Demographic collapse: British fertility ratelowest in history, but number of foreign mothers at record high


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
As a white Christian you are not allowed to discuss about the routs of the problem, otherwise you can be immediately smeared as a Nazi, Anti-Semite. Idiot, Moron, Psychopath and Trump voter.
The sad fact is whites are so brainwashed down they can not grasp what's going on.

The fertility rate in England and Wales has fallen to the lowest level in recorded amid the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, at 1.58 children per woman last year.
In 2020, the British fertility rate fell by 4.2 per cent from 2019 and was 3.1 per cent lower than the previous low in 2001, according to official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Fertility rates are determined by calculating the average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime. In order to naturally maintain a country’s population, a fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is thought to be required.
The ONS report found that in 2020, there were 613,936 live births in England and Wales, a decline of 4.1 per cent over the previous year, despite people being confined to their homes for much of the pandemic.
While the native British population saw a decline in fertility rate to 1.5 children per woman, however, the foreign population actually saw its fertility rate increase to 1.98. The most common country of origin for foreign parents was Pakistan, with Romanians coming in second.
In 2020, 29.3 per cent of live births were to foreign women, a record high since records began in 1969, although it falls in line with a steady increase over the previous decades, the ONS said.
While fertility rates have continually fallen, the actual population of Britain has continued to increase, with mass migration accounting for “about 90 per cent of population growth between 2017 and 2019… linked to the impact of arrivals from abroad and their subsequent UK-born children,” according to a report from the Migration Watch UK think tank earlier this year.
The scale of mass migration has seen the foreign-born population climb to nine million and the ethnic minority population rise to 13 million, which the think tank warned could lead to a breakdown in social cohesion.
The United Kingdom’s official statistician said that increased access to contraception, people delaying childbirth, and the increasing costs of raising a family were likely factors in the decline.
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) blamed the economic uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic as the cause for the sharp decline in fertility rates.
The charity — a major abortion provider — noted that other factors including the “desire to progress at work, an awareness of the ‘motherhood pay penalty’ and the ever-increasing cost of raising a child” have also contributed to the decline in women having children.
“This data reflects trends towards later motherhood and smaller family size,” the associate director at BPAS, Katherine O’Brien, said.
One reason for the high cost of raising families in Britain has been the government’s refusal to enact pro-family policies, which have seen success in socially conservative European countries like Poland and Hungary.
While the two Central European nations have put in place financial incentives such as tax breaks for mothers, the British government has maintained anti-family taxation policies, including taxing individual earnings rather than those of the family unit as a whole.
The policy means that families that are dependent on a single middle-class income of £50,000 will take home less money than two salaries of £25,000, for example — disincentivising working people to form families.
Others have suggested that anxiety over the supposed climate change crisis may be contributing to people having fewer children.
Human and planetary health fellow at Stanford Univesity in America, Dr Britt Wray, told the Daily Mail that she believed the panic surrounding climate change is “playing a roll in declining birth rates in many countries around the world,” including in the United Kingdom.
Dr Wray was one of the co-authors of a study published in September in British medical journal The Lancet, which found that 41 per cent of young people (16-25 year-olds) are “hesitant” to have children over concerns about the climate.
The study of over 10,000 young people also found that nearly six in ten were convinced that “humanity is doomed”.
“Recent research on the psychological impacts of climate change suggests that people’s anxieties about global warming may be part of the story” of declining fertility, Dr Wray said.
Earlier this month, the former chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority (FSA), Lord Adair Turner, argued that Western nations should actually celebrate the fall in fertility rates, as it will enable the UK and other Western countries to meet carbon emission reduction goals.

He said that reducing humanity’s impact on the environment through having fewer children will make it “easier to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions while supporting prosperity growth in developing countries.”




Whites are the problem. To independent in thought. Cause too much trouble. It's all a great big plan.

Look the 'vaccination' statistic.
Only in white countries the deadly 'jab' is mandatory
If it's not the white genocide, then what can be called the white genocide?

If you feel that there is a problem with white people of the Christian faith in the UK not having enough babies, for whatever reason, why not address the problem? It probably involves current economic and climate issues. But it also involves problems with how heterosexual people relate to each other, the treatment of motherhood, and rejection and disrespect thereof, in society, misogyny, the reluctance of men to give up their loose frat-boy lives to commit themselves to their responsibilities as husbands and fathers, and men's delegation of their responsibilities to take care of their offspring and dumping the whole care thing on the mothers. An open dialogue about these issues and mutuality of responsibility is absolutely necessary.
If you feel that there is a problem with white people of the Christian faith in the UK not having enough babies, for whatever reason, why not address the problem? It probably involves current economic and climate issues. But it also involves problems with how heterosexual people relate to each other, the treatment of motherhood, and rejection and disrespect thereof, in society, misogyny, the reluctance of men to give up their loose frat-boy lives to commit themselves to their responsibilities as husbands and fathers, and men's delegation of their responsibilities to take care of their offspring and dumping the whole care thing on the mothers. An open dialogue about these issues and mutuality of responsibility is absolutely necessary.

