Democrats, what makes the GOP so evil?

Hey, KKKondor, the KKKleaners called, they can't get the gravy out of your brownshirt, but your robes will be ready on Saturday.

Your arrogance in such matters is your weakness and the GOP is getting better and better at exploiting that arrogant self-confidence.

Are they though? The ONLY reason why the GOP is going to do well in this midterm is that Trump fucked up the Census and undercounted minorities, and they Gerrymandered themselves an advantage. in the Generic vote, according to right wing Real Clear Politics, the GOP advantage is only 0.2. (By comparison, it was 7% in 2014)

Which party is likely to continue to pick-up 'converts' over the course of time... the one that abandons a segment, or the one that holds out open arms?

You see, this is where you are getting confused. Old bigoted white people are a shrinking demographic, not a growing one. Here's the real clue for you.. Big corporations are switching their support to Democrats after DECADES of going along with the GOP's appeals to racism, homophobia and sexism. Even they realize they don't want to live with a bunch of crazies clinging to their guns and bibles.

Indeed. You make a good case in this instance for what I've been asserting about a dramatic growth of the Racial Divide. Sad but true.

Except is isn't growing, it's shrinking.

Not to mention Black bigotry. Like goes with like. Has since the dawn of time. Will 'til the end of time. That just won't change appreciably.

heres how you cure black anger (not bigotry).
Hold racist cops accountable when they kill black people.
Give them fair access to all the things we white people take for granted.

Yes. It is clear that that this is what you have pinned your hopes upon. It is also clear that your exposure is insufficient to gauge this on the macro scale.

Actually, nothing of the sort. I just look at my own family, where my own generation tends to be fairly bigoted except for myself, but my nieces and nephews are more enlightened. Even the ones who are a bit more conservative are kind of horrified by Trump.

magine what the GOP would have done with the Trump agenda but with a vastly more effective Executor of Policy and skilled Communicator.

That's going to be your next Big Challenge... and it's coming.

But here's the problem... you guys had that with Kasich, Cruz, Rubio, Jeb Bush, Perry and a bunch of others whose names I can't remember right now. You hopped over all of them to pick Trump because we are a celebrity-oriented society.

The real problem in 16, though, was that Hillary was so arrogant that she though she could elbow her way to the Presidency despite being thoroughly disliked by even Democrats. It's not because White people were MORE bigoted than they were in 2012 when they got behind a Mormon Cult Leader and drank the racist koolaid. What killed Hillary was so many smug assholes who voted third party to show how special they were. That and Black people stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like Hillary, either.

The more likely outcome. The GOP will interpret their taking the house as a mandate for their crazy, pass a bunch of crazy laws that will die in the Senate or get vetoed by Biden, and generally remind everyone they are nuts. This is what they did in 1995 and 2011.

Truly. I could have sworn that you had declared differently at some point over the years. My mistake.
It's okay, you are pretty much wrong about everything. And I know it's impossible for you to picture a white person who doesn't embrace bigotry.

Sigh. Elitist complacency with the status quo will come back to bite you in the backside every time. But it is Fate of Man that he forgets or never learns.

Quite the contrary, more liberal youth and more immigration, you guys have dug yourself into a deep hole. And you keep digging. Heck, you say you don't like Trump, but the fact is, you can't quit him. You've already abandoned all your supposed principles - family values, law and order, security, free trade - to back his bigotry. A GOP without Trump is an empty shell.

An interesting perspective.

A realistic one. America is replete with movements based on bigotry... they all inevitably fail and they all are looked badly upon in the history books.
Hey, KKKondor, the KKKleaners called, they can't get the gravy out of your brownshirt, but your robes will be ready on Saturday.

Funny stuff, Joey-Boy... but entirely meaningless, rather like your attacks upon me.
...The ONLY reason why the GOP is going to do well in this midterm is that Trump fucked up the Census and undercounted minorities, and they Gerrymandered themselves an advantage. in the Generic vote, according to right wing Real Clear Politics, the GOP advantage is only 0.2. (By comparison, it was 7% in 2014)
Yes. You Democratic Party hacks routinely delude yourselves that it's always gerrymandering and never your policies and social reengineering.

It's one of several "blind spots" that your adversaries have (finally) recognized and they're quickly learning how to exploit that and other weak spots.

