Democrats….When It Rains, It Pours

In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

1. " Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ..."

My posts are constructed to reveal you inadvertently proved by failing to find anything to deny.

2. BTW, 'abstruse' means difficult to understand; obscure.

The usage was tongue-in-cheek, as this is hardly difficult to understand:
"And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?...."

You missed the humor, as a sense of humor is well known to require intelligence.

3. "...who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen..."
Are you prepared to deny same?
Have you noted the benefits to Americans of the tax cuts, and the low unemployment figures, most especially for minority workers.

And, there is the unavoidable comparison in Trump's anti-drug dealer position, as compared to Hussein Obama, who gave Hezbollah the ability to sell $ billion of cocaine in our nation.

4 "Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you."

Link or lie.

5. Reminder:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

And we leave this post, I have, yet again, skewered your every sentiment.

You are, to my posts, what the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters.
And I enjoy every moment of it.

No.....scurry off to your annual worming.
Now....when you have a moment, after dashing off the telegram, perhaps you can offer an explanation as to why the very least intelligent and least pro-American, are desirous of removing the man who has done more for Americans than the oaf who just left office.

That effort seems, intuitively, to favor our enemies.
I can speak only for myself and I don't see what Trump has done for (non-rich) Americans. I don't like him as a person, a businessman, a politician, or a president. I see him disrespecting Americas values of democracy by favoring autocrats like Putin and Duterte.

1. There is no such perennial category in America as 'the rich.'

2. Folks move, with metronomic regularity, in and out of quintiles.

3. Under Trump minorities have seen the lowest unemployment figures....and Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

4. "US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017
  • Millionaire households in the U.S. jumped by more than 700,000 last year, according to a new report from Spectrem Group.
  • The U.S. now has a record of more than 11 million millionaire households.
  • Surging stock prices and housing values have helped the growth." US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017

5. 'I don't like him..."
There are still morons who vote based on the person rather than for you have proven.
Now....when you have a moment, after dashing off the telegram, perhaps you can offer an explanation as to why the very least intelligent and least pro-American, are desirous of removing the man who has done more for Americans than the oaf who just left office.

That effort seems, intuitively, to favor our enemies.
I can speak only for myself and I don't see what Trump has done for (non-rich) Americans. I don't like him as a person, a businessman, a politician, or a president. I see him disrespecting Americas values of democracy by favoring autocrats like Putin and Duterte.

And yet he is undoing the autocratic actions of obama. How do you reconcile hatred for autocrats in foreign country's, yet seem to support them here in our country. Your likes and dislikes are kind of weird.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

As frequently as the media has been caught lying, and the Democrats under schiff has also been caught lying, so yeah, when your side is made up of liars why would they be welcome?
isn't that what I wrote? why did you feel the need to rewrite it for me? Really?

any collusion, conspiracy? The congress said no evidence of it. correct?
What I wrote is NOT what you wrote. The GOP are NOT Congress. Let me correct what you wrote:
The Republicans in the House found no evidence of collusion. The Democrats in the House believe there is “significant evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.​
well fk, present it why the hell are they holding the american people hostage to some clandestine event? Shit I thought that was the objective to arrest the pig for his collusion!
Now....when you have a moment, after dashing off the telegram, perhaps you can offer an explanation as to why the very least intelligent and least pro-American, are desirous of removing the man who has done more for Americans than the oaf who just left office.

That effort seems, intuitively, to favor our enemies.
I can speak only for myself and I don't see what Trump has done for (non-rich) Americans. I don't like him as a person, a businessman, a politician, or a president. I see him disrespecting Americas values of democracy by favoring autocrats like Putin and Duterte.

1. There is no such perennial category in America as 'the rich.'

2. Folks move, with metronomic regularity, in and out of quintiles.

3. Under Trump minorities have seen the lowest unemployment figures....and Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

4. "US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017
  • Millionaire households in the U.S. jumped by more than 700,000 last year, according to a new report from Spectrem Group.
  • The U.S. now has a record of more than 11 million millionaire households.
  • Surging stock prices and housing values have helped the growth." US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017
5. 'I don't like him..."
There are still morons who vote based on the person rather than for you have proven.
1 & 2 - Perennial?? There are rich today that will benefit from Trump's tax bill. Maybe removing inheritance taxes will make today's rich 'perennial'?

3 - Everyone had lost ground in 2013 thanks to the recession.

4 - More rich and fewer middle class. Is that what makes this country great?

5 - Allow me to clarify: I don't approve of his bullying and demeaning speech, I don't approve of the way he does business, I don't like his lies and empty promises as a politician, and I don't like his polices as president.
What I really want to know is was it Putin that told Trump to use the slogan 'America First'? Cause shit that has to be what the russians truly wanted.
Now....when you have a moment, after dashing off the telegram, perhaps you can offer an explanation as to why the very least intelligent and least pro-American, are desirous of removing the man who has done more for Americans than the oaf who just left office.

