Democrats will lose at least 21 seats in Senate

83% of Utahns, right along with the crazies of Mississippi, want universal background checks. Both are crazy Red states.

Feinstein's bill will change the seating in the Senate not a bit
The only way Democrats are going to lose the Senate in 2014 is if they all vote for Feinstein's gun control bill.

Wrong. There aren't enough NRA gun crazies to pull that off. Most sensible gun owners want sensible gun controls.

In case you aren't watching, but there are 17 Democrat Senators from States with the highest gun ownership per capita.

Bacchus almost lost his seat for voting for the gun bill 10 years ago. He is well aware of what will happen if he votes for this one to the point that he has already said he won't.

Mary Ladrieu from Louisana is another Democrat who is being very careful with what she is saying publically about the gun bills.. She knows she could lose her seat.

Bill Nelson in Florida is hoping that South Florida and Jacksonville area will be enough to keep him in office. He has already written off the Panhandle.
83% of Utahns, right along with the crazies of Mississippi, want universal background checks. Both are crazy Red states.

Feinstein's bill will change the seating in the Senate not a bit

I actually hope that Every Democrat in the House and Senate votes for it.

The Republicans will own both houses in 2014 and Obama will begin his lame duck session at the same time.
Nope. The NRA will defeat no one over universal background checks.
Democrats are losing at least 4 possibly 5 seats in the Senate as democrats are retiring with more to come as Obama and the democrats keep screwing things up. There are another 16 denocrats that will be coming up for reelection in 2014. With Obama failing at everything the GOP will win these Senate seats easily and become a big majority and this will happen in the House to. Republicans will put an end to Obama's catering to unions during his last 2 years in office and repeal Obamacare and cut all entitlements to the welfare leeches that are breaking this country. He won't have the power to veto anything and will be totaly out of the loop.

Democrats face challenging Senate landscape - Yahoo! News

You're a fucking idiot
History has taught us that making predictions is futile. By all logic and historical data, Obama should have been slaughtered in the 2012 election. No president in U.S. history had ever been re-elected with unemployment above 7% - Obama had never had unemployment below 8%.

Nobody here (conservative or idiot liberal) is psychic. Everyone should stop "predicting" and start educating themselves on government, the issues, and the candidates (conservatives especially carry this burden as the liberals refuse to do any of this and prefer utopian ideology over facts).
Waiting for Faux Noose to explain anything in terms the rational mind can embrace isn't for folks with places to go and people to see. Faux Noose is targeted more toward fatassed armchair general types among the modestly successful, and pure unadulterated haters among the set blaming liberals and Negroes for everything Mexicans and terrorists - and their own government - can't be blamed for.

Absent another crash (entirely possible despite the FED pumping liquidity into Wall Street like a river of cash) Democrats will pick up three or four senate seats and another dozen or two in the house.

Here is why: Ordinary working Americans whose earning power was undiminished by the crash of 2008 (somewhere north of 65% of voters) are now restored 80%+ of lost asset valuation. The overwhelming majority of them fear Republicans more than they fear Democrats.

Did I mention that Republicans are out of gas? Bullshit and delusional nonsense may have run their course in the trailer parks of America.

To paraphrase Edwin Edwards, if Obama doesn't get caught with a live boy or a dead girl, Democrats are looking good in 2014 in tossup districts and better than usual in weaker nutball districts.

For just once, could you have an intelligent discussion based on facts instead of your bullshit, manufactured, fantasy pipe-dreams?

Median household incomes have fallen 8.2% since President Obama took office and continue to drop despite the official end of the recession, a new study shows.

That equals over $5,000. That's right, the average American family has seen their wealth decrease $5,000 since the era of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid began and their plot to destroy the U.S. economy and replace it with communism was implemented.

Add to that the average American family (middle income) now has over $4,000 in additional Obama tax, and that is an astounding $9,000 swing in personal wealth. Over Obama's next 4 years, that means $36,000 in wealth being stripped from the American people thanks to idiot liberal policy. These are the facts - and they are indisputable.

Good luck trying to sell that during each election.

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office, study shows | Fox News

Obama's War on Middle Class: Median Income Lowest Since 1995

Household Incomes Fall In August, Down 8.2% Under Obama -

Fiscal Cliff Deal Failure Could Mean $4,000 Tax Hike For Middle-Class Families
And the American public still blames the Republicans for it, Rott.
The GOP is set ti tear itself apart again just as it did to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2012. From the most recent disappointing missive of neocon central - aka The Weakly Standard:

