Democrats, what makes the GOP so evil?

Democrat TDS, mental illness, being exposed as traitors / criminals, projection, and false accusations.

Biden (Dis)Approval Rating

RED Wave coming

6+ year 'We've got him this time' FAILURE record (and counting)

Failed Russian Collusion coup attempt

EXPOSED: Violated the Constitution

EXPOSED: Violating the Patriot Act

EXPOSED: Defrauding the FISA Court

EXPOSED: Illegallly soying on citizens

EXPOSED: Spying ontve President

EXPOSED: Spying on the Senate

EXPOSED: Manufacturing fake evidence / non-exisyent whistleblowers

Failed coup and faux Impeachments

Liz Cheney nearly 40pt LOSS

Blacks fleeing Dem Party

Latinos fleeing Dem Party


NON-Inflation Reduction Bill

... etc...
You're wrong.
Most of them supported a violent fascist coup against the USA, and most of them still support it.

Hence, evil.

Remember, we're not PC bitches. We don't do the "Oh, Republicans are just misunderstood" crap. They supported a violent fascist coup against the USA, they still support it, so they're evil.

Exactly what about that confuses you fascist traitors?
Because Republicans want Grandpa to eat dog food, and want to push Granny's wheelchair off a cliff.

I know this is true, because I pushed mine off a cliff once. She yelled a lot and put up a good fight.


Is there a democrat in the house that will call the entire GOP evil for throwing grandma off the cliff?
Most of them supported a violent fascist coup against the USA, and most of them still support it.

Hence, evil.

Remember, we're not PC bitches. We don't do the "Oh, Republicans are just misunderstood" crap. They supported a violent fascist coup against the USA, they still support it, so they're evil.

Exactly what about that confuses you fascist traitors?
There, was that so hard?

Why do you democrat comrades have such a hard time using the word evil?

So the GOP are just like the Taliban that rapes under aged girls and burns alive prisoners in cages.

Oh, and Trump is Hitler

At least you have the gonads to call it like it is.

Is there a democrat in the house that will call the entire GOP evil for throwing grandma off the cliff?

A Democrat would be more likely to do that for the insurance payout. Dems have no compassion or remorse.
This is an easy one.

The Republican party is the party of the Investor Class. If we were talking about purely the interest of the working class vs. the interest of the investor class, the Democrats SHOULD win every election, for no other reason than the working class is much larger. And in fact, they pretty much did between 1932 and 1968, the only respites being when the Republicans nominated a sensible war hero who moderated the GOP's love of greed against actually standing up for working people.


Then two things happened.

1) In 1968, the GOP realized they could scare a comfortable white working class by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. Vote for us, or you'll get killed by a Black Panther or a drug crazed hippy like Charlie Manson.

2) The Libertarian Crazies actually managed to sell a bill of goods to the working class that the sensible government programs that created the middle class was in fact holding them back.

As utterly horrifying as Trump is, he's just the undiluted version of the toxic shit the GOP has been serving up since Tricky Dick.

A kid I grew up with works as a garbageman for the City of Chicago. And he essentially makes $72,000 a year picking up trash. Which is good money for someone with no college degree. But the ONLY reason he enjoys that wonderful lifestyle is because a Democrat fought for him to have a union and get a good union wage. If he worked out in a Republican Suburb, he'd be making $17.00 an hour and probably working that truck by himself.

Yet he sits in his truck all day, listening to Hate Radio, and repeating whatever Rush or Hannity says like he had an original thought.

This is what makes the GOP kind of evil. They know they are appealling to the worst in human nature, they know their policies will be a shit sandwich for most Americans...

And they don't care.
The Republican Party in-and-of itself is not "Evil".

But some of its present standard bearers and leadership and heirs-apparent border on such a state.

And many of its rank-and-file are not far behind on this "bordering" - willing as they are to overlook so much in order to achieve their political ends.

And, while this may also hold true for much that is wrong on the Democratic side of the aisle as well, that is not the subject of this particular thread.

The large-ish Rumpian Branch of the GOP is willing to overlook much - to hold their noses and look the other way - as long as they get what they want.

That, perhaps, is the greatest "Evil" at-work in all of this.

Especially when building a wall or standing up to China or reducing taxes comes at the cost of grave injury to the Republic and the Constitution.


Trump isn't some radical departure, Trump is the extra strength version of the same crap the GOP has been putting out since 1968.

The only difference is that Trump is committed to the toxic stuff to the detriment of some of the goals of the GOP's masters. This is why you see so many rich people defecting to the Democrats... they don't want to live in the Republic of Gilead any more than most people do.
Why do democrats cringe using the term evil?
I don't see the world as only black or white. There is good and bad in all of us and people can do bad things for good reasons. A simplistic view of the world is inaccurate and dangerous.
Because Republicans want Grandpa to eat dog food, and want to push Granny's wheelchair off a cliff.

I know this is true, because I pushed mine off a cliff once. She yelled a lot and put up a good fight.

But that's the question- why do you guys keep trying to gut social security and medicare to give tax cuts to rich people?

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