...You see, this is where you are getting confused.
Not confused at all. I can read census demographics just as well as the next guy.
...Old bigoted white people are a shrinking demographic, not a growing one.
Not to mention Blacks shrinking from 13% to 12.4% in the 2010-to-2020 Census comparison cycle. The only appreciable growth is in Hispanics...16 > 18% :laugh:
...Here's the real clue for you.. Big corporations are switching their support to Democrats after DECADES of going along with the
Big Corporations are money-whores that bend with the wind... this means very little in the long run.
...GOP's appeals to racism, homophobia and sexism. Even they realize they don't want to live with a bunch of crazies clinging to their guns and bibles.
Keep deluding yourself that this is the reason why you are losing 'market share'... your adversaries are licking their chops at your collective arrogance.
...Except is isn't growing, it's shrinking.
Again... as in 2016... your collective delusion is remarkable... I discount 2020 because Rump had to go, even if it meant setting-up a Placeholder President.
...heres how you cure black anger (not bigotry). Hold racist cops accountable when they kill black people. Give them fair access to all the things we white people take for granted.
Not interested in curing Black Anger... neither are most White Folk... but certainly willing to share with those who stop making excuses out of the past.
...Actually, nothing of the sort. I just look at my own family, where my own generation tends to be fairly bigoted except for myself, but my nieces and nephews are more enlightened. Even the ones who are a bit more conservative are kind of horrified by Trump.
Like goes with Like... always has, since the dawn of time... always will, until the end of time... it's human nature... and ten thousand years wouldn't change that.

What DOES signify is the extent to which we, as citizens, despite our own racial prejudices and biases, manage to participate in a commonwealth together.

...But here's the problem... you guys had that with Kasich, Cruz, Rubio, Jeb Bush, Perry and a bunch of others whose names I can't remember right now. You hopped over all of them to pick Trump because we are a celebrity-oriented society.
Don't lump ME in with them... I voted for Obumble (twice), for Shrillary, and for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe... haven't voted for an (R) since Dubya (unfortunately).
...The real problem in 16, though, was that Hillary was so arrogant that she though she could elbow her way to the Presidency despite being thoroughly disliked by even Democrats. It's not because White people were MORE bigoted than they were in 2012 when they got behind a Mormon Cult Leader and drank the racist koolaid. What killed Hillary was so many smug assholes who voted third party to show how special they were. That and Black people stayed home in 2016 because they didn't like Hillary, either.
Partisan spin on spilt milk methinks.
...The more likely outcome. The GOP will interpret their taking the house as a mandate for their crazy, pass a bunch of crazy laws that will die in the Senate or get vetoed by Biden, and generally remind everyone they are nuts. This is what they did in 1995 and 2011.
Could very well be... they're every bit as idiotic as the Dems... just in different ways... and they, too, delude themselves, and never truly learn or remember.
...It's okay, you are pretty much wrong about everything. And I know it's impossible for you to picture a white person who doesn't embrace bigotry.
If you're Black (which I continue to believe) then the huge chip on your shoulder is explainable.

If you're White, then there are all kinds of explanations for your contempt for White Folk who won't dance your Amalgamation Polka... 😎

...Quite the contrary, more liberal youth and more immigration, you guys have dug yourself into a deep hole.
A charming delusion, to be sure. say you don't like Trump, but the fact is, you can't quit him.
That certainly does not describe me personally, but I grant you that idiot Republicans are hooked on that a$$hole.
You've already abandoned all your supposed principles - family values, law and order, security, free trade - to back his bigotry. A GOP without Trump is an empty shell.
And that's where you're very, very wrong, and far more delusional than is safe for you to indulge yourself in.
A realistic one. America is replete with movements based on bigotry... they all inevitably fail and they all are looked badly upon in the history books.
The next few years will tell that tale.
Funny stuff, Joey-Boy... but entirely meaningless, rather like your attacks upon me.

Yet you expose your racism with every post.

Yes. You Democratic Party hacks routinely delude yourselves that it's always gerrymandering and never your policies and social reengineering.

It's one of several "blind spots" that your adversaries have (finally) recognized and they're quickly learning how to exploit that and other weak spots.

