Democrats….When It Rains, It Pours

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

"I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, far flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, sack of monkey shit he is!!! Halleluah!! Holy shit!! Where's the Tylenol??"

I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

No matter what tap-dance you engage in, the only individuals known.....with evidence of have any material association with the Russians......

....are Democrats.

Challenge me to prove it.
All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts
any collusion, conspiracy? The congress said no evidence of it. correct?
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

Man. You got no game.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

Man. You got no game.

Ahhh, shucks, you found me out. I DO deal with the real world. You game players have it all over us in game land. Too bad for you that we LIVE in the real world.
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

Man. You got no game.

Ahhh, shucks, you found me out. I DO deal with the real world. You game players have it all over us in game land. Too bad for you that we LIVE in the real world.

The real world has Trumps balls in a vice. You enjoy that.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

Man. You got no game.

Ahhh, shucks, you found me out. I DO deal with the real world. You game players have it all over us in game land. Too bad for you that we LIVE in the real world.

The real world has Trumps balls in a vice. You enjoy that.

You go with that junior. Makes me feel all tingly inside. :113:
Back in the old days when Cronkite was king and there was no talk radio or challenge to the liberal message on T.V., democrats would have easily gotten away with the Trump frame. The problem for democrats is that they believe their own hype and they trust left wing incoherent hate filled media outlets like CNN and MSNBC even when their ratings are low. Democrats have been playing with a 60's-70's media playbook in the age of information and they still have no idea why Trump won the freaking election.
Thank You for that.

In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..
I'm very pleased with the Mueller probe. Very.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

…”tell comrade Vladimir, that I, his faithful corrupt little poodle, am here to assist him in any way I can, after I am re-elected.” (I’m paraphrasing slightly)…..’spasiba, comrade Barack!

This is a real bait thread. So much incorrect accusations.

Gee.....I searched and searched your post with my SEM/EDX microscope electron in hope of finding any 'incorrect accusations.....or even a hint of intelligence.

Alas, none of either to be found.

You must be one of those mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sacks of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..or too subtle.
what is it you like about it? what has it taught you? post something that shows collusion and I'll be waiting until forever for that post.

Collusion isn't a thing when it comes to the law. Conspiracy is. So is obstruction of justice. So is money laundering.

Indeed it is, and so far it is only hillary and obummer that we have evidence for. Thanks for pointing that out.

Man. You got no game.

Ahhh, shucks, you found me out. I DO deal with the real world. You game players have it all over us in game land. Too bad for you that we LIVE in the real world.

The real world has Trumps balls in a vice. You enjoy that.

And you conclude that from....whence?

Any errors here?

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes
This is a real bait thread. So much incorrect accusations.

Then enumerate them, with factual data, not your opinion.
I do not have the time or the inclination. Also as the facts are clearly different to the OP post I am amazed no one has corrected or even opposed it.

It is the intelligence, honesty and ability that you lack that stands in your way.

Any errors here?

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes
Back in the old days when Cronkite was king and there was no talk radio or challenge to the liberal message on T.V., democrats would have easily gotten away with the Trump frame. The problem for democrats is that they believe their own hype and they trust left wing incoherent hate filled media outlets like CNN and MSNBC even when their ratings are low. Democrats have been playing with a 60's-70's media playbook in the age of information and they still have no idea why Trump won the freaking election.

"The problem for democrats is that they believe their own hype..."

While that is still true for the simpleton shock troops, as seen in some of their posts....

...the elites are admitting that it's all over for them...

....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

“So, uh, you know that I’ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,” McKinnon’s Mueller says. “The reality is I don’t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.”

Strong’s Becca replies: “So … what? You don’t have Trump on collusion?”

“I think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,” the fake Mueller replies. “I’m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I can’t commit to collusion right now.”

“you indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?”

“No, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and it’s definitely something,” he responds. “It’s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.”

The fake Becca can’t handle the embarrassment. “Collusion is literally the only thing that I’ve been looking forward to the past year.”
SNL’s disastrous ‘Bachelor’ finale stars Robert Mueller, who can’t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

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