It was Christian culture until 1950 in UK.
No problem with the child birth rates.
After the country gradually became atheist - Marxist - sexual deviant - woke - without moral - Muslim
Results, read the story above

Make Christian Theocracy as the Governance system, let the Holy Bible and God run the country, UK will have children again




It was Christian culture until 1950 in UK.
No problem with the child birth rates.
After the country gradually became atheist - Marxist - sexual deviant - woke - without moral - Muslim
Results, read the story above

Make Christian Theocracy as the Governance system, let the Holy Bible and God run the country, UK will have children again





So I take it that you cannot discuss the matter intelligently. Such cowardice. Christian theocracy in the past was a shithole of misogyny and racism, among other things. Who would run it these days? Some dirty cheap white boys like frankie graham, jerry falwell, greg abbott, who do nothing but make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus? No country should be governed by a theocracy, no matter what religion.
So I take it that you cannot discuss the matter intelligently. Such cowardice. Christian theocracy in the past was a shithole of misogyny and racism, among other things. Who would run it these days? Some dirty cheap white boys like frankie graham, jerry falwell, greg abbott, who do nothing but make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus? No country should be governed by a theocracy, no matter what religion.

Jesus shall run Christian countries.
The Holy Bible shall became the Main Law and Constitution

Jesus shall run Christian countries.
The Holy Bible shall became the Main Law and Constitution


Jesus wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, its the wayward male human slobs who falsely claim to represent Him who actually would be running the show. We don't know who wrote the bible and why the guys at Nicaea decided to include some writings and leave others out. There were several different versions of Christianity in existence before the bible was put together and the Nicaea guys obviously favored one of them. And they were working for Constantine. No human is qualified to represent the Divine on earth.
Jesus wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, its the wayward male human slobs who falsely claim to represent Him who actually would be running the show. We don't know who wrote the bible and why the guys at Nicaea decided to include some writings and leave others out. There were several different versions of Christianity in existence before the bible was put together and the Nicaea guys obviously favored one of them. And they were working for Constantine. No human is qualified to represent the Divine on earth.
You don't get laid much, do you?
Jesus wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, its the wayward male human slobs who falsely claim to represent Him who actually would be running the show. We don't know who wrote the bible and why the guys at Nicaea decided to include some writings and leave others out. There were several different versions of Christianity in existence before the bible was put together and the Nicaea guys obviously favored one of them. And they were working for Constantine. No human is qualified to represent the Divine on earth.

What's wrong by Jehova Witnesses, Mormons, Amish, Fundamentalist baptists and for example Russian Old Orthodox?
The live according the Holy Bible, Jesus as Ruler, no drugs, no alcohol, no crime, no
adultery, lot of children, happy families, no divorces and love to neighbors.
Waiting for your response





Jesus wouldn't be so bad. Unfortunately, its the wayward male human slobs who falsely claim to represent Him who actually would be running the show. We don't know who wrote the bible and why the guys at Nicaea decided to include some writings and leave others out. There were several different versions of Christianity in existence before the bible was put together and the Nicaea guys obviously favored one of them. And they were working for Constantine. No human is qualified to represent the Divine on earth.

Such way of live is of course much better for you

What does my love life or anyone else's have to do with this topic? I take it that you cannot speak intelligently with your fellow human beings.
Have you ever given any thought to why you don't get laid much?

A little insight would go a long way (and I say that as a "fellow human being").
What's wrong by Jehova Witnesses, Mormons, Amish, Fundamentalist baptists and for example Russian Old Orthodox?
The live according the Holy Bible, Jesus as Ruler, no drugs, no alcohol, no crime, no
adultery, lot of children, happy families, no divorces and love to neighbors.
Waiting for your response





My response is that you need to knock off publishing pictures. The vast majority of people on this earth are good people who live decent lives., no matter what religion and scripture they adhere to. You are trying to push the ridiculous notion that there are human beings on earth who are equipped and entitled to speak for the Creator, when none exists. When and if Jesus arrives, I'll know. But I'm aware of the concept of "bait and switch, which is what you are trying to pull off.
Have you ever given any thought to why you don't get laid much?

A little insight would go a long way (and I say that as a "fellow human being").
You do not know anything about my personal life and I prefer to keep my private life private. It doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread, either. Is sex the only thing on your mind or are you capable of dealing on an adult level? Try for some level of dignity.
You do not know anything about my personal life and I prefer to keep my private life private. It doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread, either. Is sex the only thing on your mind or are you capable of dealing on an adult level? Try for some level of dignity.
This is a board for the exchange with "fellow human beings".Your sexuality and lack of sex have little to do with anything personal to me, but then neither does your pathology.

