Democrats, what makes the GOP so evil?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Not evil. Just complete and utter sellouts in the pursuit of power. Giving up your morals, your standards, your ethics, your reason, your common sense....all in fealty to a huckster fraud of a grifter who seems to have the entire GOP by the short hairs. The absolute worst of the worst have found a home in the GOP and have managed to corrupt and drag most of the moderates under as well.
The GQP is not evil.

The politicians are craven and shameless, and the rank & file have been terribly manipulated.

That's it. That's enough.
Orange man bad

You mean there are more like him?
Not evil. Just complete and utter sellouts in the pursuit of power. Giving up your morals, your standards, your ethics, your reason, your common sense....all in fealty to a huckster fraud of a grifter who seems to have the entire GOP by the short hairs. The absolute worst of the worst have found a home in the GOP and have managed to corrupt and drag most of the moderates under as well.
But how can you be the worst of the worst and not evil?

Or are you saving that word for the next GOP Presidential candidate?


Thank God we have the democrat party who is full of integrity, not concerned about gaining power, and never lie

What would we do without them?
Why do democrats cringe using the term evil?
The American people have to open up to the fact that it's all a game. Choice is an illusion. The binary world they live in is an illusion.
The American people have to open up to the fact that it's all a game. Choice is an illusion. The binary world they live in is an illusion.

Orange man bad.



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But how can you be the worst of the worst and not evil?

Or are you saving that word for the next GOP Presidential candidate?

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Thank God we have the democrat party who is full of integrity, not concerned about gaining power, and never lie

What would we do without them?
Stillson? He's not evil. Just Trump 2.0, but smarter. And not with nearly the baggage.

If you were smart, you'd back him in 2024 because he actually has a chance of beating the Democratic party candidate.
Trump...does not. :)
Orange man bad

You mean there are more like him?
What does any of that have to do with evil? You folks are so sensitive. You adore the guy. I get it. That doesn't make you evil. It doesn't make him evil.

You guys are so consumed by hyperbole that pretty much every adjective has to be over-the-top apocalyptic for you.

Calm down. You've been manipulated into thinking like this.
The GQP is not evil.

The politicians are craven and shameless, and the rank & file have been terribly manipulated.

That's it. That's enough.
Exactly like the rank & file of the D Party. No?
What does any of that have to do with evil? You folks are so sensitive. You adore the guy. I get it. That doesn't make you evil. It doesn't make him evil.

You guys are so consumed by hyperbole that pretty much every adjective has to be over-the-top apocalyptic for you.

Calm down. You've been manipulated into thinking like this.
You say he is the worst of the worst so I just got crazy all of a sudden and thought this meant evil.

Who is worse then?

The director of the CIA compared him and the entire GOP to the Taliban

Wouldn't you agree or are you one of the insurgents?
The Republican Party in-and-of itself is not "Evil".

But some of its present standard bearers and leadership and heirs-apparent border on such a state.

And many of its rank-and-file are not far behind on this "bordering" - willing as they are to overlook so much in order to achieve their political ends.

And, while this may also hold true for much that is wrong on the Democratic side of the aisle as well, that is not the subject of this particular thread.

The large-ish Rumpian Branch of the GOP is willing to overlook much - to hold their noses and look the other way - as long as they get what they want.

That, perhaps, is the greatest "Evil" at-work in all of this.

Especially when building a wall or standing up to China or reducing taxes comes at the cost of grave injury to the Republic and the Constitution.
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