing there to be proud of or superior to suburban/urban life. It's a trap they have built for themselves and I despise them their cowardice.
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods[/QUOT]

Why are Democrats always blaming Republicans for the problems in our Minority neighborhoods ? Clearly, you think Republicans would do a better job.

Release 1985. "The foreman says, these jobs are going boys, and they ain't coming back".

I'm from Pittsburgh and my entire family relied on the steel mills there, almost all of which went out of business in the early eighties. You think this is a new thing? You think coal miners having to find new jobs is a new thing?

Welcome to reality.
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The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods

Rigging the system, taxing the hell out of them..

I will never understand your way of thinking. Not many men will throw up there ass in the air and say fuck me some more not many men will bow down to you and say let me serve your ilk.
Why have Democrats become the party of inner city urban America and completely written off rural areas? Why do you weep for Detroit, but when small towns lose manufacturing and turn into ghost towns you nor your Democrat controlled media even care? I smell that race card again.
Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To: Dana Loesch: 9780399563881: Books
Wallow In Your Guilt, You Racist White Person!

Students at Duke want you to know – you white person, you – that you held the church door open for Dylann Roof when he walked in and slaughtered nine black worshipers.

In an opinion piece in the official student newspaper, the Chronicle, the authors want you to know that you are “complicit in a racist system” and they demand that you “confront it.”

They demand that you wallow in your guilt. “Sit in the discomfort,” they’ll proclaim … wallow in the guilt.

Being white does not mean that you owned slaves. It does not mean that you bought a house with the G.I. Bill. It does not mean that you benefitted from welfare. But, the minute you set foot on U.S. soil, it does mean that this American history is yours. It does mean that the legacy of these policies is yours. Your whiteness means that you can walk comfortably into a system that forces others to crawl. It means that you have the luxury of being seen as an individual in a society that sees others as a collective, a society that attributes another’s actions to their entire community. Yet, as an individual, you are no less accountable for the history and actions of your race. You cannot deny that our racialized society motivated the Charleston shooter when he presents himself with flags of institutional oppression.

He is not exempt.

You are not exempt.

Die all you white Middle Class people, just crawl in a corner and die. - Democratic Party.
And these "students" are the future of America.

Disguise their hate as tolerance. Demanding respect and acceptance, giving none in return.

Let them wallow in their vapidity.

I'll continue celebrating success.

let them carry their excess baggage of guilt and remorse, and I will laugh at the unnecessary burden they inflict upon themselves and each other.
Built it...
Really . What has Trump done for his country ??
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods[/QUOT]

Why are Democrats always blaming Republicans for the problems in our Minority neighborhoods ? Clearly, you think Republicans would do a better job.
I see Republicans always ranting about the "plantation" yet do nothing to offer an alternative

Like lefty says ......minorities are not my problem
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods

Rigging the system, taxing the hell out of them..

I will never understand your way of thinking. Not many men will throw up there ass in the air and say fuck me some more not many men will bow down to you and say let me serve your ilk.
Your response makes no sense....try again
Why have Democrats become the party of inner city urban America and completely written off rural areas? Why do you weep for Detroit, but when small towns lose manufacturing and turn into ghost towns you nor your Democrat controlled media even care? I smell that race card again.
Flyover Nation: You Can't Run a Country You've Never Been To: Dana Loesch: 9780399563881: Books
Bs! Every time a union job goes from Michigan to Mexico I wonder why they don't instead move to a red state. I wouldn't mind nearly as much. But corporations don't want to pay Kentucky's minimum wage they want to pay Mexican wages
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.
You do realize that those "hillbillies and rednecks" that you refer to provide most of the food that keeps you alive, right? Or are you one of those school children that grew up thinking that milk comes from the grocery store?
Yeah the family farmer is an oddity these days. Most of our food is the product of large corporations that out-competed them almost to extinction. Yay capitalism. The average rural person is working much too hard for too little pay, buried in debt, own very little and are woefully under-educated for modern life.

Most of our food is the product of large corporations that out-competed them almost to extinction

are you frikking high or what
The reverse could easily be asked of Republicans who would happily abandon American cities that hold the vast majority of our population to pander to hillbillies and rednecks who are too fucking stupid to care what happens outside their shithole jerkwater town.

Republicans abandoned American cities? When? Correction, Democrats have always and still have control over American cities. Detroit and Baltimore are shining examples. Republicans did not create those problems though the attempts by your side to blame Republicans are always comical.

As for small towns, small towns are largely Main Street small business owners who have and continue to invest in themselves and their communities yet all you people want to do is demonize them as the wealthy and stick them with taxes and egregious regulations.
Where are they?

Why are there no Republican political offices in our minority neighborhoods[/QUOT]

Why are Democrats always blaming Republicans for the problems in our Minority neighborhoods ? Clearly, you think Republicans would do a better job.
I see Republicans always ranting about the "plantation" yet do nothing to offer an alternative

Like lefty says ......minorities are not my problem

I never said that. I said Democrats created problems for the inner cities. When Republicans try and solve the problem, they are branded "racists".

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