Democrats Will Destroy America, Unless.....


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
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America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the white House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these dozen things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

You do realize that accomplishing just one of these objectives is impossible in the Swamp.

Hell man, we just had two years of the GOP promising to repeal and replace Obamacare and build a wall.

Then they do nothing and wonder why there was a blue wave.
You do realize that accomplishing just one of these objectives is impossible in the Swamp.

Hell man, we just had two years of the GOP promising to repeal and replace Obamacare and build a wall.

Then they do nothing and wonder why there was a blue wave.
McCain is gone.
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis from the right wing?

We have a general welfare clause not a general badfare clause.
You do realize that accomplishing just one of these objectives is impossible in the Swamp.

Hell man, we just had two years of the GOP promising to repeal and replace Obamacare and build a wall.

Then they do nothing and wonder why there was a blue wave.
McCain is gone.

McCain has been gone.

Yet nothing gets done anyway.

Amazing, isn't it?

People vote with their feet.
People want to escape from the Democrat crime, corruption, poverty, high tax rates, bad schools, hate and regressive culture.
They are moving out of the Democrat cities and states.
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis from the right wing?

We have a general welfare clause not a general badfare clause.

Why do Democrats want to be moochers?
McCain has been gone.

Yet nothing gets done anyway.

Amazing, isn't it?
I wouldn't exactly call THESE THINGS "nothing" >>>

1. Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Nothing but socialism on a national basis from the right wing?

We have a general welfare clause not a general badfare clause.

Why do Democrats want to be moochers?
We have a Commerce Clause; the right wing prefers socialism on a national basis.

Mooching is easier.
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Time out.

If the root problem is that Democrats have lost their minds, it would seem logical that a less expensive and invasive solution would be therapy sessions.

Like, maybe, a Department of Dr. Phil or something.
Going to be difficult funding a wall with the purse strings being held by obstructionist Democrats.

Solution: Make the 2 former Congresses that raided the already-paid-for wall funds

and spent the money on

their pet projects pay

for it out of their own pockets (Or go to jail).
1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.
too bad Trump didn't get the money for it from Mexico as he promised he would do.... Or, a Plan B, and take the 23 billion for the wall out of the Trillion dollars he gave in tax cuts BEFORE he handed these tax cuts out to corporations....

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.
Nothing like giving power to the federal govt over State rights.... :rolleyes:

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)
yes of course, deporting the father of American born kids to Mexico and leave us to supporting his wife and kids because you deported the household provider.... smart plan! While not focusiing on the drug dealers, criminals, and MS 13.

4. Abolish mail voting.
Why would you want to do that? I always mail in vote...

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.
the State voter registration offices should do a quick e-verify before approving registrations and give the registrant the due process and a means to correct it in a timely manner.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.
Prove it in a court of law, and i AM ALL FOR IT.... Start with Kemp in Georgia.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.
so sad too bad, ya gotta change the constitution to do that...

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)
what mayors allow criminal activity? We have a President that allows a bunch of criminal activity, in his own administration.... where is the oversight over that? Jails would be pack from all of his admin scuzziness and criminal activity....

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.
That's up to the States. READ the darn Constitution.....

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.
of course.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.
For who to use? Employer's? They should be using it, but it better be accurate.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.
That's just stupid...

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Chain migration is why Melania has her parents here, which gives her family unit support. Chain migration of naturalized citizens is a backbone to our society... I was able to meet and love and cherish my own grandparents, who came here and became citizens. They worked hard and never took a dime from you and your ilk and paid a bigly amount of taxes over the years of their life.
1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.
too bad Trump didn't get the money for it from Mexico as he promised he would do.... Or, a Plan B, and take the 23 billion for the wall out of the Trillion dollars he gave in tax cuts BEFORE he handed these tax cuts out to corporations....A better idea is to tax the money sent from the US each year, about $351b

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.
Nothing like giving power to the federal govt over State rights.... :rolleyes:...Federal Law wins over States' rights, see the Constitution...

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)
yes of course, deporting the father of American born kids to Mexico and leave us to supporting his wife and kids because you deported the household provider.... smart plan! While not focusing on the drug dealers, criminals, and MS 13....false argument, ship them ALL to Mexico, when the kid is old enough he can re-enter the US with his dual citizenship

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.
Prove it in a court of law, and i AM ALL FOR IT.... Start with Kemp in Georgia. Got any proof? We have all kinds of lost ballots and found ballots in FL Broward County

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.
so sad too bad, ya gotta change the constitution to do that...Nope. Just re-interpret the 14th and let the USSC say what it really says...

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)
what mayors allow criminal activity? We have a President that allows a bunch of criminal activity, in his own administration.... where is the oversight over that? Jails would be pack from all of his admin scuzziness and criminal activity....Like what? Link please...

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.
That's up to the States. READ the darn Constitution..... Nope, the money comes from the Fed Budget for Welfare and Medicaid, so we need to ensure that only citizens get any benefits

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
Chain migration is why Melania has her parents here, which gives her family unit support. Chain migration of naturalized citizens is a backbone to our society... I was able to meet and love and cherish my own grandparents, who came here and became citizens. They worked hard and never took a dime from you and your ilk and paid a bigly amount of taxes over the years of their life.... Abolish chain migration and implement "merit-based immigration"

expand to see the red font
we should be raising tax revenue by increasing the minimum wage.

More people will Want to work and increase market participation.
America is in a perilous time. It is in danger of total destruction by a sinister force, of millions of people who have, for all practical purposes, lost their minds >> Democrats. What could this country do if these nutjobs were to win back the Senate and the White House in 2020 ? The time to think about that is now, while there is still 2 months of Republican control of the full Congress (sort of).

The answer is to do just what the Democrats have been doing for years. Use the courts. Every time Democrats do something crazy, have a judge overrule it, and take it to the Supreme Court if necessary. Thank goodness the courts are finally back in good hands.

But right now is a time for action. Here's a list of what must be done to keep Democrats from regaining the White House and Congress. The greatest danger is not political ideas. It is the stacking of election registrations with foreigners, who, by law, are ineligible to vote, but vote anyway, due to our lax regulations.

We must do these 13 things to keep the US intact:

1. Secure the border, build the wall, keep invaders out.

2. Imprison sanctuary city/county/state leaders.

3. Get rid of as many illegal aliens as possible. (strengthen CBP & ICE)

4. Abolish mail voting.

5. Establish proof of citizenship as a requirement for voting.

6. Imprison corrupt election officials.

7. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

8. Jail mayors who allow criminal activity (generally Democrats)

9. Stop welfare and driver licenses to illegal aliens.

10. Enforce IRCA vigorously.

11. Establish mandatory, nationwide E-Verify.

12. Make English the national language. Abolish all use of non-English language.

13. Abolish chain migration. Establish merit immigration and reduce it to near zero. Same with visas.
The greatest threat to America is this sort of hate, ignorance, fear, stupidity, and dishonesty from the right.

Conservativism is indeed the bane of the American Nation – this thread is proof of that.

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