That effort seems, intuitively, to favor our enemies.
I can speak only for myself and I don't see what Trump has done for (non-rich) Americans. I don't like him as a person, a businessman, a politician, or a president. I see him disrespecting Americas values of democracy by favoring autocrats like Putin and Duterte.
of course you don't. it's ok, stay blind and stupid.
well fk, present it why the hell are they holding the american people hostage to some clandestine event? Shit I thought that was the objective to arrest the pig for his collusion!
what didn't you understand? You said that the dems had evidence, I responded. What is it you didn't get?
Who's holding us hostage? To what event? Who's objective? Which pig?
Other than those questions it was crystal clear.
Now....when you have a moment, after dashing off the telegram, perhaps you can offer an explanation as to why the very least intelligent and least pro-American, are desirous of removing the man who has done more for Americans than the oaf who just left office.

That effort seems, intuitively, to favor our enemies.
I can speak only for myself and I don't see what Trump has done for (non-rich) Americans. I don't like him as a person, a businessman, a politician, or a president. I see him disrespecting Americas values of democracy by favoring autocrats like Putin and Duterte.

1. There is no such perennial category in America as 'the rich.'

2. Folks move, with metronomic regularity, in and out of quintiles.

3. Under Trump minorities have seen the lowest unemployment figures....and Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

4. "US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017
  • Millionaire households in the U.S. jumped by more than 700,000 last year, according to a new report from Spectrem Group.
  • The U.S. now has a record of more than 11 million millionaire households.
  • Surging stock prices and housing values have helped the growth." US added 700,000 new millionaires in 2017
5. 'I don't like him..."
There are still morons who vote based on the person rather than for you have proven.
1 & 2 - Perennial?? There are rich today that will benefit from Trump's tax bill. Maybe removing inheritance taxes will make today's rich 'perennial'?

3 - Everyone had lost ground in 2013 thanks to the recession.

4 - More rich and fewer middle class. Is that what makes this country great?

5 - Allow me to clarify: I don't approve of his bullying and demeaning speech, I don't approve of the way he does business, I don't like his lies and empty promises as a politician, and I don't like his polices as president.
Elections do have consequences.
I believe the truth will come out in the end. There was Collusion in the last Election. And it was between Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. Steele clearly worked for both Clinton and Obama's FBI. They did collude with foreign entities to influence our Election. They need to be investigated immediately.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

I beat you like a drum in post #81, didn't I.
I just read it over for kicks.

Wasn't that fun?
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

1. " Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ..."

My posts are constructed to reveal you inadvertently proved by failing to find anything to deny.

2. BTW, 'abstruse' means difficult to understand; obscure.

The usage was tongue-in-cheek, as this is hardly difficult to understand:
"And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?...."

You missed the humor, as a sense of humor is well known to require intelligence.

3. "...who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen..."
Are you prepared to deny same?
Have you noted the benefits to Americans of the tax cuts, and the low unemployment figures, most especially for minority workers.

And, there is the unavoidable comparison in Trump's anti-drug dealer position, as compared to Hussein Obama, who gave Hezbollah the ability to sell $ billion of cocaine in our nation.

4 "Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you."

Link or lie.

5. Reminder:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

And we leave this post, I have, yet again, skewered your every sentiment.

You are, to my posts, what the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters.
And I enjoy every moment of it.

No.....scurry off to your annual worming.

Your first paragraph as posted:
Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

"Yes", I.e. your target audience to too dumb to comprehend the agenda which frames your every post. Concrete thinkers are your target audience, and they are susceptible to demagogues and charlatans like you.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

1. " Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ..."

My posts are constructed to reveal you inadvertently proved by failing to find anything to deny.

2. BTW, 'abstruse' means difficult to understand; obscure.

The usage was tongue-in-cheek, as this is hardly difficult to understand:
"And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?...."

You missed the humor, as a sense of humor is well known to require intelligence.

3. "...who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen..."
Are you prepared to deny same?
Have you noted the benefits to Americans of the tax cuts, and the low unemployment figures, most especially for minority workers.

And, there is the unavoidable comparison in Trump's anti-drug dealer position, as compared to Hussein Obama, who gave Hezbollah the ability to sell $ billion of cocaine in our nation.

4 "Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you."

Link or lie.

5. Reminder:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

And we leave this post, I have, yet again, skewered your every sentiment.

You are, to my posts, what the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters.
And I enjoy every moment of it.

No.....scurry off to your annual worming.

Your first paragraph as posted:
Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

"Yes", I.e. your target audience to too dumb to comprehend the agenda which frames your every post. Concrete thinkers are your target audience, and they are susceptible to demagogues and charlatans like you.

My 'agenda'.....

an underlying often ideological plan or program to provide re-education for the suffering masses who have been forced into government schools, and have almost no sources for news other than the media.

I provide truth, my posts are always 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You and other dwellers of the barrel bottom are the foils that I use for this purpose.

When you return to one of my threads....and you will.....I will pulverize you again, lighting the way for those masses out of their indoctrination.

And you are too dumb, and too far-gone, to avoid what Karma has planned for you.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

1. " Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ..."

My posts are constructed to reveal you inadvertently proved by failing to find anything to deny.