"Paul’s political genius strikes us as very much of the short-term variety. Will it ultimately serve him well to be the spokesman for the Code Pink faction of the Republican party? How much staying power is there in a political stance that requires waxing semihysterical about the imminent threat of Obama-ordered drone strikes against Americans sitting in cafés? And as for the other Republican senators who rushed to the floor to cheer Paul on, won’t they soon be entertaining second thoughts? Is patting Rand Paul on the back for his fearmongering a plausible path to the presidency for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Is embracing kookiness a winning strategy for the Republican party? We doubt it".
The GOP is set ti tear itself apart again just as it did to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2012. From the most recent disappointing missive of neocon central - aka The Weakly Standard:

"Paul’s political genius strikes us as very much of the short-term variety. Will it ultimately serve him well to be the spokesman for the Code Pink faction of the Republican party? How much staying power is there in a political stance that requires waxing semihysterical about the imminent threat of Obama-ordered drone strikes against Americans sitting in cafés? And as for the other Republican senators who rushed to the floor to cheer Paul on, won’t they soon be entertaining second thoughts? Is patting Rand Paul on the back for his fearmongering a plausible path to the presidency for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Is embracing kookiness a winning strategy for the Republican party? We doubt it".

Yeah - what a "kooky" strategy to demand Constitutional government... :cuckoo:
"At least 21 seats"

Clearly, the author of the OP is a fool. Why in the world would ANYONE want to go on record as being a blithering idiot like that?
the voting climate has changed

unlikely that Santa's helpers will be voted out in 14
Only if a major Recession hits by May of next year.

Otherwise, if the economy keeps recovering and Americans become invested in health care, the Dems will add to their majority in the Senate, and may take the House

Pubs: ignore the reactionaries and the libertarians, reach out to women and minorities.

Dems will have a tough time taking back the House, just due to all the advantages Republicans currently have in the way districts have been set up. Republicans had a huge advantage at the state level and were able to set up new Congressional districts that are favorable to them. Even with that though, they are going to have a very tough time holding on to the House. I think they probably will, but only by a two to five seats. If the economy starts to really pick up, then I think the Dems will have a very good shot.
The economy started failing right after the democrats to control of Congress in 2007 and it completely crashed in 2008. This led to the Republicans taking control of the house in 2011 and they have kept the democrats from their free spending ways ever since. With 2 more years of the Republicans forcing the democrats to cut spending the voters will finall see it is the Republican Party that is looking out for the well being of the future generations of our country. Not even the welfare leeches will be able to save the democrats in 2014 or in any election in the future. And with North Korea starting to make trouble Obama and the democrats will further prove they can't lead or protect our country
Democrats are losing at least 4 possibly 5 seats in the Senate as democrats are retiring with more to come as Obama and the democrats keep screwing things up. There are another 16 denocrats that will be coming up for reelection in 2014. With Obama failing at everything the GOP will win these Senate seats easily and become a big majority and this will happen in the House to. Republicans will put an end to Obama's catering to unions during his last 2 years in office and repeal Obamacare and cut all entitlements to the welfare leeches that are breaking this country. He won't have the power to veto anything and will be totaly out of the loop.

Democrats face challenging Senate landscape - Yahoo! News

Isn't that what people on the right said in 2012, and it ended up that the Democrats actually GAINED 2 seats?

Fox News, the people who assured you that Romney would win in a landslide, is now telling you that middle class income is down 8.2% since Obama took office. Do you really trust Fox News to give you correct numbers? Really? I understand that Fox is now predicting the complete collapse of the US economy. Fear mongering at its best.

To back up this assertion, we have the right wing circle jerk of Briebart and Investor's Com.

The Huff Post article is pointless because a Fiscal Cliff Deal was reached.
Only if a major Recession hits by May of next year.

Otherwise, if the economy keeps recovering and Americans become invested in health care, the Dems will add to their majority in the Senate, and may take the House

Pubs: ignore the reactionaries and the libertarians, reach out to women and minorities.

You have to feel like you're fighting an unwinnable battle at times.

The crazies are getting even crazier. November 2012 may have pushed them over the edge.

The economy started failing right after the democrats to control of Congress in 2007 and it completely crashed in 2008. This led to the Republicans taking control of the house in 2011 and they have kept the democrats from their free spending ways ever since. With 2 more years of the Republicans forcing the democrats to cut spending the voters will finall see it is the Republican Party that is looking out for the well being of the future generations of our country. Not even the welfare leeches will be able to save the democrats in 2014 or in any election in the future. And with North Korea starting to make trouble Obama and the democrats will further prove they can't lead or protect our country

And here you have the reason why Republicans are losing elections. There is nothing in this paragraph that is even remotely close to reality. Thirty years of Republican economics crashed the economy. It was NOT FINE before Democrats took the House.

Cutting social programs while the recovery is fragile is dumber than cutting taxes. Republicans are only interested in the well-being of the wealthy. Obama is looking out for the rest of America. There's a lot more of the rest of us than there are of the wealthy, and there will be more of the rest of us among future generations too. EVERYONE deserves to have a fair shake, EVERYONE, not just the wealthy.

Fair wages, decent schooling and health care.

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