Again, being realisitic, buddy. The GOP has been playing these Racial Fear tactics since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy. Reagan and his "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks". Bush Sr. "Willie Horton" ad, Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad. Trump has just taken the racist dog whistle and replaced it with a bull horn.

Not confused at all. I can read census demographics just as well as the next guy.

Well, apparently you can't, as whites have been declining as a percentage of the population for decades.

Not to mention Blacks shrinking from 13% to 12.4% in the 2010-to-2020 Census comparison cycle. The only appreciable growth is in Hispanics...16 > 18% :laugh:

First, 2020 was a severely flawed census, both due to Covid and Trump's intentional incompetence. Minorities were intentionally undercounted by design. Secondly, non- Hispanic White folks DID Decline... from 63.7% to 58% of the population. Third, Asians also grew.

Big Corporations are money-whores that bend with the wind... this means very little in the long run.

Except they know which way the wind is blowing, and it's against the bigots. But I think it's bigger than that. I think they are starting to figure out, after presiding over 10 of the last 12 recessions (assuming we are in a recession this time) that Republicans really don't know what they are doing.

Keep deluding yourself that this is the reason why you are losing 'market share'... your adversaries are licking their chops at your collective arrogance.
No, they really aren't.

Again... as in 2016... your collective delusion is remarkable... I discount 2020 because Rump had to go, even if it meant setting-up a Placeholder President.
Actually, if anything, 2016 was the outlier, not 2020. In fact, the GOP hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. And even then, just barely with the advantages of an ongoing war and an incumbent president.

Not interested in curing Black Anger... neither are most White Folk... but certainly willing to share with those who stop making excuses out of the past.
Except we can't escape our past... we need to address it and we haven't.

Like goes with Like... always has, since the dawn of time... always will, until the end of time... it's human nature... and ten thousand years wouldn't change that.

What DOES signify is the extent to which we, as citizens, despite our own racial prejudices and biases, manage to participate in a commonwealth together.

Wow... talk about white privilege!

Don't lump ME in with them... I voted for Obumble (twice), for Shrillary, and for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe... haven't voted for an (R) since Dubya (unfortunately).

Hard to believe that you voted for them and call them names.

Partisan spin on spilt milk methinks.

Um, a pretty good analysis. Let's go to the NUMBERS, shall we.

Bush got 50% in 2004. Pretty good. then he fucked things up with the War, Katrina, and the Recession, and Obama got 54% of the vote to McCain's 45. Because America is kind of racist and awful, in 2012, despite doing a pretty good job bringing us out of recession, and pulling us out of Bush's war in Iraq, Obama got 52% of the vote against 47% for the Weird Mormon Robot. (Also, it was nice of the Media to NOT talk about how batshit crazy Mormons actually are.) Well, along came 2016. Despite the open racism, Trump did not improve over Romney's numbers in terms of percentages. He got 46.2% of the vote. Hillary, on the other hand got 48% of the vote, which is a sane system STILL should have been enough to win. But because enough smug little assholes pissed away their votes on third parties, and because we are still using a bizarre system created by slave rapists, Trump managed to get in despite 54% of the population NOT WANTING HIM.

2020 is a mixed bag, because while Covid hurt Trump, the BLM demonstrations probably helped him. But still overall, he STILL got the same percentage of the vote. About 47%.

If you're Black (which I continue to believe) then the huge chip on your shoulder is explainable.

If you're White, then there are all kinds of explanations for your contempt for White Folk who won't dance your Amalgamation Polka...

Um. Sure.
You are stupid.
you are racist.
You keep putting in idiots who fuck it up for the rest of us.

Now, I voted Republican all the way up until 2008. Then I realized that the GOP only serves the interest of the investor class. That you still haven't figured that out yet and are still dancing to the racist dog whistles says a lot.

And that's where you're very, very wrong, and far more delusional than is safe for you to indulge yourself in.

You have to do better than, "You're wrong".

The GOP once impeached Clinton over an affair, but are perfectly fine with a guy who has cheated on all three of his wives, paid porn stars for sex, and boasts about grabbing women by the pussy. Family Values? Not really.

Hey, one of the main reasons that I stuck with the GOP a lot longer than I should have was because I believe in a firm national defense. Trump undermined NATO, cozied up to Kim and Putin, etc. And, heck, you see the GOP Sheep going along with it to the point where they sound like a Hippy Drum Circle. National Security, not really.

