democrats will be SLAUGHTERED in the mid-terms

What if..

Well I would imagine it’s the same as pigs flying out your ass and tap dancing across the keys in responding to my posts.

And be pleasantly surprised pigs could type, watch Fox News and listen to Hannity!

Would that surprise you Marion?

Sure would surprise me.


The filthy ass Democrats have become the party of extreme far Left assholes. They can win in the big city welfare shitholes but they don't represent real America.

There is a good reason that the Democrats have lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because they are bat shit commie crazy.

They are going to have another big disappointment come this November. Trump will not lose the 50 or so seats in the House like that shithead Obama lost in 2010. The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. Meanwhile the Moon Bats will still be marching around in their silly pink pussy hats and howling at the sky wondering what the fuck went wrong.
Republicans will likely pick up seats in the Senate and lose the House.

With Trump in office, the democrats should be sitting pretty for a sweeping victory in the house, but it's looking less and less likely that they'll see the drastic wins that appeared to be the case just a month or two ago. Democrats do emotions well, but not really logic and strategy. That emotion has driven them to where they are, with incredible energy from the base eager to get out and vote against Trump. That same energy has led the base to get out and vote a lot of far left candidates into the general elections while the party as a whole uses that powerful emotion to keep moving left against Trump.

They'll find themselves with closer races than they thought as they effectively purge their party of anyone who has any even remote sympathies for Trump and non-far-left leanings. They need to hope that the people they purge from their party aren't energized enough or still too off-put by the republicans and Trump to vote against them.

The democrats have basically dropped the mantle of being the ones who want justice and liberty for all. The republicans could pick up a whole hell of a lot of voters if they earnestly picked up that torch and carried it. But they're too busy making excuses for Trump and catering to the worst elements of their base. It's like the parties are competing for how much of their base they can turn out while giving anyone who's even sort of in the middle a big middle finger.
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You're VEAL. That means you are a form of Beta Human Prey.

Good luck with that.

Okay old-timer. Whatever that means. Stay bitter and mad.

Poor little veal. Have your folks filed an eviction notice to get you out of their house yet?

"Poor little veal"?

(Billy bursts out laughing.)

How adroit.

Yes, to a dinosaur like you I'm sure that's the height of cleverness.

Nah. The height of cleverness is retiring quite early with the cash to do whatever one wants.

Indeed. It's especially clever to realize that SS is going to implode and to make sure one has no need of government stipends.
We haven’t even gotten to the first midterm yet. And that 1000 seat gain for the GOP followed a 600 seat gain for Democrats in 2006 and 2008.
they you should not be so very afraid to make a wager

I don't know what made me think for a minute that you might be one of the left leaning/liberal members that was actually interested in having a conversation - apparently a mistake on my part

but what the hell, I will try one more time...

I live in Alabama and what happened during our special election for Senate is easy to explain

Alabama is a state where democrats need a perfect storm to win a statewide election, and they got it

Republicans ran a very bad candidate that was disliked by a large percentage of people, including a large number of republicans

The dems got damned near full participation from blacks (one of the things they have to have to win)

This happened because Moore was successfully branded as a racist and because the Democratic candidate was a guy that had prosecuted black church bombers

Republican turnout was lower than expected, mostly because of a lack of enthusiasm for their candidate, and many suburban republicans crossed over and voted AGAINST Moore (as opposed to FOR Jones)

Despite all of this, Moore still almost won (the final tally was 49.9% to 4804% - just over 20K votes out of 1.3+ million votes cast)

Moore was able to win the Republican primary because his opponent (Luther Strange) had been rightfully branded as unethical based on his actions that led to his appointment to Sessions' seat by our former disgraced governor

Doug Jones has zero chance to retain his seat during the 2020 election cycle, especially with it being a presidential election year

Glad I could help clear this up for you


I don't know what made me think for a minute that you might be one of the left leaning/liberal members that was actually interested in having a conversation - apparently a mistake on my part

but what the hell, I will try one more time...

I live in Alabama and what happened during our special election for Senate is easy to explain

Alabama is a state where democrats need a perfect storm to win a statewide election, and they got it

Republicans ran a very bad candidate that was disliked by a large percentage of people, including a large number of republicans

The dems got damned near full participation from blacks (one of the things they have to have to win)

This happened because Moore was successfully branded as a racist and because the Democratic candidate was a guy that had prosecuted black church bombers

Republican turnout was lower than expected, mostly because of a lack of enthusiasm for their candidate, and many suburban republicans crossed over and voted AGAINST Moore (as opposed to FOR Jones)

Despite all of this, Moore still almost won (the final tally was 49.9% to 4804% - just over 20K votes out of 1.3+ million votes cast)

Moore was able to win the Republican primary because his opponent (Luther Strange) had been rightfully branded as unethical based on his actions that led to his appointment to Sessions' seat by our former disgraced governor

Doug Jones has zero chance to retain his seat during the 2020 election cycle, especially with it being a presidential election year

Glad I could help clear this up for you


Moron... it was you who referred to the “Trump rally effect” as though that is going to help Republican candidates in November. It’s not, as I showed you. Despite your incessant whining, here’s another example...