So what?
This is a board for the exchange with "fellow human beings".Your sexuality and lack of sex have little to do with anything personal to me, but then neither does your pathology.

So what?
You are the one who brought up personal issues, not me. I wouldn't because I was brought up better than you were.
You are the one who brought up personal issues, not me. I wouldn't because I was brought up better than you were.
I seriously doubt that. I am not allowed to mention family, but your pathology is evident.

Having said that, this has gotten repetitive and thus boring.

Insight sister! Insight! Then you might get laid more. Seriously!
As a white Christian you are not allowed to discuss about the routs of the problem, otherwise you can be immediately smeared as a Nazi, Anti-Semite. Idiot, Moron, Psychopath and Trump voter.
The sad fact is whites are so brainwashed down they can not grasp what's going on.

The fertility rate in England and Wales has fallen to the lowest level in recorded amid the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, at 1.58 children per woman last year.
In 2020, the British fertility rate fell by 4.2 per cent from 2019 and was 3.1 per cent lower than the previous low in 2001, according to official figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Fertility rates are determined by calculating the average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime. In order to naturally maintain a country’s population, a fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is thought to be required.
The ONS report found that in 2020, there were 613,936 live births in England and Wales, a decline of 4.1 per cent over the previous year, despite people being confined to their homes for much of the pandemic.
While the native British population saw a decline in fertility rate to 1.5 children per woman, however, the foreign population actually saw its fertility rate increase to 1.98. The most common country of origin for foreign parents was Pakistan, with Romanians coming in second.
In 2020, 29.3 per cent of live births were to foreign women, a record high since records began in 1969, although it falls in line with a steady increase over the previous decades, the ONS said.
While fertility rates have continually fallen, the actual population of Britain has continued to increase, with mass migration accounting for “about 90 per cent of population growth between 2017 and 2019… linked to the impact of arrivals from abroad and their subsequent UK-born children,” according to a report from the Migration Watch UK think tank earlier this year.
The scale of mass migration has seen the foreign-born population climb to nine million and the ethnic minority population rise to 13 million, which the think tank warned could lead to a breakdown in social cohesion.
The United Kingdom’s official statistician said that increased access to contraception, people delaying childbirth, and the increasing costs of raising a family were likely factors in the decline.
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) blamed the economic uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic as the cause for the sharp decline in fertility rates.
The charity — a major abortion provider — noted that other factors including the “desire to progress at work, an awareness of the ‘motherhood pay penalty’ and the ever-increasing cost of raising a child” have also contributed to the decline in women having children.
“This data reflects trends towards later motherhood and smaller family size,” the associate director at BPAS, Katherine O’Brien, said.
One reason for the high cost of raising families in Britain has been the government’s refusal to enact pro-family policies, which have seen success in socially conservative European countries like Poland and Hungary.
While the two Central European nations have put in place financial incentives such as tax breaks for mothers, the British government has maintained anti-family taxation policies, including taxing individual earnings rather than those of the family unit as a whole.
The policy means that families that are dependent on a single middle-class income of £50,000 will take home less money than two salaries of £25,000, for example — disincentivising working people to form families.
Others have suggested that anxiety over the supposed climate change crisis may be contributing to people having fewer children.
Human and planetary health fellow at Stanford Univesity in America, Dr Britt Wray, told the Daily Mail that she believed the panic surrounding climate change is “playing a roll in declining birth rates in many countries around the world,” including in the United Kingdom.
Dr Wray was one of the co-authors of a study published in September in British medical journal The Lancet, which found that 41 per cent of young people (16-25 year-olds) are “hesitant” to have children over concerns about the climate.
The study of over 10,000 young people also found that nearly six in ten were convinced that “humanity is doomed”.
“Recent research on the psychological impacts of climate change suggests that people’s anxieties about global warming may be part of the story” of declining fertility, Dr Wray said.
Earlier this month, the former chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority (FSA), Lord Adair Turner, argued that Western nations should actually celebrate the fall in fertility rates, as it will enable the UK and other Western countries to meet carbon emission reduction goals.

He said that reducing humanity’s impact on the environment through having fewer children will make it “easier to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions while supporting prosperity growth in developing countries.”




Moral people have moral kids more or less....
Over population forces moral people to cut down on giving birth as they care about being able to provide for their offspring.
Immoral people invade and just keep popping kids that they don't care about and their kids won't care about anyone else.
We are replacing moral people offspring with the offspring of the immoral--this will not make the world a better place.

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