Democrats….When It Rains, It Pours


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..
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I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.
I hope the military parade makes a stop on front of the FBI HQ
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I suspect Sessions will wait until the most damaging possible time to announce the next special counsel.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

You should fear what McCabe has to say little one.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

I thought you were going to say
going along with Obama and Clinton.

Once you go down that road, the karma that catches up
with you will surely run you over. and Trump is cashing in
on all that momentum, swinging the other way.

There is justice, the wheels may move slowly,
but the weight of all the debts and damages built up
is crushing!

Things are changing PoliticalChic
Let's just hope Trump listens to the right legal advice,
doesn't say anything that will get him smashed like
Bill Clinton did perjuring himself. And let Justice
speak for itself. Trump has to watch himself as well,
and not get caught up in the gears of this huge machine...
6. “The Justice Department inspector general, Michael Horowitz, whose report is expected imminently, showed the FBI director, Christopher Wray, findings about Andrew McCabe’s conduct that caused him to retire Mr. McCabe prematurely. The Office of Professional Responsibility, one of the few centers of unquestionably ethical and nonpartisan conduct in Washington, advised the attorney general to fire Mr. McCabe.

Mr. Trump didn’t fire Mr. McCabe. Mr. McCabe scuttled his own credibility.

7. Former CIA director John Brennan’s outburst on Saturday indicates that the Resistance is cracking up. He tweeted to the world, but specifically the president: “When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history.”

It was seemly that someone who voted for Gus Hall, the American Communist leader, for president in 1976 would invoke Marx. But he went on to accuse Mr. Trump of trying to destroy America. Former National Intelligence director James Clapper has been routinely announcing, at home and abroad, since shortly after Inauguration Day, that the Russian-collusion story was a greater scandal than Watergate.

Mr. Brennan didn’t mention treason in his tweet — he seems to have given up on collusion and to be focused on Stormy Daniels and Trump’s financial career. (Anthony Scaramucci, in his drunken interview with the New Yorker, was more rational than Mr. Brennan.) Messrs. Brennan and Clapper were improperly leaking partisan information for months, and Mr. Clapper lied to a congressional committee.
Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

Agree.....but can I recommend Chris Plante, WMAL Washington, D.C......

...he's the best.
The correct timing to release the findings is in open court with Alan Dershowitz of the Innocence Project as special counsel. Mueller and his team will go to jail.
So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

As well as his close connections to seditious Muslim Brotherhood groups, going back to 20 years ago, and continuing well thereafter.

Russia Special Counsel Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims - Judicial Watch
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I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

Agree.....but can I recommend Chris Plante, WMAL Washington, D.C......

...he's the best.

I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.

So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

Let me guess.......Hannity. Right?

Nope. Can't stand his voice. Just read a lot and pay attention to the world around me. Unlike you who get your opinions from your masters at msnbc and cnn.

You got that from Hannity.
So am I. It has allowed the exposure of the criminal upper echelon of the FBI. I also had no prior knowledge of muellers own criminal past. I had no idea he had engineered the conviction of innocent people to protect one of his CI's. That is a level of asshole that you have to go back to Stalins KGB to attain.

As well as his close connections to seditious Muslim Brotherhood groups, going back to 20 years ago, and continuing well thereafter.

Russia Special Counsel Mueller Worked with Radical Islamist Groups to Purge Anti-Terrorism Training Material Offensive to Muslims - Judicial Watch

Mueller conspired with Radical Islamic terrorists? That's incredible.

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