Democrats will be sadly disappointed in Nov and here's why


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
She's right you guys. Putin and Trump have this shit fully rigged now. There really isnt even much of a point for you dems to vote. Just stay home on election night.
That tin foil hat weighs so heavily on your head, it's a wonder that it hasn't broken your neck.
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
Yep that's the new talking point when you lose. IT WAS DA RUSSIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHH!
Conspiracy is several floors down, right next to the Rubber Room where your threads inevitably end up.
To add...
Americans should not only demand paper ballots, I agree on that...
we should also check all voters identification...
Just to make sure they aren't Russian and all.
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
california said no paper ballots.....its environmentally hard on trees....
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
Democrats are against clean fair elections and democracy
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!

In your opinion (I am not baiting you), how far do you believe the American Left will go to prevent a Red Wave come November? Today your side is arguing for paper ballots. Suppose for a moment such calls remain unanswered and Democratic politicians convince tens of millions of Americans on the Left that unless some kind of action is taken, the "Russians" will decide the November and 2020 elections. What lengths will the Left then be justified, in your opinion, going to in their "patriotic" pursuit of a "fair" and legal election result?
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!

Do you find it odd that Democrats don't talk about the economy, jobs, legal immigration, the stock market, manufacturing, North Korea, ISIS or anything else that matters to Americans?
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
So election fraud is real ? You liberal loons can't keep your shit straight.
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!

Setting the stage for a convenient excuse in case of a loss, I see. Note that there will be no talk of rigging elections should the democrats win. That's only if they lose.
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!
She's right you guys. Putin and Trump have this shit fully rigged now. There really isnt even much of a point for you dems to vote. Just stay home on election night.
The shit is rigged and no we won't be staying home, but if the Dem's lose, outrage and protest will be the message we'll send to washington.
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!

Setting the stage for a convenient excuse in case of a loss, I see. Note that there will be no talk of rigging elections should the democrats win. That's only if they lose.
Yeah, we're gonna follow the Trump handbook had Hillary won....its all fake and rigged. Sounds familiar, ass ho
My fellow dem's, has it ever occurred to any of us, that both Trump and Putin has this next election rigged? We keep talking about this blue wave, with nothing in place to prevent another Russian hacking that all the experts have said is inevitable? Does it not bother anybody that Trump, who we all know is as clueless as a lightbulb, isn't worried one bit about this so called blue wave and has in fact encouraged more and more radical GOP candidates to go off the deep end in their support of him? Has it ever occurred to anybody that his one on one meeting with Putin, to this day, nobody knows crap about what was said? Does anyone find it very odd that now all of a sudden, search engines are now being questioned by Trump, such as Google....less than 3 months before the election? Does anyone find it very odd that Trump is muddling the waters for a loss, which he knows will NOT HAPPEN, just to throw us all off, like he did with Hillary?????

Democrats get you head out of you ass, get off the blue wave talk and demand, PAPER BALLOTS FOR ALL STATES HOLDING ELECTIONS THIS YEAR.....which both houses had a bill for, that Trump said NO TO!!

In your opinion (I am not baiting you), how far do you believe the American Left will go to prevent a Red Wave come November? Today your side is arguing for paper ballots. Suppose for a moment such calls remain unanswered and Democratic politicians convince tens of millions of Americans on the Left that unless some kind of action is taken, the "Russians" will decide the November and 2020 elections. What lengths will the Left then be justified, in your opinion, going to in their "patriotic" pursuit of a "fair" and legal election result?
If you're suggesting're barking up the wrong thread.....we're lovers not fighters, that's for you conservative bible loving rednecks.

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