Democrats when all these businesses permanently close where are you going to have people work?

According to communists, the rich will pay.
Well when they leave with their money,, what do they do with the poor and ordinary?
Have opportunities which does not exist with wealthy people.
How will we pay for food? With skittles?
Why not?
You want the value of money to be candy? Are we in prison?
You may be but I am not. Right now I grow my own food for free and can it or shoot it and process it into jerky or frozen steaks..
Until they outlaw gardens and hunting and fishing, and you are forced to eat government mandated meat substitute.
I'll be dead by then.
Labor Day?
No, I still have government surplus pork to last till then.
Won't need a job- just stay home with a mask on and wait for you stimulus checks

It’s really sad that fully able bodied people in their prime would actually prefer to live like that. The greatest country right now to be poor is the US. Common sense should tell anyone that more people going on the state-run welfare and entitlement means less payroll, income, property, even sales tax.
It is why upgrading our economy is important. Only right wingers never get it.
Where do I work? Business have closed
Closed businesses are easier to upgrade to HEPA standard.
What if I don’t want to work under those standards?
If you don't take the chip and mandated vaccination and don't worship whomever the Globalist Left puts in power of The New Normal, they just roll the guillotines out.
The Best solutions right wingers can come up with. The anti-federalists were Much better.
That is no solution. That is a "FINAL SOLUTION"

The Dems plan on implementing Digital ID and Quantum Dot Matrix Marks which contain your financial and medical records and allow authorities to know you are vaccinated, and this will be implemented with a cashless society and no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark.

That shit is straight out of The Book of Revelation
Please show us in Revelation where they specifically said there would be Digital ID and Quantum Dot Matrix Marks...

Please explain to me how this is anything else but a cashless society in our modern day that relies on digital currency which incidentally is exactly what is being planned right now as we speak.

This is what THE GREAT RESET is precisely about.

Revelation 13:11-18

11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. 12 And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 13 And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people

14 Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived. 15 The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed.

16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

Revelation 14:9-11

9 And a third angel followed them, calling out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he too will drink the wine of God’s anger, poured undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented in fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

BTW, the quantum dot mark runs on a 24 bit operating system.


Corona has 6 letters and it's alphanumeric value is 66

Obama placed a new medical billing code for beheading in the ICD-10 numbered x999

ICD-10-CM Code X99.9
Assault by unspecified sharp object
Beheading ICD-10-CM External Cause Index

The ICD-10-CM External Cause Index is designed to allow medical coders to look up various medical terms and connect them with the appropriate ICD codes. There are 2 terms under the parent term 'Beheading' in the ICD-10-CM External Cause Index.

homicide X99.9
legal execution - see Legal, intervention

Lastly, Bill Gates Patent Application for the Digital ID is numbered 2020060606

or 666


Lastly in Revelation the First Horse of the Apocalypse The Rider has a Crown (Corona) and is given a Bow (Taxon where we get our word Toxin) with which to conquer.

Viruses, Vaccines and Bacteria produce toxins in the body which is the primary method of cell damage.

Revelation 6:1-2

Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!” 2 So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider had a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer.

You were warned!!!!
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A friend of mine recently went back to work after being out of work for the last few months.

He was one of those folks who was making more money on unemployment than he was working. Still, he wanted to go back to work. In his eyes, if you work for something and provide a service, you have value. If you just sit back and let money fall into your bank account (as many of my lib friends are all too willing to do), you're worthless.

I can't say I disagree with him...
And how do they get paid?
What if they don’t want to work on youR Production plantations?
What’s your plans for us?
Do we get a house? Are you going to feed us? How about my health care?
Remember when all the lefties were whining that “ the poor “ needed hundreds of dollars more a month because they couldn’t shop for groceries in their own communities? Well ...they sure as hell didn’t care enough not to burn the stores they could shop at down.

The left is full of morons.
The unorganized militia can be clueless and Causeless. It is why we need organized militia and at least a Corporal to execute any good plan.
Do you mean the militia that won our independence ?
No, I mean the militia that started the conflict in Lexington. They should have submitted a Petition for redress of grievances to the senior British officer present to give to the King.

Unlike many other towns, Lexington did not set aside a separate common area when the town was laid out. In 1711, the townspeople raised funds by subscription, and purchased 1.5 acres (0.61 ha) of land as a militia training ground. This was enlarged by one more acre in 1722. The common is a triangular parcel of land, bounded by Massachusetts Avenue, Bedford Street, and Harrington Road, and is located just northwest of Lexington's commercial center. The Buckman Tavern, one of the area's busiest local taverns, stands across Bedford Street; it is also a National Historic Landmark.

On April 19, 1775, local militiamen emerged from Buckman Tavern adjacent to the common and formed two rows on the common to face arriving British troops. The militiamen suffered the first casualties of the American Revolution.--
According to communists, the rich will pay.
Well when they leave with their money,, what do they do with the poor and ordinary?
Have opportunities which does not exist with wealthy people.
How will we pay for food? With skittles?
Why not?
You want the value of money to be candy? Are we in prison?
You may be but I am not. Right now I grow my own food for free and can it or shoot it and process it into jerky or frozen steaks..
Until they outlaw gardens and hunting and fishing, and you are forced to eat government mandated meat substitute.
Local gardens near the community can help with fresher products at lower cost.
What if the workers go on strike?
Why should they? High paid Labor creates more in demand and pays more in taxes.
And how do they get paid?
What if they don’t want to work on youR Production plantations?
What’s your plans for us?
Do we get a house? Are you going to feed us? How about my health care?
Remember when all the lefties were whining that “ the poor “ needed hundreds of dollars more a month because they couldn’t shop for groceries in their own communities? Well ...they sure as hell didn’t care enough not to burn the stores they could shop at down.