Law and Order? HA! Trump is under investigation in Georgia, New York, Florida and DC for various crimes he committed in or after leaving office.
Yet you expose your racism with every post.
I am, indeed, racist. So are you. So is virtually every other poster here. It's just that some of us recognize and admit it, while many won't face reality.

There is nothing wrong with being focused first and foremost upon the welfare of "your own kind", so long as you don't go out of your way to harm others.

The vast majority of Blacks focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Blacks.

The vast majority of Hispanics focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Hispanics.

The vast majority of Asians focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Asians.

The vast majority of Native Americans focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Native Americans.

The vast majority of Whites focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Whites.

Human nature... we marry amongst our own... we reproduce amongst our own... we feel most comfortable when amongst our own...

Like tends to go with Like...

A story as old as the animal kingdom itself...

Nothing wrong with any of that... so long as we leave room in our hearts and minds for goodwill and tolerance towards others "not like us"...

Our collective ability to manifest goodwill and tolerance for those "not like us" is what makes political and social life possible in our commonwealth.

Again, being realisitic, buddy. The GOP has been playing these Racial Fear tactics since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy. Reagan and his "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks". Bush Sr. "Willie Horton" ad, Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad. Trump has just taken the racist dog whistle and replaced it with a bull horn.
It's the "Whitelash" that CNN commentator Van Jones was crying about on the morning of November 9, 2016.

It is a warning rattle that LibProgs have taken their social reengineering (racially-focused and otherwise) agenda too far. Dems ignore that at their peril.

Well, apparently you can't, as whites have been declining as a percentage of the population for decades.
Yep. And the only reason why LibProgs have prospered is because the White Vote has been split. That "split" appears to be tilting rapidly to the Right.
First, 2020 was a severely flawed census, both due to Covid and Trump's intentional incompetence. Minorities were intentionally undercounted by design. Secondly, non- Hispanic White folks DID Decline... from 63.7% to 58% of the population. Third, Asians also grew.
We'll know more in 2030 😎 ...but you sure do enjoy pointing-out that Whites are declining... I wonder why? :rolleyes:
Except they know which way the wind is blowing, and it's against the bigots. But I think it's bigger than that. I think they are starting to figure out, after presiding over 10 of the last 12 recessions (assuming we are in a recession this time) that Republicans really don't know what they are doing.
I'll remind you of that once we're deep into the next cycle of Conservative or Right Wing rule as fickle corporate whores change their spots again.
No, they really aren't. Actually, if anything, 2016 was the outlier, not 2020. In fact, the GOP hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. And even then, just barely with the advantages of an ongoing war and an incumbent president.
Yes. I realize that LibProgs cannot bring themselves to admit that 2016 was a reaction against their agenda rather than as the anomaly that they pretend.
Except we can't escape our past... we need to address it and we haven't.
We've done more-than-enough of that already. People are far more focused upon family and career and finances and health than any of that $hit.
Wow... talk about white privilege!
No such thing. Fun, ain't it?
Hard to believe that you voted for them and call them names.
Yes. I understand that it is hard for you to believe that. We differ in that I neither trust nor revere any of them. They were merely the better choice at the time.

On the flip side of the coin, I routinely slam the Pub's Orange Baboon-God and the worst of the retards here think I'm a LibProg. Occupational hazard. :laugh:

Um, a pretty good analysis. Let's go to the NUMBERS, shall we.
Nothing signifies in the political arena except (a) victory and (b) sustainable policy.
Um. Sure. You are stupid. you are racist. You keep putting in idiots who fuck it up for the rest of us.
Oh, I freely admit to the "racist" descriptor, with the caveat outlined at the beginning of this response. As to the rest, you confuse me with somebody else.
Now, I voted Republican all the way up until 2008. Then I realized that the GOP only serves the interest of the investor class. That you still haven't figured that out yet and are still dancing to the racist dog whistles says a lot.
Dancing to racist dog whistles? Nope. Merely taking care of my own, first, and willing to accommodate others insofar as it does no harm to my own.
You have to do better than, "You're wrong".