President Donald Trump began his rally for Pennsylvania congressional candidate Rick Saccone with a simple message for his supporters.

Moron... it was you who referred to the “Trump rally effect” as though that is going to help Republican candidates in November. It’s not, as I showed you. Despite your incessant whining, here’s another example...

President Donald Trump began his rally for Pennsylvania congressional candidate Rick Saccone with a simple message for his supporters.
fun to watch you resort to insults as it demonstrates a weak mind and the lack of an ability to make a coherent argument

I never said that Trump rallies would ensure victories everywhere, just that they would be helpful

and they will be

you are demonstrating intellectual dishonesty; so maybe it's a good thing you are afraid to wager - looks like you are they type that would welch

Moron... it was you who referred to the “Trump rally effect” as though that is going to help Republican candidates in November. It’s not, as I showed you. Despite your incessant whining, here’s another example...

President Donald Trump began his rally for Pennsylvania congressional candidate Rick Saccone with a simple message for his supporters.
fun to watch you resort to insults as it demonstrates a weak mind and the lack of an ability to make a coherent argument

I never said that Trump rallies would ensure victories everywhere, just that they would be helpful

and they will be

you are demonstrating intellectual dishonesty; so maybe it's a good thing you are afraid to wager - looks like you are they type that would welch
Great, rather than watch you moan about insults, let’s see you prove Trump rallies will help the candidates he stumps for......
They ALWAYS think that, especially the more dim-witted they are . . . .

Like I said, it's not a very high bar you guys set. Can you tie your shoes? Can you take a joke? Then you're already funnier and more intelligent than the typical Trump supporter.

How ironic is this post coming from a member of the crowd that scored zero points last November.



You lost the WH.
You didn't take back the senate.
You didn't take back the house.
You didn't, therefore, get to appoint some left wing asshole to the SCOTUS.

In short you were 0 for 4.

Fuck off.


I didn't realize you were elected to public office. Though it's not particularly surprising, given the sad state of this country.

Oh, wait ... you think YOU won something just because you showed up and voted? Haha! How ridiculous.

Not surprised.

What isn't surprising is that your post makes no sense given what you quoted.

You lost everything in 2016 (or you failed to win it).

Take a hike....loser.
The democrats agenda is “trump trump trump trump trump”

It gets tiring.

Add booming economy and improvements to our nation and republicans will be in good shape

And maybe with the retirees leaving we might get a decent gop
Again, minor local races in urban areas.
Not all.

So again, why are you so afraid to answer?

4th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Yeah, you're WINNING Comrade Fawn.

Republicans Now Control Record Number of State Legislative Chambers

Your article is from the last election. How have you fared since?

Why are you so afraid to answer?

5th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

So retard, the deMS-13 control most state legislatures? Is that your claim Comrade? :lmao:
Nah, what I claimed clearly sailed over your pointy pin head. But thanks for exhibiting such abject fear that you couldn’t even answer such a simple question. No worries, your fear answered for you.

You try so hard with your flaccid straw man, Fawn....
Not all.

So again, why are you so afraid to answer?

4th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

Yeah, you're WINNING Comrade Fawn.

Republicans Now Control Record Number of State Legislative Chambers

Your article is from the last election. How have you fared since?

Why are you so afraid to answer?

5th time... How many seats have Republicans flipped since Trump became president?

So retard, the deMS-13 control most state legislatures? Is that your claim Comrade? :lmao:
Nah, what I claimed clearly sailed over your pointy pin head. But thanks for exhibiting such abject fear that you couldn’t even answer such a simple question. No worries, your fear answered for you.

You try so hard with your flaccid straw man, Fawn....
There's no strawman there. I asked you a question 5 times and you ran away from answering it 5 times. Your fear answered for you.
Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.
Lol what do republicans even have to run on? A tax law that heavily favors the wealthy and....nothing else.
Anyone paying attention has known for a long time that the Republicans would retain the Senate, and will in fact gain seats. This has to do with the mix, which Senators are up for reelection. Highly unpopular Senators like Clair McKaskill face virtually certain defeat at constituents who utterly detest them.

But the HOUSE has been a different story - at least until now. All indications were that with the half-dozen Republicans retiring and effective demagoguery from the leftist press, that the democrats would easily take the house.

Two weeks ago I would have agreed that the Stalinists would retake the house. But what a difference two weeks makes. In that time, the Stalinist democrats have openly embraced and promoted a terrorist group, MS-13 who have a motto of "Murder, Rape, Control," and have supported Kim Jong Un.

If someone had invited me to write a fantasy script where the Stalinist democrats would utterly self-destruct, I couldn't do better than this. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi comes out and declares her love for MS-13, then follows on by declaring her loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the dude who wants to nuke America.

Okay, maybe all the LSD Pelosi did in the 60's (and last week) caught up with her. But it wasn't just Pelosi who is all terrorist coddling. The Stalinist democrat party in general is MS-13 loving Kim supporters.

At this point, I'm seriously wondering if the next house will be 395 to 5, in favor of the GOP.
Lol what do republicans even have to run on? A tax law that heavily favors the wealthy and....nothing else.
They have the border wall they didn't build.

And the have ObamaCare they didn't repeal.

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