The left is full of morons.
The unorganized militia can be clueless and Causeless. It is why we need organized militia and at least a Corporal to execute any good plan.
Do you mean the militia that won our independence ?
No, I mean the militia that started the conflict in Lexington. They should have submitted a Petition for redress of grievances to the senior British officer present to give to the King.

Unlike many other towns, Lexington did not set aside a separate common area when the town was laid out. In 1711, the townspeople raised funds by subscription, and purchased 1.5 acres (0.61 ha) of land as a militia training ground. This was enlarged by one more acre in 1722. The common is a triangular parcel of land, bounded by Massachusetts Avenue, Bedford Street, and Harrington Road, and is located just northwest of Lexington's commercial center. The Buckman Tavern, one of the area's busiest local taverns, stands across Bedford Street; it is also a National Historic Landmark.

On April 19, 1775, local militiamen emerged from Buckman Tavern adjacent to the common and formed two rows on the common to face arriving British troops. The militiamen suffered the first casualties of the American Revolution.--
Answer the OP QUESTION.. stop Filibustering
It is why upgrading our economy is important. Only right wingers never get it.
Where do I work? Business have closed
Closed businesses are easier to upgrade to HEPA standard.
What if I don’t want to work under those standards?
If you don't take the chip and mandated vaccination and don't worship whomever the Globalist Left puts in power of The New Normal, they just roll the guillotines out.
The Best solutions right wingers can come up with. The anti-federalists were Much better.
That is no solution. That is a "FINAL SOLUTION"

The Dems plan on implementing Digital ID and Quantum Dot Matrix Marks which contain your financial and medical records and allow authorities to know you are vaccinated, and this will be implemented with a cashless society and no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark.

That shit is straight out of The Book of Revelation
The anti-federalists had solutions not right wing fantasy.
It is why upgrading our economy is important. Only right wingers never get it.
Upgrading? With Sniff and Suck? Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Our welfare clause is General and we need a Top, Down solution.
And that solution is Chip Implantation, Guaranteed Income and you having 666 tattooed on your ass in a 100% tyrannical economy controlled by an oppressive massive centralized and globalized government.
Keyless systems can help persons who can't remember all of their passwords and even help authenticate voters in a more simple and non-intrusive manner. What is wrong with that, right wingers?
Because than you can lynch and find republicans with IRS, you can take us to court for frivolous charges. Like you do trump. You can Weaponize your information
You are not black, stop whining.
No I’m republican,, who are Lynched,, and were Lynched by democrats.. One year 164 blacks were lynched and killed second to them were white Republicans 161
According to communists, the rich will pay.
Well when they leave with their money,, what do they do with the poor and ordinary?
Have opportunities which does not exist with wealthy people.
How will we pay for food? With skittles?
Why not?
You want the value of money to be candy? Are we in prison?
You may be but I am not. Right now I grow my own food for free and can it or shoot it and process it into jerky or frozen steaks..
Until they outlaw gardens and hunting and fishing, and you are forced to eat government mandated meat substitute.
Local gardens near the community can help with fresher products at lower cost.
What if the workers go on strike?
Why should they? High paid Labor creates more in demand and pays more in taxes.
Because it’s coming from one source,, now answer the question what if they go on strike for other reasons .. like they want to return to capitalism.. what do you do to them?
According to communists, the rich will pay.
Well when they leave with their money,, what do they do with the poor and ordinary?
Have opportunities which does not exist with wealthy people.
How will we pay for food? With skittles?
Why not?
You want the value of money to be candy? Are we in prison?
You may be but I am not. Right now I grow my own food for free and can it or shoot it and process it into jerky or frozen steaks..
Until they outlaw gardens and hunting and fishing, and you are forced to eat government mandated meat substitute.
Local gardens near the community can help with fresher products at lower cost.
What if the workers go on strike?
Then they shut off their digital payments in the New Normal cashless society and their implanted chips will be disabled until they go back to work.

Total Control.

Same as if you riot, Facial Recognition and GPS data from your chip will instantly identify you and you will starve until you comply.

666 becomes The New Normal.
Right wingers keep proving they don't understand and don't care about our federal Constitution.
It is why upgrading our economy is important. Only right wingers never get it.
Upgrading? With Sniff and Suck? Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Our welfare clause is General and we need a Top, Down solution.
And that solution is Chip Implantation, Guaranteed Income and you having 666 tattooed on your ass in a 100% tyrannical economy controlled by an oppressive massive centralized and globalized government.
Keyless systems can help persons who can't remember all of their passwords and even help authenticate voters in a more simple and non-intrusive manner. What is wrong with that, right wingers?
Because than you can lynch and find republicans with IRS, you can take us to court for frivolous charges. Like you do trump. You can Weaponize your information
You are not black, stop whining.
No I’m republican,, who are Lynched,, and were Lynched by democrats.. One year 164 blacks were lynched and killed second to them were white Republicans 161
And how do they get paid?
What if they don’t want to work on youR Production plantations?
What’s your plans for us?
Do we get a house? Are you going to feed us? How about my health care?
The last thing the Dem dregs want to have and do is a job and work.....
Sure; who wants to make decent money and be able to afford stuff under Capitalism.

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