The GOP once impeached Clinton over an affair, but are perfectly fine with a guy who has cheated on all three of his wives, paid porn stars for sex, and boasts about grabbing women by the pussy. Family Values? Not really.
Yep. The idiot Republicans are every bit as pathetic a collection of hypocrites as we see on the Left... just in different ways... and more obvious in recent times.
Hey, one of the main reasons that I stuck with the GOP a lot longer than I should have was because I believe in a firm national defense. Trump undermined NATO, cozied up to Kim and Putin, etc. And, heck, you see the GOP Sheep going along with it to the point where they sound like a Hippy Drum Circle. National Security, not really.
Yep. Their 19th century Isolationist mindset is dangerous in a 21st century world of global interdependencies and high-speed travel and communications.
Law and Order? HA! Trump is under investigation in Georgia, New York, Florida and DC for various crimes he committed in or after leaving office.
Shut off the faucet at the southern border, get ultra-tough on urban crime, and dump Woke so-called prosecuting DAs, and you can defuse their argument.
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I am, indeed, racist. So are you. So is virtually every other poster here. It's just that some of us recognize and admit it, while many won't face reality.

There is nothing wrong with being focused first and foremost upon the welfare of "your own kind", so long as you don't go out of your way to harm others.

The vast majority of Blacks focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Blacks.

The vast majority of Hispanics focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Hispanics.

The vast majority of Asians focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Asians.

The vast majority of Native Americans focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Native Americans.

The vast majority of Whites focus first-and-foremost upon the welfare of Whites.

I'm glad you are finally admitting it.

Here's the thing. Every shitty thing that's ever been done to me in my life was done by another white person. On the other hand, I can point to a lot of cases where a person of color has done me a solid. So your paradigm is already wrong.

It's the "Whitelash" that CNN commentator Van Jones was crying about on the morning of November 9, 2016.

It is a warning rattle that LibProgs have taken their social reengineering (racially-focused and otherwise) agenda too far. Dems ignore that at their peril.

Or not. Frankly, the same shit was said when liberals ended Jim Crow. The same shit was said when liberals advocated for equal rights for women. The same shit was said when liberals advocated for gay rights. The fight never ends... but is always worth fighting.

Yep. And the only reason why LibProgs have prospered is because the White Vote has been split. That "split" appears to be tilting rapidly to the Right.
There's no real evidence of that. In fact, if anything, the percentage of white people who vote Repuke has been

We'll know more in 2030 😎 ...but you sure do enjoy pointing-out that Whites are declining... I wonder why? :rolleyes:

You mean other than all the scourges white people have inflicted on the planet in general?

I'll remind you of that once we're deep into the next cycle of Conservative or Right Wing rule as fickle corporate whores change their spots again.

But are we really? Frankly, I suspect that 2022 will be like 1994 or 2010... a midterm gain followed by continuation of the same.

Yes. I realize that LibProgs cannot bring themselves to admit that 2016 was a reaction against their agenda rather than as the anomaly that they pretend.

Well, mostly because it wasn't. Trump got the same bunch of racist assholes he got in 2020 when he lost. He got the same racist assholes that Romney got in 2012.

What killed Hillary was that 1) Black people stayed home because they were tired of her shit and 2) So many smug white progs voted for the Greens and Libertarians.

Dancing to racist dog whistles? Nope. Merely taking care of my own, first, and willing to accommodate others insofar as it does no harm to my own.

Works on the assumption that skin color are your own. My career was overturned a couple years ago because I busted up my knee and my white male employer didn't want to pay the medical bills. My career got back on track two years ago because a Filipina lady advocated for me to get a position. Why? Because early in her career, I helped her out. While enlightened self-interest is not necessarily bad, neither is kindness. And it often has nothing to do with race.

Shut off the faucet at the southern border, get ultra-tough on urban crime, and dump Woke so-called prosecuting DAs, and you can defuse their argument.

Uh, guy, we lock up 2 million people. Most other ENLIGHTENED nations (mostly white people) lock up less than 100K. The idea that you can solve crime by being more sadistic instead of solving the underlying causes (poverty, racism, gun proliferation, mental illness, addiction) is just foolish.
I'm glad you are finally admitting it.
I have never, to the best of my recollection, denied it.

One day you, too, will become honest with yourself and others in that context.

As to the rest, I tire of it... I've said what I came here to say... thanks for the exchange.

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