2. BTW, 'abstruse' means difficult to understand; obscure.

The usage was tongue-in-cheek, as this is hardly difficult to understand:
"And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?...."

You missed the humor, as a sense of humor is well known to require intelligence.

3. "...who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen..."
Are you prepared to deny same?
Have you noted the benefits to Americans of the tax cuts, and the low unemployment figures, most especially for minority workers.

And, there is the unavoidable comparison in Trump's anti-drug dealer position, as compared to Hussein Obama, who gave Hezbollah the ability to sell $ billion of cocaine in our nation.

4 "Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you."

Link or lie.

5. Reminder:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

And we leave this post, I have, yet again, skewered your every sentiment.

You are, to my posts, what the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters.
And I enjoy every moment of it.

No.....scurry off to your annual worming.

Your first paragraph as posted:
Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

"Yes", I.e. your target audience to too dumb to comprehend the agenda which frames your every post. Concrete thinkers are your target audience, and they are susceptible to demagogues and charlatans like you.

My 'agenda'.....

an underlying often ideological plan or program to provide re-education for the suffering masses who have been forced into government schools, and have almost no sources for news other than the media.

I provide truth, my posts are always 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You and other dwellers of the barrel bottom are the foils that I use for this purpose.

When you return to one of my threads....and you will.....I will pulverize you again, lighting the way for those masses out of their indoctrination.

And you are too dumb, and too far-gone, to avoid what Karma has planned for you.

Thanks so much for sharing, you mastery of logical fallacies are always enlightening.
In fact, you are about to live the term ‘diluvian.’

I bet there are lots of Democrats, Liberals, Never-Trumpers, who are muttering ‘we never should have started this thing…..’

Darn right.

1. “No one following the Russian-collusion and related dramas should be in any doubt about the steady flow of the balance of damaging evidence away from Trump and on to his accusers…. the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds.

2. …the hierarchy of the FBI and analogues in the Justice Department and intelligence services, horrified at the thought of a Trump victory though confident it would not occur, took liberties — in the soft treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email and uranium problems, and in abetting the Clinton campaign’s effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russian-collusion argument.

3. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time.

4. … McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and Mr. McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case.

The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant.

5. Mr. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.” Balance of Evidence Is Starting to Flow Against Trump's Foes

And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?....

Hope I’m not being too abstruse…..

Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you.

But Trump and you care not about them; they are all purveyors of fake news and fake conspiracies. Trump is believed by his most ardent supporters to be the man Diogenes sought two + centuries ago, so believe the Concrete and Magical thinkers.

1. " Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ..."

My posts are constructed to reveal you inadvertently proved by failing to find anything to deny.

2. BTW, 'abstruse' means difficult to understand; obscure.

The usage was tongue-in-cheek, as this is hardly difficult to understand:
"And every post in support and pretense of the farrago has revealed the poster to be a mouth-breathing, half-witted, lying, no good, four-flushing, dirt-eating, inbred, foul-mouthed, lying, soiled-soul, sack of sewage.

...did I mention 'lying'?...."

You missed the humor, as a sense of humor is well known to require intelligence.

3. "...who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen..."
Are you prepared to deny same?
Have you noted the benefits to Americans of the tax cuts, and the low unemployment figures, most especially for minority workers.

And, there is the unavoidable comparison in Trump's anti-drug dealer position, as compared to Hussein Obama, who gave Hezbollah the ability to sell $ billion of cocaine in our nation.

4 "Of course journalists, the press, Democrats, liberals, progressives, blacks, browns, gays and lesbian, actors and protesters, are persona non grata in the opinion of Trump and you."

Link or lie.

5. Reminder:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

And we leave this post, I have, yet again, skewered your every sentiment.

You are, to my posts, what the Washington Generals are to the Harlem Globetrotters.
And I enjoy every moment of it.

No.....scurry off to your annual worming.

Your first paragraph as posted:
Abstruse??? Yes, your posts are all structured for the Trump supporters and others on the far right ... Concrete thinkers, who actually believe Trump is competent, capable and a leader who supports every American Citizen as is his job and his duty require.

"Yes", I.e. your target audience to too dumb to comprehend the agenda which frames your every post. Concrete thinkers are your target audience, and they are susceptible to demagogues and charlatans like you.

My 'agenda'.....

an underlying often ideological plan or program to provide re-education for the suffering masses who have been forced into government schools, and have almost no sources for news other than the media.

I provide truth, my posts are always 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You and other dwellers of the barrel bottom are the foils that I use for this purpose.

When you return to one of my threads....and you will.....I will pulverize you again, lighting the way for those masses out of their indoctrination.

And you are too dumb, and too far-gone, to avoid what Karma has planned for you.

Thanks so much for sharing, you mastery of logical fallacies are always enlightening.

I wrote this:
When you return to one of my threads....and you will.....I will pulverize you again, lighting the way for those masses out of their indoctrination.

You cannot help yourself.....

You are the moth to my flame.....with all due respect to moths.

One more thing.....when I include you in the phrase 'masses'......

....the 'm' is silent.

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